Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Putin Signs Protocol On Russia Joining WTO but why now?

Does Putin look like a man you can trust?

Putin Signs Protocol On Russia Joining WTO: Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed the protocol for his country to join the World Trade Organization (WTO). Putin's signature ends 18 years of Russian efforts to join the WTO.

Russia had been the largest economy outside the WTO. Supporters said Russia's entry will improve foreign investment and help Russian businesses but some Russian businesses are concerned the low import duties and caps on subsidies that WTO regulations require will have a negative effect on their enterprises.

We have been working to help Russia join the WTO but is now the right time in light of the way Putin is flaunting the west and instigating the slaughter in Syria thus the total breakdown of what little order there was there? We already made a mess of that with Bush's illegal attack on Iraq.

We will be important allies to a prosperous future in many instances not just Iran, Afghanistan, and the so called war on terror.

We keep hearing from the war mongers on the right that we gave Russia the farm and screwed America and Europe. Quite the opposite is true at least that is what I thought until Putin stole another and extended election to get back in the Presidency and put an end to US hegemony. Right now all bets are off as Putin has been fighting us over anything and everything just for the sake of being against anything the west wants.

Russia was allowed to join last December under Medvedev: The Nigerian trade minister, Olusegun Olutoyin Aganga, struck a gavel to announce that the W.T.O. trade ministers’ meeting here had accepted the bid. Because the organization operates by consensus, Russia had to first reach bilateral agreements with 57 of its current 153 members to secure their support.

“This result of long and complex negotiation is favorable both for Russia and for all our future partners,” President Dmitri A. Medvedev said in a statement read to the conference by the first deputy prime minister, Igor I. Shuvalov. He called on world leaders to continue working for freer and fairer trade, adding: “Russia is ready to contribute as much as possible into this work.”

Can you really believe that now or is it now another tool Putin will use because as a WTO Member will Russia Be Able To Continue Using Health Concerns To Block Trade?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Monday, October 04, 2010

Detente: Russia Demands Lifting Of US Blockade Against Cuba bans Iranian investments in nuclear industry, excellent!

Over a year ago after Obama met with Dmitri Medvedev and proposed Russia and the US press the reset button after the mess Bush made of Russian US relations stupidly the issue being discussed was that Russia was trying to get control of the reset button. I am happy to see they have under Medvedev

We have unity with Obama and Medvedev instead of the race to war with Putin and Bush! Obama started this new detente, this new cooperation as had to be the case to send the message. Obama was criticized for it by Republicans as usual but it was the right thing to do. I am glad to see Russia under Medvedev has picked up the baton.

First I have to say thanks to Obama lightening up the mood between Russia and the US I am feeling very optimistic about working together to proceed successfully into the 21st century. Switching to the Aegis missile system which is mobile and already used and proven and scrapping Bush's war mongering worthless MDS (missile defense system) Boondoggle was a GREAT IDEA!

First as I said already I am psyched that Russia has agreed to sanctions on Iran and their nuclear program, have limited Iran's access to advanced weapons, and demanded more openness with their nuclear program and uranium enrichment, along with better cooperation with IAEA and their inspectors. Russia bans Iranian investments in nuclear industry

Russia's U-turn on arms sale Reset button success, I love it!

U.S. Agrees to Press Russia's Bid for WTO

We will be important allies to a prosperous future in many instances not just Iran, Afghanistan, and the so called war on terror. There is now a possibility that NATO the US and Russia will work on a joint missile defense system thanks to Obama's smart move to use the Aegis missile system and scrap Bush's worthless missile defense shield, and China's row with Japan could use their help too.

We keep hearing from the war mongers on the right that we gave Russia the farm and screwed America and Europe. Quite the opposite is true and we continue to see the proof. Russia is right to demand that the worthless blockade against Cube be lifted. I was a bit surprised when a friend of mine from Canada told me Canadians have no ban and vacation in Cuba all the time bringing Canadian and US goods. Russia Demands Lifting Of US Blockade Against Cuba *

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Monday, April 05, 2010

How Growth Could Change The MidTerm Elections?

Obama learned from the great Depression Republicans did not and will go down again!
If the economy recovers the Republican's fate is sealed: It remains to be seen but I have been hearing that the recession is over and jobs are starting to be added. I heard it may be as much as 190000 jobs added though consensus is 180,000. Any way you look at it hiring in many Dtates is up. Non-Farm Payrolls Preview - April 2nd

All along many of us have been saying the extreme hateful vitriol will continue to burn them and they insist on running on it. Good for them good for us. If the economy recovers their fate will be sealed as they have been nothing but defeatist for Obama and the plight of average Americans and our America. How Growth Could Change The MidTerm Elections

You know I and I am sure others have been saying from the beginning of Bush's economic disaster that under GW Bush America was turned into a country with two obvious economies. Bush started the bailouts and President Obama continued the program. Wall Street was bailed out along with the rest of the system that sustained our system of Capitalism. The stock market recovered.

