Friday, February 17, 2017 |
But that'd be a grave insult to all the piles America's sanitation workers haul away each week.
“‘I 'm just telling you you're dishonest people,' [President Donald J.] Trump told the press." He used the term "people" very, very lightly. (Looking at you especially, CNN.)
“At home, we have begun the monumental task of returning the government back to the people on a scale not seen in many, many years.”
Labels: al-Jazeernalism, Democrat War on Americans, dinosaur media, DNC-team Media, Fake News Media, President Trump, videos
Cartel of Corruption
Charles Ortel, a longtime financial adviser, said he has spent the past 15 months digging into the Clinton Foundation's public records, federal and state-level tax filings, and donor disclosures. That includes records from the foundation's many offshoots — including the Clinton Health Access Initiative and the Clinton Global Initiative — as well as its foreign subsidiaries. According to Ortel's reports, the contribution disclosures from the Clinton Foundation don't match up with individual donors' records. He also argued that the foundation is not in compliance with some state laws regarding fundraising registration, disclosure requirements, and auditing rules. This week, Ortel is starting to release his findings in the first of a series of up to 40 planned reports on his website. His allegation: "this is a charity fraud." Ortel said his reports in the coming months would also provide evidence that the foundation is not complying with state laws on fundraising, financial disclosure, and audits.... Ortel said he hoped the reports would encourage investigative journalists to follow up on his findings.
s those same lapdog "journalists" always tell themselves when sniffing Her Nibs's crotch, don't hold your breath.
Labels: corrupt Democrats (BIRM), criminals' Bestest.Friends.Ever., degenerate Democrooks (BIRM), Democrat War on Americans, dinosaur media, DNC-team Media, liberal hypocrites (BIRM), minionstream media
Going 100 MPH around a 55 MPH curve was not the fault of Republicans, Baracknee-jerk Øbastard.
emocrackheads can't even wait for the dead bodies to get cold yet before trying to figure out a way to blame Republicans for those deaths. Somewhere just above the lowest layer of hell reserved for lawyers and beneath that reserved for genocidal tyrants is the evil hotspot these Øfascists will be forever residing after they kick the red rat-bastard commie bucket. They'll be joined, of course, by the Politco(mmie) hack who wrote this: "Hours after deadly crash, House panel votes to cut Amtrak budget."
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, dinosaur media, DNC-team Media, liberal a-hole freaks (BIRM), liberalism: THE ideology of hate, liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), Obama's War on Truth
Thursday, December 11, 2014 |
"In the beginning, lying Øliar lied... and it was not 'good'"
n Nashville, the lying Liar-in-Chief lied, "The good book says, don't throw stones in glass houses." Which "good" book is that, Øliar? It's certainly not the Holy Bible. Perhaps Marx's Das Kapital or Mao's Little Red Book? Maybe even Mein Kampf? or the Koran? We know it isn't your healthcare-"reform" architect Jonathan Gruber's ØbamaCare for Dummies Stupid Democrat Voters, because that's one of the last things anybody exhibiting any real intelligence would consider "good." Oh, wait — we're talking about you, so you no doubt "think" feel that it is. But don't worry. Your high priestesses at WaPo et al. are furiously scribbling apologia to protect you against this heretical mocking from us "strictly speaking" folk; just as they always do whenever you lyingly lie through your teeth open your mouth in public. Who knew Joseph and Mary were illegal immigrants who snuck across international borders to receive executive amnesty from King Herod? Or is this another of those "if God won't act to change His word, I Teh Great & Powerful Øb will!"? Verily, Øtyrant, the American people grow more and more weary of your monotonous hubris.
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, dinosaur media, DNC-team Media, Health Care Death Snare, idiot liberals (BIRM), immigration deform, lying liberals (BIRM), Where's the Fence?, Worst. pResident. Ever.
Saturday, October 11, 2014 |
Another example of Democrat-Media Complex hypocrisy (but I repeat myself).
If you Google or Bing "Sarah Palin 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue," you'll find story after story on it from leftist news organizations from ABC to Talking Points Memo and Right Wing Watch. Heck, the Daily Beast even thought they'd work in a play on the words uttered by comedian Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live that the leftist media convinced the American people Sarah Palin actually said. Their headline reads "You Can See Russia from 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue..." Do a search for "Barack Obama calls Michelle 'Michael.'" What do you turn up? Not much, right? There's not lefty news organization after organization that has story after story about this major flub. Not only could he not remember his wife's name, he referred to her by the male version of Michelle! But, he had no worries. His media friends protected him and worked hard to keep that under cover.
