

Liberal Utopia

What your world would be if everything liberals wanted, they got. Open the door at the bottom of its Elysium façade and take a glimpse of hell.

Dangerously Incompetent


Giving the Talibiden™ aid and comfort.

Stolen elections have consequences.

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'Run and Hide' Is Not A Winning War Strategy


Where's the Britain of "we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender"?


n reality, feel-good concerts and meaningless platitudes aren't fighting anything — except, maybe, common sense and the survival instinct. Advising citizens subjects to "run, hide, tell" makes matters even worse. Unless the British people quickly convince themselves that exterminating your islamofascist mortal enemy before he gets the chance to even think about killing you is what always wins, not PC-smothering "love," their "men" may as well start figuring out now which direction Mecca lies and their woman their correct burqa size in order to not die of embarrassment a good stoning. (Hint: It's always "E" for enormous.)

But not to worry, Mr. & Mrs. British Subject. The muslim mayor of your capital says, "No reason to be alarmed" by the show of police after each enemy attack. Both are just "part and parcel of living [dying] in a big city." So go about your business as usual. In the extreme unlikelihood the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand fortnights, let alone years, your "betters" will still say, "We'll tolerate no one's finest hours here!"

Not a proud epitaph, to be sure.

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The Dems They Need A-Changin'


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Sickly Coughing Cankled Cackler


Uncontrollably choking on her unconscionable crimes.


er Nibs, the fossilized fascist, probably hacked up half a lung too while lying to the Benghazi Heroes' grieving families that some "spontaneous" mob of video critics barbarously butchered their loved ones, and she was going to hold the video's maker — not the butchers "offended" by it — legally accountable, and that, no, it wasn't any well-armed, not so on-the-run regiment of rampaging ragheads taking complete advantage of her colossal and criminal failure to ensure their loved ones would return to American soil safe and successful, rather than in four pine boxes stacked inside the cargo-hold of a transport plane. How dumb does she "think" feel those families are?

The other half of that lung she hacked up while lying to FBI investigators that she didn't know her unsecured secret server was receiving highest-classified emails because, *cough* *cough* *hack*, they weren't "labelled" Highest Classified. How dumb does she "think" feel those investigators are?

The other lung she's hacking up before the eyes of Iowa's voters while lying to them about the above and everything else.

How dumb does she "think" feel those voters are?

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Word 'Racist' Just Jumped the Shark


Now it's three meals a day (with or without shark).

“All of Progressivism is built on fraud and lies.”
– klgmac

oonbat Jones ragazine probably "thinks" feels one out of every five eaters of three meals a day is a rapist, too.

More proof that liberalism progressivism rat bastard communism is a mental disease.

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'Teh Book of Obama'


"In the beginning, lying Øliar lied... and it was not 'good'"


n Nashville, the lying Liar-in-Chief lied, "The good book says, don't throw stones in glass houses."

Which "good" book is that, Øliar? It's certainly not the Holy Bible. Perhaps Marx's Das Kapital or Mao's Little Red Book? Maybe even Mein Kampf? or the Koran? We know it isn't your healthcare-"reform" architect Jonathan Gruber's ØbamaCare for Dummies Stupid Democrat Voters, because that's one of the last things anybody exhibiting any real intelligence would consider "good." Oh, wait — we're talking about you, so you no doubt "think" feel that it is.

But don't worry. Your high priestesses at WaPo et al. are furiously scribbling apologia to protect you against this heretical mocking from us "strictly speaking" folk; just as they always do whenever you lyingly lie through your teeth open your mouth in public.

Who knew Joseph and Mary were illegal immigrants who snuck across international borders to receive executive amnesty from King Herod? Or is this another of those "if God won't act to change His word, I Teh Great & Powerful Øb will!"?

Verily, Øtyrant, the American people grow more and more weary of your monotonous hubris.

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Peter Pan's Indians Scalped by Socialist Injustice Warriors




merican Indians, by and large, don't give a flying ugg about this target du jure of the perpetually-offended progressofascist groupthinkers. But the latter's doublethinking term "Native American" they do find unacceptable. Everybody else born on American soil isn't a native?

NBC's Peter Pan changes offensive lyrics of song 'Ugg-a-Wugg' that stereotypes Native Americans

Another example of thin-skinned (Is that racist?) self-haters projecting their undying sense of utter worthlessness onto a proud people who neither welcome nor require their unhelpful "protection."

