Tethered (Intertwined series
by Jenn
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
Release Daye: July 16th 2017
A previous lifetime. A
malevolent curse. A love they can’t live without. Will their past claim
them once more? Elizabeth and Adam are about to find out …
Elizabeth and Adam survived the
century old curse that nearly claimed the lives of their counterparts,
Josephine and Braden, but at what cost?
As the veil between timelines
continues to diminish, they yet again find themselves in a race against time to
cheat death in the past in order to salvage their futures. But with the curse
given form, everything is changing, leaving them vulnerable to new threats. No
longer are the dangers of their former lifetime contained to the Jefferson
Plantation—a land fraught with peril and where horror reigns every summer
between July 20 and August 13.
Until now ...
Having changed the past,
history has rewritten itself, extending the last day of the haunting
to August 31—their new expiration date. Without the aid of visions,
though, Elizabeth and Adam must find a new way to uncover their past, leaving
Adam to scour the plantation for clues, while Elizabeth learns how to access
Josephine's subconscious.
Meanwhile, the Callahans—a
vengeful family intent on keeping Elizabeth and Adam apart—will stop at nothing
to preserve their bloodline and keep the curse from destroying their family.
Will their ruthless antics prove tragic once more?
Now more than ever, their love
will be tested as Elizabeth and Adam contend with the forces of the curse and
fight to save their counterparts in 1905.
Will they overcome the odds
stacked against them? Or will the curse claim them for good?
Buy Links:
· Amazon US — https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073R391HZ
· Amazon UK — https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B073R391HZ
· iBooks — https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/tethered/id1115818925?mt=11
· B&N — https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/tethered-jenn-marie/1123831426?ean=2940153029757
· Kobo — https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/tethered-16
Excerpt Three:
Ten feet in front of me, Elizabeth stood with absolute hatred
in her eyes. She looked at me like I was the devil incarnate. Like the knife in
her hand was a dart and I was the bullseye. I hadn’t felt her get up. It was
three in the morning. What the hell was she doing up? But then I remembered—3
a.m.—the time screaming and shuffling was to occur. Christ. I hadn’t meant to fall asleep. Forty seconds ago, I’d been
dead to the world, Elizabeth safe in my arms. Now? I was battling the urge to
sketch whatever was responsible for Josephine’s distress, while at the same
time struggling to understand what the hell was happening to Elizabeth. Was she
sleepwalking? This wasn’t normal. She’d never sleepwalked before.
I raised my hand, fingers trembling with the effort not to
sketch, my skin undulating in protest when I ignored the snake now slithering
down my arm. “Elizabeth,” I said calmly, “put the knife down.” She simply
stared at me, murder in her eyes as she watched my every movement. My blood ran
cold. I knew this look. My eyes flicked to the wall, to the painting of
Josephine. Christ. This had happened before—on a pier at Wrightsville Beach when Elizabeth had thrown herself
in the ocean and nearly drowned. Because of Josephine. Because she’d tried to
drown herself on that very day, at that very second in 1905.
This wasn’t Elizabeth in front of me. It was Josephine.
“Elizabeth,” I tried again, paper crinkling under my feet as
I took a step toward her, “if you can hear me, I need you to fight.” She
watched me, stock-still. “You have to push through. You have to reach her.” Her
arm was shaking, her hair matted against her pale cheeks. “That’s it,” I
murmured, easing toward her. “Focus on my voice. I’m right here.” The blaze in
her eyes dimmed, but she didn’t lower the knife. Frustration entered her
features. She was in there somewhere, battling her way back to me. “You can do
this, Elizabeth. You can stop her.”
Closing my hand around her wrist, I very gently, very
slowly, removed the knife from her grip. “That’s my girl,” I whispered softly,
cupping her feverish cheek. A flicker in those forest-green depths.
“Elizabeth?” Pure revulsion overtook her gaze.
A split second later, her body jerked and she went flying
across the room.
Jenn Marie currently lives in
sunny California with her wonderful husband and their runt kitty, Chloe. When
she's not writing Young Adult Fiction, she can be found reading, plotting or spending
time with her crazy, lovable family. Current obsessions include the movie,
Frozen, the New Girl series, Arcade Fire's latest album, and avocados.
Seriously, she can't get enough of it! Writing, for her, is a passion that
refuses to be under prioritized. No matter what's going on in her life, whether
good or bad, writing is always there to lift her spirits.
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