An Altar Missal defaced to keep it up to date with the liturgical changes of the 1960s |
'The Eucharist is the central celebration of the unity of the church. It cannot have this meaning
when there is argument and confrontation around them.'
In that case, perhaps the extremists among the liturgical progressives should stop attacking the EF's right to exist. If they can't do that, I can't see them rallying around a rite which is a 'synthesis' of the two, and the conflict would continue: as it does, indeed, in practically every diocese and religious community where only the Ordinary Form is celebrated.
The argument is particularly puzzling, as there are far more than two liturgical forms in the Church. In major European and Middle Eastern cities alike one can find the Latin Rite liturgy celebrated in one church and a variety of Eastern Rites celebrated down the road. Cardinal Koch is in charge of ecumenism at the Vatican, and he cannot have forgotten the role of liturgical diversity in fostering unity, not impeding it, in the reconciliation of Anglicans to the Holy See. The same thing has long been the policy of the Vatican towards our separated brethren in the East. Imposing liturgical uniformity on the Church would be an ecumenical disaster.
I paste in below an article I wrote for the Catholic Herald online in July 2017, which is no longer available on their website, which addresses the version of this idea floated by Cardinal Sarah. It is interesting to see Cardinal Koch taking up the same term, 'reconciliation', as if it were the Forms which were in conflict, rather than Catholics with different views.
I followed this up with another piece on this blog which can be found here.
I followed this up with another piece on this blog which can be found here.
the Old and New Masses be ‘reconciled’?
Joseph Shaw,
Chairman of the Latin Mass Society
As Fr Raymond de
Souza reports, Cardinal Sarah has called for the two
‘Forms’ of the Roman Rite, the 1970 ‘Ordinary’ Form (OF) and the more ancient Extraordinary
Form (EF), to be ‘reconciled’. His reasons are confusing, but his proposals are
Writing in a
French publication, La Nef, Cardinal
Sarah explains: ‘ “Reform of the reform” has become synonymous with dominance
of one clan over the other.’ He prefers the phrase ‘liturgical reconciliation’.
The ‘Reform of the
Reform’ is a movement among practitioners of the Ordinary Form, who argue over
Latin, chant, the direction of worship, altar girls, and so on. It is one of
the advantages of the Extraordinary Form that we don’t have to get into these
battles. Cardinal Sarah, however, seems to want to solve the endless squabbling
by bringing the older Mass into the equation as well.
First, he would
like to impose some reform of the reform himself
(according to The Tablet, reception
of Communion
kneeling and on the tongue, the ‘Prayers at the Foot of the Altar’, and the
‘canonical fingers’). Secondly, he wants concessions from the other side: but
it turns out these are not concessions from advocates of the Reform of the
Reform, but changes to the EF. It should adopt the Lectionary of the OF, and its
calendar should align more closely with that of the OF.
The new lectionary is sometimes held up as obviously superior
to the old, but not everyone committed to the reformed Mass agrees. The Toronto
Oratorian Fr Jonathan Robinson, wrote (The
Mass and Modernity, 2005, p332):
I think the diversity,
rather than enriching people, tends to confuse them… This may be because the
selections, as has been noted by others, were drawn up more to satisfy the
sensibilities of liturgical scholars than on traditional liturgical principles.
However, another question is raised by Cardinal Sarah’s
proposal: can the lectionaries of the two Forms simply by swapped over?
The short answer is ‘no’. To take the most obvious problem,
the 1969 Lectionary has no readings for the season of Septuagesima, because that
season does not exist in the 1969 calendar. Were the ‘Ordinary Time’ cycle
simply extended to this period of three Sundays before Lent, its penitential
orations would conflict with readings which can be used after Pentecost as well
as before Lent.
Variations on this problem arise throughout the Church’s
year. Many of the EF’s proper texts of feast days, and a good many Sundays,
refer to the readings. The choice of readings in the Ordinary Form is so
different from those in the Extraordinary Form that the discordance would be particularly
Thus, on Corpus Christi, the ancient Mass gives us a reading
from on the danger of the unworthy reception of Holy Communion (1 Corinthians
11:27-9). St Paul’s message was excluded completely from the new Lectionary: it
is not found even on a weekday. It was felt to be so important by the liturgical
tradition, by contrast, that it is repeated emphatically by the wonderful
Corpus Christi Sequence Lauda Sion,
and again in the Communion antiphon.
A similar story could be told of all days
of a penitential character, and to a greater or lesser extent of many other
feasts and Sundays. It would be fair to say that a Mass with the new lectionary
and the old prayers and chants would fulfil the intentions of neither the
reformers nor of the liturgical tradition. This would have implications also
for the Office, where the readings of Sunday Matins, for example, comment on
the readings of the Sunday Mass.
It seems unlikely that Cardinal Sarah’s
advisors have thought these issues through. Something else they might like to
consider is the very different role of feastdays in the Extraordinary Form.
Moving some to the same date as the OF might sound innocuous enough, but a
wholesale revision would endanger the distinctive character of this Form, whose
weekday celebrations are not distinguished by a daily Scripture-reading cycle,
but by large numbers of often very ancient feast days. Many of the saints
commemorated are invoked in the liturgy itself, in the Canon or in the Litany
of the Saints. Removing them from the calendar, but not from the liturgical texts,
would not strengthen the Extraordinary Form, but simply make its message—about the
communion of saints, intercession, and continuity—harder to discern.
Above all I would like to suggest that the
Church has nothing to fear from a varied liturgical landscape: a landscape becoming
more varied as Eastern Rite Catholics flee to the West. Vatican II reassured us
on this point (Unitatis redintegratio 17):
time to time one tradition has come nearer to a full appreciation of some
aspects of a mystery of revelation than the other, or has expressed it to
better advantage. In such cases, these various theological expressions are to
be considered often as mutually complementary rather than conflicting.
This, surely, is
the direction from which ‘liturgical reconciliation’ should come.
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Traditional options could make things better for the Rite of Comedy, but let's be clear, the Traditional Roman Rite benefits in no way whatsoever from any admixture of the Novus Ordo.
ReplyDeleteSuch has been done in the Anglican-use Ordinariate missal "Divine Worship." For details see Wikipedia