It was widely reported that total collapse and disaster was averted. The economy of the affluent was rescued "supposedly" I and others kept asserting that the average Americans economy now had to be rescued. With millions of lost Jobs, millions of lost homes, millions of homeless, and millions with no insurance, we knew a jobless recovery was a fallacy unless.

I am not the only one that cringed when I kept hearing of this thing called a jobless recovery. What is a jobless recovery? That is no recovery at all. We kept saying the first step to a recovery especially jobless would have to begin with the passage of a health care Bill. We kept hearing this one was no good but it is, that is why Republicans were against it.

32 million picked up immediately, no more shutting you off if you get sick, no more caps on coverage, your kids will be covered till age 26, I think this is a heck of a start. Now we have to be vigilant that everything is going according to plan and the abuse by insurance companies and all interests gaming the system are stopped.

Now we can begin to rebuild our economy and are! Time to rebuild average Americans economy and against the wishes of Republicans restore our America and narrow the gap between the haves and the have not's  the last President purposely widened and turned into a chasm. Health care reform is passed is great for many average Americans and Obama is selling it. The economy is looking up. Let's get on with the recovery of our economy.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Obama's cabinet in mind so called experts wonder if a team of Rivals will work? Take it from Abe Lincoln it will! What Obama's team must do!

From NBC’s Domenico Montanaro
"Team of Rivals" has become an overused cliché to describe President-elect Obama’s cabinet picks, particularly that of Hillary Clinton. The conventional wisdom that seems to have settled in among the punditocracy is, "Well, if it worked for Lincoln…." But little understood, and certainly little mentioned in on-air vamping, is that Lincoln's Team of Rivals -- which takes its name from the hailed Doris Kearns Goodwin book -- wasn’t exactly harmonious. Lincoln had to use his tremendous interpersonal skills to manage a host of egos that hampered governance, particularly with regard to his ability to manage the Civil War.

It wasn’t exactly “No Drama” -- the slogan Team Obama has avowed for almost two years. “Tried by War” by Princeton historian James McPherson looks at Lincoln’s time as Commander-in-Chief. Notably, Lincoln was the only president dealing with war (including planning for one) from the time he took office to the time he left / was assassinated. Largely overlooked by history is Lincoln in this role, McPherson notes. Though he had little military experience, Lincoln was a student of military strategy and largely was a very effective Commander-in-Chief. He wrote (not re-wrote) the president's war powers, a term that didn't even exist before Lincoln. But Lincoln's time as Commander-in-Chief was not without its bumps in the road, largely because of borderline insubordination from this "Team of Rivals." As Matthew Pinsker wrote in the Los Angeles Times Nov. 18th and written about Nov. 21 in the Boston Globe, only one of these rivals for the Republican nomination -- Secretary of State William Seward -- survived Lincoln’s first term. Treasury Secretary Salmon Chase, Secretary of War Simon Cameron and Attorney General Edward Bates all left early.

That Lincoln had to manage not only his rivals for the nomination, but also others who were certainly no loyalists, show the Team of Rivals strategy was a mixed bag. It did show, at least in one example, however, that if you pick the right person -- qualified and brutally honest -- it can work out. But it’s far from a certainty. The ineffectual Gen. George McClellan -- a West Point phenom, who at just age 34 commanded the Army of the Potomac -- went behind Lincoln's back, and, in letters to his wife, called the president things like a "baboon" and a "gorilla" while keeping secret his war plans. At one point, he whispered that he didn't want to say his plans aloud for fear Lincoln would leak them. The next day, McClellan himself laid out his plan in detail in the New York Herald.

Lincoln wound up replacing Cameron not long into his presidency -- in the early stages of Civil War. He had appointed Cameron -- fulfilling a campaign promise to do so -- apparently for political reasons. Lincoln had been "reluctant" to appoint him, particularly because of allegations of cronyism, favoritism and corruption that were attached to him. But Cameron delivered key Pennsylvania delegates on second ballot at the 1860 convention, helping Lincoln win the Republican presidential nomination. Cameron proved not to be up to the task, was a poor administrator and handed over contracts without competitive bidding. Lincoln complained Cameron was "utterly ignorant," "selfish," "openly discourteous to the president" and "obnoxious to the country."

