Here's what I got this week (and some from previous weeks as I didn't get a chance to take pictures or post because of the holiday).
For review:
Pole Position by Rebecca Caffery
I actually have a Kindle copy of this but wanted to listen to the audio, as well. Hoping to do a read along with this one!
Anywhere With You by Ellie Palmer
I loved this author's other book, Four Weekends and a Funeral. I'm hoping this one is just as good!
Battle of the Bookshops by Poppy Alexander
I love any book about BOOKS! There's another book that is quite similar on NetGalley that I'm also hoping to get by Ali Brady and I love her.
It's a Love Story by Annabel Monaghan
I love Monaghan and have read all her books. This one was at the top of my list to read early and I'm so excited to have gotten an early copy!
The Love Haters by Katherine Center
Another author whose books I have read all of. I just love her so much. The Rom-Commers was just so fabulous. I cannot wait to dive into this one!
In the mail:
Lies On the Serpent's Tongue (Bittersweet in the Hollow #2) by Kate Pearsall
I had the first book in this series sent to me by the publisher. So when I saw it on NetGalley, I requested it and was approved. I had no idea they would send me a copy in the mail! I'm about halfway through and I'm liking is just as much as the first one.
Gifted and Talented by Olivie Blake
I haven't read any books by this author but I have a few friends who really like her Atlas Six series, which I really want to read. I'm excited because I love me some urban fantasy!
From Libby (Audio):
Twisted Love (Twisted #1) by Ana Huang
I'd heard good things about this series. I enjoyed this one enough to want to read the next one. Or at least listen to the audio!
The Hook Up (Game On #1) by Kristen Callihan
I read this book a long time ago and remember really liking it. I've seen there are new versions coming out and it made me want to read it again. I'm just over halfway through it and now I know why I liked it so much!
Off To The Races (Gold Rush Ranch #1) by Elsie Silver
The Chestnut Springs series was one of my favorites I read last year. I really enjoyed it so much more than I thought I would. And I've read the first two books in her new spin off series of that one. i know this series is also connected through one of the characters so I wanted to check it out. I already listened to this and really enjoyed it. Looking forward to reading the others but I don't see them on audio through my library so I will have to get them on Kindle!
For my Kindle:
Guys Round Up, Girls Round Down by Emmy Chase
I'm taking a chance with this one. I saw it in my books groups and I love the blurb. BUT the ratings on Goodreads are not particularly high, so I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised by it and not agree with those who have rated it so rfar.
Out of the Gate (Gold Rush Ranch #1.5) by Elsie Silver
I'm excited about this novella because it's the father's story! I love a good novella and I'm sure Silver will have done this one justice.
What did you get this week?