Showing posts with label Chartres. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chartres. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Scottish Chartres Chapter

I'm delighted to pass this on from Una Voce Scotland. The Scots have had their own 'chapter', a segment of the huge column of pilgrims, on the Chartres Pilgrimage, for a few years now, often supported by the Sons of the Holy Redeemer (the Papa Stronsay Redemptorists), who created this 'Bonny Prince Jesus' image (and had it authorised for public use). This year they are joined by the indefatigable Fr Michael Rowe who was the Chaplain of the Latin Mass Society's Walsingham Pilgrimage in 2017.

The contact email address is

There is also a Facebook page.

The Chartres Pilgrimage (17th-21st May 2018) is something everyone attracted by the Traditional Mass should do - the younger the better, but if you are reasonably active, or can make yourself so by May, then you have no excuse not to. 

It is amazingly cheap, totally exhausting, and no less spiritually rewarding.

If you are based in Scotland, or would just like to hook up with the Scots for this event, this is the group for you. 

(The English contingent, with whom I've walked three times, can be found here. The Irish group is organised by the Latin Mass Society of Ireland, who can be found here.)
Here are some practical details.

Sunday, October 01, 2017

Timothy Fawcett, RIP

Tim Fawcett, sometime Latin Mass Society Local Representative and Committee member, died on 28th September. Please spare a prayer for him, and his family.

Tim Fawcett on the Chartres Pilgrimage in 2014
This isn't a terribly good photo of him, but he was an indefatigable supporter of the Chartres Pilgrimage; in particular he did a lot of carrying the banner of the British Chapter, of Our Lady of Walsingham. He was a gentleman, a Catholic, and a true pilgrim.

His funeral will take place on 7th October. Not all the details are confirmed as I write; please email the LMS Office if you would like to attend and don't know how to find out more:

Support the work of the LMS by becoming an 'Anniversary Supporter'.

Friday, June 05, 2015

Mass at the Irish Cultural Centre in Paris


Pilgrims on the chapters from England and Wales, and from Ireland, travel to Paris the afternoon before the early-morning start of the Chartres Pilgrimage. This year we got together for Mass that evening, in the Irish Cultural Centre: the old Irish Seminary in Paris.


The chapel is lovely. Sadly the original Altar has been rendered unusable; the step has been cut away to make room behind the 'forward' Altar. Nonetheless, we had a very nice Low Mass there before heading off to local eateries.


Here are the Irish pilgrims. For reasons of inscrutable French organisation, we camp with the other non-French groups but don't walk anywhere near them, so it was good to meet up.


Support the work of the LMS by becoming an 'Anniversary Supporter'.

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Photos from Chartres

I was on the Chartres Pilgrimage this year; here are some photos taken by John Aron; used with permission. My own camera packed up before the pilgrimage started!

I was delighted to see Bishop Athanasius Schneider who followed the pilgrimage and walked with the pilgrims at certain points. He celebrated Mass on the second day.

James Bogle, President of the FIUV, is a long-term leader of the British contingent.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

More photos of Chartres

Since I wasn't there myself I have to rely on other's photos. Here is a nice one, from 'Official Photo Album' of Notre Dame de Chretianite, of one of the British chapters, led by James Bogle and [a priest with a surprising resemblance to] Fr Anton Guziel of the Birmingham Oratory.

Another British Chapter includes Br Magdala of the Sons of the Holy Redeemer.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Farewell to Chartres

I was going to go on the Chartres Pilgrimage this year but circumstances have not allowed it. My place has, in fact, been taken by a fellow blogger.

Good luck to him and to all the pilgrims toiling towards Chartres today, tomorrow, and Monday.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Chartres Reunion in London

On Sunday many of those who have been, or intend to go, on the Chartres Pilgrimage joined Fr Matin Edwards' Mass in St Mary Magdalen's, Wandsworth. It was a Sung Mass with a Mozart ordinary sung by his excellent choir.
2006 01 30_8380
Anyone interested in the Chartres Pilgrimage can now visit the Chartres UK blog to find out more. The dates are 11th-13th June, with the British group travelling to and from France on the 10th and 14th. This is an unforgettable experience; having done it once I recommend it to everyone. It's true that it helps to be reasonably fit, but all sorts of people do it, of all ages, so you don't need to worry too much! I've done a lot of posts about it - start here.
More photos of the Mass at St Mary Magdalen here; see my post on Solemn Mass there with Fr John Zuhlsdorf.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Chartres Pilgrimage Meeting in London

Anyone interested in coming on the great Chartres Pilgrimage this year will have a chance to talk to the UK organisers and some veteran pilgrims.

Don't be left behind next year! The dates in 2011 will be Friday 10th June to Monday 13th June (with the British group by coach from Westminster and back again, Thursday 9th to Tuesday 14th, assuming it works the same way as this year). Enquiries should be directed to

The prices are extraordinarily good value for money and the British pilgrimage is financially supported by the Latin Mass Society, making possible some sponsored places for those who can't afford it.

Here is a film with Dr John Rao, the American traditionalist historian, about it, from Gloria TV.

From the organisers:

All are invited to a Chartres Reunion and Information Meeting on 6 February 2011!

Father Martin Edwards has invited us to what he terms "a nice Mozart Sung Mass" followed by the reunion/meeting in his parish hall.

Time: 11 AM for Mass
(Photo of the Remembrance Sunday Solemn Mass at St Mary Magdalen.)

Bring a packed lunch for afterwards in the Parish Hall. We suspect we should be finished about 3 PM.

(Photo of the British chapters on the pilgrimage.)

It will be a great opportunity to get together and relive the Pilgrimage and for prospective pilgrims to find out more and meet the seasoned campaigners!

Where: St Mary Magdalene's Church, 96 North Side, Wandsworth Common, London SW18 2QU .

As it is a Sunday,, street parking is free round the Church. Nearest rail station is Wandsworth Town. A train from London Waterloo at 10:14 Am will get you there in plenty of time.

View Larger Map

For more on the Chartres Pilgrimage, see my earlier posts: start with this one.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Chartres overview: what is it like?

Following my post about how the Chartres Pilgrimage 'works', and the series of posts I did as it actually progressed, I am going to say something about what it actually felt like.
This was my first year on the Chartres pilgrimage. It was a wonderful experience, and I recommend it, not because it is not difficult - it certainly is - but because of the spirit of the pilgrimage, which makes the difficulties possible to bear, and makes the whole thing an overwhelming spiritual experience.
First, I should give credit to the French organisers and volunteer helpers. Anyone who has had run-ins with French officialdom will know what I mean by a certain energetic efficiency, but while the thing needs to be brisk and orderly to work at all, they are motivated by a truly Catholic spirit. Charity and common sense are both evident in the vast medical operation run by the Order of Malta, the gigantic quantities of bottled water handed out at regular intervals, and the systematic provision for those unable to walk further.

While in that last category myself waiting for transport, I met Fr Nicholas du Chaxel FSSP, who many readers may remember from his years working in England. He explained that he, another priest and a seminarian were looking after the spiritual needs of the volunteer helpers, of whom there were 900.
The devotion of the other pilgrims is a real joy to see. First, the vast numbers of chapters, each with its patron saint, ranging from the martyrs who first evangelised the Gauls and then the Franks, to Maxilimial Kolb and Marcel Callo, both victims of the Nazis, Sister Faustina and Mother Theresa. Every part of France is represented, plus (that I saw myself) Germany, Poland, Switzerland, the USA and Ireland, as well as Britain. There are lots of chapters made up of Boy Scouts and Girl Guides. Each has at least one priest, and there were also lots of nuns, making the pilgrimage alongside the laity. And as they go they sing; after a while you tune into to the most common French songs, which in fact we sang ourselves too - the Hail Mary, sung over and over in the Rosary, and the 'theme tune' of the pilgrimage, the hymn 'Chez Nous', which is sung at the end of Mass in Chartres Cathedral, as shown in this YouTube video.

One of the most moving things on the pilgrimage is the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at the Gas campsite (on the second night), which carries on all night. The prayers of the pilgrims before the Blessed Sacrament are palpable.

Being part of something so enormous is itself a thrilling experience. The column takes an hour and a half to pass a given spot: it is a powerful witness to the faith, and demonstrates that it is far from dead in France.
The liturgy is also very moving. To get everyone to Mass it is obviously necessary to make time for everyone to arrive and then after Mass for everyone to leave, which means the lunch stops on the Saturday and Sunday are quite long. But the Missa Cantata on Saturday and particularly the Solemn Mass on Sunday in the woods (celebrated this year by the Abbot of La Grasse, the Norbertine community), are wonderful. The choirs and scholas are amplified, as well as the sacred ministers, to reach the enormous area occupied by the pilgrims, and the vast numbers of priests (200?) take communion to the faithful, each one accompanied by a boy scout with a communion plate in his white-gloved hands, plus a blue-jacketed volunteer with a yellow and white umbrella (ie an ombrellino, which is folded if the hosts are finished, but otherwise carried over the priest).
Finally, the walking. Who would have the nerve to suggest a walking pilgrime involving two successive days covering 28 miles each? On the first day, because of the marshelling in front of Notre Dame and the blessing in the Cathedral, we got up at 4.30am and didn't get into the camp until 8.30 in the evening. Yes, it was killing. I had been training and was quite prepared for a very long walk indeed, but towards the end of that day I developed enormous blisters; coupled with these it was extremely hot, especially in the afternoon, and despite my precautions I got a touch of heat stroke. The last day was the hottest of all, clocking in at 35% C.
Was it worth it? Well, it was penitential, and that was fine. It was a bit mad, and that was fine too. It creates a great bond with one's fellow pilgrims - even the ones you don't meet. The fact is that it is an opportunity to do something genuinly difficult for God. Even the super-fit French boy scouts must be able to go home with a sense of acheivment, especially the ones I saw going for a run wearing nothing but shorts and boots on the second morning, before the rest of us were up. Do you feel there is nothing you can do about some problem, some loved one you would like to help but can't? Well, take your intention to Chartres!
Our organiser Francis Carey said in a speach to the British pilgrims at our dinner after our arrival in Chartres, that when he first experienced it he realised that this was they way Europe would be converted. There is something in this. The witness to the faith, the prayers of the pilgrims, the being prepared to do something extreme, something really gruelling, for the love of God and for the conversion of the world: this is a unique instrument of God for the re-evangelisation of the West.

Don't be left behind next year! The dates in 2011 will be Friday 10th June to Monday 13th June (with the British group by coach from Westminster and back again, Thursday 9th to Tuesday 14th, assuming it works the same way as this year). Enquiries should be directed to
The prices are extraordinarily good value for money and the British pilgrimage is financially supported by the Latin Mass Society, making possible some sponsored places for those who can't afford it.

Here is a film with Dr John Rao, the American traditionalist historian, about it, from Gloria TV.

For the rest of my photos, see here (slideshow).

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Chartres overview: how it works

The Paris to Chartres Pilgrimage organised by Notre Dame de Chretianite is the biggest and longest organised pilgrimage in Christendom (the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostella, of course, is not a single 'organised' pilgrimage in the same way). It is also by far the biggest event of the Traditional Catholic scene, a great inspiration for everyone who does the pilgrimage. It is extremely well organised, and while I have no 'inside' information it is worthwhile to explain something of how it works, at least from the perspective of an ordinary participant.

The pilgrims are organised by 'chapter', and each chapter, or group of chapters, has its own leaders who coordinate with Notre Dame de Chretianite, let them know how many will be coming, gather registration fees, and help their own groups get to the starting point, Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, at the right time. The British group in fact had four chapters: Our Lady of Walsingham,

St Edward the Confessor (a 'Juventutem' chapter),
St Alban (another Juventutem chapter),
plus a chapter composed of boys from Chavagnes International College, dressed in scout uniforms who for the most part carried banners in the other three chapters. Here they are at Mass on the Saturday.

Chapters are quite small : ours were only about 25 people each, and in practice were often less than that as people dropped out (some people also join the pilgrimage at later stages, so there are more in Chartres than left Paris). There are getting on for 200 chapters in total, and although I took a lot of photos of chapter banners in different contexts these are only a selection. The American chapter, for example, I only ever saw from a distance, although I met some of them later in Chartres.

In addition to the official British group, there was a group of British friends who travelled by minibus and greeted us at various points on the journey.

Finally there are are special chapters for children and for families, who do a reduced version of the walk. We didn't have any of these this year ourselves.
Chapters walk together with gaps between them, which is important to let cars pass and so forth. Despite the length of the walk people don't tend to lag behind; there is a good esprit de corps, and when things get really bad you simply avail yourself of the Order of Malta medics, whose vans are to be seen at intervals at the side of the road, and / or the transport provided to take the 'fatigued' to the next stop.
Finding myself completely crippled by blisters at lunch on the second day, I joined a large group waiting for transport, and we were taken in coaches and people carriers to the next rest stop, where we spent the rest of the afternoon. Finally we were taken by coach to the campsite. While at the rest stop, a village called Gaveron, there were French devotions and an open church to pray in,
and loos. I spent much of the time asleep, but did manage to see a lot of chapters pass when the column caught up with us, such as these.
Chapters are marked by banners, or failing that with a painted wooden cross with their name on it; they often carry national flags as well, and occasionally, like this one, a small statue on a bier.

