Showing posts with label Ken's Pic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ken's Pic. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ken's Latest Pictures

A day before I was supposed to fly to Indo, my brother sent me these latest pics of Ken. Now I'm finally able to see his laughing faces he he he he...Can't believe he's a year already! WOW!!!

Second pic: Look at his first car!!! He got it as a birthday present from his grandpa he he...

This last pic is my FAVE one!!! I'm going to take many video clips of him later on HO HO HO HO...I wanna see him in action and hear his voice! :-D

Monday, September 21, 2009

Holi Holi Holiday!

Haven't had time to blog 'coz I had to work on Saturday. BUT that means I have today off HE HE HE HE HE...I first thought that we couldn't visit my in-laws on Saturday, but turned out I finished my job quickly, so we did manage to go there (albeit a little bit later than usual).

However, I forgot that on Saturdays they don't serve breakfast or lunch at the hotel, so I was DEAD HUNGRY when I went back home. That was also one reason why I worked as fast as possible (like a maniac, actually, running from room to room) - because my stomach started feeling painful. Ugh...oh well...

So what have I been doing today? I cooked spicy shrimp soup and then went to the open market nearby. Bought some chocolate/candies and some clothes and some winter socks. Yep, I spent a lot of money today, but at least I got plenty with the amount of money I spent ha ha ha...

Here are some pics of the open market:

Funny thing was that when I was at the chocolate/candy stand, I tried to look at the price first before choosing, and the guy talked to me in English HI HI HI...On the other hand, when I was going to buy the clothes and socks (in different stands), I asked them the prices in Finnish, so they talked to me in Finnish.

Here are some pics I took yesterday at my in-laws':

Me and dino egg HA HA HA...

And the other day I got more pics of Ken. Here they are (now he has 6 teeth!!! He'll be one year old next month):

My brother said that Ken loves taking a ride on the motorbike every day when my bro goes to work. The first time they did it, he had to be taken away at the end of our small alley and he cried. However, now he understands that he can only take a ride that far. Amazing how fast kids learn "patterns" he he he he...

OK, time to blog-hop nowwww...

Sunday, January 04, 2009

3BT: Random Days

1. I got cranky the other day (yes, again!) and my super patient hubby really knew how to make me smile. He took the initiative to wash the pile of dishes in the kitchen hi hi hi hi...That made me un-cranky! ;-D

2. Again hubby did something for me that he knew I'd need, even though it didn't even cross my mind. THANK YOU SO MUCH for thinking of MY needs, Honey!!!

3. We DID go to the cabin to spend a WONDERFUL night underneath a VERY STARRY sky (along with a beautiful golden crescent). SPLENDID!!! Oh, and did I mention that the cabin is the place where he proposed me? That's why that place will ALWAYS be memorable for me.

4. I laughed like crazy until tears came out of my eyes and I couldn't even stop to speak. Yes, that kind of laughter! It's been a while since I laughed like that, so it felt SO SO SO SO SO good!

5. My MIL told me about her mother's life story. I'm going to write about this later. I LOVE hearing stories as my Mom always tells me stories and my MIL really reminds me of my own mother. :-)))

6. Seeing a group of waxwings (or tilhi in Finnish) flying over me (about 1,5 metres ahead of me). It was quite a moment! I'd NEVER have been able to experience it had I stayed in Indo he he he...

7. My mind isn't so full of questions, pressures, and self-accusations anymore. I don't know how long this will last and when I get my answers, but I'm going to take it E-A-S-Y!

8. My brother sent me some family pics, including Ken's. He looks fatter now hi hi hi hi...Here he is: