Showing posts with label Crescent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crescent. Show all posts

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Cabin Trip: Rainbow, Crecent, Gorgeous Sunset

I haven't been blogging here 'coz I've been busy with work and I haven't really got any inspiration to write ha ha...yesterday we were planning to go to the cabin but I wasn't too sure if we were going or not 'coz it depended on whether or not R2 had to work late. Thankfully he didn't have to stay too long at work he we went shopping for food and drinks first before we went there. It was raining when we arrived at around 4 pm, but we got to enjoy a rainbow!!! WOOOHOOOOOOO!!!! The temperature was around 5'C at that time. 

Here are two rainbow pics (I wanted to take a video but it was raining pretty hard at that time so my lens got wet):

Luckily about an hour later, the dark clouds went away and I saw a lovely crescent in the sky. I took some pics as the sun was setting, but the sky became even more gorgeous after the sun had gone below the horizon. Pink, orange...that was just SO breathtaking. And it wasn't too cold to stay outside to enjoy all of it he he he...I ran back inside to get my camera and take a short video clip 'coz there's no way a photo can capture the beauty of it all. 

Here's the crescent photo:

Sunset photo:

Gorgeous flaming sky photo:

Gorgeous sky video clip: 

We really enjoyed our cabin trip this time 'coz we got to be there early, so we had plenty of time to do anything. We warmed up the sauna, listened to the radio, laughed together, and just enjoyed being surrounded by nature. I even saw a few swans far far away from me, but my camera couldn't capture them clearly 'coz they were just too far away. How I wished I had a crazy zoom for my camera ha ha ha ha...but anyway, we were treated with so many beautiful views already, so no complaints there! LOL!!!

Here's one photo of the swans far awayyyyyyy from me:

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Weekend Pics

As you all know, last Friday we stayed in the cabin while it was -15'C outside. MIL and FIL both asked us if we were serious, since it was that cold hi hi hi...Remember that the cabin only has an outside toilet, so if we want to pee, we have to go outside first. Oh yeah, almost forgot...the neighbour has cleared the way to the cabin from snow - so THANK YOU SO MUCH, neighbour!!!

That means we could go there with our car and we didn't have to go there on foot hi hi...when we arrived there, I realized that the way to the outside toilet was thick with snow, so in the end I had to (sorry) do my thing out in the open air. Well, the place is far away from the street and it was SO dark outside, so I was safe hi hi hi hi...The only problem was my cold butt HA HA HA HA HA HA...

Anyway, here are some pics I took:

1st pic: the fireplace where we could "roast" our sausages...yummy...

2nd pic: R2 roasting some sausages while I posed. Rock 'n Roll YEEEAAAHHHH!!!! ;-D

3rd pic: No comment HA HA HA HA HA...

4th pic: Saturday morning as we were going back to my MIL's place, he had to scrape out the layer of ice/snow from the car windows. If the temperature is low (below 0'C), he has to do this EVERY MORNING before we go to work.

5th pic: Look at the layer of snow in front of me. The way to the toilet is to the right side of this pic and there's as much snow. That was why I couldn't pee there hi hi...

And here are some pics around my MIL's and FIL's place.

This below pic is taken from behind their sauna, so it shows the path leading to the cabin and frozen lake.

This below pic is taken from the street in front of my MIL's and FIL's place since I had to get the newspaper from their mailbox right next to the street. So the house is quite a distance away from the street. And the cabin is at the end of the path.

Last pic: Behind me is MIL's "semi-underground" storage house or whatever you call it he he...

Sunday, January 04, 2009

3BT: Random Days

1. I got cranky the other day (yes, again!) and my super patient hubby really knew how to make me smile. He took the initiative to wash the pile of dishes in the kitchen hi hi hi hi...That made me un-cranky! ;-D

2. Again hubby did something for me that he knew I'd need, even though it didn't even cross my mind. THANK YOU SO MUCH for thinking of MY needs, Honey!!!

3. We DID go to the cabin to spend a WONDERFUL night underneath a VERY STARRY sky (along with a beautiful golden crescent). SPLENDID!!! Oh, and did I mention that the cabin is the place where he proposed me? That's why that place will ALWAYS be memorable for me.

4. I laughed like crazy until tears came out of my eyes and I couldn't even stop to speak. Yes, that kind of laughter! It's been a while since I laughed like that, so it felt SO SO SO SO SO good!

5. My MIL told me about her mother's life story. I'm going to write about this later. I LOVE hearing stories as my Mom always tells me stories and my MIL really reminds me of my own mother. :-)))

6. Seeing a group of waxwings (or tilhi in Finnish) flying over me (about 1,5 metres ahead of me). It was quite a moment! I'd NEVER have been able to experience it had I stayed in Indo he he he...

7. My mind isn't so full of questions, pressures, and self-accusations anymore. I don't know how long this will last and when I get my answers, but I'm going to take it E-A-S-Y!

