The Best Gore Anime of All Time

The Best Gore Anime of All Time

Ranker Anime
Updated February 3, 2025 3.2M views 55 items
Ranked By
201.7K votes
44.7K voters
11 reranks
Voting Rules
The anime on this list must be bloody - don't downvote a show if you haven't seen it!

Get ready to cover your eyes, because this is a list of the best gore anime of all time. Sure, a lot of anime have degrees of violence in them, but these shows will really gross you out with torn limbs, spewed blood, and whatever other awful things you can think of. In gory zombie anime or action anime TV shows like Attack on Titan, you'll see people being eaten alive. Does that sound fun or what? If so, check out these top Studio Madhouse anime, as they can get fairly violent and gory.

Other violent titles include Elfen Lied, which depicts people having their bodies ripped apart. In Afro Samurai, people have their heads cut off by swords...need we continue? The first episode of each show is included below when available, so you can watch the greatest gore anime right here on this page! Try a few out before committing to an entire series. These just may be the most jarring anime that exist today, but if you feel like a television show is missing you can always add it to the list.

Most divisive: Boogiepop Phantom
Over 44.7K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Gore Anime Ever Made