Showing posts with label blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogs. Show all posts

Monday, December 23, 2019

Blogging, Social Media and Your Questions

I get a fair number of questions about blogging, social media, personal brands and how to balance those with my corporate responsibilities. So today I thought I would answer some of those questions. 

You may not agree with me, which is great! Let's kick around our shared ideas on how to balance this ever evolving challenge as a group.

Q - I wouldn't know what to say on social media, no one is interested in what I have to say?

A - Completely untrue! Of course you have a lot to do it all day long in your job. The trick is framing up the issues that impact your work, and commenting on them, writing about them, or responding to them in a professional way. Go slowly at first, then as you gain confidence you will be more comfortable adding to the global dialogue.

Q - My company is very strict about social media, and quite honestly does not appear to understand how it works. How can I get started?

A - This is a common situation, and one I've heard MANY times! First of all, remember that the safest content you can share is your own company's content. 

They have already posted it, so sharing it is not risky, it's showing that you are a champion for your employer! 

Second, there aren't any rules that say you have to take risks on social media. 

Look to your professional association websites, credible business outlets, and basic industry news outlets as a way to get your feet wet. 

Q - I've always been curious about blogging, but how would I ever come up with all of that content?

A - I felt the same way when I was thinking about getting started...that was 9 years and 850+ blog posts ago! Whoa! Where does the time go? 

When I was working through the same challenges, I made the decision to focus on leadership issues. Others take a more expanded view, and that's okay too. Think about what matters to you. Start writing down the issues that touch you personally in your work (or personal) life. That is where you start!

How About You
Are you ready to differentiate yourself from the many hundreds or thousands of people in roles just like yours? If so, starting a blog, podcast, or other strategy might be right for you. Jumping into the social media game is not nearly as scary as it seems...just look around, it has really caught on!

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

I'm Invincible

I juggle a lot of priorities in my life, both personally and professionally. I'm the strong one, the one that can handle everything, the one who is cool under pressure, the one with a clear vision, and the one who never gets too flustered when things don't go as planned.

At least that's the feedback I get sometimes...and humbly try to deflect for one important reason: I'm human. I'm not infallible. I feel the pressure just like you do.

Leadership is Hard
Sometimes the role of "leader" gets lost in the trappings of adjectives, and compliments, and a little bit of sucking up. I understand. Those things are part of the world we live in, and usually are well intended and sincere.

What I find that can be more difficult for others to see is that despite the self-confidence and willingness to take risks, leaders are still regular people who have the same emotions, concerns, and fears.

We're just better at not letting them show.

Be Real...Be Invincible
It's funny that despite the leadership development programs, thousands upon thousands of leadership books, and the new wave of thought leaders in the blogosphere, there continues to be such dramatic differences in how leaders do their work.

Some of us try to connect more effectively with our teams by sharing our real selves, discussing personal issues, and making fun of ourselves when we make mistakes (I have to do that last one A LOT!)

Yet somehow, we're also expected (perhaps self-imposed) to be strong regardless of the situation. Calm, as the hurricane winds of change blow violently around us. Champions for all in the middle of the chaos.

Friends, sometimes that feels like an awful lot to manage for one person.

How About You
Is the balance between human being and super-human leader something you have mastered? If so, I want to know your secret. I will admit, I love my role as a leader, and wouldn't trade it for any other job in the world. But in the spirit of keeping it real...sometimes it scares the hell out of me.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Monday, February 17, 2014

Just Bare Your Soul

Over the years I've learned a lot about leadership, usually through my own missteps. In order to stay current and embrace the notion of being a lifelong learner, I've read (and continue to read on a daily basis) many articles, blog posts, and an occasional book to put in the effort to improve. I would hate to think that I come across as someone who has "figured it all out" and doesn't need to push myself to be contemporary.

Knowledge vs. Action 
One of the most important pieces of my learning journey is that all of the books, posts, and articles in the world can not replace the most important part of leadership --> action. We've all heard many leaders talk a good game in the conference room or private office, but when it comes time for execution they wither and fail.

Why is it so difficult to take the next step and move from theory to execution? For me, it comes down to one basic competency that many leaders lack. They struggle so mightily with this one skill that they will do whatever is necessary to avoid stepping up and taking action.

The fear of confrontation is what stands in the way of good leaders becoming exceptional ones. The ability to look another person in they eye, decisively explain what the issues are, and move forward is a major stumbling block for so many.

Confrontation Builds Confidence
Something incredible happens when we take the next step and address issues in the workplace. Issues get resolved. I'm not being flippant here...I'm very serious. The team of employees around you is watching to see if you will handle the problems or not. 

When you don't...when I don't...our credibility is compromised. After all, who wants to follow a leader who isn't willing to deal with the difficult issues?

That's why overcoming the fear of confrontation was so important for me early in my career. Is it easy to confront someone? No! Is it a pleasant experience? Absolutely not! Is it necessary if you are going to be a legitimate leader and not just an empty suit? Yes!

How About You
Which leaders do you see in your organization that are struggling with confrontation? Have you reached out to coach them, support them, and let them know that it is difficult but you'll be there to help them through it? That's our job after all, isn't it?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Social Power Trip

I love where the world of work, and in particular, HR is today.  The whining about a seat at the table seems to be fading a bit now that (finally) the HR community has begun to realize you earn seats, they aren't issued at new employee orientation. Social Media has completely changed how we work, and for those of us that have embraced this powerful resource, our perspectives on work and our world have changed forever.  

And that's where I think I am getting myself into trouble.

Getting It
As I realized the power of going social, and the initial burn of enthusiasm waned, something odd happened.  In a strange way I started thinking I was somehow better than those who weren't into it.  I don't like that feeling.  Sure, I have convinced myself that I 'Get It' when it comes to social media, but that sure doesn't mean I'm better than anyone else.  No way!  What about those that quote thousands of followers...and blog page views...and have achieved inter-galactic re-tweet status...and have gone viral more than the swine flu?  What about you?  Is there an end-game here?  

Power is Good
I love how going social has allowed me in a small way, and others in a very big way, to have those thousands of followers, and blog views, and connections.  To have real influence, not just a klout score.  (I'm not even sure I really know what having a good klout score does for one's career.  Not that I mind having a good score, but are you planning on asking your next Director-level candidate what they did to improve their klout score and how that impacted their previous employer's bottom line?  I didn't think so.)

But if we think of what can be done with that much influence...that much reach...that much passion...maybe we could change the world.  Even just a little bit. 

How About You
Are you on a social media power trip?  If so, how's it working out for you?  Has your world changed for the better?  Or better yet, have you changed the world?  That's the real litmus test of social...making a difference.  How about we connect and make a difference together?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

pic courtesy of Staff A La Carte