Shai Abramson was born in Jerusalem, and was exposed early on to the world of cantorial music. As a young teen, he participated in the choir of the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem (under the baton of conductor Elli Jaffe) during the High Holiday season. He gradually acquired more musical expertise and experience, studying with the best teachers in Israel, including Maestro Jaffe, Cantor Moshe Stern, Cantor Naftali Herstik & Dr. Mordechai Sobol.
In 2008, Shai Abramson was appointed Chief Cantor of the Israel Defense Forces. Abramson serves as the representative cantor of the State of Israel, and participates in this capacity in formal state occasions and ceremonies. Abramson also accompanies various government representatives to ceremonies and events in Israel and abroad. He has performed as cantor and singer under the auspices of the Knesset, the IDF, the Ministry of Defense, and various other government ministries and agencies.
During the past few years, Abramson has presented his cantorial repertoire in numerous Jewish communities in the U.S., Canada, South America, Australia and Europe, with the intention of developing and strengthening ties with Jewish communities around the world, and intensifying connections with Israel and with the IDF.
This performance by Abramson was recorded at the 30th anniversary dinner of the Sage Nursing Home in London in July 2024.
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