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Showing posts with label Jenny Martin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jenny Martin. Show all posts

Thursday, December 10, 2015

2015 Debut Author Bash Featuring Jenny Martin and A Giveaway!

I am so excited to be hosting Jenny Martin during the 2015 debut authors bash tour! I adore Jenny she's such a sweetie! I have an interview with Jenny to share today and make sure to enter the giveaway below for a copy of the book and the giveaway is international!

Haven't heard of TRACKED? Check it out!

Author: Jenny Martin
Pub. Date: May 5, 2015
Publisher: Dial Books
Pages: 400
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, audiobook
The Fast and the Furious gets a futuristic twist in this action-packed debut!

On corporately controlled Castra, rally racing is a high-stakes game that seventeen-year-old Phoebe Van Zant knows all too well. Phee’s legendary racer father disappeared mysteriously, but that hasn't stopped her from speeding headlong into trouble. When she and her best friend, Bear, attract the attention of Charles Benroyal, they are blackmailed into racing for Benroyal Corp, a company that represents everything Phee detests. Worse, Phee risks losing Bear as she falls for Cash, her charming new teammate. But when she discovers that Benroyal is controlling more than a corporation, Phee realizes she has a much bigger role in Castra’s future than she could ever have imagined. It's up to Phee to take Benroyal down. But even with the help of her team, can a street-rat destroy an empire?

Check out the book trailer!

Now on to the interview!

Hi Jenny! First I want to say welcome back to Two Chicks on Books I’m so happy to have you here again! I’m so happy you chose me to be your host for the Debut Author Bash I’m totally honored!

For the readers: can you tell us a little bit about TRACKED and the characters?

Tracked is the story of Phee Van Zant. Phee’s a spitfire who lives on another planet, in the far future—a girl who evolves from south side street racer to pro-circuit legend, to rogue-rescuing revolutionary. (I like to think of Phee as a Han Solo girl, who prefers driving to piloting space ships. Also, her Princess Leia isn’t a princess at all. Instead, Phee rescues a prince!) 

Oh...and that prince? His Highness, Cashoman “Cash” Dradha, is a bit of a rogue himself, though Phee’s best friend and pacer (navigator), Bear Larssen, would probably use more colorful words to describe him. ;) 

Together, they must do more than win on the track. They’re destined to face down the galaxy’s most powerful empire. 

Ok I am a huge auto racing fan are you too? Is that what inspired you to write TRACKED?

Believe or not...before writing this book, I didn’t know much about racing. I’ve always enjoyed racing storyline in movies and books, and I live not too far from Texas Motor Speedway, but I’ve never actually had the chance to attend a real race! Hmmm...I may need to fix that. 

I know we have a title for book 2, MARKED right? Is that the end or will there be a book 3?

Marked is a duology. With the sequel finished, I've had the chance to tell the story I always wanted to tell, and end it in a satisfying way, with all the major plot points and character arcs resolved. I hope readers will feel the same! But...here’s a little secret: I did leave myself one tiny loophole, in case I ever wanted to dive back into the world and begin a brand new adventure. Maybe...someday...I’ll write one.  

Were any of the characters in the book inspired by people from your real life?

Absolutely...my family influenced the individual characters. Phee has such a strong bond with her foster parents, and in writing those relationships, I thought a lot about my own mom and dad, and also, my grandmother, Joy, who is a huge mentor and inspiration to me. There’s a lot of my fierce, wise, Grandma Joy in Mary Larssen.

And in writing Phee’s relationship with her best friend, Bear, I borrowed a lot from my own best friend…who also happens to be my husband, Chris. Believe it or not, but we’ve been married for twenty years now, and there’s something to be said for growing up with someone, growing more and more close to them and enjoying the infinite comfort and familiarity of a deep, loyal, abiding love.

At the same time, my husband was also a big inspiration as I wrote Cash. There’s a quiet kind of everlasting love, and then there’s the kind that knocks you out like TNT. I think readers will know which is which when they’re introduced to Prince Cashoman. When Phee meets this bad boy--a gambling, headstrong prince—sparks fly, but it’s not exactly opposites attract. Phee and Cash are all too much alike, and oh my, that made for some fun banter and crackling chemistry.

Who was your favorite character to write? What about your least favorite?

As fun as it was to write Bear and Cash, Phee was my favorite to write. And I think it’s because she came into my life, popping into my head, just when I needed her the most. 

Phee is everything I’m not. She’s bold and reckless; foot to the floor, all the way. I’d never have the guts to get behind the wheel or smash my way into the winners’ circle. But somehow, this girl invaded my imagination, and as she began her journey, she taught me how to begin mine. As she came alive on the page, I did, too. I pushed past my self-doubt and hesitation. I grew in confidence. I wasn’t so worried anymore. 

In a way, I needed Phee. 

As for my least favorite...honestly, I can’t think of one. Even my villain, Charles Benroyal, was fun to write. For the past several years, these characters became such a big part of my writing life, and I came to love getting to know them on the page. ;) 

What is your favorite passage/scene in TRACKED?

