Showing posts with label behavior. Show all posts
Showing posts with label behavior. Show all posts

Monday, November 16, 2015

HR Reflections: Learning to Lead

It was all about that first opportunity...and learning what I didn't know. 

Laws, compliance, rules, policies, structure, control, process...that was good HR.

Then it was about managing...and learning what I didn't know. 

People, behavior, expectations, deadlines, accountability, communication...that was good HR.

Next it was about complex organizations...and learning what I didn't know. 

Corporate values and politics, the business of healthcare, governance, bizarre third party behavior, national perspectives...that was good HR.

Later is was about thinking beyond my organization and industry...and learning what I didn't know. 

The digital world, social media, employer branding, national strategies that go far beyond traditional ideas...that was good HR.

Today it's about one thing: courage...and I'm still learning.

I no longer have time to focus much energy on those that are so caught up in their own stuff that they suck time and energy out of those around them. 

Those leaders have failed. They won't recover, and we don't have time for them.

There is simply too much ahead that must be accomplished. Maybe if I can be courageous enough, I can help make it happen.

How About You
Ignore the noise. Be courageous instead.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

Monday, September 14, 2015

What Do You Stand For?

This post is not about your political views, religious affiliation or insert-another-sensitive-topic-here. I write about leadership, and that is at the heart of the question in the title.

Your View Matters
A colleague of mine asks new leaders this question regularly. Think about that for a second. You’re all fired up to start your new gig, and the HR executive asks you directly what you stand for as a leader. What would you say? Are you ready to answer right now?

I’ll wait for a good answer…because I’m guessing you can only come up with a cliche filled ramble under this type of pressure.

"Um, teamwork…and bringing people together.”


Your Behavior Matters 
Now that you’re committed to coming up with your answer you’ll quickly realize I’ve placed a fairly significant burden on you. You now have to live up to your answer to the “what do you stand for” question. 

Think for a moment about the influential leaders in your life. One of the reasons they came to your mind so quickly just now was because of one key leadership trait.


The values they believed in as leaders were demonstrated day after day after day. Now you will do the same thing. It’s hard to sustain anything, but once leading others shifts from being your job to being who you are as a person, you will find it much easier to find that cadence of consistency.

How About You
Take some time today to write down exactly how you would answer the question. What specifically will you say? What are the words that will define you? Once you’re ready...

I’d love to hear from you.

No Excuses. 

Monday, June 30, 2014

The Thing That Should Not Be

The world of leadership is filled with many things. Grand mission, vision and value statements adorn the walls of our organizations. We send internal press releases to keep our employees "engaged" and "informed" about what we feel comfortable sharing with them.

It's as if we have mastered the art of convincing ourselves that if we do what "we" feel is right, that somehow that covers all the bases. 

Here's "The Thing"
I continue to be amazed at how much attention I get as a leader in my organization. Over the years I've come to appreciate the "attention-by-default" circumstances that leaders find themselves...but it is still somewhat odd. At least if feels that way to me.

The end result of being in the leadership spotlight is that our behavior, above all other things, matters most. Not the important words on a piece of paper...not the press releases that say how wonderful we are...and certainly not the well rehearsed speeches that help us stay "on point."

Our behavior alone dictates our credibility.

The Thing That Should Not Be
My take on leadership behavior comes down to a simple list...
- Never discriminate against anyone. Ever.
- Never take anyone on your team for granted.
- Never assume people are "okay" simply because they responded that way.
- Never be afraid to take risks and show others that it is appropriate to do so.
- Never underestimate your power to build the brand of your organization.
- Never stop learning.

How About You
Do you see leaders saying one thing, and yet behaving differently because "the reality of operations" requires it? Are the public messages in your company inconsistent with the decisions that are made in the name of "making breakthrough progress?"

I think it is time for us all to take a collective step back and evaluate if we truly have our messages and behavior aligned properly. What do you think? Your credibility could be riding on it.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Most Important Thing

"Someone needs to speak with Steve. His behavior is getting worse in our meetings, and I'm afraid he's going to alienate his colleagues to the point of no return."

