Showing posts with label Penguin Teen On Tour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Penguin Teen On Tour. Show all posts

An Interview With Alwyn Hamilton

We were fortunate enough to be able to interview Alwyn Hamilton on March 16 about her new book Traitor To The Throne.

Bri: I love Traitor to the Throne. Huge fan of the series.

Alwyn: Thank you so much!

So. I first have a bone to pick with you. Jin is my favorite character.

Oh thank you!

Of course...where was he?!

Being bad at long term relationships basically, was where he was. I feel like they're this couple that's sort of good at getting together but not that great at sort of staying together, you know?

I realize because they...they don't clash but they do at the same time.

Yea exactly. And you know how you have those friends who are always breaking up and then getting back together again, I feel like they'd be like that. Except their drama is kind of real because they are fighting a war. So they're choosing each other over death or the cause, can be quite difficult. But also, there was no way he would have let her stay in the palace that long without burning the palace down around her. Everyone else, it was deliberate that she ended up being "rescued" or "found" by Shazad, another female rather than by the boy.

And he still came, I was like awwwhhhh.

Exactly. There was no way he was going to tolerate that, "oh yea, we're going to let her spy and put herself in danger"...

"Have fun, good luck!"

I feel like Jin would've messed that up. So it seemed, in a weird way, natural. I didn't want to put in false conflict in the relationship; like adding a love triangle or anything. But it seemed natural that they would be good at getting together quickly and not that good at staying together and being stable...because neither of them are stable people...

This is very true.

And hopefully it made the scenes when they are together that much more...

Honestly, it made me love those scenes even more because I was like "Awh Jin! You're finally here! And then he would leave again...

Or she'd leave...get kidnapped!

Exactly! Do you think that you would write a spinoff book for Jin? To like, tell his side of the story for Traitor to the Throne?

I don't know if what he's doing in this book is necessarily separate enough from what Amani is doing for it to be it's own story. But I would love to write something about him one day that was about him before the rebellion or before he met Amani. Like, this would be sort of a lot of running around looking for her, and it's so tied in with her that I think  it's sort of a part of her story. But Jin did have a life before her, you know - being on a ship with his brother. That would be where I would go.

Ugh. Ahmed.


I love him! Which is funny because....I also have kind of a love hate relationship with him. Especially - I felt conflicted because you introduced the Sultan and he's a huge character and you actually think "But, wow! He can rule" and you see the differences between him and Ahmed. So you're conflicted. How were you able to portray that? Was that difficult; making a reader think maybe Ahmed doesn't have what it takes?

I think it's because it's all from Amani's point of view. It works in my favor for that. While she is not stupid she is the least educated of them. And she's thrown herself into the rebellion head first like she has everything else in her life. So it sort of made sense that she would question that, "did I really think this through before joining [the rebellion]. Also because she is craving a parent figure whom she can trust in this book, with her aunt.

And then her dad!

Exactly. And then he lets her down. And so she has this need to impress [the sultan]. And a lot of dictators over time have been known to be very charming. To go to the most extreme example Hitler was an incredibly charming man. And everyone says that about him personally. But there's no way of detaching that from the horrible things that he did. And that is what Amani is dealing with in Traitor. The Sultan is very charming and he's feeding her enough praise that it makes him feel like a father figure. There's a few of my friends who are my age or a little bit older who have said "Is it okay that I find the Sultan really hot?!" And I've pointed out to them that he had his kids when he was 18 or 19, and his kids are now 18/19. This makes him in his mid-30's which puts us closer to his age rather than to the hot young princes' age. So I just tell them he's more age appropriate for you than the 18 year old boy!

It's not as gross.

And they're like "Oh my god, you're right. I'm closer to the age of the villain than I am of the YA Hero!"

That's hilarious!

And he has two very attractive sons which you meet in book one so it made sense know...he got it from somewhere! Genetics are a thing.

Plus it was fun to meet all of the half-brothers of Jin and Ahmed. It was fun to see all of the new characters as well, not just the half siblings. I enjoyed it, I loved all of the new characters.

At one point I was like "Is this too many princes'?"

How many princes' should there be? 

How many princes is too many princes?