My favorite scene to write was probably the biggest race, the Sand Ridge 500. It was such an adrenaline rush to imagine Phee roaring down the track, smashing through the competition. As I drafted, I listened to Foo Fighters’ White Limo and Beastie Boys’ Sabotage, over and over. It was so. much. fun. 

What kind of research did you have to do for the story?

As I wrote Tracked, I learned a lot about various kinds of real-world racing. Beyond street racing, I researched formula one, NASCAR, drag, auto endurance and rally car racing. I devoured biographies by racers, car magazines and articles about the sport. I visited Texas Motor Speedway. I interviewed an amateur stock car racer. Fun fact: one of my favorite resources was (and still is) Red Bulletin Magazine. They cover extreme sports, and there are always a ton of interesting tidbits to inspire the writer in me.

What are you reading right now? Or what do you have on your TBR that you’re dying to read?

Right now, I’m rereading A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab. She’s one of my favorite authors, and I love this story so much. 

Who is your ultimate Book Boyfriend?

Forget Gale and Peeta, I’m w/ Annie Cresta...Team Finnick all the way! 

What inspired you to write YA?

First and foremost, I love children’s literature and I love YA. I read it growing up. I still read it, and I’m also a school librarian. So that’s a big part of the allure. And I’ve always been interested in the journey from the safety and familiarity of childhood to the perilous (dare I say trackless?) wilderness of adulthood. This theme of coming of age, and discovering who you really are…it really can be powerful stuff. 

Lightning Round Questions

If the Sorting Hat sorted you into a house at Hogwarts which house would you be in?

Gryffindor...no question. (Though it seems most of my best friends are Slytherin. Go figure!)  

Twitter or Facebook?

TWITTER. No contest. Facebook is for the friends you went to high school with...Twitter is for the friends you wish you went to high school with. 

Favorite Superhero?

Superman always. Lately? Daredevil. 

Favorite TV show?

Did I mention Daredevil? ;)

Sweet or Salty?

Sweet AND Salty!

Any Phobias?

Potluck dinners. Slithery things. Crawly things. Small spaces. 

Song you can’t get enough of right now?

The Healing by Gary Clark, Jr. 

Upcoming Movie you’re most looking forward to?

Episode VII: The Force Awakens! 

Thanks so much Jenny for answering my questions!

Thank you! 

About Jenny:

Jenny Martin is an author and librarian. Her first novel, Tracked, will be released on May 5th, 2015 by Dial, an imprint of Penguin Random-House. Jenny is also an experienced speaker, panelist and presenter who’s appeared at many state and regional conferences, events and festivals. She lives in Dallas, with her husband and son, where she hoards books and writes fiction. And yes, she’s still on a quest for the perfect pancake.

Giveaway Details:

1 winner will receive a signed hardcover of TRACKED! International.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Blog Tour- TRACKED by Jenny Martin A Playlist and A Giveaway

I am so excited to be hosting a spot on the TRACKED blog tour! I have Jenny's playlist and make sure to enter the giveaway below for a copy of the book and swag!

Haven't heard of TRACKED? Check it out!

Author: Jenny Martin
Pub. Date: May 5, 2015
Publisher: Dial Books
Pages: 400
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, audiobook
The Fast and the Furious gets a futuristic twist in this action-packed debut!

On corporately controlled Castra, rally racing is a high-stakes game that seventeen-year-old Phoebe Van Zant knows all too well. Phee’s legendary racer father disappeared mysteriously, but that hasn't stopped her from speeding headlong into trouble. When she and her best friend, Bear, attract the attention of Charles Benroyal, they are blackmailed into racing for Benroyal Corp, a company that represents everything Phee detests. Worse, Phee risks losing Bear as she falls for Cash, her charming new teammate. But when she discovers that Benroyal is controlling more than a corporation, Phee realizes she has a much bigger role in Castra’s future than she could ever have imagined. It's up to Phee to take Benroyal down. But even with the help of her team, can a street-rat destroy an empire?

Check out the book trailer!

Now on to the post! Jenny sent the spotify code so have fun listening! 

I love music—it’s a big part of my life, even when I’m writing. Often, when I’m trying to think deeply about a character or gearing up to write a big scene, I’ll key into a particular song, listening to it over and over, for inspiration. Here are some of the tracks that…ahem…inspired Tracked.

1. Strange Times by the Black Keys

Man, I love the Keys. And to me, Strange Times evoked Phee’s world, a planet that’s so corrupt, and so far gone from its original, Earth-colony roots. There’s a line in Strange Times about “statues in the square” and what they used to stand for, and that’s pretty much Phee’s planet in a nutshell.

2. Fast Fuse by Kasabian

This song reminds me of Phee, during her first few races, when she’s all heart, but no head, just a fast fuse, smoking the competition.

3. Howlin’ for You by the Black Keys

I always imagined this song playing in the backroom club when Phee first meets Cash. It’s pretty clear, right away, that there’s something between these two. They’re both a handful. They’re both smart-mouthed and bold and volatile, for entirely different reasons. And this song…it’s like what happens when you mix two brands of TNT…spontaneous combustion. But oh boy, it’s fun to write that kind of chemistry.

