Showing posts with label wafer paper peony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wafer paper peony. Show all posts

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Wafer Paper Peony Wedding Cake

I was very happy when the bride of this cake wanted lots of peonies and hydrangeas .....and a free reign to design her dream cake.  She loves the fresh spring colors from my earlier cakes but prefers classic lace design on it so we settled for fondant type molded lace.

As I am very very into wafer paper flowers recently all peonies and foliage are of this media except the hydrangeas which sooner or later will be made with it as well.

Anyway when I uploaded some photos on Cakes Decor it was chosen as 'Daily Top 3'!!!  

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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Fuchsia Peony Wedding Cake

It was raining when we deliver this cake.  But I was not the least worried as I was using wafer paper peonies.  As long as there is no direct contact of any water droplets I was not worried about my flower petals softening up and break apart due to our humidity.  If only cakers around the world knows the advantages of this medium.  I am a clumsy person and always drop my sugar flowers (you can actually hear the shattering sound of thin porcelain breaking when they hit the floor) but now?  Hahaha....sometimes I throw it to show off to family members.  They can also be easily stored and transported.

Now back to this cake.  The bride wanted the figurines molded after them complete with her gown and cymbidium in her hair.

Color theme for the night was fuchsia. 

Wafer paper closed peonies

Wafer paper open peony

Clay figurine modeled after the couple

Message from the bride after the wedding