"Sharon is not giving us an answer. I think she's unclear about whether or not to commit to the project. Something needs to happen...the whole process has stopped."

"Why does that team struggle with their part of the strategic plan? We need them to get moving so we can all meet our deadlines. This is getting ridiculous." 

"We have a variety of options...we need to make a decision..."

Lots of Things
The world of work is filled with pressure. One day we're learning about a colleague's irrational behavior, and the next we're trying to roll out a new culture change initiative across the enterprise. In between we're juggling deadlines, talent shortages, and how we can lead a new employer branding campaign.

Leaders have lots of things to do.

Focusing On A Few Things
For as much as I love Wunderlist (read here --> could not live without it!) there is a certain reality to how much we can realistically expect to get done each day. 

Somehow I'm able to have a longer list than I have hours in the day, but that doesn't stop me from loading up that app with all sorts of things I need to do.

When I sort through my priorities however, there is a very short list that actually demands my attention. Those are the items I focus on, and then reprioritize the others as best I can.

The Most Important Thing
As I power through the demands, expectations, and stress I feel each day, it is crystal clear to me what the most important thing is that must be done. It isn't a task or related to a major strategic goal. It is something that should happen frequently and with conviction.

I need to make decisions. You do too. 

Waiting for every bit of information to come in means you've missed your opportunity. Showing how indecisive you are actually means your team is losing confidence in you. Leadership is about being bold, driving change and being confident. 

What culture do you create when you live in the dreaded world of analysis-paralysis? I'll tell's a world where no one will follow you. 

How About You
Instead of worrying, over-thinking, and wondering if you might make the wrong decision; try this instead --> do something! Show your colleagues, employees, and customers why you are the leader. That won't happen if you're will happen when you stand up and make it happen!

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Head On Collision HR

Much is written about "good" leaders and "bad" leaders with myriad examples of both behaviors. I believe there continues to be a need for this discussion because there is far too little of the former, and sadly an excess of the latter.

I'm No Expert
One of the unique perspectives that human resources professionals have in their organizations is that we see 100% of the problems. (Or at least the ones that become big enough to have to deal with.) That doesn't mean we are experts in leadership; it does however give us an insider's view of woefully ineffective leadership styles. Over time we learn what works with employees and what doesn't.

"The challenge for HR leaders is how to coach and support other leaders in the organization when those leaders are convinced their approach is on target, when in fact they are failing in the eyes of their employees and they don't even know it."

But HR Knows A Lot
In the end I'm convinced any HR leader worth a damn is going to step up and have the hard conversations with other leaders in their organization. Not only is it the right thing to do, it's absolutely essential particularly when you have a strong connection with the other person. Work, and leadership, is driven by relationships not tasks. Tasks change all the time, but the strength of a good working relationship can power through any bumps along the road of work.

How About You
What action do you take when you see a leader struggling? Do you take a deep breath and dive in with both feet? Or, do you run scared and hope that a policy needs to be updated just at that very moment?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Failure Is Not An Option

I spend a lot of time discussing leadership behavior. For me, it far exceeds the other challenges organizations face each day. Now you may be saying "wait a minute, what about the economic turmoil, persistent unemployment, and industry-specific pressures that could create havoc?" You're not wrong. But if leadership fails, you have no chance.

"If leadership fails, your organization does not have a chance to survive...and by the way, you are part of that leadership team. I am too."

Making Time
I work in an industry that appears to value meetings in an almost cult-like manner. We proclaim our full day of meetings ahead with an odd sense of self-importance. Really? The more I think about it, the more it sounds like I am not in control of my work life. If I'm allowing my calendar to fill up whose fault is that? You may work in one of those industries too. When the endless stream of "emails-copied-to-everyone" are added to the long list of meetings each day, it's no wonder that time spent focusing on leadership behavior is pushed to the back burner.

I believe we need to change the order of these priorities if we are going to make work better. Isnt' that what leadership is really all about make work better?

How About You
When do you find time to focus on your leadership behaviors? Does this question even register with you; or have you finally achieved that long sought after title and have convinced yourself that since your calendar is so full you must be doing everything right? For me, I'm going to make time today to do some critical introspection.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

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