
Ph.D: The end of an era

Simon was my date for the Defense of the Ph. D. 
 "Targeted Deletion of Functionally Validated Enhancers Defines Their Role in Mouse Limb Development."

He presented very well.  You have no idea how much stamina this (or any) Ph.D. requires.  From Mark and from all of us.  By yesterday morning, he had earned it many times over.  There could be many words, but I'll just say a few.  I'm very proud of him, I never doubted he would earn this, but I've been amazed at how deeply he's dug in and worked and endured to bring it to the end.  

(Is it the end yet?  It's hard to fathom, but I think there are just a few loose ends and then it's truly complete.)

Officially though, he passed!!!!!    His mom can call him Dr. Nolte, and they can write it on cakes:  



Last year photo hodge podge

Ready for recital last summer, a few days before Luna's birth


Got bigger

Bigger in November (thanks Halloween candy for the timepoint)

Portrait by Mary Tessa, during her last year at home before elementary school

Our bush where many toys have adventures.  Photo credits to Simon and Mary Tessa, going forward

Simon's hoop; he shoots sun or shine

Front yard, from our driveway

Look at that big baby!  I'm sure I have more pictures of her on another camera.  I hope . . .

About to whack.  Loves that cat.

My  last Houston HypnoBirthing class.  A wonderful session.

Luna hangs outside in her high chair with her peeps.

Instant Nostalgia

Our street, by Simon

Mutant mouse limb, by Mark

My "class" room

Aaron, Amy, Abigaelle, Max and Sammy came to visit!  Unlike her sisters as babies, Luna wasn't shy.

It was really the best!  Conversation, cousins and swimming.

The building where I gave birth to Luna, Texas Children's hospital.  Taken on the way to Mark's defense, since it's just blocks away.

Mary Tessa was born at St. Luke's Hospital, across from Mark's work.  Taken after the defense, from the parking garage. :)  I saw this idea to document spots on my friend Kim's blog.


Big, quick update

Here is a picture of us 6 months ago.  Mary Tessa's hair is shorter and so is Simon's and mine.  Luna has a smidge more hair and 4 teeth.

Mark defends his PhD on August 6th and is writing 97 hours a day up until then.  
Send him some stamina and good wishes and prayers.

We are moving to ****MADISON, WISCONSIN*** a few weeks later!!!!!

We are very excited.  It's bittersweet.  We have many dear friends here but will not miss the job.

Madison looks a lot like Boise where I grew up.  It has the benefits of a capital city (university, museums, zoo, capital building) but is still small and outdoorsy.  We will live two blocks from 2 of the four lakes there and three from the zoo.  I look forward to telling rascally children--more literally--to "go live with the chimpanzees!"  Mark can walk or snowshoe to his building.  Four seasons . . . and cheese  . . . . . and quiet, proud fellow Scandinavians here we come!


Allianna and the great 1st grade hula hoop competition

This girl has come so far.  Last year, during kindergarten, Allianna was incredibly anxious about going to P.E.  She'd start fretting about it for days before and become upset as the hour approached.  She started attending art class 3 days a week instead, since she was overwhelmed by the whistles and yelling teachers in P.E. We hoped in another year she'd outgrow it.

This year she was willing to try P.E., with some trepidation.  In the fall we started hearing about hula hoops and she asked for one for her December birthday.  She was always hooping, around the house and in the yard; she can run, go down on her knees, and jump while keeping the hoop up.  Then in April, Field Day finally arrived.  She was stoic the night before, having already qualified as one of two representatives for the Hula Hoop competition from her class.  Her school is pretty large, 5 classes per grade.

I just hoped she wouldn't have some bobble in the first few seconds (you know, elbow interference) and miss a chance to really show her stuff.

Notice the two tall(er than Allianna!) girls to her left (in orange and red); they figure in the end.

At this point our camera froze up and missed the final minute.  I alternately couldn't watch and resisted cheering because I didn't want to crack her focus.  After the teacher made them all walk around, and then kneel for over a minute and THEN stand back up, she directed the four remaining(!) girls to draw in close and it became Hula Hoop BATTLE!!!??!!  To go from "Yikes, don't let your hoops touch!" to "Does she know how to put her hoop at hyper speed and battle??!!!" was a real nail-biter!

But then they were three, and those two bigger reigning-champ girls' hoops dropped at the same time, and Alli powered on in her tight little hula, 

and she was the 1st grade champion!!!!!

There's nothing better than watching your child experience something that they've really hoped for.


Lovely Luna

Hi friends--

A few explanations:
1. my camera doesn't talk to my computer any more, so I have to wait and remember to use Mark's work computer.  So that is why I can't fix the lack of Mary Tessa in these pictures.  Because, land knows, she is around me at all times and in all places and in all things.  Because she is four and we can't escape each other..But she's a good girl.
2. Luna is sucking on my wrist as I type.  I constructed most of this left-handed trying not to wake her.  She's now 3 months old and is a crown jewel.  A few of these shots of her are oldies but goodies (on the pillow about 6 weeks ago); but, hey, that's how it is with baby pictures. So soon they're growing and the photos are old, right?  She's smiling, holding up her neck pretty well on my shoulder, and nearly laughing.
3.  I cut some three pounds off of my hair.  If I had easy photography access you'd see that too, but we'll just have to save that for another time.  If there are any completely out of context phrases in here, it's because I'm keeping up a semi-inane conversation with Mary Tessa about shooting bad guys with my other brain cells.  Back to the hair, it's both young and mature at the same time.
4. I like what Simon does with Legos better than what the kits' original intent was.  His Hogwarts now sports some cannons/surveillance cameras.
5.  Allianna has gone from being physically ill  with terror for days thinking about attending P.E. (and going to Art 3x/week instead), to being the runner up at 1st grade dodgeball. All the 3rd graders were gathering around yesterday and yelling to Simon to come see his sister winning.  It took a year and a half of prayer and courage, but I love hearing her happily recount how many laps she ran.
6. Mark just went to Hawaii for a week.  All refreshed and recharged for the final charge at the PhD.
7.  I am completely obsolete to Blogger.  It's leaving me in the dust and barely able to draw up a post.