The Best Songs About Being Crazy

Ranker Music
Updated September 4, 2024 195.6K views 51 items
Ranked By
24.8K votes
2.8K voters
2 reranks

Think you're a little bit crazy? Having a crazy day? There's tons of great music about being crazy or a bit mental. Below, we've pulled together a list of the best songs about being crazy – containing some of the most memorable hits of all time.

The list features rock classics like Ozzy Osbourne's “Crazy Train,” with its iconic riff and exploration of mental unrest. It's a rock anthem that has been energizing fans for decades. Heart's "Crazy On You" channels raw emotion and passion, driven by Ann Wilson's powerful vocals and an unforgettable guitar intro. And let's not forget the Ramones with "I Wanna Be Sedated", which embodies the fast-paced, frantic energy of punk rock.

We want to know which tracks you think are the ultimate tunes about mental madness and wild emotions. Vote for your favorite songs about being crazy below and share this list with the craziest person you know.

Most divisive: Mad World
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