John Owen (1616-1683AD)
John Owen by Greenhill in oil about 1668AD A Puritan divine and Calvinist theologian. "JOHN OWEN, D.D., 1616-1683, a distinguished Puritan divine, who flourished in the times of the Commonwealth, and whose theological writings occupy a very high place in the estimation of all who can appreciate fervent piety, profound thinking, consummate ability, and extensive erudition. For the materials of the present short sketch we are indebted to the elegant "Life of Owen," from the accomplished pen of the Rev. Dr Andrew Thomson of Edinburgh, prefixed to the valuable edition of the Works of John Owen, which has recently issued from the press of the publishers of this Cyclopaedia, under the able editorial revision of Dr Goold." [by Rev. James Gardner from an article on Owen in his Christian Cyclopaedia, 1853 edition] The following incident recorded about Owen is very revealing: "Mr Davis, who subsequently became pastor of the independent church at Rowell, in Northamptonshire, being under religious impressions, opened the state of his mind to Dr Owen. In the course of conversation Dr Owen said, "Young man, pray in what manner do you think to go to God?" Mr Davis answered, "Through the Mediator, sir." To which the doctor replied, "This is easily said, but I assure you it is another thing to go to God through the Mediator, than many who make use of the expression are aware of. I myself preached Christ some years," said he, "when I had but very little, if any experimental acquaintance with access to God through Christ; until the Lord was pleased to visit me with sore affliction, whereby I was brought to the mouth of the grave, and under which my soul was oppressed with horror and darkness: but God graciously relieved my spirit, by a powerful application of Psalm cxxx. 4. But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared. From whence I received special instruction, peace, and comfort, in drawing near to God, through the Mediator; and preached thereupon immediately after my recovery."
from a portrait by Robert White 17th century
Life of Dr. John Owen Bk. 1 (74k) by Rev. A.Thomson, B.A. zip (29k) Life of Dr. John Owen Bk. 2 (63k) by Rev. A. Thomson, B.A. zip (25k) Life of Dr. John Owen Bk. 3 (126k) by Rev. Andrew Thomson, B.A. zip (48k) Life of Dr. John Owen Appendices. (38k) by Rev. A. Thomson, (14k) ...Evidences of Faith...vol. 1 (84k) John Owen (first published 1701) zip (28k) ...Evidences of Faith...vol. 2 (91k) John Owen (first published 1701) zip (30k) Meditations and Discourses on the Glory of Christ. (607k PDF book) 14 chapters, first published 1696AD.