Now, interestingly, where the "Team of Rivals" strategy seemed to work was with regard to Lincoln's choice to replace Cameron -- Edwin M. Stanton. The capable leader was a Democrat, a confidante of McClellan's and one who openly expressed disdain for the administration in 1861. The description of Lincoln as the "original gorilla" came from Stanton and was picked up by McClellan. Lincoln, though, thought he was qualified and overlooked the past insults in order to clean up the Department of War. Lincoln was able to channel Stanton's brusque nature. The 16th president, measured and standoffish by nature, played a kind of "Good Cop-Bad Cop" routine with those seeking favors at the White House, McPherson writes. Those favor-seekers were many in Lincoln’s first two years. The president described the White House, in fact, as being overrun by them. Lincoln would often dispatch Stanton to turn them away, and they would often leave blaming Stanton, thereby preserving Lincoln's reputation.

Additionally, Stanton’s soured on McClellan after growing frustrated, as did Lincoln, with McClellan’s cautiousness in commanding the Army of the Potomac. McClellan, by the way, had his own ambitions and ran as a Democrat against Lincoln in 1864. McClellan got swamped, however, losing (55%-45%, or 212 electoral votes to 21), winning just three states, Kentucky, Delaware and New Jersey. So, in the case of Stanton, the strategy appeared to work, but "Team of Rivals" can be a tenuous, difficult maneuver to pull off. It can be argued, in fact, that while it all worked out in the end, so to speak, Lincoln's "Team of Rivals did little to help! will a team of rivals work?

From the Book the Political genius of Abraham Lincoln:

Senior-level executives can learn a number of important lessons in leadership by reading this book. They include:

1. Surround yourself with whatever talent the given enterprise requires.
2. Welcome, indeed strongly encourage principled dissent.
3. Timing is not everything but often the difference between success and failure.
4. Exercise selective hearing during a contentious group discussion.
5. Unless absolutely certain, be willing to grant benefit of the doubt.
6. Exhaust opponents by listening to them.
7. Appreciate effort but only reward performance.
8. Serve “with malice toward none, with charity for all”
9. And lead “with firmness in the right.”
10. When dealing with forceful personalities, focus on common interests. The Book at Amazon

With that in mind and the fact that Bush picked those that would bend to him "Ninety-five percent of American foreign and security policy is bipartisan. That's why Congress argues so hard about the last 5 percent. We have to persuade voters they're getting value for their votes." That characteristically dry observation came from the late Les Aspin, who was, for 20 years, one of the brightest defense brains on Capitol Hill. President-elect Barack Obama's picks for his top defense and foreign-policy jobs, announced Monday morning, suggest he shares Aspin's view. Critics of Obama's choices misunderstand them. They don't spell "continuity." Quite the contrary: they signal a shift away from the going-in approach of the Bush administration—a core belief in the unilateral power of America to shape events—back to the traditional post-World War II center in U.S. foreign policy. Back, in other words, to Aspin's "95 percent."

Obama's choices—well, two out of three—signal something else, too: brains are not enough. Washington's vast foreign and defense bureaucracies have to be managed. That was Aspin's failure. Aspin was brilliant but notorious for his inability to manage even his own schedule. Installed as the first defense secretary of the last Democratic president, Aspin was swamped by the Pentagon. The "Black Hawk Down" debacle in Mogadishu was hardly Aspin's fault alone, but it gave Clinton the excuse to fire him after just a year in the job. With Obama's decision to ask Robert Gates to stay on at Defense, and his choice of Gen. James Jones as national-security adviser, the president-elect has eschewed ideology. Instead, he has opted for brains, centrist instincts and management skills—all born of long apprenticeships in the politics of Washington. the real challenge

* I have to tell you I love Abraham Lincoln's concept of picking the best and the brightest and not necessarily those that agreed with each other or him because he was a leader and was smart enough to figure out which idea was the best exactly as Obama is. I do fear what I have feared from the beginning! When Obama was first compared to JFK and Teddy and Caroline endorsed him as being a unifier along the lines of JFK I feared his assassination! With MLK, JFK, and RFK, in mind I feared this unifier too would be assassinated. Now he is being compared to Abe Lincoln who was also assassinated my fear still alive has been rekindled! We must keep hope alive *Obama) and he will make the right decisions based on advice from the best of all views but he must have his chance. We need him to have his chance!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Friday, November 28, 2008

Where is the Change? By Jerome Grossman: My observation, Insiders are needed to give the architect of change the opportunity to implement Change!

Is it too early to criticize Barack Obama for his program, his appointments, and his policies? He is not yet president but he is dominating the news and influencing markets and foreign-policy as though he had already been inaugurated. At the same time, he tells us that we have only one president at a time and that president is George W. Bush.

