The Best Alcohol-Free Beer

Bottoms Up
Updated October 19, 2023 109.3K views 54 items
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12.7K votes
5.0K voters
1 reranks
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Top non-alcoholic or NA beers

List of the best alcohol-free beer available to be purchased, as ranked by beer lovers and creators. For people who love the taste of beer, drinking beer isn’t just about the alcohol content or getting buzzed.It’s about consuming your favorite cold beverage after a stressful day at work or when hanging out with your best friends at a Saturday cookout. There are plenty of reasons why a person might not be able to consume alcohol, whether it’s for health reasons, to sympathize with a pregnant spouse, or just because you don’t feel like drinking alcohol. The beers on this list still have the great taste of beer without the brain cell-destroying alcohol.

The non-alcoholic beers on this list have been rated by beer lovers as some of the tastiest brews on the market. These beers have less than.5% alcohol. They taste very similar to regular beers because the taste of beer doesn’t come from the alcohol, but rather the other delicious contents.

What are the best alcohol-free beers on the market? This list features the top non-alcoholic beers from recognizable name brand beers and indie beers alike, each with a unique and interesting flavor for the beer lover in everyone. 

Most divisive: Bernard Free Alcohol Free Beer
Over 5.0K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Alcohol-Free Beer