("Teleprompter malfunction," my asparagus.)
Labels: DeMSMocrat-dictatorial complex, dinosaur media, DNC-team Media, idiot liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, Obamoron, out-of-touch liberals (BIRM), videos, Worst. pResident. Ever.
Over three quarters of a million new part-time jobs. Over half a million full-time jobs lost. Over a quarter of a million more Americans not in the workforce anymore. Real wages still stagnant.... But "Jobs Boom!™" and "6.1 Percent!™" and "Brisk Clip!™" and "Forward!!111!!!!ONEELEVENT1E!1!!!1!™"
he Øbamanjuiceguzzling Media® are having simulatenous Øbagasms. After a hopelessly recessionary negative three percent Change™ in this year's first-quarter Gross Domestic Product, a worsening economy for which they're still making implausible excuses (e.g., Winter Be Cold, or something), they'd become desperate to find a way to rekindle the spark in their Øbamarriage. No matter you have to go back to Jimmy Carter Malaise Days™ to find a lower workforce-participation rate. No matter you have to go back to Teh Evil McBushitler Haliburton Hegemony Horrors (© 2001-2008 DNC) to find a lower "official" unemployment rate or a higher semiannual "jobs"- Three Letter Word-creation rate. No matter, even, it took their Øbridegroom "only" five long, wasted years to bring the number of Americans out of work over six months back down to what it was when he first entered office. No, what matters to them are "6.1 Percent!™" and other phony spasms. Really, ØMG Media. The next time your heads start to spin around such Ødismal numbers, do everybody a favor: Get a room.
Labels: AWOLstream media, Democrat War on Americans, dinosaur media, DNC-team Media, economic terrorist enemy (aka Democrats), liberals are always extreme, Obama kills more jobs, Worst. pResident. Ever.
The alleged "news" media should be ashamed.
he media's handling of Watergate — a small-time burglary during which no one was killed or hurt — amounted to Whoop Nixon's Ass! The same media's handling of Benghazi — a bloody, full-blown battle during which four very brave and dedicated public servants lost their lives, all because of the White House and State Department's unforgivably willful, gross negligence and extremely dangerous incompetence — amounts to Save Obama's Ass!™
Labels: AWOLstream media, dinosaur media, DNC-team Media, islamofascist terrorist attacks on American soil (blame Obama), liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), videos, Worst. pResident. Ever.
Thursday, January 09, 2014 |
Governor Christie's "Revenge" Against A Lone Mayor Lasted One Afternoon
hich politician's vengeance-seeking abuse of power is worse? The øne who misuses the IRS so yes he can all but shut down the most effectual political opposition he has in the months and years leading up to his reelection? Or the one who misuses a toll bridge to shut down a couple of lanes of traffic in the middle of rush hour? Boy, that's a hard one, isn't it? Guess which one immediately fired the subordinates directly responsible for abusing their public position? Guess which øne praised and promoted the subordinate directly responsible for abusing her public position, putting her in charge of the IRS's enforcement of Øtyrant"Care"? Whose abuse of power has been stopped dead in its tracks? Whøse repeated abuses of power have been given a permanent Giant Green Light™ and a Speed Limit C (671M MPH) sign adoringly installed and lovingly hand painted by his FITTFØ "news" media?
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, dinosaur media, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), Impeach.Obama.Now., liberals are always extreme, more liberal hypocrisy, Obama's Enhanced Distraction Techniques
I know. One should never speak ill of the dead.
