Showing posts with label selfie stick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label selfie stick. Show all posts

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Ugly Sweater fun!

We got all dressed up in our ugly sweaters and ugly socks and headed to celebrate the season with friends!

Selfie stick fun y'all!  Lily stuck her tongue in my FACE!  And Daisy is not a happy camper!

My hot date, as you can see, is Cousin Eddie!

My little Kate!

Layla really worked hard on our Santa hat dessert.  It was a fun pinterest idea and they tasted amazing!

I sure do love my little creative chef!  She's great in the kitchen.

This is sadly the only picture I took of our night with friends.  I was just having too much fun and isn't that Sangria gorgeous?  Honestly my new girlfriends aren't that into social media and they don't even have Instagram.  What?  It's all good, but maybe I can talk them into joining! ;)  I really am doing a good job putting my phone away lately though.  I'm trying to be more present this holiday season.  It's hard for me to not take a million pictures!!

Monday, September 14, 2015

navy blue star selfies

The Dallas Cowboys season opener last night was a nail biter.  

We're Texas folks and will always love our Dallas Cowboys.  Layla and Hayden were awake for kick off and then had to hit the hay for school this morning.  

Anyone else watch the last of the game with toothpicks holding their eyes open?  I was so sleepy, but I couldn't look away.  I have some friends who are New York Giants fans (what in the world are they thinking?) and I just couldn't sleep not knowing the outcome of the game!  

We kicked some booty THANK GOODNESS!  

Saturday, August 1, 2015

selfie stick fun

Layla got a selfie stick today and we're having so much fun with it.  I think I caught Gary mid-french fry, chewing!  We had a cheeseburger dinner at one of our favorite places and I thought we should selfie it!

We are loving having the Jeep top and doors off.  We could never cruise around Texas in a Jeep in August.  Georgia has a wonderful climate.  I get hot, but NOTHING like Texas heat.  I'm loving this state!

After dinner we decided to bust out the 'props' that came with the selfie stick.  There are tons of hats and lips and glasses to play with.  I love Layla's new toy!

 We had a fun weekend of  normalcy.  We have been so busy and the whole month of July felt like a whirlwind.  I still can't believe school starts Monday.  Yes, August 3rd!  It's crazy early, but we get a fall break, Thanksgiving break, Christmas break, a winter break and also spring break.  I think starting early is ok after knowing we can enjoy a few extra weeks off here and there!