How do you go into a sequel? Especially one like this. You can tell that you wanted it to be more mature, and it definitely was. It's a lot more focused on the war and it's a lot more focused on how they're fighting the war. Whereas book one was more focused on Jin and Amani running to get to the rebel prince and then being with him. So how do you go into the sequel and thinking "okay, I want it to still sound the same but I want it to be more mature as well.

The sequel was interesting for the progression of the series. I do this thing before I start writing. I kind of plot it out in my mind. I know all of the big pillars up until the end of the rebellion. And in my head that was going to be one book. When I got to the part where they were crossing the dessert in book one it was about 50,000 words and I knew that this was not even close to halfway through the idea. I wasn't going to write a Dance with Dragons style, huge tome.

Good luck reading this.

Exactly. So I figured out where to split it, and the arch with Noorsham came later. But I still then knew what was going to happen beyond that point. Because I had planned it out. So I knew a lot of it going into Traitor, but I also have this theory about YA trilogies. A lot of them are, or can, be read as - or should be - able to be retitled with the titles of the original Star Wars trilogy and be accurate. The prime example is The Hunger Games. "A New Hope", "The Capitol Strikes Back", and "Return of the Mockingjay".

OH MY GOD! I love that!

That is a thing.

I'll never be able to look at any YA series the same again.

Exactly. In the same way that A New Hope can be - obviously it's awesome that the Star Wars series didn't end there but it could have. If they never made another movie it would've been a satisfactory ending. Empire Strikes Back, because you know there's going to be a third one there's an epic cliffhanger, and it can stand on the shoulders of the more simple story. That's how I think of it. Traitor to the Throne is "The Sultan Strikes Back".

I love it!

That was my approach.

Speaking of cliffhangers...I don't want to...give too much away...


Sorry was that scene to write?

It was...I really enjoyed writing that scene. The final scene in the book. It needed to be believable that it was Ahmed. But I also didn't want to leave it for too long. It's interesting having the reaction to that. I've had people tell me they've cried so much and ask why I did that. I'm's better than the alternative that you thought it was a chapter before right?

I literally....when he got up on the stage, because you had Ahmed looking down, I was like "Oh my gosh, it's Imin." I was like "Oh no...I don't know which ones worse?! Who do I have more of an attachment to?!" I mean...I understand why you killed her and not him....

It made sense. A lot of the book is about sacrifice and the things you're willing to do and give up for the war. And your life is a big one. I enjoyed writing the scene because I didn't want to describe too much but have a lot of it be sensations. It was one of the scenes that stayed roughly the same from the first draft.


I haven't done a huge amount of changes to that scene. I mean there's some, but those were for clarity and things like that.

Is it hard to have the whole Demdji's being truth teller things. Because I feel like I would get caught on that so many times.

It sometimes can be. It was a really fun challenge for book 1 because obviously it seems like she's told a lot of lies up until the point when you realize that she can't. My agent, she said "she can't tell've made a mistake" and she went back and reread through the scene where Jin and Amani are in the shop [in book one] and she's hiding under the counter. She was like "She definitely lied in that scene" and I was definitely careful that she didn't.

You're like I promise you she didn't lie in that scene.

Yea. And I think sometimes it can make the dialogue more interesting. Because if you could tell a lie then she would've just been like "Nope, he's not here" whereas the fact that she can't tell a lie so she ends up saying things like "Well, that doesn't sound like something I would do" which doesn't mean 'he's not here' but it leads you to believe he's not here. So it's a more interesting use of dialogue rather than being straightforward.

I loved it in this book because now she was aware of it. So she'd be like Oh...I can't say it so it's not true.

Yea, so that was something I was worried about with her in the Harem. She's there as an enemy, and getting caught out if someone had asked her a direct question and she'd have to answer it. So she has to tiptoe around a little bit more. There have been times where we have caught in the very last stage of page proof. That I've picked up and been like "Technically that is a lie." So you just have to then change the wording, like adding a might or an I don't think. I enjoy the challenge. Having said that I also like writing the characters who can just say bold faced lies. It's a nice break from having to think about every word.

Shira. She became a big part too. And I, in the first book hated her. Could not stand her.

Thank you.

And in this book. She actually becomes a character who you still hate, but you learn to love.

