Showing posts with label black and white. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black and white. Show all posts

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas Shopping!

I was looking for a photo to illustrate the chaos of last minute Christmas shopping (the one I always get trapped into!) and I came across this shot, that I don't believe I ever used. I like it because it could have been taken 60 or 80 years ago, in winter, somewhere in Paris (I believe I took it near La Madeleine). I hope you've done all your shopping, if not, good luck!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Checking your phone...

I took this shot on the Bir Hakeim bridge, in the 15th arrondissement. A bridge made of steel that was constructed between 1903 and 1905. It has two levels: one for motor vehicles and pedestrians, and a viaduct above for the metro Line 6 that is supported by metal colonnades that are often used for photo shoots.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I showed you the outside of L'Institut du Monde Arabe, a Paris building (mostly a museum) dedicated to the Arab world, several times, but I never showed you the inside, and especially the clever windows that open or shut automatically like a camera lense (or a human eye!) according to the outside light. Here you go then... A shot that I took on the last floor (Parisians will know that I did not take it yesterday as it rained almost all day!).

Saturday, May 31, 2014

The end of a rainy week...

I'm glad this week is over, not only was it a very slow one (we had a holiday on Thursday), but also very humid. I took this photo on the Champs Elysées, one of these rainy days and I kinda like its atmosphere (and despite what you may think this is not advertising for HSBC!). Today, the sun will shine they promised, so I'll go out and take new photos (I'm going away for a week so I need to stock a few ;-). Have a great weekend everyone.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Samaritaine won't reopen before a long time...

If you came to Paris, you probably know about La Samaritaine, and old department store located at Pont Neuf and named after an old water pump that was near the bridge. Well, this Paris Landmark was closed in 2005 and was suppose to reopen in 2013, after a large renovation. But two associations (L'association Société pour la progtection des paysages et de l'esthétique de la France (SPPEF) and SOS Paris) pressed charges, claiming that the project does not respect the aesthetic rules of Paris. I don't know how it's going to end, because the Paris town hall and the developer appealed of course, but one thing is sure, it won't reopen before 2017 at the earliest... In the meantime, it can still be photographed!

Friday, April 04, 2014

Paris Laundromat

Don't ask me why, but laundromats fascinate me! Not that I ever use any (like a lot of French people I have a washer in my kitchen - yes kitchen!), but probably because they look a bit depressing. When I saw this one a few weeks ago (I'm still sick so I did not go out yesterday), I immediately thought it would make a good photo (mainly because of the lonely guy in it of course, but not only). Have good Friday everyone, I'll finally go out again today so expect more fresh material soon!! 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

When the Eiffel Tower has an earth hour moment...

Like a thousand monuments in the world, last evening the Eiffel Tower participated in the Earth Hour ("one hour for the planet" in France). Only "for security reasons" (really?!) the Eiffel Tower hour only lasted.. 5 minutes. But it made it to the news, so I suppose it was enough to raise the awareness of many people on the necessity to turn off the lights when not needed! I'll be honest, I did not take this photo while the lights were out, but a long time ago. I just thought it was perfect for the occasion...  

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


I took this photo on a bridge that runs over the Canal Saint Martin in the 10th arrondissement. Nothing much to add except that I like the shadow effect among the trees.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Paris mayor to leave soon...

It's not too cold in Paris at the moment, but it's still possible to ice skate! -) I'm posting this photo today because 1)I like it! and 2) because it shows the Paris town hall in which our mayor held his last city council yesterday, after 13 years in power. In a little more than a month there will be elections and he won't run again. It's very likely that the new mayor will be his current deputy mayor, so things should not change too much!

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Bye bye Paris...

I'm so afraid that the cold wave currently in North America crosses the Atlantic soon, that I felt the urge to leave Paris for a few days! I leave my dear home town, but I don't leave you as I'll still be posting a Paris photo a day from where I'll be ;-) Starting with this view of terminal 2F at Charles de Gaulle airport, that I took just before my departure...

Friday, November 22, 2013

Romantic walk

How cool is that? Now that they arrested the crazy killer, it's safe to walk down the streets of Paris again! (I'm kidding, because I took this photo right before my departure to Denver - where it's currently snowing! - and there was no crazy killer at that time). Anyway, I took it on the left bank, where they recently closed the traffic for good. The black and white effect is just me ;-)

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Gorgeous door!

Don't go thinking this is a drawing - even though it looks like one - it's a real door that I photographed yesterday on my way to the gym. It's located at rue Richer, and the reason why it's got uneven reflections is that it is currently being repainted. This is typically what we call a porte cochère, that is a door that leads to a courtyard where Parisians (the ones that could afford it) use to park their horse carriage during the 19th century. The two metal "balls" on each side  are guard stones (chasse-roues); all portes cochères have them because they prevent the walls from being damaged by carriage wheels. 

Monday, September 09, 2013

Lonely reader...

Of course you won't see much of Paris in this photo (even though it was taken in Paris!), but I really like it; for many reasons: the way she sits, her shoes and even the pigeon! That is all, have a peaceful Monday everyone, life is too short to be stressed ;-)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Playing with water

On the "new" Place de la République, there is a sprinkler fountain (I don't know how to describe it exactly) coming up from the ground and children love it! Yesterday I was passing there and I saw two kids dressed in flashy raincoats playing in the water and I could not help but running and taking a photo. I hope that this will put a smile on your face, like it did on mine!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Marché Secrétan

How about some black and white photo today... This is the back of Le Marché Secrétan, a covered market in the 19th arrondissement, by the Metro station Bolivar. It was built by famous French architect Victor Baltard (who precisely built what we call the Pavilion Baltard!), but like you can see, there is not much to buy over there at moment. The whole place is being totally redone, after a fierce battle between developers, the Paris town hall and... the locals! The project that won includes an organic market, a fitness center and a "ludothèque" (a game library)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Curtain call!

I love this photo, even though it's not unique to Paris... Just so you still learn something about your favorite(!) city today, let me tell you that Paris has a very active theater scene, with about 130 theaters and no less than 300 plays and shows per week! The word "Orchestre" that you see in this photo means ground floor, "La Corbeille" is the first floor (second in the US)  and on both sides you have "Les balcons" (balconies). On stage, the right hand side from the audience viewpoint is called "Côté cour" (courtyard side) and the left hand side is called "Côté jardin" (garden side).

Friday, March 09, 2012

Driving down the Champs Elysées

I had a business meeting near La Défense today and on the way back I chose to drive down the Champs Elysées, even though the traffic was pretty bad. At the roundabout (le rond-point des Champs Elysées), I saw this and I thought it could make a good photo. Turns out that it does! Well so I think... Facts and figures: in Paris, there is 1 policeman (not only for traffic, of course) per 371 inhabitants on average, with a lot of differences between arrondissements.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Cold wave!

After an amazing period of mildness, winter has finally decided to come! Europe is currently experiencing a massive cold wave which includes France, of course. We had -6° (21.2° F) this morning and forecasts show that it's going to be worse towards the end of the week (-11° C - 12.2° F)! (See more here). Wearing these warm "space" boots was definitely a good idea! FYI, there should not be any snow in Paris though... Too bad ;-(

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Invalides in black and white

I went to a Galette Party today (a galette is a cake that people eat to celebrate the Epihany (a Christian feast) after Christmas) and on the way back I passed by Les Invalides. It was a beautiful evening (it's still warm in Paris at the moment here) and I felt like taking a photo. I made a black and white one, for a change...