Wednesday, June 06, 2007 |
Cut Off |
I can no longer access the law school's internal bulletin board. It's strange. There's nothing there that I'm all that interested in, really, but it was one of my daily (i mean, hourly) checks from my bookmarks, and it's weird that I can't do it anymore.
I guess I need to truly move on.Labels: graduation, law school |
posted by Zuska @ 7:52 AM |
Sunday, May 27, 2007 |
Spinning Top |
I graduated on Friday. See how happy that seems to make me? *
Apparently, however, I've been under some stress this week. Between traveling to see the baby, graduating from law school, ushering my daughter through her 9th year, and traveling back to home state to see the baby again --- physical symptoms of the stress have struck me in the form of multiple cold sores, which tends to be the plague of Zuska. I can handle all this stuff, I can do it, and be mostly okay, but my body says, "bullshit, woman, this is too much!" and waa laa! My lip is swollen, and all I want to do is hide in my house.
Or in this case, my mother's house.
J's bday went well. She enjoyed her gifts - especially the roller blades that grandma and grandpa gifted her with. They also gave E a pair, which tends to go against my usual beliefs about siblings receiving gifts when it's not their birthday - but in this case, it was for the best. J won't want to go rollerblading on her own, and if E has some, too, they can do it together, and therefore more often. Her paternal grandmother sent her knitting supplies, which she enjoys a great deal (weirdo).
Graduation also went well. There isn't too much to say about it ... the ceremony was fine. I was not impressed with our faculty speaker .... our commencement speaker was no biggy. Our student speakers (who are elected by the student body b/c we don't have class rank) were really good, and I especially like the one who I nominated. She ended her speech with a rap. She was so cute. I wish I knew her better.
We came home from graduation and my parents and I all napped for an hour before we went out to dinner. Dinner was really good, and then we went home and I crashed .... well, after I tried to sort through clothes in my room.
I'm having a horrid time with clothes right now. I've gone down a size and a half, pretty much, and don't really have clothes. The clothes I had been wearing were stretched with belts for a while, but now I'm to the point where they look like clown pants. I bought a few things to carry me through - not wanting to buy too much, b/c I want to keep shrinking.
I was afraid to get rid of the useless ones, though. Like I said previously, I can't continue with the gym, and it's hard for me to wake in the a.m. So what if I end up needing that bigger size again? Beloved said - no. Get rid of the clothes. He said I won't need them again, he knows I'll keep up with the exercise, and if over time, I do need the bigger size again, I should buy new things that are in style, etc. (In style? Me?)
And so, my mom offered to take them. I put them all in big garbage bags, and she's throwing them all into her attic. Which meant I had to get it done. Great night-after-graduation activity? No?
THEN I crashed.
Now I'm back in home state. I spent the afternoon at my brother's, but was unable to hold the baby b/c of the stupid cold sores. J did great with him, though, and loved holding him and seeing him. I actually was going to stay home (hello? exhaustion? stress?) - but J really wanted to see her cousin.
We played Scrabble last night ... J, my mom and I. I left E home with Beloved, and they watched movies that J can't tolerate (she can't do intensity - regardless of the rating), and who knows what they're doing today ... if they're even awake.
This week ... BarBri starts! Woo hoo. Yippeee. Yikes.
Oh yeah, and prepping for J's bday party (joint party with her BFF whose bday is a week after hers) which is on Saturday. Groan.
*So yeah, I decided to supply a face with the blog ... considering that we're in the end-stages of this journey here, and I know I'll be closing up shop at the end of the summer, and that I'm likely identifiable already by anyone who knows me, and by anyone who wants to figure out who I am.Labels: *E*, *J*, bar prep, everything, graduation |
posted by Zuska @ 11:53 AM |
Saturday, May 12, 2007 |
Last Day of Classes |
Yesterday was my last law school class. It was a little surreal, because our classroom was moved due to 1L exams, and we ended up being put in a classroom I had almost all my first-year classes in, but haven't been in since. I also was in IP, which is taught by the same professor who I had for 1L Property. It felt like 3 years ago - I remember the Property review session perfectly, and I'm pretty sure I sat in the same seat.
When we left, my friends were VERY happy. Doing dances and such.
I wasn't. Not really. I was nostalgic, and also a little sad. I've really enjoyed school. I've enjoyed being in class again, and I've enjoyed this sort of learning process. I don't want it to continue, and I'm not combing the land for the "perfect" ph.d. program. However, I'm not doing a dance, really.
I think my friends who went to law school straight from undergrad were the ones who were happy. They just finished their 20th year straight of school (right? Is my math okay here?)
I had 10 years off. I think it made me more appreciative, and now a little more sad.
But uh, I can't wait for exams to be over. And I can't wait to be done with the bar. And I can't wait to go to Europe with my Beloved, and I actually really can't wait to start work/my career, and I'm optimistic (to say the least) about the future.
So I wasn't that sad.Labels: graduation, law school |
posted by Zuska @ 10:02 AM |
Wednesday, February 14, 2007 |
The other reality is sinking in. |
Oh, the dual-life of the co-op system. What joy. What rapture. (What sarcasm.)
I am used to coming to work every day. I am used to the routine and the lifestyle (that which comes with a paycheck). Yet, it is coming time to pull up stakes and head back to school.
Right now, school feels like it's in the way. I wish it were over with. I wish that it was already a year from now, and that my work wasn't something temporary, but that I was settled and staying in one place for the foreseeable future.
I read Lyco's recent post -- which I am calling "about graduation" but it was really about how darned cute and funny Lyco is -- wherein she pointed out to the world how many days there are until graduation for most law schools. Mine is 4 days after hers.
I have yet to START my classes. They don't start until March 5. I have to start and finish my classes in approximately 100 days. That sounds super short.
Also, I don't have time to graduate. I think that if it weren't for the fact that there are other people in my life who DO care, I wouldn't care to attend the ceremony.
J's birthday is the day before graduation. She wants a party, but it would be pretty hard to be split between my graduation and her birthday party. Perhaps we'll do something for her the weekend after, but we wanted to go to the Cape that weekend. So then maybe we'll do something the weekend before, but oops - that's when I have final exams.
Basically, school and graduation is in my way. I don't want it. I'm done.
And don't even mention the stupid bar exam and the prep classes. Geez. Does it have to be EVERY DAY???Labels: co-op, graduation, law school |
posted by Zuska @ 9:26 AM |