I think like any villain she is the hero of her own story. She is taking care of herself to get out [of the Harem] kind of like Amani did in the first book. She just has a different idea in her mind. If it was from her point of view it would be like "this is my cousin who's always screwing things up and all I want to do is get out of this town and get some money." So I think her motivation and personality is very different from Amani. So it was interesting to get Amani to come to terms understanding women who aren't like her and want different things; want children, want power and don't mind effacing themselves a little bit.

Just a little bit.

Only a little.

When her final scene came I was actually in tears. I was like whhhat? I hate you...but this is sad!

Thank you! That's high praise, indeed!

You kind of already touched on this, in the book Amani says that Shazad was the one who always came up with plans. While Amani is the one that kind of just goes with things. I want to know how you write books - are you like Shazad or Amani?

I think I'm more like Amani because I'm a daydreamer. I figure it all out in my mind. And I go to do those things and it goes horribly wrong so I figure it out as I go. In my mind I'm like "This will make total sense!" and then I do it and it totally doesn't. So I'm an Amani in that sense.

I love it, I totally thought you were going to say Shazad! 


I love it! We kind of touched on all the new characters. Was it hard to incorporate them and to make them as loved as the characters we already had attachments to?

It was hard to introduce a lot of them because a lot of them aren't saying what they are and what they want to Amani's face. The same way that they were in the first one. Everyone's pretty clear what their motivations are in the first book. They're like we're running a rebellion and we want to win it.

Join us!

Yea. Whereas Leila is much more shady. Rahim is like "Do you need to know what I want? Or can you just accept that I will help you?" So that kind of was tricky because it all is from Amani's point of view. Or Sam, that's why there's a little story about him so that you can get a little bit more of his story. It can be very tricky because it is from first person point of view and to get all of these new characters and get you to believe their motivations and know enough about it without them being like "Let me tell you my life story and all my motivations!" which is not very realistic.

Well thank you! I really enjoyed this!

Thank you! I had fun!

Blog Tour: Rebel Creative Tour: Rebel Of The Sands Recap #3 + Giveaway

Welcome to our stop on the Rebel Creative tour for Alwyn Hamilton. This tour is hosted by Penguin Teen.

Rebel Of The Sands
Author: Alwyn Hamilton
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Released: March 8, 2016
Review Source: Viking Books

She’s more gunpowder than girl—and the fate of the desert lies in her hands.

Mortals rule the desert nation of Miraji, but mystical beasts still roam the wild and barren wastes, and rumor has it that somewhere, djinni still practice their magic. But there's nothing mystical or magical about Dustwalk, the dead-end town that Amani can't wait to escape from.

Destined to wind up "wed or dead," Amani’s counting on her sharpshooting skills to get her out of Dustwalk. When she meets Jin, a mysterious and devastatingly handsome foreigner, in a shooting contest, she figures he’s the perfect escape route. But in all her years spent dreaming of leaving home, she never imagined she'd gallop away on a mythical horse, fleeing the murderous Sultan's army, with a fugitive who's wanted for treason. And she'd never have predicted she'd fall in love with him... or that he'd help her unlock the powerful truth of who she really is.

Chapter 16:

There are some MAJOR Amani and Jin feels within this chapter. Or at least there were for me. Amani has to try and heal Jin, while Jin is slowly slipping from reality. The worry that Amani has for Jin makes you feel as though you are the one losing him! When Amani finally gets them to the Rebel Prince's camp we're unsure what will happen when a skin walker comes to attack them. Amani has found the secret door for the camp but hasn't been able to figure out the password. When she realizes that Jin has been telling her the password throughout their whole trip she finally says it, making the door open. 

Chapter 17:

We find out that Jin hasn't been completely honest about who he is. He's a lot more linked to the rebellion than we had originally though. We find out that the Rebel Prince is actually his brother. When Amani wakes up safe and sound she realizes that this camp is vibrant and full of life and hope. She then meets Ahmed, and then she informs him about the Sultan's 'weapon' and how they need to be proactive to find out what the weapon is and how to stop it.

Chapter 18:

Ahmed becomes a character who we know and love. He tells Amani all about his and Jin's past and how closely linked he and Jin are. Amani has grown up hearing about the fairy tale of the Rebel Prince, this chapter is dedicated to Amani learning about the actual story - including the bits and pieces that everyone doesn't pass onto one another. Through Amani learning Ahmed's backstory she has now formed a trust in him that she hadn't had before. A trust that he is the one who is suppose to be Sultan, and that he could actually rule the lands.

