Showing posts with label Vintage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vintage. Show all posts

Sunday, April 13, 2014

What a fun weekend!

I finished my taxes on Friday (yippee!), so thought I would reward myself with a fun-filled weekend. I started out by meeting my good friends for breakfast on Saturday to celebrate three of their birthdays. We had a great time over some good food at Honeyberry Cafe.
On Sunday morning, I attended The Washington Street Market in Naperville. 
Mark Norkaitis of Room 363 always puts on a beautiful show.
There were several of these gorgeous over-sized wreaths available to purchase.
And just look at this fabulous painted piano. When I was leaving the market a gentleman was 'tinkling the ivories' fill the air with wonderful music.
The vendors are always top-notch at this market.

After the market, it was time to move on to The Midwest Meet-Up in Lisle organized by Jen Rizzo for local bloggers to get-together.

There was an array of snacks to munch on. Jen had her darling three daughters and sweet hubby helping her set everything up.
Then we got down to brass tacks and serious blogger business discussing the latest in blogging trends and social media.

Jen is the cute gal standing in the pic above. It was so great to meet some new blogging friends. My head is still spinning from all the information exchanged. I can't believe how much this industry has changed since I started blogging eight years ago.
These gals were so knowledgeable and really work hard at making a living through their blogs.

Friday, February 21, 2014

The Find

I recently discovered The Find Market Event located in Plainfield, Illinois. This is a once a month shopping market which opened last October. It happens to be not very far from where my daughter lives, so I decided to stop by last night on the way home from babysitting my grandson.
The Find is located in a warehouse-type space full of a wide variety of vintage treasures. They sell everything you can imagine such as furniture, architectural pieces like, doors, windows, shutters, spindles, etc., industrial items, bed springs, old enamelware, wooden ladders, quilts, chalk paint, vintage lampshades, suitcases, handmade tote bags, milk glass, silver serving pieces, corrugated metal letters, wire baskets, vintage tins, etc., etc.
There is even a cafe area where you can sit and relax and enjoy a beverage or snack under a unique chandelier made out of tiny lights and an old box spring.
The Find is open every third Thursday through Sunday of each month and you can find more information (as well as directions and exact location) at

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

The cooking, the baking, the shopping, and the wrapping are all done. Now it's time to enjoy!
Wishing you all a blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year filled with lots of happy memories!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas Shopping

Mary Gulbrantson (aka Urban Farmgirl) recently opened a new shop in Rockford, IL. Mary usually sells vintage furniture pieces at various markets around the area. But she wanted a place where she could sell the "smalls" she loves as well, so when the opportunity to rent this awesome store front presented itself, Mary jumped right in.
I simply had to make the trek out to visit this shop for myself. Urban Farmgirl has already had two sales and I've been to both of them! The merchandise is ever changing so the shop always stays fresh.
The interior of the shop is amazing to look at. You can see more photos of it on Mary's blog here.
While I was at Urban Farmgirl last week, they were putting together this "Merry Christmas" banner by using some cards they sell from a vintage child's game. So simple and yet such a great idea.
I bought some of the cards to create my own banner which says "Merry Everything" so I can keep it all all year long.
All you do is punch two tiny holes at the top of each card and string the cards on baker's twine and it's ready to hang. Easy-peasy!
Signature w/rose

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Snow Globe Ornaments

These days I've been a busy elf creating ornaments and decorations in my "workshop." I was catching up on my friend Cerri's Blog the other day and came across some darling snow globe ornaments she made from a tutorial she found on Ashlee's Blog.
I have a thing for snow globes and cloches and just about anything you can put under glass. There is just something about these miniature scenes that has always fascinated me. So I couldn't resist making my own collection of these ornaments.
I used vintage elements and bottle brush trees that I've collected from flea markets and resale shops to create the ornaments.
Well, I think I hear Santa calling so I'd better get back to work!
Signature w/rose

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Sunday Flea

 Room 363 and Whimsy Decor shared a booth. More photos here.

Jennifer Rizzo Designs had a wonderful booth.

Sunday I decided to go to the Kane County Flea Market. I haven't been there for a very long time, so I was surprised to see the new buildings. The weather was so perfect - sunny, a slight breeze and the temperature was about 80 degrees. I wish I could remember to take my camera out of my purse more often at these kind of things. There were lots and lots of beautiful booths with fun vintage items. 
Signature w/rose

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sew Happy!