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The First 'Lady' Michael at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue


Another example of Democrat-Media Complex hypocrisy (but I repeat myself).

If you Google or Bing "Sarah Palin 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue," you'll find story after story on it from leftist news organizations from ABC to Talking Points Memo and Right Wing Watch. Heck, the Daily Beast even thought they'd work in a play on the words uttered by comedian Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live that the leftist media convinced the American people Sarah Palin actually said. Their headline reads "You Can See Russia from 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue..."

Do a search for "Barack Obama calls Michelle 'Michael.'" What do you turn up? Not much, right? There's not lefty news organization after organization that has story after story about this major flub. Not only could he not remember his wife's name, he referred to her by the male version of Michelle! But, he had no worries. His media friends protected him and worked hard to keep that under cover.

("Teleprompter malfunction," my asparagus.)

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Liberazi Media Is Dumb


Film at eleven.


he media on that side are, to put it politely, overtly ignorant.

If our solar system had a Mt. Ignorance named felicitously in their honor, Rep. Jackson-Lee, D-Outer Space, would be asking NASA officials whether "a mere speed bump like Olympus Mons" could obstruct a rover's view of those flags our astronauts planted on the Red Planet.

If a laboratory could create an element as dense as them — call it idiotardium — a yoctogram of it would be sufficient to yank Jupiter and all the other gas giants out of their orbits.

If the San Andreas Fault equaled that in each one's reasoning, Sen. Harry Reid, D-Dementia, would be setting up land scams up and down Nevada's Pacific coastline.

If medical science systematically studied their brainwave activity, the term "persistent vegetative state" would be redefined to mean "not as bad as it gets."

If a Geiger counter could be calibrated to detect radioactive stupidity, switching it on anywhere within a thousand-mile radius of the New York Slimes building would instantly break its meter.

If neuroelectricity could be harnessed to power a Taser, the total wattage inside all their craniums combined just might make it useful for mildly annoying a runt-sized amoeba.

If the amount of sense they make could be transformed into a steady stream of water, it would take between now and the ending of the universe before it halfway filled up the Smallest. Thimble. Ever.

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Over A Foot of Global Warming in Colorado


"Top 10 May snow event for the Denver metro area"


iven how we're on track to experiencing the coldest year on record in the United States, it's no real surprise. No surprise either that Global Warming True-Believers™ are scrambling to rebrand their "consenscience" religion. For the second time in 17 years, they're replacing the sign in front of their Temple of Global Warming. Instead of "Church of Climate Change," it now says "Tabernacle of Climate Disruption®."

What difference, at this point, does it make? Not much. Their cathedrals of gloom and doom and of controlling the masses are crumbling before their eyes. So it's time to ratchet up Teh Scare™ in order to bring in new worshipers even more gullible than the ones still kneeling before its fiery altar.

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'President' Evil



emember this on Election Day: Not one Republican voted in favor of Øbraindead's and his Democatastrophic Party's colossal insanity and all the harm, destruction, and costly disasters he and his extremist party keep causing with it.

Did you "save up to $2,500 on your health insurance premiums"? No, you didn't.

Did you get to "keep your health care plan if you like your health care plan"? No, you didn't.

Did you get to "keep your doctor if you like your doctor"? No, you didn't.

Can we say ØbrokenCare is "affordable"? No, we can't!

Can Øfascist take care that his own law is faithfully executed as our Constitution orders him to do? No, he can't!

Can Øtyrant care any less about how much he and his evil gang of greedy, selfish partisan hacks are hurting you medically and financially even while they exempt themselves from that same hurt?

No, he can't!

Was any of this insane, unread, unfaithfully followed, unequally applied Drivilcrap Party evil the "Change We Need"?

Was it intended by its (mis)leaders to ever do anything besides create an even more monstrously bureaucratic and heartlessly dictatorial government for the sole purpose of granting of, by, and for their extremist selves the means to øbtain endless, absolute power?

Was their giving the IRS even more control over our lives ever intended by them to make the life of anybody outside their exclusive, greedy, evil power-hungry gang "better"?

No, it wasn't. No, it wasn't. No, it wasn't!

Will we go to the polls in droves on November 4, and vote these evil Øbastards out!?