Chapter 19:

Amani has been trying to get a grasp on reality. The fact that the stories she had heard as a child are actually right in front of her has been difficult to realize. She then realizes how big the rebellion is as well. Shazad becomes a character who is close to Amani, in that she's the one who describes just what everyone does to aid in the rebellion. This chapter ends with Jin waking up, and with Amani becoming very upset with him for hiding his true self from her.

Chapter 20:

Amani has always been special to us. We've also known that her eyes are an unhuman like shade of blue. This would be because she is a Demdji. Amani has been blindsided by this fact, after living her whole life not knowing she was a Demdji. With this realization Amani feels hurt, which then makes us readers feel hurt as well because Jin has known this since he saw her eyes. Now Amani believes that he only saved her because he knew his brother would want her Demdji powers on his side. Now we realize that Amani will also be a great asset to the rebellion - we're just unsure how.

Chapter 21:

Amani is having a difficult time at realizing what her Demdji powers are. This then makes her tired and frustrated because she wants to be able to be an asset to the rebellion right away. She's getting stir-crazy and wants Ahmed to use her for missions. But he won't until she knows what she is capable of. She wants to be the best that she can be and yet she can't figure out what her powers are just yet. Amani and Jin have tension over the lies and the love that they have for one another. They realize that the Sultan's weapon is on the move and Ahmed needs people to go find this weapon. So Jin and Amani decided to go with a group to stop the weapon.

My favorite part of the book happens in this chapter. Amani is talking with Delila - Jin's little sister - and she implies that Amani and Jin love one another. Because Amani is a Demdji and cannot tell lies she is unable to say that they don't love one another. And this makes me love this chapter even more.

Chapter 22:

Jin and Amani have a group of people waiting for the Sultan's train with the weapon on it to come. They're at a camp with Bahi, Shazad and the twins. They're enjoying the night because they're realizing that this might be their last. Because of this Jin and Amani kiss, a kiss that makes readers swoon. Honestly....JIN AND AMANI FEELS. Then a train comes earlier then expected and they realize that this is the train that the Sultan sent with his weapon on it. So now there is a rush to get to this train on time. They get on the train and split up. Amani with Shazad, and when they're on the train they're jumping from car to car. When the Sultan's soldiers see Amani and Shazad they try to deter them and Shazad starts to fall to her death.

Chapter 23:

Amani has saved Shazad, but the soldiers have captured them as well as the rest of their group. While trying to find a way out of this situation alive, they realize what the weapon is. Noorsham - the boy that Amani left in Fahali earlier in the story. The one who had previously helped Amani...and now he kills Bahi.

Chapter 24:

Noorsham, amidst the drama that is going on between the rebels and the soldiers, wants to talk to Amani alone. Somehow Noorsham knew that Amani was like him and wanted to have a conversation with her. While conversing with him Amani notices that Izz is flying by outside, and so she tries to find a way to alarm him of what is going on. She is able to fling her sheema out the window so that Izz can help the rebels escape. Amani wants to bring Noorsham because she has realized that there is something familiar about him, but she's unable to because he's the Sultan's weapon.

Chapter 25, 26, 27:

Chapter 25 we find out that Amani is the Demdji of sand. This chapter is solely about that. Chapter 26 they have now figured out how to fight the Sultan. Amani has realized that Noorsham is her half brother and she doesn't want him to die. Chapter 27 is all about the start of the war between the rebels and the Sultan. The stress is so real for the characters that we can feel it while we're reading.

Chapter 28:

Amani starts using her Demdji powers against the Sultan's people during the war. Then she realizes that the gun is inhibiting her Demdji powers. She feels how strong her Demdji powers can be because she controls the sand - which is basically the whole entire landscape around them.

Chapter 29:

Noorsham and Amani have a Demdji face-off without wanting to harm their half-sibling. Noorsham then gets orders to kill the whole town they're near and he signals to Amani to stop him. So Amani uses her Demdji powers to stop him.

Chapter 30:

The end is here. The battle has been won and Ahmed has taken control of Fahali. In this we see that Ahmed will make a great Sultan, and we see that Amani is proud to be a part of the rebellion. 

Alwyn Hamilton was born in Toronto and spent her childhood bouncing between Europe and Canada until her parents settled in France. She grew up in a small town there, which might have compelled her to burst randomly into the opening song from Beauty and the Beast were it not for her total tone-deafness. She instead attempted to read and write her way to new places and developed a weakness for fantasy and cross-dressing heroines. She left France for Cambridge University to study History of Art at King’s College, and then to London where she became indentured to an auction house. She has a bad habit of acquiring more hardcovers than is smart for someone who moves house quite so often. Follow her at @AlwynFJH.

Enter for a chance to win one (1) of ten (10) paperback copies of Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton (ARV: $10.99 each).

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Enter between 12:00 AM Eastern Time on February 13, 2017 and 12:00 AM on March 6, 2017.  Open to residents of the fifty United States and the District of Columbia who are 13 and older. Winners will be selected at random on or about March 8, 2017. Odds of winning depend on number of eligible entries received. Void where prohibited or restricted by law.

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An Interview with April Genevieve Tucholke at #PenguinTeenonTour!

Today is the last day of the Penguin Teen on Tour! With this said, we want to share our stop at Books and Books. We had a blast and we even had the chance to pick out the questions for the moderator our friend, Aurora. Not only this, but Andy and I, Leydy, had the chance to interview April Genevieve Tucholke! It was a very unique and funny interview. I wish I could share the audio because we laughed so hard. We talked about Harry Potter, Game of Thrones and everything relating to scary and creepy stories! Check our interview below!


OUAT: Was it hard to switch from character to character when they're so different?
APRIL: No, I liked it because it was a nice change. I've only written from one perspective before. In Wink Poppy Midnight, the chapters are short and fun. Midnight chapters worn me down, while the other two I stood wherever I wanted and carry out the plot. It was great, I would like to do it again.
OUAT: It is a nice change to go into a book and read someone else perspective and the way they see this world from our main character.
APRIL: It does make the plot more complex to see it in different perspective. I think Game of Thrones, have you girls read Game of Thrones?
APRIL: It was my first book with different perspectives. I was like, I don't want to read about Sansa again, but then you get to the end of the chapter and I was like no, I don't want this to end!
OUAT: Oh yes, then you have to think hard to remember what was said in the previous chapter from this person. You always have to go back.
APRIL: It is fun!

OUAT: While writing Wink Poppy Midnight did you always have in mind who was the hero, the villain and the liar? Or were you as surprised as us?
APRIL: I was surprised because I had definite roles for each of them and as the story went on, within two-thirds of the book, I was like okay, I am not going to write the ending I first was going to write. I completely changed it. I redeem a character (NO SPOILERS HERE), however I was going to keep (NO NAME) pure and made her more great. Then (NO NAMES), I kept the same. It was a surprise. OUAT: You were blown by away by your own writing.
APRIL: Yes, it is weird when that happens. People say the characters just told them what to say and I really never had that experience. With this book, it kind of did.
OUAT: Going of that, authors often say these characters speak to them, who do you think of the three spoke the loudest?
APRIL: Poppy. I started to like her but I also liked Wink.
OUAT: The villein is whom people are drawn to.
APRIL: I remember reading Anne Rice saying Lestat was her favorite. Well it was pretty obvious.... Why do we always like the villain? They're unpredictable.

OUAT: A lot of author write down their plot, did you go off your written one? Since it surprised you at the end?
APRIL: I usually have some ideas of what will happen at the end but by the time I get there, it just completely dissolved to something else. I'm always like, Old April, what was she thinking? She doesn't know what is going on. And I know what's going on so let me change it. Once I decide that, I know what I know what I will do.
OUAT: So you're like "Oh, look at that post it from two weeks ago. No, not going that way".
APRIL: Yeah, I have problems with authority, even if I am the authority.

OUAT: Was it hard to transition from a duology to a standalone?
APRIL: No, I wrote Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea as a standalone and Between the Spark and the Burn came out of nowhere. I like clean slate so I was really excited for this standalone. I like standalone.
OUAT: Why>
APRIL: I like having a book done. I don't have to carry the plot around or in three books. It's terrifying. I like to read standalone.
OUAT: It's more enjoyable for me to read a standalone, I don't have to be on the edge of my seat waiting for the next book. It's terrible to wait for a year!
APRIL: It is horrible! Speaking of Martin (George RR Martin), he has put us all through hell. It's rough!
OUAT: With this new season, we are all asking WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN.
APRIL: They are way pass what he has written. What book are they... I don't know what's going to happen.
OUAT: The fifth book, they haven't cover the first half. I am wondering if they will include this in this season.
APRIL: Oh, yes!
OUAT: They started season 5 with the second half of the book and there's a HUGE twist.
APRIL: Do you girls think Jon Snow is dead?
APRIL: Yeah, no he is not.
OUAT: I'm glad we solved this.

OUAT: Speaking of your series, how is working from a series now then what it was at the start?
APRIL: I don't even remember.
OUAT: Was it a struggle?
APRIL: Yes, for the sequel, it was hard. You have to remember everything you did on the first book and tie it. Tie it together but not to tightly. It's tricky. We are going to keep talking about Martin. I don't know how... Does he have an assistant? How does he remember everything?
OUAT: He must have a room but nothing in there but his world of Game of Thrones. Actually he does.
APRIL: The universe he is keeping in his head...
OUAT: It's so expand. It's hard for me to keep up with this fantasy that has this amazing world. Then the sequel comes out and you can't remember anything.
APRIL: It's hard to get into those books. I love fantasy but it takes thoughts, patience and dedication. When the book has one or two characters, it is a bit easier.
OUAT: Specially with the world building.
APRIL: Oh my god, yes.

OUAT: How did you balance to come up with new information on your sequel?
APRIL: I don't know. It was hard. You do forget things when you create them. I had to keep going back over and over.

OUAT: If you could, what fictional world would you like to live in or explore?
OUAT: Still waiting for our letters.
APRIL: We are all waiting for our letters. It's a universal angst.
OUAT: We should petition.
APRIL: We should. It is an incredible world.... Not Martin's.
OUAT: We're okay just watching them all die.
APRIL: What would you girls pick?
OUAT: Besides Harry Potter, Nardia.
APRIL: That is a good one but it is pretty intense. There's always a battle.
OUAT: The first book. It introduces you to this world and characters.
APRIL: I do love that world.
OUAT: With Harry Potter, I wouldn't want to jump in at the beginning. I would like to start with Order of Phoenix. I love when Sirius comes in. I mean I do like the start but then it gets darker. And I love that.
APRIL: Have you girls done the sorting hat?
OUAT - LEYDY: I'm Gryffindor.
OUAT - ANDY: No, no. She wishes to be one! She's Ravenclaw
APRIL: I am Slytherin but I more Ravenclaw
OUAT - ANDY: I see myself more of a Hufflepuff than Slytherin.
APRIL: Do you know any Gryffindor? Are you that brave and reckless? It's a rare trait. It's hard to be brave. Where is Luna from?
OUAT: Ravenclaw.
APRIL: I love her.

OUAT: Book-wise, if you were stranded on an island, what three books would you have with you?
APRIL: I've read Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell four times and that book is so loooong. I love that book. It's a huge world, there are so many things there. I always discover things every time I read it. The adaptation is good too. I love how I just discover the true hero. It's not Jonathan nor Mr. Norrell. I love how many layers one can peal. The Little House because I grew up reading that book. Those haunting simple little stories are beautiful. Re-reading them as an adult I discovered their life are really dangerous. They're always on constant threat.
OUAT: It's funny when you re-read books as an adult. It's like you switch a light bud and you see things different. I love it. Specially going back to your childhood reading.
APRIL: What book has done that to you? OUAT: It's like Lion King. You re-watch and you wonder what is Disney teaching our kids?!
APRIL: I was a child when The Dark Crystal and ET first came out and those movies are really dark. I can't believed we watched those! I had nightmare. Do you have kids?
APRIL: Are you going to allow them to watch scary movies?
OUAT - LEYDY: I used to watch scary movies. Chucky used to be my favorite.
APRIL: I wasn't allow to watch him. I wonder what it does to our little brains.
OUAT: The one movie that freaked me out was IT.
APRIL: IT is terrifying. You're looking at the book and you see the clown running out... I just got goosebumps.
OUAT: The was the one movie that got me. Chucky was cute compare to IT.
APRIL: Were you ever scared?
OUAT: I was always drawn to the villein or anything creepy and anything related to horror.
APRIL: I still can't believe you watch It. I don't think I could watch the movie now and not be freaked out.

OUAT: What do you think makes a good story?
APRIL: That's tricky. In general, I am not a fan of black and white characters. Then I think of To Kill a Mockingbird, Finch... Although on the sequel he's not so perfect. I personally love vengeance, tales of vengeance, when someone gets revenge. I love when there's a twist like We Were Liars. Did you girls read it?
OUAT: Not yet.
APRIL: Do you girls like M. Night Shyamalan? He produced The Sixth Sense.
OUAT: Yes, we do.
APRIL: I love his twists. Have you watched The Visit?
OUAT: Yes, although I did find it funny and not scary.
APRIL: I thought it was terrifying. The crawling...
OUAT: I went with my best friend and her 8 years old niece, she was laughing.
APRIL: She was laughing? Did you like the twist?
OUAT: It was predictable. I remember telling my friend, I bet they're not the real grandparents.
APRIL: WHAT? What made you think about that?
OUAT: I'm always looking at the background and there were no picture of them... But it was at the very beginning when they picked up.
APRIL: And the crawling....
OUAT: You know it is a real disease.
APRIL: What? No way!

OUAT: To finish off, what's next for you?
APRIL: So many things but I want to do a fantasy and actually commit to this grimm dark fantasy... It's long and I usually write short. If I can commit. I love fantasy. I read tons of fantasy... It won't be like Martin.

We are so excited for April's new book! It was such a blast interviewing her! And we obviously had to take a cool picture with her:


You can view some of the pictures below of the

April Genevieve Tucholke
April Genevieve Tucholke is the critically acclaimed author of Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea and Between the Spark and the Burn. Her third novel,Wink Poppy Midnight, will be
released March 22, 2016 from Dial/Penguin. April has lived in many places around the world and currently resides in Oregon with her husband.

Wink Poppy Midnight
Wink Poppy Midnight

Author:  April Genevieve Tucholke
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Mystery
Released: March 22nd 2016
Publisher: Dial Books
Every story needs a hero.
Every story needs a villain.
Every story needs a secret.

Wink is the odd, mysterious neighbor girl, wild red hair and freckles. Poppy is the blond bully and the beautiful, manipulative high school queen bee. Midnight is the sweet, uncertain boy caught between them. Wink. Poppy. Midnight. Two girls. One boy. Three voices that burst onto the page in short, sharp, bewitching chapters, and spiral swiftly and inexorably toward something terrible or tricky or tremendous.

What really happened?
Someone knows.
Someone is lying.

Alwyn Hamilton was born in Toronto and spent her childhood bouncing between Europe and Canada until her parents settled in France. She grew up in a small town there, which might have compelled her to burst randomly into the opening song from Beauty and the Beast were it not for her total tone-deafness. She instead attempted to read and write her way to new places and developed a weakness for fantasy and cross-dressing heroines. She left France for Cambridge University to study History of Art at King’s College, and then to London where she became indentured to an auction house. She has a bad habit of acquiring more hardcovers than is smart for someone who moves house quite so often.

Rebel of the Sands
Rebel Of The Sands #1
Author: Alwyn Hamilton
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Released: March 8 2016
Publisher: Viking Books for Young Readers

She’s more gunpowder than girl—and the fate of the desert lies in her hands.

Mortals rule the desert nation of Miraji, but mystical beasts still roam the wild and barren wastes, and rumor has it that somewhere, djinni still practice their magic. But there's nothing mystical or magical about Dustwalk, the dead-end town that Amani can't wait to escape from.

Destined to wind up "wed or dead," Amani’s counting on her sharpshooting skills to get her out of Dustwalk. When she meets Jin, a mysterious and devastatingly handsome foreigner, in a shooting contest, she figures he’s the perfect escape route. But in all her years spent dreaming of leaving home, she never imagined she'd gallop away on a mythical horse, fleeing the murderous Sultan's army, with a fugitive who's wanted for treason. And she'd never have predicted she'd fall in love with him...or that he'd help her unlock the powerful truth of who she really is.