o, instead, I'll write as flattering an obituary for this communist propaganda outfit cable "news" channel as an irrationally willing suspension of disbelief may allow: Ms. N. B. Caca Ms. Natsee "Bull" Caca of New York, N.Y., died yesterday at her residence following a horrific jumping accident. She was 17. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, at the Goebbels & al-Sahhaf Funeral Home Chappel with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright spewing extremist racist anti-America hate officiating. In lieu of flowers, family friend al-Gore requests that donations be made to Al Jazeera, preferrably by unverified credit card or in small, unmarked bills. Carbon-footprint credits also will be accepted. Ms. Caca was born in 1996, in New York, the daughter of Gen. E. "Bail Us Out, O!" Lectric and Mike Roe "Commie Common Core" Soft. She was a member of the Church of Glowbull Wormening Global Warming Climate Change. She was a veteran of both Iraq wars (for the Iraqi side) and retired from the reporting industry after 0 years. She loved her sharks, especially Forward and Lean, and would often jump over them and the rest of the pod, all at the same time. She was preceded in death by her heroes K. Marx, V. Lenin, J. Stalin, Chairman Mao, F. Castro (unconfirmed), and other such totalitarian fascist murderous freaks fellow travelers; sisters Air A. Merica and Current T. Vee; and friend of the collective family A. Corn. Survivors include "our" children — every one of them, regardless how much you feel "yours" belong to you as "their" so-called parents or families — as well as her beloved godfather George Soros, and her most worshipped lord and savior Barack "Tingle Me Leggo" Obama.
Labels: DeMSMocrat-dictatorial complex, dinosaur media, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), greedy and selfish liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, thieving liberals (BIRM)
Thursday, February 07, 2013 |
Fanatically supports Baracrook Øfascist, gun control, Hilliary al-Qlinton, universal background checks, Dianne Freakenstein, "assault weapons" ban, Joe Bidense, "change," Moochelle Øbesophobe, gay "spouse" benefits, Demøcult propagandists Chris "Tingles" Matthews, Anderson Stooper, Jeffrey JournoList Toobin, David Rodham Gergen, ....
heartless, homicidal liberal(birm) targeting and brutally killing as many innocent people who get in his way as yes he can. Color me surprised. This murderous progressive(birm)'s message to his comrade-in-chief Baracrook Øfascist: "You've done a hell of a job.... I cracked a smiled when you were re-elected in 2012.... If you fail, the U.S. fails." Hilliary: "You'll make one hell of a president in 2016. Much like your husband, Bill, you will be one of the greatest.... Look after Bill. He was always my favorite President." Dianne Freakenstein: "You are doing the right thing in leading the re-institution of a national ["assault weapons" ban].... Let this be your legacy that you bestow to America." Joe Plugs Bidense: "I've always been a fan of yours and consider you one of the few genuine and charismatic politicians." Moochelle is "a woman whose professional and educational accomplishments are second to none when compared to recent First wives." Jeffrey JournoList Toobin and David Rodham Gergen: "You are political geniuses and modern scholars. Hopefully Toobin is nominated for the Supreme Court." Etc., etc. Before denouncing such linkages as unfair, does anybody honestly think for one second the Demøcrony media® wouldn't be running story after story speculating about this mass murderer's political views and ties if the Tea Party or Sarah Palin received in his maniacfesto even a passing, slightly positive mention?
Labels: dinosaur media, heartless liberals (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, liberals are always extreme, more liberal hypocrisy, socialist injustice, violent Democrats (BIRM)
Thursday, January 31, 2013 |
Grow or Die
emember back in 2007, when our country's Gross Domestic Product was growing at a real annual rate of 4.9 percent, but the Demøfascists and media (I know, I repeat myself) were desperately trying to convince us all that "the economy is doing poorly"? Of course you do. Then, it was the Error of BushHitler® during which Everything Is Bad/Evil (© 2001-2008 DeMSMøcrooks). Now that their Lørd & ØbaSavior™ is "president," it's just the opposite. America's GDP is dying at an annual rate of 0.1 percent, but the Demøfascists and media(birm) are desperately trying to convince us all that "GDP is an imperfect measure of progress." How convenient. Apparently, they'd rather we use instead some Happy Planer Index or other such alternative indicators of progress [sic] nonsense for "measuring what matters." At least until they can "create [by force] an economic system that is not geared for growth and that does not require growth to guarantee jobs" (© 1917-1991 USSR). Except by every real, objective measure, our economy is doing more poorly than it has since the Øfficial End™ of the recession. Unemployment is still higher than it ever was during the Evil McChimpy Bushitler's presidency. In fact, unemployment during any administration is the highest on average since official measurements of it began. The few jobs being "saved or created" are mainly low paying ones and, in total, are not enough to exceed natural population growth. Gasoline and food prices are through the roof. Dependence on government so-called assistance is at an all-time high. Americans' net worth and personal incomes continue to decline dramatically or stagnate. Indeed, the only change in the latter we've seen under Øfascism are the recent "accelerated and special dividends that were paid by many companies in the fourth quarter in anticipation of changes [i.e., massive hikes] in individual income tax rates." In sum, thanks to the Øfascist Regime, there is no real growth in our nation's economy; women, minorities hardest hit, as well as Teh Children™. Which is why the Demøfascists and media(birm) want to kill all the messengers officially describing its dying breaths.
