Showing posts with label future. Show all posts
Showing posts with label future. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

For Soon Is Yesterday

I've been thinking a lot lately about how I...well...think about things. I like to have a clear understanding of what's behind me, as well as a vision of what's ahead...develop a game plan...execute well...and get to where I just knew I would get to.


I easily fall into the trap of looking back at my life, both professionally and personally. What could I change? What might have happened if I took that other job? What about that big decision I made...what if I made a different one?

These back-facing questions are helpful for us to understand things, but aren't necessarily productive if we spend all of our time looking backwards.

Conversely, I L O V E spending time planning what's next! Big thinking! Big ideas! And best of all..acting on those plans! In my business life this is an area where I get the most satisfaction.

Personally, plans on a massive scale can shift and move resulting in us investing lots of energy on plans instead of embracing the incredible moments that we are blessed with each day.

Of course I want to plan in my private life...but not at the expense of my life.

Are you with me?

How About You
Looking back to learn, and looking ahead to dream are both important parts of our life experience. Those investments of time can help us understand, learn and prepare. But we must not lose sight of the incredible things that happen each day. Those small moments that make life special are so important.

I'm still going to think about everything...but savoring each day is going to take a little higher priority than in the past...what about you?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

We Only Need One HR Policy

I’ve been in human resources for twenty years. I’ve written, revised, edited, printed, emailed, posted and leveraged policies to make decisions over and over again. Too many times following the policies morphed into the focus of the work…instead of the work being the focus of the work.

Sound familiar?

We Need A Policy for “That”
My favorite policy of all time is the “policy on policies.” You know the one. It describes the proper format, headers, indentations, when to bold and not to bold, etc. Argh!

How has such a high impact function in the organization devolved into a paper pushing bureaucratic machine? 

It’s as if we in human resources believe we are the core business, when in fact we are the engine that fuels the core business. I’ve even seen policies called “Policy on ___.” 

Seriously? We love them so much we even put the word policy first! 

All for One and One for All
Here’s where I'm going with this concept. The noise, criticism, and candidly glacier-like movement that typically comes from HR relative to change must end. The one-policy approach can send a powerful message to the organization, that no longer will human resources hide behind a stack of excuses…er, paper…any longer.

Here's my human resources policy of the future:

“We will follow all applicable laws that impact our organization and will treat each team member with respect as we strive to be a truly world class company.”


How About You
One policy says it all. The only piece you need to ensure you keep track of is the consistent practices for various issues so as to avoid unwarranted discrimination or third party claims. Let’s start moving away from the paper, and get into the business of driving the business forward.

I’d love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Monday, November 24, 2014

We Shall Destroy - #Thinkathon 2014

Last week I had the privilege to attend the inaugural Thinkathon session in New York City hosted by the amazing team at purematter and IBM Social Business. Thirty of us were brought together from all walks of digital life to tackle the future of work. 

What does it look like? 
How will people work? 

What will the workplace...and workspace...look like?
What about loyalty?

What about full-time employment?
Will any work get done?

What about the younger-aged (and younger-minded!) workforce? Are they all self-serving work-life balance fanatics who don't appreciate 70 hour work weeks?

We were brought together to destroy the world of work as it exists today.

The Future is Cool...and Scary!
Our session kicked off with a fascinating (and haunting) message from Faith Popcorn, a prophetic futurist who is so accurate you'll want to follow her around and simply listen. 

Robots, genetic transformation, and the potential for more than one hundred million displaced workers got us all fired up to continue our mission!

Start Destroying!
The afternoon was then taken over by Hendre Coetzee, an absolutely brilliant facilitator and leader who guided our group of "world-of-work assassins" through a series of highly interactive and challenging sessions on what it will mean to work in the future.

We powered through five key drivers that will change how we work forever:
- the future of work talent
- the future of work culture
- the future of big data/analytics at work
- the future of technology at work
- the future of work collaboration/communication

Whoa! Heavy topics for a group of heavy-hitters!

By the way, when, not if, you seek out Hendre for guidance in your own organization you will not be disappointed. He is masterful at his craft.

How About You
The man that made this all possible was Bryan Kramer, CEO of purematter and the connection to the IBM Social Business team. Kudos to you Bryan and your amazing team for putting together an event that blew me away. (The following two days focused on IBM's #NewWayToWork campaign...more on that later!)

What are you doing to get out in front of the evolving world of work? Are you clinging to the status quo? Don't do it! The future is now! I'm fired up to hack the future of work in my organization! Who's ready to destroy with me?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

thinkathon pic

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

One of Those

You've met them before. They've been part of your organization. They contributed, were popular with the team, and had a bright future. They were always selected to work on the interesting, or complicated, or breakthrough projects. We relied on them as a sounding board when things seemed to get out of control. We almost took them for granted.

