Showing posts with label Natural Disasters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural Disasters. Show all posts

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Importance of Insurance

As you all know, my Dad used to be an insurance agent. He mostly sold life insurance. One time he tried SO hard to sell insurance to a pretty rich guy, but the guy kept on postponing it. Finally after the umpteenth time, the guy seemed to be ready to sign the contract sometime later. But you know what happened next? Before meeting Dad to sign the contract, he died in his car. His kids were still young and his wife was devastated, especially since the guy was the sole bread winner for the whole family. My Dad really regretted the guy's indecisiveness and he felt so sad for the family that was left behind. I sure hope they're doing fine now, though.

Since life's very unpredictable, it's wise if we take good care of our assets, especially if we have kids. We should know that they will be able to live on decently without us if God ever takes us away. When my husband bought us a newer used car, he bought a car insurance right away. For house owners, do you have a home insurance? Remember that natural disasters may wipe away any house in just a few minutes or even seconds. Insuring our assets from unexpected life events will take away some of our worries since we know that we'll not lose everything if something ever happens to us, our car, or our house.