Showing posts with label Cabinet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cabinet. Show all posts

Friday, November 21, 2008

The promisor of change Obama continues to get criticized for picking insiders, Just remember who the Decider of change from the inside is!

I see many reports on the fact that Obama promised change and it looks like he is filling his cabinet with Hawks and insiders so I feel it is time for another reminder that he is the purveyor of change and the new Decider but it is imperative that he staff himself with people in the know! This is his chance to shine and he will! President-elect Barack Obama is poised to restore the United States' image in the international community, but experts say the president-elect must show the world that his actions will live up to his rhetoric. Receiving a warm welcome is not the same as maintaining one, and Obama has a lot of work to do to improve the U.S. brand.

America's image has declined in nearly every region of the world in recent years, but Obama's victory "enables the United States to start again with a clean slate," according to John Quelch, the senior associate dean at Harvard Business School. "Americans can actually go to dinner parties and cocktail receptions around the world today and not have to apologize for the United States the way they have had to do the last several years," he said. "The election has made life a little bit easier for Americans living and traveling abroad to hold their head up high again."

The United States' tarnished reputation has been fueled by a combination of factors, including opposition to U.S. policies like the invasion of Iraq and alleged torture and abuse of prisoners, the perception of hypocrisy, unilateralism, lack of contact with Americans and the perceived war on Islam, according to a congressional report released last summer. Obama represents a "clean break" from the past, and his election is the first big step toward change, said Dick Martin, author of "Rebuilding Brand America." "Changing America's standing in the world was going to be the work of a generation, and it would have to start with some kind of grand gesture that demonstrated that things were changing. His election in itself is that kind of grand gesture," he said. Obama set to rebrand America

Obama will rebrand America and change the world for the good but he needs insiders "people in the know" to do it! President-elect Barack Obama's top choice to lead the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, two Democratic sources confirmed to FOX News on Thursday. According to other reports, Obama has also selected billionaire Chicago businesswoman Penny Pritzker as commerce secretary. She was his campaign finance chairwoman, and is credited with Obama's breaking all political fundraising records. two more well thought picks

With that said Obama as you know is being criticized for picking insiders as he should! President-elect Barack Obama promised the voters change but has started his Cabinet selection process by naming several Washington insiders to top posts. Obama is enlisting former Senate leader Tom Daschle as his health secretary. Hillary Rodham Clinton seemed more likely than ever to be his secretary of state. Clinton is deciding whether to take that post as America's top diplomat, her associates said Wednesday. Obama is ready to announce that his his attorney general will be Eric Holder, the Justice Department's No. 2 when Clinton's husband was president. Rahm Emanuel, Obama's chief of staff , is another veteran of the Clinton White House.

Republicans sniped at what they saw as an unwelcome trend. Alex Conant, spokesman for the Republican National Committee, said, "Barack Obama is filling his administration with longtime Washington insiders." Obama wrongly criticized for picking insiders

* I remind unbiased non Partisan thinkers to remember you must staff yourself with people that know the system. A good leader surrounds themselves with good people! Just remember who the Decider is. The promisor of change! Barack Obama!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma