Showing posts with label 19th. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 19th. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Paris Plage 2014

Even though the events in the Middle East are really poisoning the relationship between people in Paris (demonstrations, acts of violence in some areas...), life goes on. Like every summer Paris Plage (an event during which they cover part of the river banks with sand and install beach attractions)  has just started and kids - and adults! - love it. I did not take this photo along the Seine banks, where most of Paris Plage takes place, but, by the bassin de La Villette in the 19th arrondissement, where they have many activities, including sprinklers, which are always a big hit!  

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Good night Paris

Last evening was the longest day of the year (I took this photo around 10:30 pm!) and it was also a beautiful day (the sun shone all day and the temperature was ideal!). I went to Les Buttes Chaumont to see what the sunset was like and I did not regret it. I know this photo almost looks unreal (even from another galaxy!) and though I promise, I did take it last night in Paris. Today should also be a nice day and I'll be attending a barbecue with a few friends. 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Affordable housing

In Paris, you'll find several red bricks buildings like this one. Most of them were built around Paris between 1920 and 1950 and are what we call HBM (for Habitation à bon marché). Their rent is controlled by the government and adjusted according to your income and the number of children you have. Needless to say that you have to register on a list and wait for years before you get an apartment  like this! They are considered as less classy that the typical Haussmannian buidlings of course, but they are definitely part of the Paris landscape!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Rain remedy!

How cool is that? These are not actual graffiti , but collages that I found in the 19th arrondissement, along a staircase that goes to the Butte Chaumont. I did not know how to photograph the whole scene without having the rail of the staircase in the picture. Then I decided it could be a plus to have it... And I think it is.
Tomorrow the sun is back...

Thursday, May 01, 2014


May 1st, it's Labor Day in France and it's a theme day among the CityDailyPhoto bloggers community. Today's theme is "Squares" and, well, I did not really know what to choose... And then I remembered a photo that I took Monday from the office of someone I had a meeting with. Aren't there enough squares in these old buildings (old warehouses) to comply with today's theme day?! I thought so too ;-) 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Waiting in the cold!

Here is a photo I took from a boat that runs on the Canal de l'Ourcq. I never posted it and though I like the lighting effect on these two ladies that look really cold! Have a good Sunday everyone, here it's cold and raining, but... I'm planning to have the PDP picnic on Sunday May 11.

Saturday, April 05, 2014

A day at Club Med!

Well... when I say "A day at Club Med", I really mean: "a day near the offices of Club Med", for yes, yesterday morning, for my first day out after my sick days, I had a meeting at 11 rue de Cambrai, a former warehouse area (mid 1850's)  that has been turned into office space in the 1990's. Great location, that look a bit like "Venice" due to the many canals that run through it. The photo is less interesting than yesterday's one, but it's fresher! 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Colorfull sitting

I have so much work at the moment that I've had absolutely no time at all to go out yesterday! Fortunately I had a little photo stock ;-) Here is one I took near La Villette a few days ago. There is not much to say about it and I don't particularly like it(!), but since we're going to have a little sun today I thought it was appropriate ;-) I'll probably have lunch outside, in the sun. I hope you'll do the same and will enjoy your weekend as much as I will!  

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

More graffiti

OK, you're probably fed up with my graffiti by now... but it's not so much for the graffiti that I like this photo (I took it at a contest), but for the global framing. Tomorrow I have a meeting in Le Marais, so I should change topic LOL! 

Monday, September 09, 2013

Lonely reader...

Of course you won't see much of Paris in this photo (even though it was taken in Paris!), but I really like it; for many reasons: the way she sits, her shoes and even the pigeon! That is all, have a peaceful Monday everyone, life is too short to be stressed ;-)

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Royal graffiti

I love this graffito; like you may have recognized it, it shows Prince Charles and Princess Diana from England in a pretty disrespectful way; on Prince Charles it's written "un con" (a jerk) whereas on Lady Di it's only written "a princess"! The drawing is really cool, but I have no idea who made it.

Saturday, September 07, 2013

Game of shadows

Often constraints help you more than they stop you. Like in this photo, for example; since I cannot show children without authorization on this blog, I looked for an angle where I could take a shot of this small amusement park without showing any children faces! In the end, I kinda like the result, because of the composition and the mix between the shadows, the color of the playground and the grid in the foreground.  

Friday, September 06, 2013

La Géode, Part II

I rarely post about the same area/topic twice in a row, but for once I'll make an exception so that you can see where the Geode I took yesterday is located. And also to let you enjoy the wonderful weather we have at the moment in Paris (it won't last, don't worry ;-))

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Moony blue... at La Géode

Don't go thinking I bought myself a photo telescope and started taking shots of the planets, I'm a far too down to earth person for that ;-) Nah, I took this shot at La Villette, the huge park/exhibition area that is located in the North part of Paris and where they have a big dome called "La Géode" in which they show 360° movies. Well, as you can guess, the "planet" on the right in this photo is precisely a bit of La Géode. Cool effect, isn't it?!

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Rising stars...

Look what I found in the 19th arrondissement : a whole street covered in cool graffiti (and they don't damage anything since they are just on a wall). But the reason why I stopped and took this photo is because of the pink stars that seem to crawl from the pavement to the sky... It's silly I know ;-))

Sunday, September 01, 2013


Today is September 1st and it's not only the last Sunday before pupils go back to school in France, but it's also a theme day within the City Daily Photo blogs community. And since I'm a good "pupil", here is my contribution. Not that pink I agree, but that is all I found "pink worthy" in Paris today! I actually love this photo, even if it's not perfectly in tune with today's theme. See what's pink today in the rest of the world here

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A must see church

Amazing how, after all this time, I keep discovering new interesting spots in Paris. Hence this stunning church that I had never even seen before. It's located in the 19th arrondissement, next to the pont levant I already mentioned here and it looks like a real old church. In fact it's not so old as it was built between 1841 and 1844, only the architect (Paul-Eugène Lequeux) copied the Neoclassicism style. Anyway, if you're in the neighborhood, it's definitely worth a visit. As for me, I'm back in Paris now, ready to discover new things for you! 

Saturday, August 03, 2013

Back to Le Pont Levant

You may remember my two photos of le Pont Levant from last year (this one and this one). Well, I went back this year! And the scenery is still stunning there. The beautiful building you can see in the background used to be a warehouse where cereal was stored. It apparently burned in 1990 and the Paris town hall decided to rebuild it and turn it into a student residence, a  hotel and also left some room for cafés ans restaurant (it's a must visit place if you want to have a quiet dinner out by the water on a hot summer night...). I love it.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Old chestnut!

People who live in this square surely aren't out of their tree ha ha! I passed several times by this place, called the Square Bolivar and always wanted to photograph it, but it was always super crowded and full of double parked cars. In August I managed to avoid the cars, but not the ugly traffic signs, so I erased most of them. Those of you who know the place may dislike the fact that I "cleaned" it, but to me, only the result counts, and I really love this photo, so... Have a good Friday everyone and your last weekend before going back to school... (well, at least in most countries in this hemisphere!).

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Marché Secrétan

How about some black and white photo today... This is the back of Le Marché Secrétan, a covered market in the 19th arrondissement, by the Metro station Bolivar. It was built by famous French architect Victor Baltard (who precisely built what we call the Pavilion Baltard!), but like you can see, there is not much to buy over there at moment. The whole place is being totally redone, after a fierce battle between developers, the Paris town hall and... the locals! The project that won includes an organic market, a fitness center and a "ludothèque" (a game library)