The two camp sites, at Choisel and Gas, are staggering feats of organisation. There are large 'communal' tents for different nationalities (men and women separate), and open spaces for those with individual tents - 'pop-up' tents have become very popular, and I found mine excellent. To say that washing facilities are basic would be an understatment. Soup in the evening and coffee or hot chocolate in the morning is provided, with the ubiquitous bread rolls which also appear at lunch time, but otherwise food is the responsibility of the pilgrims.
Pilgrims carry a small bag on their backs mainly for their lunch. All the heavy luggage, including tents, is taken by lorry. Lorries, bags, and the correct area of the campsite for your group are indicated by a system of colour coded ribbons.

By chance I stumbled over the Priests' area in the Gas campsite,
where they were being given a more substantial evening meal. In the morning I saw them saying their private Masses in a special tent in the same place. I'm glad they get looked after a little, since walking in cassock and surplice must be quite something in the heat - or for that matter the mud.

In my next post I'll say more about what it is actually like.

For the rest of my photos, see here (slideshow).

Friday, May 28, 2010

More Chartres photos: final Mass

My IPhone charger passed away after we arrived in Chartres, which meant I couldn't immediately blog about the Mass we had in the Crypt on the day of departure. Charging up over night outside in the French countryside, attached to a gantry of power sockets powered by a portable generator, proved too much for the poor thing.

I have now processed the photos taken by my 'real' camera and uploaded them to Flickr; I'll be doing some more posts with them. First of all, however, here is the Mass we had in the Crypt of Chartres Cathedral - not, alas, in the shrine chapel of Notre Dame Sous Terre, since the group in there before us was running late. Nevertheless, the crypt was a fine sight with our Mass, the Mass for the Irish group, and private Masses going on simultaneously in neighbouring side chapels.

Here are the Irish assisting at Mass said by their chaplain, the charming Fr Cahill.

A private Mass said by one of our priests:

And Mass said for the British chapters, by Fr Martin Edwards. The chasuble is alas characteristic of the taste of the Cathedral authorities.

The Shrine chapel, set up for a French group, showing the shrine image and also, on the far wall, the reliquary of Our Lady's Veil, the greatest relic of the Cathedral, and one of the truly great relics of the world.

Here is a close-up.

After the Solemn Mass on Monday, we were able to wash and change in a rather comfortable hotel before a dinner with all the British pilgrims: 110 in total.

The Masses above took place on Tuesday morning, and after a short period of free time to look round the Cathedral and say some prayers before the shrines, we got onto the coach for the return journey.

A wonderful and unforgettable pilgrimage. A remarkable number of the British pilgrimes have done it ever year for fifteen years or so - it is clearly habit-forming! The organisation is very smoothly done by Francis Carey, whose father organised the first British contribution to the international pilgrimate in 1992.

More photos and commentary to come!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Solemn Mass #Chartres Cathedral

We have just had a wondeful Solemn Mass 'before a greater

prelate', celebrated by Mgr Gilles Wach before the bishop

of Chartres.

I found the Shrime of Our Lady if the Pillar, one of the three shrines od Our Lady in the Cathedral.

Tomorrow we are having Mass in the Shrine of Our Lady 'Sous Terre', the oldest shrine, in the Crypt.

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We have reached #Chartres Cathedral!

We have arrived!!

I've been carrying the Union Flag, which we have with our chapter along with the banner of Our Lady of Walsingham and a specially designed flag which includes the Sacred and Immaculatr Hearts.

The last day is relatively short, about 15 miles. We get to the Cathedral in time for Mass starting at 3.30. Being fairly near the front we have arrived long before many others.

The standard bearers are waiting on one side; we will be ushered into the choir, apparently, with our banners. At the moment I'm sitting on the pavment outside; the great bell of the Cathedral has begun to ring for Mass.

More pics: private Masses at Gas camp.

My view of the road.

Fr Bede Rowe with the Juventutem chapter.

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