12 Famous People Surrounded By Tragedy

Celebrity Lists
Updated July 3, 2024 631.8K views 12 items

Several famous people have experienced a lot of tragedies. Some celebrities have had several family members die in terrible ways, while others have experienced a series of personal illnesses and injuries. One famous singer lost three of her family members in a horrific shooting. This list of famous people who have been surrounded by tragedy is loosely ranked by fame and popularity. 

Who is the most famous person who is surrounded by tragedy? Sofia Vergara tops our list. "Modern Family" actress Sofia Vergara's brother Rafael was murdered in Bogota in 1998. In 2000, Vergara was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and in 2011, her younger brother Julio was deported to Colombia after being arrested.

In 2008, Jennifer Hudson's mother Darnell Donnerson, her brother Jason and her nephew Julian were all killed by her estranged brother-in-law William Balfour. John F. Kennedy, Jr.'s father John F. Kennedy and uncle Robert Kennedy were both assassinated.

How would you attempt to recover from a personal tragedy? Share your thoughts in the comments section.