Showing posts with label Cleaning Up Snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cleaning Up Snow. Show all posts

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Random Pics

I haven't been taking as many pics lately, but here are some pics I took near Christmas and New Year...

1st pic: A pink rose with glitters...

2nd pic: A table for three on Christmas Eve.

3rd pic: The snowflake covered with snowflakes ha ha...

4th pic: R2 had to work hard cleaning the snow from the yard...

5th pic: You should click the pic to see it in a bigger version. Notice the marks on the snow?

6th pic: Those are a hare's tracks. :-D

7th pic: Spending New Year's Eve at MIL's place. :-D

Hope you enjoyed the pics, folks!

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

3BT: Random Days

1. An old woman looking so happily surprised to see me at work. She said, "Oh, I haven't seen you in a long time. I'm GLAD you're still working!" ---> Honestly I don't even remember her, but I'm HAPPY to hear that she's SO happy to know that I'm still working in the same place. :-D

2. Free youtube exercise video clips. They really help me in doing different types of exercises when I'm bored with the exercise routines I've been doing.

3. Fast and reliable internet access that enables me to watch those said youtube video clips.

4. Receiving this lovely homemade Christmas decoration present from a friend.

5. More snowwwww!!! And the weekly temperature forecast showing below 0'C even during the day! :-D

6. Watching two squirrels playing in and around the branches of a tree.

7. Cleaning up the snow from the yard. There's something so serene about doing that in the middle of Winter Wonderland.

8. Lovely lovemaking - plus the fact that hubby just knows what to do TENDERLY! :-D

9. Watching "While You Were Sleeping" again that made me feel mushy mushy inside. :-D

10. Hubby buying pizza so that I didn't have to cook he he he he...It's nice not having to cook sometimes. :-D

11. Putting up Christmas lights. (Yep, the picture below #7 is the close-up look of the Christmas lights below)

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Friday Task

On Friday after we got back home from work, we had to clean up the snow - I had to help make some room for new snow in the yard and R2 had to go up the roof again to clean up more snow. This winter is really something 'coz people've been saying that they haven't seen this much snow. One colleague of mine told us during lunch break that a few days ago her mother or MIL called, saying that she couldn't get out of the house 'coz snow had piled up in front of her door. My MIL also had trouble getting out 'coz there was so much snow sometime this week, after snow had fallen down all night long.

Here are some pics for comparison purposes...

1st pic: Taken when we first moved in about 5 weeks ago. Notice the amount of snow on the roof and in the yard in front of the house.

2nd pic: Taken yesterday. Lots of snow from the roof has now "landed" on the yard ha ha...I had to stand there to let you know how thick the snow is compared to me (I'm 145 cm).

3rd pic: Taken last week. R2 is about 177 cm tall.

4th pic: R2 cleaning up the snow on the roof. DANGEROUS task 'coz it may be slippery up there and you can't hold on to anything. I read that at least 1-2 people fell down in other places in Finland when they were cleaning the roof from snow.

OK, now I'll blog-hop a bit and then I need to finish the Finnish novel that I've been reading. Only a couple of pages left. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! :-D

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Yahoo Spammy Update

After sending an apology email to everybody in my yahoo address book today, I received a reply from one of them, who stated that she had the same problem a few weeks ago. She changed her password the day she found out about the problem and then about a week after that, Yahoo asked her to change her password again and there hasn't been any more problems so far.

I've changed my password and deleted everybody in my address book (after making a copy in my HD). I don't want to have to delete my yahoo account if I don't have to 'coz I've got plenty of important things stored there, but do let me know if any of you receive any more spam emails later on, OK?

However, I'm not going to link my yahoo mailbox to my blogs for some time, until I know that everything's OK. Anyway, I'll blog-hop sometime this week. Today R2 and I cleaned up the snow in the yard and R2 cleaned some snow from our roof. I took some pics and short video clips of him up on the roof, but I'll share with you later he he...

Thursday, February 04, 2010


Yep, I've been MIA for a while. Busy moving and unpacking and rearranging stuff in our new place. We managed to play hide-and-seek accidentally a few times when we were running around and around in circles trying to find each other ha ha...

I've also been busy clearing up the snow from some parts of the yard every day 'coz it's snowed quite a lot since we moved here. It's a good exercise and I enjoyed it 'coz it gave me purpose - after all, I do have quite a lot of time to spend here.

So far we've also used the sauna twice - enjoying ourselves and relaxing in between the chaos and the messy rooms filled with cardboard boxes. We still haven't put on any dark curtain in our bedroom 'coz the one we had was too short - good thing the daylight here is still short, so we could sleep in peace in the dark HO HO HO HO HO...

Here're some pics of the house:

The living room:

The other part of the living room:

Our plain bedroom - no curtains yet:

The messy kitchen:

OK, that's all for now 'coz I've gotta find some curtains for the bedroom now ha ha...take care and I'll blog-hop sometime this week bit by bit.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

3BT: Random Days

1. "Diamonds" glittering on a rooftop (read: when the sun was shining on the rooftop of a building covered by snow, the snow glittered just like diamonds).

2. Making lurrrrrvvvvveeeeeeeee and cuddling, kissing, and tickling each other afterwards.

3. Feeling as if spring had come again due to the amount of snow and sunlight during daytime.

4. Taking these pictures made me happy:

5. Starting to count down to the day of my departure to Indo and feeling both joy and sadness (sadness 'coz I'll have to leave hubby for 4 weeks - we've never been apart for more than one day for the past 2 years and 7 months).

6. Receiving "tempe teri" from an Indo friend who lives in Southern Finland. The day I received it, I cooked rice right away and it felt HEAVENLY to taste tempe teri with hot rice. Mmmm...

7. Feeling hubby's shaved cheek on mine.

8. Having some savings for rainy days and not having debt.

9. Reading a very funny joke (in Finnish), laughing about it, and sharing the laughter with hubby and BIL.

10. Asking hubby: "Is our marriage what you think a marriage is supposed to be?" He said yes and when I asked if he had any complaints about me, he said no. :-D

Sunday, January 13, 2008

3BT: Saturday, January 12, 2007

1. Being woken up by hubby since sleepyhead me kept on sleeping. He woke me up with a very warm smile on his face and giggly eyes. Yeah, his eyes were giggly HA HA HA HA HA HA...

2. Helping hubby cleaning up snow around my in-laws' yard. Quite an exciting and fun exercise for me! (I'll upload the video clip of hubby doing it later on, OK?)

3. Mother-in-law coming out of the house when she found out I was cleaning up snow to lend me her warmer gloves HE HE HE HE HE HE HE...

4. Being entertained by the music of nature while cleaning up the snow: the BIRDS singing for me!!!! FREE entertainment!!!!! In the stillness of the snowy yard, with the birds singing while I burned some was MAGNIFICENT! ;-D

5. Listening to hubby and mother-in-law debate over the colour of a towel HA HA HA HA HA HA...Hubby kept on insisting that it was brown, whereas mother-in-law said that it was light purple HI HI HI HI HI...It was FUNNY 'coz I understood the WHOLE thing! ;-D

6. Salted smoked reindeer eaten with my fave bread HUE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE...ABSOLUTELY YUMMY!!!!!!!

7. One of my closest friends writing this YM message to me: "Say hi to Arttu. We thank him for having made Amel feel happy and cherished. That way we don't have to worry about her." AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW...

8. Relaying the above message to hubby via YM messenger and hearing him say: "You're welcome." HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE...My heart's SO full of love!!!