The Best Songs with Hurt in the Title

Ranker Music
Updated January 1, 2025 30.1K views 63 items
Ranked By
1.0K votes
224 voters

Have you ever thought about how many songs with hurt in the title have been written? This list ranks the best songs with hurt in the name, regardless of their genre. Many of the tracks listed are songs about hurting, whether it's being hurt by a breakup, hurting from physical pain, or anything else. This ranked list includes songs like "Hurt" by Johnny Cash, and "Hurt" by Nine Inch Nails. If your favorite song with hurt in the title isn't listed, feel free to add it to the list so others can also vote it up. Songs with hurt in the lyrics are fair game too.

Most divisive: What Hurts the Most
Over 200 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Songs with Hurt in the Title