Labels: desperate liberals (BIRM), dinosaur media, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), more liberal hypocrisy
Saturday, September 22, 2012 |
The public now trusts used car salesmen far more than you.
peaking of used car salesmen, they may want to take a pass on all the ØbamaVolts® that are about the hit the pre-owned market. The U.S. Department of General Motors can't even give away any of the new ones now. Regular consumers with IQs higher than artichokes' just aren't buying. So the demand for earlier models undoubtedly is going to be, in economic terms, zilch. As for consumers with IQs less than artichokes': Well, just remember, car dealers, liberals never like spending any of their own money. Just other people's. After all, Østingy and Bidunce gave only 15 percent of their combined incomes to charity. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan gave a whopping 29 percent. So if any liberals ever do come on your lot it won't be to buy but to øbnoxiously bleat on and on about how it's their Living-Constitutional Right™ to Get and Drive ØbamaVolts®. And don't even think about asking they pay you something other than a backhanded compliment on your incredible luck at being the dealership — you know, the one "you didn't build" — which they'd decided oh so generously to grace with their exalted presence. Otherwise they'll call you a Big Evil Greedy Corporation that wants to steal from the poor and, of course, racist! Because thieves liberals always think feel they're "entitled" to take what somebody else has.
Labels: 2012: end of an err0r, dinosaur media, greedy and selfish liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), Obama's War on Americans, The Obama Depression, Worst. pResident. Ever.
Not "properly vetted."
iberal Øbamedia ghouls(birm) couldn't wait to try, convict, and sentence their political "enemies" for last night's "tragedy" mass slaughter committed by a lone coward. "Evidence? We don't need no stinkin' evidence!" But ØbamABC "News" apologized for Ghoul ØbaMorning ØbAmerica, Brian Ross, and George Stephanopoulos's intentional "mistake." So everything's okay now. Except it isn't. These "reporters" liberal propagandists have done this before and must be held accountable.
Labels: agenda driven mainstream media (BIRM), desperate liberals (BIRM), dinosaur media, heartless liberals (BIRM), liberalism: THE ideology of fear, liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM)
Change They Need: Feed Øbuttmunch to the dogs.ake no mistake: Here's the deal: Let me be clear: It will not be easy.™
In other Øba"man" Bites Dog ® news... Ødogeater uses the "stash" of slush-fund money he stole from taxpayers to spay and neuter dogs.
Program's motto: Less Dogs, Less to Eat = Less Fat People!
Labels: 2012: end of an err0r, dinosaur media, Dog Eater-in-Chief, liberals are always extreme, Obama's War on Americans, Obamabuse of Power, thieving liberals (BIRM), Worst. pResident. Ever.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 |
Obsessed lunatics are a danger to society and should be in jail.ribing hotel bellboys for information on Sarah Palin's movements and activities is creepy enough. Harassing her neighbors and hounding people on the street is downright criminal.
- Why else wouldn't people talk to him? It's me — Michael Gross from Manhattan! Everyone in Alaska should want to hang with me! The fact that they don't, he believes, is indisputable evidence of a conspiracy....
Most psychotically insane is Gross' rumination on why the Palins would leave their home on, I quote, "the anniversary of Sarah's resignation"....
The fact that Michael Gross imagines the date Palin resigned is an "anniversary" anyone else in the world would notice proves only that he is a head case.
He discusses the Palins' absence on this momentous day (in his own mind) with his fellow obsessive, Joe McGinniss — the man who moved into the house next door to the Palins for more convenient stalking.
On and on the two nutcases speculate about why the Palins are gone.
Yes, a strong case can be made in any court in the land for its immediately issuing a permanent restraining order against both of these obsession-crazed stalkers.