8. My brother sent me some family pics, including Ken's. He looks fatter now hi hi hi hi...Here he is:

Sunday, November 04, 2007

First Wedding Anniversary: Starry, Starry Night!

Venue: My parents-in-laws' cabin. No electricity. We lit the fireplace, some candles, and an oil lamp. Dates: November 2nd - 3rd, 2007. Occasion: First Wedding Anniversary.

Food: Hamburger and sausages, cooked in the fireplace.

Drinks: Cold cider and plain water.

Music: Anything the radio played that night.

Temperature: Around -5'C to -9'C. (I got out a few times to pee in the outdoor toilet)

Bonuses: A box of Praline chocolate, a VERY starry night sky, and a crescent.

Note: It was an AWESOME sight! The cabin was located far away from city lights so the stars were prominent in the sky. I didn't know that the stars could be seen even very low above the horizon. There were literally tens of thousands or probably a million stars that I could see everywhere I turned!!! Gosh!!! I almost wanted to throw a sleeping bag on the ground and just camp there under the stars he he he...

Magical Moments:

1. Hubby gazed at me for a LONG time as though he was looking at me for the first time, with lovey-dovey eyes. Mmmmm...*drool*

2. Se on salaisuus. It's a secret. *wink* Too personal to tell here HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE...

3. Having enough quality time with my hubby. We talked about our rough plans for the future. I just wanted to make sure that we were on the same track. We also talked about the past, about last year's wedding and honeymoon. We both agree that this year is DEFINITELY MUCH better than last year. ;-D

4. Gazing at the stars whenever I came out to pee in the outdoor toilet. Mmmmh...I kept on turning my head round and round and round and there was no spot in the sky that wasn't covered by the stars. Amazing!!! Then when I came out the second time, I saw a crescent in the sky along with the stars. My, my, my!!!

5. My mother-in-law has already planned to give me something for my upcoming birthday on November 29th. BLESS HER HEART!!!! How can I not love that woman? ;-D She was going to give me some money for a haircut he he he...Hubby helped me explain to her that I wasn't planning on cutting my hair yet as I wanted long hair to help warm up my ears during winter. ;-D

Receiving so many anniversary well-wishes from family, friends, blogger friends. ;-D

Here are some pics:

We arrived at the cabin at around 9 pm. We arrived in Kelujärvi already at 6 pm, but then Arttu had to go to the cabin first to warm it up. He got back after a while and then we played some cards after drinking coffee and eating some buns (we = me, Arttu, and my mother-in-law). The sky DID look GORGEOUS like that in the morning (I took the first pic at around 7.20 am).

The below pic was taken right when we arrived at the cabin. It was pitch dark already by then. I am eating sausage ha ha ha ha ha ha...

The below pic was taken at around 7 am. It was so foggy.

This crescent pic isn't too clear. Next time I'd better bring my tripod 'coz there are just some things I can't capture well without it.

The sun was shining brightly at around 10 am. We were preparing to leave the cabin to go back to my in-laws' place to enjoy breakfast there.

Me posing in front of the semi-frozen lake in front of the cabin he he...

This is the inside of the cabin. Yes, we had to cram ourselves by sleeping on that single bed he he he he he...Right on to the right side is a long table, then you can see the two single beds, and two fireplaces on the left side. The open fireplace is no longer used.

The below pic was taken in summer. I posted it here so you can see the other side of the cabin. Yeah, as you can see, one of my most fave spots on earth is Arttu's lap he he he he he he...

Arttu had to scrape ice layer from our car windows. Our car was covered by a thin layer of ice.

This below video isn't too clear, but you can at least see what we did with the burger steaks ha ha ha ha ha...

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Video Clip Time!!!

Here's a video clip I took when I visited my English friend the other day. I have another video but I need my hubby's help to flip it vertically, so that has to wait.

The two kittens are Maia and Gaia and the dog is Fluffy. ;-D

Here are a few pics I took yesterday when I walked downtown. The first one I took near the river. SO serene, isn't it? ;-D

These two pics below I took while roaming around the cemetery. The first tombstone looked pretty creative, right? ;-D The second one...I should ask my hubby later on...they seemed to be victims of something (my Finnish isn't THAT good yet). ---> Update: Arttu said that they were war victims.

This one is the pic of the old wooden church here. They keep it intact here for tourists to see. This church is located in the cemetery area.

Found these mushrooms right next to the side of the old wooden church he he he...My English friend said that they used to give these mushrooms (which have hallucinogenic effect) to reindeer and then they'd drink those reindeer's pee in order to get high). YIKES!!! I shuddered when I heard this story from her, but not sure if they still do such a thing or not, though he he he...

And last but not least, last night just as I was going to bed, I saw this crescent in the sky. LOVELY!!! This is definitely one of the beautiful things I saw yesterday. ;-D