Showing posts with label SPRING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SPRING. Show all posts

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Corner View: Spring

Oh, Spring, where are you...?

There was frost on the grass this morning and though the sun is shining now, it's only 3°C. Hats, scarves, gloves, winter boots... we can't say good-bye to them yet. But how I wish we could...

Oh, Spring, please, hurry up...

For more CVs, please visit lovely Francesca.

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday 19 April 2011


So it is Spring, in full bloom.
Suddenly, the world around us has become so full of green. Birds sing again, the sun shines and people smile more often. It all feels good, now.

The past few weeks have been pretty heavy on us. With never ending illnesses and weakness, my unexpected hospitalization, sick child, broken toe, stressful search for a new flat etc., our energy supplies have been a bit too low. We all are on the mend right now, believing tomorrow's better.

Certain things became official few weeks ago and we're facing some big changes. We're full of anticipation, happy and a bit nervous at the same time. I will be writing about it soon. There are things ahead of us that we're excited about. But there are also first separations to go through, not understood by little hearts. And that breaks my heart too.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Hello Spring!

Hello Spring! You've been very kind to us recently, spoiling us with the sun, fresh air, beautiful birds' singing in early morning hours. We take long walks to the park every day, we play, we get dizzy with the smell of cherry tree blossoms filling up the air. We're waking up from winter hibernation. We love you, Spring.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Searching for spring plus a little announcement.

After many days of gray sky, rain, cold winds and depressive moods we've been finally enjoying a day full of sun. The sky is so gorgeously blue that I can't stop looking up. We had a quick breakfast this morning and we immediately left for a walk to the park nearby. It was a bit chilly but I swear I could feel smell of spring in the air. I do wish that this winter was over...

We looked with little G. for some signs of spring. Little green buds on trees, birds singing cheerfully. And we found these:

Aren't they pretty? Spring surely must be on its way...


I have a little something to share with you today.
After giving it a lot of thoughts I have finally found the courage to open my little shop. I've been knitting so much recently, mostly for babies and kids and I decided to put some of my knits on sale on Folksy. You can visit my little shop here. Welcome and enjoy!

Monday 12 April 2010


...finally. Days are getting longer and warmer and the sun visits us more often. There is freshness in the air that I breathe in and feel that everything can happen. Because everything is possible.

Life is much busier these days. We're slowly settling here and we know we won't be coming back to Italy for a while. I'm back to work, part-time, so I still get the chance to be with little G. as much as possible. She's growing happy and healthy and brings lots of joy into our world.

There is little time left for myself and I can't be online as often as I used to be. My blogs are a bit dusty but I hope that I am able to update them more often soon...