Showing posts with label pride. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pride. Show all posts

Monday, May 20, 2019

The Shortest Straw

Drawing the Shortest Straw: Chosen to do a task that nobody wants to do (read here --> leading Human Resources)

They Have No Idea
The unknown pressure of leading HR.

The toughest, most confrontational roles.

The most intense issues to address...investigations, harassment, discrimination.

Terminating others. It's not just getting rid of a 'problem' just stopped someone from earning money to provide for their family.

The pressure to 'fill the jobs' when we know the leaders bear just as much responsibility to create cultures where their team members feel valued and respected.

The demands to develop an effective team of leaders.

The responsibility to build a positive culture across the entire organization.

The necessity to not only understand HR, but to also fully understand the business, revenue streams, and expense management challenges.

The need to have a comprehensive and competitive compensation program.

The expectation that the organization will remain union-free.

Oh, yes, and make sure all of the parties are fun.

How About You
Did we pull the shortest leadership straw? 

Hell, no. 

We drew this straw because the others can not handle what we can handle.

Take pride in being a leader in HR. Take pride in being a leader in your organization.

Take pride every time you hear "I could never do your job." They're absolutely right. They never could.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

You, The Apathy Divine

I’m still surprised that it happens so often. Maybe I shouldn’t be. Perhaps it’s just human nature and I need to let it go? Maybe…but I don’t think that’s part of who I am. I don’t let things go as a general rule.

So what is it that happens so frequently? 

Leaders who refuse to step up, that’s what. 

Why does it happen again and again? The challenges in their work are right in front of them. Which means the opportunity to make a difference is also right in front of them. Yet somehow, they freeze. 

Is it fear of failure? Is it a lack of self-confidence? Is it the inability to process so much pressure all at once?

Could be. But what does one do about it? Let’s dive in and get our leaders back on track.

So many leaders end up changing their style once they achieve a new level of success in their careers. The hungry, risk-taking style that separated them from the others suddenly disappears when the stakes get high. The crushing paralysis of a risk-averse leadership style overtakes the once promising approach they used for years.

Fear of failing? YES! Fear of looking bad in front of their other risk-averse colleagues? YES! A new focus on survival vs. leadership? ABSOLUTELY!
"Someday we'll actually reward leaders for their courageous approach, instead of allowing them to hide behind a secret culture of political survival that only serves a handful of other leaders."

The antidote to this problem is a combination of character and willingness to learn. If leaders do not have enough character to recognize their approach is failing then all is lost.

If however, character is not an issue (be honest here), then the world will suddenly open up. Focusing on learning creates tremendous opportunities to excel. 

Consider the following points:

- Learning can be used both as a way to “catch up’ in areas where you are weak, but also to release yourself of the burden of having to know it all.

- When you’re learning you can’t be blamed, right? So keep learning! Show your organization and your teams that you are pushing yourself and will try, fail and eventually win.

How About You
You have to take the first step. I will help you. I will connect with you as often as you need it. I’m not perfect, but I have absolutely no fear anymore in my career. I will try anything, anywhere. I’m not kidding.

Let me help…or find another colleague who you can reach out to and get started now. Pick up the phone and call them. Schedule a coffee session. Don’t let your own apathy derail what could be so good.

I’d love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

When Glory Beckons

“I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.”
- Booker T. Washington

It's an interesting mental exercise one faces when they've achieved a certain level of success. How each of us defines success is different, but once we start believing we are successful, something happens to our outlook. We feel different. Hopefully that feeling doesn't translate into behavior that is considered arrogant or self-righteous. The trap of suddenly feeling entitled to one's success is a dangerous one indeed.

If we struggle to believe that birthright makes for a good leader in royal circles, how in the world can we believe that something as simple as a new job title brings with it some sort of instant all-knowing power? I don't buy it.

But I used to.

I used to be very good at convincing myself that I worked hard...I took risks...I was the one that made things happen. Not true. Sure, leadership requires someone to have a vision, and move towards achieving that vision. But the last time I checked, there has never been a successful leader who accomplished great things without a team of people.

Over the years the "success" I've been able to pull together has been largely due to the effort of the people around me.

Whether they were colleagues or those that reported to me, it truly is about the group of people I've worked with that removed the obstacles in my path. My pride however, often told me differently.

I now work hard to check my pride at the door.

How About You
When the glory of success beckons do you stand up triumphantly and soak in the praise? Or, is that a moment to look around you at the team that is holding you up with so much strength?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

photo credit

Thursday, August 2, 2012

I Fall to Pieces

Pride is the ultimate double-edged sword. It helps us stay strong in the face of adversity, and it sends us right to the bottom of the pit when we cling too tightly. What an odd combination.

One moment we rejoice at the end of a long project that launches successfully. Another moment has us so stubborn that we can not even see even the most obvious choices in front of us.

The Delicate Dance
I have a difficult time balancing the edges of the pride sword. I've relied on pride as a source of strength to take risks in my HR practice: for strategies I've implemented; new approaches I've tried; and, as a firm belief as I've driven issues to a successful end point.

Sometimes all of that comes together and pride is a good thing. Sometimes.

Falling On The Sword
When I lose my "pride balance" I fall down. Not literally of course, but I fall nonetheless. Falling hurts. It hurts how I feel about myself, how I feel about the quality of my work, and how I believe I am perceived by others.

Oh how quickly I'm able to move from success to failure...

How About You
How do you balance pride's good and bad edges? Have you mastered the trick to wielding this odd emotion; or, like me do you fall to pieces every once in a while?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Run of the Mill

What have,

you, you're old?

Did you fulfill,


Do as you were told?

Or are you still doing,

the same this year?

Should I give sorrow,

or turn 'round and sneer?

I know,

that the prospects

weren't all that good.

But they improved,

and I'd have thought that you could...

...have strived for that something we all have deep inside.

Not let it vanish, along with your pride.

How About You
Are you run of the mill...or are you going to commit to be something more?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

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