Then they were gone.

What Happened
Losing good people is not uncommon. Sometimes we simply cannot keep up with their rising star status, and an opportunity becomes available at another organization. Although we feel bad that we lost a great employee, we also feel good that our organization produced someone of such high quality that the competition didn't hesitate to grab them.

It still makes us wonder what we could have done differently though, right?

Emperors, Clothes, and Culture
One of the challenges every organization faces is whether or not the path they are on is actually a good one or not. Is the leadership team so caught up in the "latest thinking" and a "new vision" that they have completely lost touch with reality? 

Is there a dominating personality that forces the others to be nothing more than a team of bobble-heads that simple nod in agreement after every meeting, presentation and speech?

If so, what culture do you think is being created? How does that rising star feel about that environment? If you were to guess, would you think that rising star is likely to stay and be a part of that world?

Um, no...they wouldn't.

That "One" is Different
When we force ourselves to step back and critically assess our corporate cultures, we often can identify gaps or blind spots that we naturally miss. The discipline of taking a virtual time-out and seeking the feedback of your network (both internally and externally) can help us stay on track. 

If you are one of those leaders who isn't excited about being a bobble-head, but actually wants to lead in a world class culture, the environment described above can feel unsettling at best, and toxic at worst. Right? 

Where is the constructive conflict? Where is the back and forth conversation that moves the organization to a new level of excellence? Is it all based on a cult of personality?

How About You
Take a few minutes today and step back and think about your culture. Is there an arrogance that has permeated your organization? Is the "us against the world" mentality getting in the way of seeing the reality of your situation? Maybe being one of those leaders isn't so bad after all. Just think about all the opportunities out there waiting for you if you decide to leave.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Friday, April 11, 2014

I Can't Go Back Now (There Is No Retreat)

Life is stormy at times. Often overwhelming. Hopefully when the storm comes it hits either in our work lives, or our personal lives, but not simultaneously. When it slams into our world we feel the pressure...and sometimes it can feel like it is too much.

But it's not.

Each of our lives is filled with noise. That noise often tells us what we're supposed to do...or think...or who we're supposed to be...or what choices we should make. Those voices often place burdens of guilt and blame on us that feel so heavy we can't imagine ever getting out from underneath. Maybe we should settle and accept our fate? Maybe that noise is the 'right thing' after all?

But it's not. 

Faith In The Storm
When the pressure of the world builds to a point that you feel you cannot escape, it's time to slow down and listen. Your heart and head will guide you. You know the path that lies ahead of you. It's scary and uncertain and complicated. You know it is the right thing...but it feels like it's impossible to follow.

But it's not.

How About You
Has the time come in your life to accept that the future you once thought was so clear has turned out to be something far different? Have you seen the potential for something that is so much better that you are drawn to it and couldn't stop even if you tried?

You can't go back now. You've seen a glimpse into the future...and it is so very good!

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Future of Awesome

Don't you think so too?  I mean really, how many other professions complain about having a seat at the table, lament that work is being outsourced, and seek out their colleagues to whine about how awful things are?  The future must be bright, right? Do accountants rush to huddle together and begin shaking and quivering at the very thought of not being relevant to their companies?  When was the last time you saw a web designer wondering if they would have a job?  

Stop it.  If you're worried about the future of HR, you should be worried about you...not the profession.  HR is in high gear.  You did notice, right?

Times Have Changed
Over the last year I've met many HR Leaders who are changing their organizations through new, cutting-edge HR practices.  They aren't wasting time wallowing in self-pity; in fact, they're taking action.  They take risks, push through new innovative strategies, and make a real difference for their companies and the profession.  It's not that they are that much different from you and I...they just go for it.  You and I should go for it too.

Get Fired Up!
I'm convinced there is a growing leadership void today, and that means endless possibilities for leaders with courage.  Courage to take risks, to push HR forward as an impact area in their organizations v. a transactional processing cost center...courage to do something.  

What's holding you back from trying new things? Is it uncomfortable?  Has your organization always done things a certain way?  How is that old approach working for you?

Reach out to a colleague today.  Don't wait for them to do it...send a direct message, an email, a text.  Better yet, pick up your smart phone and actually use it as a phone. Be part of the future of's moving fast and I'm fired up!

How About You
Are you waiting for the sub-committee on recruitment and retention to review the latest policy packet before you decide to set up a task force to take a closer look at next steps?  Or, are you going to actually provide some leadership in your organization?  Now pardon me, I need to grab my sunglasses...the future of HR is just so bright.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

pic courtesy of ECW and Optics Planet