Alison is best known for her New York Times bestselling fantasy duololgy EON and EONA, and her ability to dance a mean English contra-dance. She also writes award winning science fiction and crime fiction, and lives with her lovely husband and their machiavellian Jack Russell Terrier in Melbourne, Australia.

The Dark Days Club (Lady Helen, #1)
The Dark Days Club
Lady Helen #1
Author:  Alison Goodman
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Historical Fiction
Release Date: January 26th 2016
Review Source: Viking Books for Young Readers

New York Times bestseller Alison Goodman’s eagerly awaited new project: a Regency adventure starring a stylish and intrepid demon-hunter!

London, April 1812. On the eve of eighteen-year-old Lady Helen Wrexhall’s presentation to the queen, one of her family’s housemaids disappears-and Helen is drawn into the shadows of Regency London. There, she meets Lord Carlston, one of the few who can stop the perpetrators: a cabal of demons infiltrating every level of society. Dare she ask for his help, when his reputation is almost as black as his lingering eyes? And will her intelligence and headstrong curiosity wind up leading them into a death trap?

Spent my childhood in the Mojave Desert, where I didn’t have cable and thus chose to entertain myself with books and radio. My parents assured me that I wanted to become a doctor, but a brief stint working in a hospital changed my mind.

I left the desert for university at 17, graduated from UCLA a few years later, and went to work for The Washington Post directly after. Five years later, I left the Post and started working on a book.

If I could be anything, I’d be a space explorer, but a cool one, like Jean-Luc Picard.

An Ember in the Ashes
Author: Sabaa Tahir
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Released: April 28th 2015
Publisher: Razorbill
Set in a terrifyingly brutal Rome-like world, An Ember in the Ashes is an epic fantasy debut about an orphan fighting for her family and a soldier fighting for his freedom. It’s a story that’s literally burning to be told.

LAIA is a Scholar living under the iron-fisted rule of the Martial Empire. When her brother is arrested for treason, Laia goes undercover as a slave at the empire’s greatest military academy in exchange for assistance from rebel Scholars who claim that they will help to save her brother from execution.

ELIAS is the academy’s finest soldier—and secretly, its most unwilling. Elias is considering deserting the military, but before he can, he’s ordered to participate in a ruthless contest to choose the next Martial emperor.

When Laia and Elias’s paths cross at the academy, they find that their destinies are more intertwined than either could have imagined and that their choices will change the future of the empire itself.

Rachel Hawkins

Rachel Hawkins was born in Virginia and raised in Alabama. This means she uses words like "y'all" and "fixin'" a lot, and considers anything under 60 degrees to be borderline Arctic. Before deciding to write books about kissing and fire (and sometimes kissing while on fire), Rachel taught high school English for 3 years, and is still capable of teaching you The Canterbury Tales if you're into that kind of thing.

She is married to a geologist, which means that they have incredibly strange dinner conversations ("So today at work, I wrote a chapter where killer fog, like, ATE PEOPLE." "Huh. Well, I was chased by an angry reindeer while trying to map parts of Norway." "Um...okay.")

Rachel also has a little boy whose main hobbies are playing video games, running around in circles, and plotting his Future Intergalactic Take-Over.

When not writing books, Rachel enjoys reading, travelling, and knitting (very terribly.)

Lady Renegades (Rebel Belle, #3)
Lady Renegades

Rebel Belle #3
Author: Rachel Hawkins
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Released: April 5th 2016
Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Reader
From the  New York Times bestselling author of Hex Hall comes the sparkling finale in the beloved Rebel Belle series.

Just as Harper Price starts coming to terms with her role as David Stark's battle-ready Paladin, protector, and girlfriend—her world goes crazy all over again.

Overwhelmed by his Oracle powers, David flees Pine Grove and starts turning teenaged girls into Paladins—and these young ladies seem to think that Harper is the enemy David needs protecting from.  Ordinarily, Harper would be able to fight off any Paladin who comes her way, but her powers have been dwindling since David left town, which means her life is on the line yet again.

Now, it’s a desperate race for Harper to find and rescue David before she backslides from superhero to your garden-variety type-A belle.

New York Times bestselling author Rachel Hawkins brings the fun once again in the finale of this pitch-perfect romantic paranormal comedy series.

Thank you Books and Books and Penguin Tour for this night. We had such a blast!

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