On my many adventures last week, I stumbled upon this fabulous little find. I've always wanted an antique sewing machine table, but usually they are way out of my price range. But not this one - I was lucky enough to get it for a song, sewing machine included! All it really needed was a little dusting an application of lemon oil and now it shines like a beauty!
Signature w/rose

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Tuesday Tip

I picked up this set of much needed vintage silver salad/dessert forks at a sale over the weekend. The vendor who sold them to me said she always sticks one of those little bags of silica gel granules in with her silver to absorb the moisture which can cause silver to tarnish. What a great idea . . . and to think I've just been tossing those little bags in the trash all these years!
Signature w/rose

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lucky Streak

A couple weeks ago I entered a lovely giveaway on Rebecca Ersfeld's A Repurposed Life blog to win this gorgeous handmade collage pocket. Truly, the photos don't do it justice because it is much more beautiful in person.
 There are so many exquisite details. . . .
 Like this tattered bird tag and the polka-dotted sheer ribbon tied on the wire hanger. 
However, as if the lacy pocket wasn't enough . . . 
 Rebecca tucked lots of vintage goodies inside the pocket.
 Just look at all of this . . . 
 I was like a kid opening my stocking on Christmas morning!
I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am to Rebecca, for offering such a generous prize. 
Thank you SO much from the bottom of my heart! 
Signature w/rose

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I Got My Mojo Back. . .

We had our first measurable snowfall of winter today which is very late for us here in the Midwest. I watched the snow falling from my window - I didn't even go outside to shovel the driveway because I was busy enjoying a steaming cup of French Vanilla coffee and looking at old magazines! Can you say L-A-Z-Y??? I'll probably pay for it tomorrow when the temperature drops and the snow is frozen solid. But being snowed-in has it's benefits, because I got a little creative urge. This is just a peek at what I'm working on.
It felt so good to be making something artsy again.
Signature w/rose

Thursday, October 27, 2011


I've been spending a lot of time this summer up at the cottage we built almost 5 years ago. Fortunately for me, our dear friends from Florida bought a place up there last year and so they have made the transition of going to our "dream place" by myself a little bit easier. While I was there the last time, I snapped some photos of the area I like to call the "crafting room/lounge."
(I took these photos with my phone, so please excuse their grainy quality.) Pictured above is my old desk with all it's cubbies we brought up from my craft room here. The printer sits on a vintage red kitchen cart with an old screen door behind it which doubles as a magnetic display board.
Many of the items in the room have been collected over the years. My daughter's old bedroom used to be decorated in a red and white Mary Engelbreit theme. When she got married I couldn't bare to part with any of it, so I boxed most of it up and put it in storage thinking I would use it if we ever built that "dream house" we talked about for so many years. Vintage Pyrex, red document boxes from HomeGoods, vintage game boxes, red gingham jelly jars, soup cans and Midwest Imports red and white cherry pottery pieces which I bought at the store where I used to work are all used to hold and store various art supplies.
I found these old galvanized cubbies at the flea market and filled them with tiny treasures.
My DH found this counter-high work table (something I've always wanted) which was being discarded at work. We hauled it up to the cottage in pieces and reassembled it inside the room because there was no way we could have lugged this heavy table up the stairs in once piece. The stool is from World Market.
By the way, the white trunk under the window used to be my daughter's toy box to which I added ball feet and red-checked upholstery to the lid. The cork board above the desk used to hang in her room too. I bought a plane wood framed cork board from Target and painted it black with red cherries on it to go with her Mary Englebreit themed room. The school letter "A" hanging on the cork board is from my high school pom-pon uniform (rah-rah!) and the tassel next to it is from my DH's high school graduation.
Even the old TV pictured below is from my daughter's old bedroom! She and her hubby used it in their house when they first got married, but then returned it to us when they bought a new one. It sits on another vintage cart - this one rusty and old with a porcelain top. The triangular stool on casters is from an old family friend's house which he used to roll around on in his crawl space. The bamboo director's chair I got at HomeGoods this summer and topped it off with a red and blue vintage hankie.
All the red-checked bedding is from my daughter's old bedroom. The decorative pillows and quilt are from IKEA. The wicker table was a treasured gift from my husband very early in our relationship. The floor lamp used to be in our family room when we first moved into our house 31 years ago. (I hang on to everything!) Raggedy Ann and her baby Ann are my daughter's dolls.
The white octagonal table was my grandma's. It used to be in her back bedroom and I can remember playing on it when I was a little girl. I was able to bring up a lot of my Rowe Pottery crocks and lamps to use in this room. An old iron bed piece serves as a quilt rack next to a treasured Grandma Moses print which used to hang in my family room. Her art has always been an inspiration to me - perhaps it's because we share the same birthday!
I hope you've enjoyed this tour of my cottage crafting room. It makes me so happy to be in this room because everything in it holds so many fond memories.
Signature w/rose
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