Labels: desperate liberals (BIRM), dinosaur media, lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), liberalism: THE ideology of hate, liberals unhinged, lying liberals (BIRM), narcissist liberals (BIRM), Useless Nitwits
Letters to the editor from "local" readers, each spewing — word for word — the exact same stupid retarded nincompoop regressive reactionary nonsensical liberal crap(birm).inny Pelooni, this is what real AstroTurf® smells like.
Not surprisingly, liberal newspapers birdcage liners, before gleefully publishing far and wide that carbon-copy White House form "letter" Propaganda Trøllage™, each subjected it to the same amount of umpteempth-level soopur skeelz "fact checking" they applied to every one of their messiah Hiz Holeliness Teh DalaiBama's other political campaigns.
That is, somewhere in between not at all and none.
Is it still any wonder their paid subscribers are taking their money elsewhere nearly as fast as Ben Nelson (D-Nebra$$$ka) jumped at taking ours to fund his health "care" yes-vote bribe?
Yes, the biggest, most pernicious threat ever to Americans' freedoms and safety can be summed up in one collectivist word:
Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), AWOLstream media, desperate liberals (BIRM), dinosaur media, Health Care Death Snare, idiot liberals (BIRM), Impeach.Obama.Now., miserably failing liberals (BIRM)
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 |
"...and incumbents are their prey." ABC All-Barack Channel's George Stephanopoulos says so... So It Must Be True™. thought we were "political terrorists."
No matter.
Those incumbents cause H1N1 pig flu vaccination shortages and screw ups, then turn around and say "yes we can 'efficiently' run your whole health care system." They cause Afghanistan to sink into a giant, deadly quagmire. They cause the recession to "fundamentally transform" into the longest since the Great Depression. They cause unemployment for one in every ten workers (a 26-year high), or one in every six if you include laid-off workers who've either settled for part-time employment or given up looking for jobs. They cause avowed communists, admitted tax cheats, and ACORN APØRN to "hold and enjoy offices of honor, trust or profit under the United States." They cause banks to fail at a number that soon will surpass even the 120 collapses during the 1992 savings-and-loan crisis. They cause General Gøvernment Motors et al. to go bankrupt. They cause trillions upon trillions of dollars of government debt that must be left to our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc., etc. Etc., etc., etc.
But they blame everyone and everything else for all the messes they cause.
This on top of calling us "political terrorists," "brown shits," "angry mobs," "swastika carriers," "phony Astroturf," "un-American," etc., etc., etc., etc.
I don't see why anyone would think feel these rancid pieces of inedible filth could ever qualify as anyone's "prey."
Our body politic is in the process of regurgitating them. It has no desire at all to attempt ingesting any more of their kind.
Labels: desperate liberals (BIRM), dinosaur media, lying liberals (BIRM), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), Power to the people, RESET BUTTON 2010, The Obama Depression
A little revised history — only the names, places, and dates have been changed to expose the guilty:Bush Leaving Country on Personal Campaign
By LEFF TYST and K.O. O'LAID, Assøciated Press Writers — Mon May 28[, 2007], 7:06 pm ET
WASHINGTON – President George Bush, accompanied by a veritable fleet of expensive jumbo jets and extra large cargo planes, left the United States today en route to Rome, Italy, where he will personally campaign on behalf of his home state for its chance to host a future international sporting event.
Amid deteriorating economic conditions at home and a failing war effort overseas, a few are questioning the timing of Mr. Bush's extravagant foray into the site-selection politics of a global sports competition organization. But others, including many of Mr. Bush's own domestic political opponents, surprisingly support his costly, personal venture.
A spokesperson for presidential candidate Barack Øbama, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the senatør sees no problem with Mr. Bush taking this time out in the middle of a war and a growing recession. "Why would anyone be against the U.S. getting that international sporting event?" the spokesperson asked.
Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton echoed the same sentiments about Mr. Bush abandoning the nation's capital at such a critical time. Senator Clinton told reporters at a press conference this afternoon she is "proud" that Mr. Bush is fighting for "one of America's finest states" and its chance "to get this important venue." When asked if she thought Mr. Bush should be at the White House instead of traipsing about in a foreign capital on an obviously personal mission, Senator Clinton said that was not her decision. "Clearly, the president knows exactly what he is doing, as well as when and where he needs to do it for the common good of the American people," she said. "I would not presume to question either the timing of his important trip or his motives."
