Showing posts with label brooch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brooch. Show all posts

Monday 14 March 2011

Hitting the wall.

Thank you all for your nice comments on my "Topolina" sweater, here as well as on Ravelry. I will definitely be knitting another one and I will try to write down the pattern notes to share with you. At the moment not much has been happening in my knitting world- I feel like I've lost my knitting mojo. I have plenty of ideas in my head, I have few projects on my needles, I have new delicious yarns in my stash  and somehow I don't have energy to work. Whenever I pick up my needles, I give them up after few rows. Nothing feels right... It's like I've hit some sort of knitting wall. Do you also experience this sometimes...?

I've been trying to finish this cable sweater that I started long before last year Christmas. I only need to do half a sleeve but I don't see the end of it. Maybe it's because my personal knitting assistant (my two year old daughter) keeps pulling out the needles and I'm fed up with picking up the stitches... This warm, thick sweater will be ready just in time for... summer. Oh, well...

I played with hook a bit today. I made this little flower brooch. That's the most I can produce right now.