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- Pierrot
The Most Hated Anime Characters Of 2024, Ranked
Ranked By
2.4K votes
645 voters
Voting Rules
Vote for the anime characters who made your blood boil the hottest in 2024.
- 1
Tower of God - 2
Hwang Dongsoo
Solo Leveling - 3
Kikyo Kushida
Classroom of the Elite - 4
Hwang Dongsuk
Solo Leveling - 5
Haruki Yamauchi
Classroom of the Elite - 6
Ashikaga Takauji
The Elusive Samurai - 7
Nao Shiota
Yakuza Fiancé: Raise wa Tanin ga Ii - 8
Cat Familiar
The Magical Girl and the Evil Lieutenant Used to Be Archenemies - 9
Kenichi Kohiruimaki
Dead Dead Demon's Dededede Destruction - 10
Gurimu Igarashi
Blue Lock - 11
Orb: On the Movements of the Earth - 13
Kirishima Miyama
Yakuza Fiancé: Raise wa Tanin ga Ii - 14
Saki Hananoi
A Condition Called Love - 15
Choji Tomiyama
Wind Breaker - 16
Oushi Ashioki
A Sign of Affection - 18
Finn Ames
Mashle: Magic and Muscles