On the Republican side of the presidential campaign aisle, Congressman Ron Paul and Senator John McCain both were worried about how the public might perceive a U.S. president deciding to leave the country to personally lobby a sports organization while American troops are fighting and dying overseas and their families, friends, and fellow citizens back home are losing jobs.
"It is, at best, unseemly," Mr. Paul said on the floor of the House of Representatives. "It gives the impression that this president is more his home state's lobbyist-in-chief than our brave troops' commander-in-chief."
In Iowa, Mr. McCain said he would have at least liked to see Mr. Bush ask the governor of Texas to go himself or send a representative rather than burdening American taxpayers with another "frivolous use of Air Force One." At a campaign stop, Mr. McCain promised he would "never abuse the taxpayers' trust by considering that plane you, my friends, bought for the president's official use, anything other than strictly reserved for vital state business." Mr. McCain said the number of airplanes Mr. Bush took on his trip is "unjustified," and pledged to reform the laws governing presidential travel.
Back in Washington, D.C., Democratic Party chairman Howard Dean criticized Mr. McCain for "making such a big deal" out of Mr. Bush's questionable travel plans. "If the president wants to go lobby a non-governmental organization in Europe so Dallas, Texas can host one of its major future events, I don't see any problem with that," Chairman Dean said. "Once again Senator McCain shows he tends to blow things all out of proportion."
In a MSNBC/ poll taken days before Mr. Bush's personal, multi-airplane excursion to Rome, only 39 percent of respondents "disapproved" or "somewhat disapproved" of his decision to fly there and lobby that organization in person. Less than 25 percent were "troubled" that he "might be seen as exerting undue influence to have an international sporting event located so near his home in Crawford, Texas."
Real estate sales in Crawford and other places in and around Dallas are expected to "skyrocket" if Mr. Bush's personal lobbying efforts on government time pay off, according to a University of Texas study.
The study shows that land, buildings, and facilities owned by many of Mr. Bush's closest associates are among the "especially profitable sites" to put on the market before the event.
"They're going to make a killing," the authors of the study said in their 2006 press release, referring to Mr. Bush's friends and other land owners in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
A search of area deeds revealed that Mr. Bush's top advisor, Karl Rove, owns several of the properties described in the study as "extremely marketable" and "the most profitable." o. Nøthing to see here. MøveØn along.
Labels: desperate liberals (BIRM), dinosaur media, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), The Obama Depression, thieving liberals (BIRM)
Friday, September 25, 2009 |
And rally afterwards around a reset Congress as it's impeaching and convicting him for treason, felonious negligence, and criminally dangerous incompetence.he røad to that attack was intentiønally paved, painted with a solid bright yelløw line from øne end tø the øther, dangerøusly driven, and strewn with innocent roadkill recklessly run over all by Former Jr. Half-term/Full-tard Senøtwerp Baracørnk al-Hbømbs4Iran Øbamiserablefailure II-cøming-øf-Qarter.
Not since the al-Qlinton maladministration have our islamofascist enemies been so emboldened. With the cøntinual aid and cømført "Present" Øfascist amply gives them, it's no wonder al-Qaeda is confidently expanding its terrorist network now while stepping up its attacks overseas against our courageous Troops as well as its plans for ones here against as many innocent Americans as, yes, it can.
What is the ØqarterII maladministratiøn doing about it? Understandable if you don't have a clue, either, since the mainstream fringe media have absolutely no real interest in keeping you informed about anything their Chøsen Øne døes which severely puts you, your children, your whole family, and all your friends and coworkers at greater and greater risk.
No, you can't be allowed to keep up with anything other than "how much an angry mob of horse-riding, hood-wearing, and otherwise too well dressed racist brown shirts and false-witness bearing political terrorists you and your un-American neighbors are." That's the only thing the fringe media believe you have any right to know.
In the meanwhile, the fringe mindlessly fear-møngering media go out of their way to protect their Møst Wørshipped Øne from all warranted criticism, viciøusly attacking whosoever dares express any with their unføunded accusatiøns that he or she must be an "uncivil racist and inciter of assassination" or worse.
It's also outrageous that the Federal Communications Commission hasn't yet seen fit to file, on behalf of all honest and decent hard-working Americans who alone are paying that agency's employees their excessively generous salaries and benefits, a truth-in-labeling lawsuit against each øne øf thøse prøbamagandist øutfits for its manifestly false claim that it's a "news" ørgnaziation.
