Showing posts with label mothers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mothers. Show all posts

May 11, 2014

Remembering Mothers

Happy Mother's Day!

Today I remember in an extra special way my Mother and two other women I've had the joy of having in my life as bonus mothers.  My dear mother-in-law Ellie and my sweet Aunt Lu.  I no longer have the pleasure of their company in this world but I am certain they are all enjoying each other's company today and everyday in theirs . . .    : )

Me and my Mother

My husband as a baby with his Mother and Dad

My mother-in-law (left) with my Mom, wearing special Grandmother sweatshirts the kids made for them.

Mom (left) and her sister Luella, who was my second mother growing up.

Here's to you Mom . . . Thanks for your wisdom and strength. Thanks for your sense of humor and your smile. Thanks for being you.  I miss you every single day.

And here's to Aunt Lu and Ellie and to my Grandmothers and Great Grandmothers and all the mothers before them in my family's ancestry . . . thanks to all of you for giving me life. I love you.

My Mother (baby) and her sister Luella with their Mother 

And for my readers . . .
I hope each of you is having a wonderful day with your family.
I hope you take the time to relax and let your children do something special just for you.
I hope you get all that beautiful fabric you wished for . . . hehe . . . that's what I asked for.

Happy Mother's Day!!!