In honour of the recent passing of
genre icon John Carl Buechler, this week's VHS is his 1988 effort,
Cellar Dweller.
Thirty years after a comic artist
(Jeffrey Combs) is murdered by his own demonic creation, a new
generation of artists convene in the same building only to repeat his
I have to admit that I had no idea that
Buechler made this picture before this week. I'd heard the title
before (though I always get it mixed up with the 1971's Beast in the
Cellar), but never gave it more than a cursory glance. My loss because
it is actually an entertaining yarn. It's not as batshit and effects
heavy as his movie Troll, made two years earlier, but Cellar Dweller
has a lot going for it, as well. It actually shared a similar
structure to Troll in that it's one location (an art school instead
of an apartment complex) and a creature bumped off the residents one by
Cellar Dweller had a fairly unique
through line in that the character's drawings came to life. I feel
like that's an untapped resource that hasn't been explored since the
eighties with things like Creepshow, Paperhouse and that bit in
Nightmare 5. Bring that shit back! Buechler cleverly padded his
running time with these comics, often using it in place of special
effects. It could've felt like a cheat, if said comics hadn't been so
dang awesome. The work was credited to both John Foster or Frank
Brunner, but whoever penned them did a bang-up job!
Buechler was obviously having fun here,
whether it be from the thinly veiled digs at some of the “arts”
or his in-joke set dressings. I find it hilarious that the main
character (played by newcomer Debrah Farentino) had a Re-Animator
poster on her wall and didn't once think, “hey, the guy in that
movie sure looks at lot like the guy who got me into comics and died
in this house thirty years ago”. I guess we can all be blinded by
our idols.
Mainly, I was impressed that Buechler
kept his sense of humour considering how busy he must have been in
1988. Not only did his installment of the Friday the 13th franchise
come out that year, but he also did effects for Nightmare 4 and
Charles Band's Pulse Pounders. This guy loved his work. Anyway,
Cellar Dweller is definitely worth a watch.