Instead, the mindlessly fear-møngering media are allowed to cøntinue their willful acts of øutright prøbamaganda without any repercussions at all which would otherwise finally hold each and every one of them seriously accountable for their biased and cøørdinated efførts to obstruct the American people's view of the increasingly clear perils lying ahead of us with such a dangerøusly incømpetent pølarizer-in-Che behind the wheel of that extremely hazardøus, falling apart clunker he has the unpardonable effrontery to pretentiously call an "administration."
So, yes, Former Junior Senøtard Øfascist can scrap an effective, shovel-ready missile defense system for our at-risk allies in favor of a wholly fantasized one incapable of being constructed and thoroughly tested, much less fully deployed and reliably operational, before this decade is out, if ever, and all the mindlessly fear-møngering media want to do is reach over and turn off the headlights.
Yes, the miserably failing dEar misLeader can do everything but gift wrap an extra deluxe bøx of nuclear bomb-bombs for Iran's malevolent mullahs which, yes, they can supply their fellow America-hating terrorists with or bolt atop their own long range missiles as well as any North Korean ones, and the only thing that worries the mindlessly fear-møngering media is the radio's volume hasn't been cranked up to max so, yes, they can ørgasmically røck øut to NPR's All Things Cønsidered (Nøt!).
Yes, the dangerøusly incømpetent Cømmunisty Øganizer-in-Che can both figuratively and literally slap handcuffs on our patriotic interrogation experts in the CIA, and you hear nothing from the mindlessly fear-møngering media other than them saying they think feel the windshield wipers should be turned off because "many experts agree" those swooshing blades sound even more irritating than the blinding døwnpøur, or how they don't mind him trying to fundamentally transførm the windshield itself into one giant rearview mirrør.
Yes, the Der Führer, pal of accused cop killers and confessed domestic terrorists and empløyer of avøwed communists, can persønally instigate a Taliban resurgence in Afghanist'nam and beyond, single-handedly plunging our nation into an extremely unpopular and unwinnable undeclared "war," and the mindlessly fear-møngering media are only too happy to slide slither up cløser to him, take their own lead clay feet, sprained ankles, tingling legs, etc. out of their møuths just long enough to press those feet on his other left one, and help him really put pedal to the metal.
And yes, Gaddafi's favorite "søn" B. Hussein al-Qbama Bimmy Hurl al-Qarter II, beløved by dictators everywhere, can stimulate nothing back here at home like, yes, he can al-Qaeda's terrorist cells green shøøts, and, no, the mindlessly fear-møngering media still can't figure out why their sticking piece after piece of electrical tape over the farther and farther left-leaning fuel gage won't keep his car deathtrap from running out of gas.
Yes, the mindlessly fear-møngering media can allow none of the above to distract them from their øfficially declared war on all regular American citizens genuinely concerned about Øjimmah, Baracarter's running down then backing up over whoever tries to stand in the way of his driving our entire country deliberately off the nearest cliff.
It's why, yes, if you're among the rapidly dwindling number of peøple who still expects highly reasoned arguments can somehow both penetrate that pøinty skull of his and afterwards miraculously find anywhere inside it anything whatsoever (other than the one and a half semi-"functional" neoplastic cells masquerading as neurons, which are even less open to persuasion than a basket of recalled hammers), then — unless your enjoy having your veins forever jabbed with multiple and supersized IVs of pure 200 proof Køøl-Aid — you'd be far, far, far better off no longer having such an extremely impractical expectation. Besides saving yourself infinite disappointment, you'll stop being overly impressed by or unable to put into proper perspective those highly rare times his brøken cløck of a "brain" very fleetingly and most unintentionally gets some minor random matter or another right.
In which case yes, we can expect to see you too at the Impeachment Rallies 2010 Midterm Elections.
“Making America less safe, one Øbamiserable failure at a time.”™ When Peregruzka $Øvercharged$ by Øut-Øf-CØntrØl taxers & spenders in al-QØngress, RESET all their seats. Change every “Representative” & Senatør: That's what we need on Tuesday, November 2, 2010.
Labels: dinosaur media, Impeach.Obama.Now., Kommunist Kool-Aid Kult (aka liberalism), lethal liberalism (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, miserably failing liberals (BIRM), RESET BUTTON 2010, treason
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