Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts

Saturday, May 30, 2009

An Unimportant Meme

My friend Akelmalu from the blog Everything and Nothing (who writes a mean Flash Fiction Friday amongst other things!) recently tagged me for a meme wherein I need to tell you six unimportant things that make me happy. I've seen the meme going around other blogs and every time I've seen it I've thought to myself - isn't everything that makes you happy important in some way?

Alas though, who am I to overthink or argue with a meme? I'm just a mere meme minion and only a Duchess at that! I suppose if there were any changes or alterations that they would have to be brought before Mimi, the Queen of Memes for her to pass judgment and make a ruling on. This being such a simple meme, I won't bother the Queen with it as I'm sure she's busy painting her nails or ironing her pencil skirt or such so instead I shall just accept it as it is, try to think of six unimportant things that make me happy, and then commit a breach of meme manners by not tagging six other people!

Now for those six unimportant (and yet important to me!) things -
  1. Clean sheets. Nothing beats the feeling of climbing into bed between clean sheets!
  2. A cup of coffee after I manage to climb out from between those clean sheets and stumble my way to the kitchen.
  3. Waking up without any back pain or other assorted aches and pains (unfortunately, this doesn't happen anywhere near as much as I'd like!
  4. A good book.
  5. The sun shining through the trees (which hasn't happened in way too long due to all of the rainy weather we've been having).
  6. The smell of fresh cut grass.
Now as I said, I'm not tagging anyone but if you'd like to take it upon yourself to do this one - feel free! It's quick, it's easy, and I bet you can name a whole lot more than six "unimportant" things that make you happy without hardly trying!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Stealing My Happiness Away

The older I get, the more I have come to the conclusion that it really is the small things that make me happy ... a warm breeze, beautiful cotton-like clouds, freshly changed sheets, a good book, being able to sleep in rather than get up at the command of my alarm clock, the scent of vanilla candles, and a good cup of coffee are some of the things that come to mind.

All small things that can be easily found or attained for the most part but sometimes there are those who try to take away some of my small bits of happiness ... those who didn't have the foresight to provide for their own happiness and try to steal mine away ...


Amanda the coffee thief Sorry, Amanda, if you had wanted a cup of liquid happiness, you should have ordered your own!

This one is mine!

My coffee!

Don't forget to scroll down to see who won my photography contest!