23 Tattoos Inspired by Mario Bros.

Jake Baumgart
Updated July 3, 2024 48.4K views 23 items
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Vote up your your favorite Mario Bros. tattoos

Mario: If you're a gamer, odds are you have loved this little plumber since he first popped up in 1981. Having spent hours playing Nintendo with him, Luigi, Peach, and Yoshi in our own homes some gamers are closer to Mario than their own families! So it makes sense that gamers and tattoo fans have taken ink to skin in order to immortalize the Nintendo mascot. Some of these tattoos are absolute pieces of art (and some you just have to see). That's why this list collects the best Mario Bros. tattoos! 

It doesn't just stop with Mario either. Pretty much every aspect of the little dude's crazy career and cast of characters has been stenciled onto a die-hard fan. Fans have even taken some creative license with the Nintendo license and added their own spin to the look of Mario''s world. Zombie Yoshi anyone? 

Maybe it's because Mario's world is so colorful. Maybe it's because of the hours spent playing Super Mario 3. Maybe it's just because these tats look rad as hell. Whatever it may be, feast your eyes on this list of the coolest Mario Tattoos!