4. February Stars by Foo Fighters

While Phee and Cash make a strong case for explosive chemistry, Bear’s relationship with her is something all together. Bear and Phee share a deep bond, an abiding closeness built on family and friendship. For me, this song seems to ask the question--what happens when that friendship changes…what happens when we grow up, and loyalty grows into love?

5. Lightning Bolt Pearl Jam

Another anthem for Phee, only this one’s a shade more triumphant. I think of this one when Phee’s just starting to practice for her first circuit race. She’s in this hot, state-of-the-art machine, spinning out of control, simply for the pure joy of it.

6. The Perfect Drug by Nine Inch Nails

For me, this song is all about obsessive, out of control love, and the price it exacts. To understand why this song reminds me of Tracked…no spoilers, you’ll have to read it.

7. Rope by Foo Fighters

There are moments in Tracked, when the noose tightens and Phee’s staring at a set of seemingly no-win choices. I love the way Rope speaks to that kind of emotional state—that sense of crippling indecision.

8. White Limo by Foo Fighters

I always, always listen to Foo Fighters when I’m deep into a book, looking for inspiration. And if I had to pick one song for this book, it’d be White Limo. There’s a really big, climactic race in Tracked, and I listened to this song over and over while dreaming it up, drafting and revising it. Honestly, listening to White Limo is like put an ear to the most primal corner Phee’s soul. (And hey, this song is totally kickass.)

9. Dear Dictator by Saint Motel

If I had to pick a song for my bad guy, Charles Benroyal, it’d be this one. Saint Motel is such an awesome band, and if you’re not listening to them, you should be. Dear Dictator is pure villainy. Love it.

10. No Church in the Wild by Kanye West

Another perfect track for my sharply dressed, smooth-talking villain, Benroyal. I listened to this one a lot, when drafting scenes in the Spire.

11. Satellite by Guster

Here’s another song for Cash, one that evokes the softer side of his personality. Satellite is touching and tender, and it perfectly articulates his feelings for Phee.

12. Bridge Burning by Foo Fighters

There are a lot of Foo Fighters songs on this playlist, so many that the band’s in my acknowledgments. I feel I owe them a huge debt for all the inspiration! So many of their songs are perfect for action scenes, and this track is no exception. If I imagine Phee sitting behind the wheel, before her most fateful race, it’s this song I hear.

13. Half the Man by Methodic Doubt Music

Here’s the perfect track for a sweeping, epic climax…no words, just a hard-driving beat and a sense of pulse-pounding doom. I’ll let you figure out what scene this song evokes.

14. Something from Nothing by Foo Fighters

This is Phee, facing down all the powers who oppose her. She is not going down without a fight, or without blazing bright. If you read the lyrics, it’s totally Phee vs. Benroyal, and I love it.

15. Learn to Fly by Foo Fighters.

It was really difficult for me to say goodbye to book one, and draft the final chapters of Tracked, so this song really evokes the feelings I had writing them, and the emotional tone of the book’s resolution.

Hope you enjoy the playlist, and hope you enjoyed getting a sneak peek at my thoughts about Tracked. ;) 

About Jenny:

Jenny Martin is an author and librarian. Her first novel, Tracked, will be released on May 5th, 2015 by Dial, an imprint of Penguin Random-House. Jenny is also an experienced speaker, panelist and presenter who’s appeared at many state and regional conferences, events and festivals. She lives in Dallas, with her husband and son, where she hoards books and writes fiction. And yes, she’s still on a quest for the perfect pancake.

Giveaway Details:

5 winners will receive a finished copy of TRACKED and an awesome swag pack! US Only.

5 winners will receive a finished copy of TRACKED! US Only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check out the Tour Schedule!

Week One:
4/27/2015- Icey BooksReview
4/27/2015- Girls In The Stacks- Guest Post
4/28/2015- Novel NoviceGuest Post
4/28/2015- I Read Banned BooksInterview
4/29/2015- Alice MarvelsReview
4/30/2015- Mundie MomsInterview
4/30/2015- NerdophilesReview
5/1/2015- Bookhounds YAGuest Post

Week Two:
5/4/2015- Reading TeenReview
5/4/2015- Two Chicks on BooksGuest Post
5/5/2015- FiktshunInterview
5/6/2015- Stuck In BooksReview 
5/6/2015- ParajunkeeInterview
5/7/2015- Me My Shelf And IInterview
5/8/2015- FangirlishGuest Post
5/8/2015- Page TurnersReview

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday (21)- Top Ten Books On My Spring TBR List

Hi Happy St. Paddy's Day!!! And welcome to my Top 10 Tuesday post! 

Thanks to the lovely ladies at The Broke And The Bookish for creating this weekly meme!

Here's this week's topic.

March 17: Top Ten Books On My Spring TBR List

These are in no particular order just books I want to read this spring. Click on the cover for details











So this is my list. What about you? Whats on your spring TBR?

And come back next week for my Top 10 Books From My Childhood (Or teen years) That I Would Love To Revisit ;)

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