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'Don't Worry, Passengers, That Iceberg Is Just A Glitch'


Captain of RMS Titanic (April 14, 1912, 11:55 PM)

The Sinking “Glitching” of the Titanic
April 14-15, 1912

ake no mistake: Presentdunce Øbraindead and everybody in his glitchestration, had they been around then, would've called each of the following that, too—

The Hindenburg Disaster “Glitch”
May 6, 1937
The Great Chicago Fire “Glitch”
October 8-10, 1871

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Harry Reid to Veterans: 'Screw You!'


Republicans: "Here's a clean bill that fully funds our Veterans' benefits and services so yes we can show them that we appreciate and support them and want them to receive all that they earned through their dedication and sacrifice to our common good and defense.

"All you have to do, Mr. Reid, is let the U.S. Senate consider this bill for our honored Veterans."

Harry Reid Hank the Ripper: "Screw you! I'll continue holding Veterans and their benefits hostage until you bend over and let me ram my disastrous, corrupt Øfascist"Care" 404"Care" program up every American's ass!"

Hank the Ripper
So, the Buck Stops Here Now?

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The Sun Is Racist


Just give Chrissie Matthews a little time to think feel that one out. (Conservative Daily)


uring his tenth of a billion taxpayer dollar vacation trip overseas, Der Fübar's use of his crutch teleprompter was "ruined" by the late-afternoon sun. Now, thanks to Chrissie's intrepid investigative reporting, we know why the sun did that: It hates Baracrook Øfascist because he's half white black.

Good thing this clear incident of Solar Racism™ didn't happen on a golf course in Chicago after an experienced player was seen shucking and jiving while sitting in a chair eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and reading the Constitution.

Chrissie would still be in a fetal position sobbing uncontrollably.

Had he found out that player also was once bullied by the IRS because of his black Irish look, we'd have to put Chrissie permanently on suicide watch.

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Fauxcahontas Warren Illegally Practiced Law without a License


Massachusetts Demøliar senatorial candidate continues to scalp herself.


ayegogi." That's Cherokee for liar.

First, on a regular and continuing basis she used her Cambridge office for the practice of law without being licensed in Massachusetts. Second, in addition to operating an office for the practice of law without being licensed in Massachusetts, [Demøliar] Warren actually practiced law in Massachusetts without being licensed....

[Demøliar] Warren is not licensed to practice law in Massachusetts. [Demøliar] Warren's name does not turn up on a search of the Board of Bar Overseers attorney search website (searches just by last name or using Elizabeth Herring also do not turn up any relevant entries).... [According to that Board,] there was no record of [Demøliar] Warren ever having been admitted to practice in Massachusetts.

[Demøliar] Warren's own listing of her Bar admissions is consistent with not being licensed in Massachusetts....

Regardless... [Demøliar] Warren consistently since the late 1990s has held herself out as having her professional address for legal representation at her Harvard Law School office in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Forked-tongue Eliarbeth of the Cheatokee's Anissahole Clan is in heap big doo-doo.

Very bad medicine.

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Democrats Hate God


Listen to the delegates oppose much more loudly any mention of God and Jerusalem in their party politburo platform.

The No's clearly had it. "Boo God."

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Creating A Fehrnstrom


Mitt "Two Knobs" Romnetchasketchy top adviser Eric Fehrnstrom:

“Well, I think you hit a reset button for the fall campaign. Everything changes. It’s almost like an Etch a Sketch. You can kind of shake it up and we start all over again.”


ue Ginger Rogers:

Nothing's impossible I have found,
For when my chin is on the ground,
I turn my two knobs,
Shake myself up,
Start all over again.

Don't lose your confidence if you slip,
Be grateful for a pleasant trip,
And turn your two knobs,
Shake yourself up,
Start all over again.

Work like a soul inspired,
Till the battle of the day is won.
You may be sick and tired,
But you'll be a sketch, my son!

Will you remember the famous men,
Who had to fall to rise again?
So do a flip-flop,
Turn your two knobs,
Shake yourself up,
Start all over again.

ØbaMitten's fellow "progressives" in the mainsewer media and the Demøcrook Politburo ("severely" redundant, I know) are all over this.

They're grabbing the popcorn and enjoying MittCain II: The Moderate Strikes Out...Again.

Meanwhile, Øbamney merely wants us conservatives tied up in a crate strapped to the top of his station wagon as it goes barreling down the campaign trail. When out of shear terror we soil both ourselves and — more importantly to him — his back window, he'll simply pull into a gas station just long enough to hose us down before returning us to his cruel crate, making us suffer even more that harrowing ride. To him we're nothing but a forgettable piece of luggage that he thinks feels yes he can willfully neglect.

"Stay, Seamus Conservatives. Stay!" he tell us.

Is it any wonder conservatives aren't the least bit enthused with the prospect of having to climb aboard his own version of Teh Road We've Traveled (© 1917-2012 Øbamarx & Øbamitt)?

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USCCB, Obama'Care', and Romney


"It can never happen here, you unhelpful Visigothic hobbit!" (a.k.a. Famous Last Words®)

“It is good for pro-lifers to argue against abortion and euthanasia in Obamacare.
   But Christians need to step back and argue against the principle of government-run healthcare.”

ascists at the gate, led by Barømney Øbamitt via his twin Øbamitt Barømney, were let in two years ago with substantial help from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Now, when Øbama"Care" that Full-bore Fusillade Ø' Fetid Fascism™ predictably orders every religious-based organization to offer its female employees insurance policies that fund abortion related services — or else, the same ones who helped open that gate are screaming bloody murder.

Reap what you sow, anyone?

What next, USCCB? An endorsement of Øbamitt? After all, he's the øne whø, while governor of Massofascists, told catholic hospitals to administer abortion pills — or else.

Own. Petard. Idiotarians. Much hoisting required.

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Blunderracked HisFailureness Obamoron


"Smartiestest. Peeweezeedunt. Evvvahh!!!!11!!1ONEHUNDREDELEVENTIES!!!11!!."

Within the last three years, the [lickspittle libtarded lamestream(birm) Øba]media's self-appointed smartest President [sic] in modern history has insulted the Special Olympics, mixed up the situations in Iraq and Afghanistan, falsely claimed that his American Uncle liberated Auschwitz, signed the Westminster Abbey guest book with the date 24 May 2008 when the date was really 24 May 2011, mispronounced "corpsman" when speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast, and perhaps most egregiously, God's gift to the presidency couldn't even distinguish between living and dead Medal of Honor recipients.

And that's just off the top of my head....

The [lickspittle libtarded lamestream(birm) Øba]media will let Democrats get away with driving a girl off a bridge and leaving her to die (Ted Kennedy), but Republicans, especially unapologetic conservative ones, won't be given the benefit of the doubt, even when it comes to inconsequential errors.

...journalists [sic] could turn their sharp pens and cantankerous voices to the growing number of businesses suspiciously exempted from ObamaCare[Less], the expanding number of surveys reporting that employers are dropping coverage because of the President's [sic] health-care law, and the Democrats' inability to offer any proposals to reform our Medicare system


ut then they wouldn't be lickspittle libtarded lamestream(birm) Øbamediot propagandists "journalists."

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Religion of Easily P'd Offed


"Islam" is Arabic for "murderously thin-skinned."


ehead Those Who Insult Islam." The official motto of the Religion of "Peace." If by "peace," you mean viscously slaughter everyone who disagrees with you until there's no on left on the planet who is able or willing to disagree with you. In which sense, there finally is peace — for you, that is.

Cowardly muslim terrorists(birm) targeting and butchering innocent, unarmed civilians.

That's not news.

Nor is the fact that liberals are placing all the blame for that butchering — all committed in the name of liberals' Most Favored Religion — on someone other than any of the actual butchers.

An attention-craving preacher burns a Qur'an Book of Hate™. Followers of this Book of Hate go out and cold-bloodedly murder anyone they can get their hands knuckle-dragged claws on. Attention-craving preacher's point ably, amply, and incontrovertibly proved: islam is not, by any rational standard, a "religion of peace." Liberals crawling out from under their respective rocks to defend such "religion" against "intolerance," "violent rhetoric," and "phobia" is an ironic bonus.

Except there are better ways to insult a "religion" so thoroughly deserving of every insult that everyone who is willing and able to see it for the murderously dangerous cult and worldwide, malignant cancer it futilely pretends it isn't, and to heap on it all the insults it has earned and should entirely receive, can imagine.

The next time murderous muslims(birm), in the name of their "religion" primitive moongod prejudices and deadly intolerance, attack and kill another large group of innocent people, we "insult" their "religion" by doing a bit of landscaping. In Mecca. A hundred megatons of it, to be precise.

With that "religion" dead and all its former followers either scattered or beaten, islam will, for once in its overly long, misery-spreading existence, truly be the vehicle — after it's totally burned out and hydraulically crushed, of course — upon which the world achieves a real and lasting peace.

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