Personnel indicates policy, often determines policy, and Obama's appointments are from the establishment on both domestic and foreign affairs. Yet Obama's prime message during his meteoric rise to power was "change". How can establishment figures from both parties install significant change?
Obama’s foreign and military policies will be developed by four power centers: Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, and National Security Adviser, Marine General James Jones. All supported the invasion of Iraq; none advocate immediate withdrawal from that country or revision of US world-wide military involvement.

Obama's economic team is dominated by veterans of the Clinton and Bush administrations, who participated in the repeal of financial regulations, an act that precipitated the current crisis. Robert Rubin guided Citicorp to its current bankrupt position, Lawrence Summers was the prime mover for the repeal and Timothy Geithner is a Bush appointee. How can Obama entrust the American economy to these failures? During his campaign Barack Obama exhorted the adoring crowds of supporters with, “We are the people we have been waiting for". Well, where are these people? He promised reform ideas for fundamental change of the system. The voters projected on him their personal ideals and idiosyncratic hopes for change. They are sure to be disappointed at Obama’s emphasis on traditional experience by establishment figures who brought us to the current crisis.

And a large part of the Obama vote came from liberals. It's fair to ask, "Where are the liberals in the Obama administration?" Obama is seeking support from conservative Republicans, offers to include their ideas and opinions in his programs, and appoints them to key positions, a process that pushes the Obama agenda in a conservative direction. Do the liberals have the abilities and experience to manage these bureaucracies, to furnish the necessary ideas? For answers consult the Nobel Prize winners, the faculties of our finest universities, the managers of some of our largest businesses. The liberals are there, in big numbers, but not on Obama’s list. Obama needs to answer important questions about his administration. Where are the liberals? Where are the people who voted against the war? Where are the prescient who warned against financial deregulation? Where are the advisors who will give Obama a full range of policy options to make him a better problem solver and successful president? Relentless Liberal

I firmly believe Obama at heart is righteous and well intentioned. He absolutely will do the right thing for average Americans, our America, and the world as a whole if given the chance! Most of Obama's hand is forced! He is the President elect, he has placated those needed to get elected and He will have to fight the so called war on terror that was instigated and used as a tool to further our global desires and he must battle the allowed failing infrastructure of America and the purposely created financial collapse. The timing of all this coming to a head right now in the perfect storm is no coincidence. Obama has the right temperament to do this and he will! In my mind and in his own words not only would we criticize him for it but he can not do it with people new to the game of Politics or Washington!

He must out of necessity chose proven leaders in their prospective fields. The change will come from him and he is the purveyor of change! He will take care of average Americans and our America and he will placate liberals whose voice is needed but You see what is happening in India and in America and around the world and we are winning nothing as it is just beginning. We will prevail but Americans and those we are allied with must wake up and realize this is all just beginning!He is the best we have right now but I am afraid Bush already laid the foundation of the future and we must have knowledgeable people to deal with it tempered by the voice of change coming from Obama the new Decider!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, November 23, 2008

No economic leadership criticism as stock market soars because of Obama's leadership and he pledges 2.5 million new jobs rebuilding America!

Obama economic team set to establish 2.5 million new jobs by 2011, sounds like an FDR new Deal to me!

Undoing everything Bush has done for eight years Obama pledges to get rid of Bush's America and rebuild ours!

I can't believe it! New York Federal Reserve President Timothy Geithner is "on track" to be offered the treasury secretary post, two sources close to the transition team said Friday. As a result of this wise decision The Dow Jones industrial index staged a late rally after traders heard news of Geithner's possible appointment, rising by almost 500 points shortly before the market's closing time. sounds like leadership to me

Not only that but U.S. President-elect Barack Obama says he has directed his economic team to develop a plan to create 2.5 million jobs by January of 2011. Mr. Obama says details of his Economic Recovery Plan are still being worked out, but he vows to sign it soon after taking office on January 20.
The incoming president says the two-year action plan will spur job creation and lay the foundation for a strong and growing economy. During Saturday's weekly Democratic radio address, Mr. Obama says his plan will put people back to work rebuilding the nation's infrastructure, modernizing schools, and developing new energy technologies. President-elect Obama says the economic turmoil of the last week proves swift action is needed to restore the nation's financial health. He acknowledged passing the plan will not be easy, and asked for support and input from both Republicans and Democrats. Obama to create 2.5 million jobs by 2011

Despite all this, analysts lump Obama in with Bush saying no one is taking a lead in righting the economy! What do they expect him to do? He is not the President yet! He can not interject himself into the Current Presidency though I wish he could! CNN senior political analyst Gloria Borger said Obama and his team are probably trying to gauge the totality of the situation, and many internal questions also have to be answered: Do we need someone younger? Would a former treasury secretary bring vital experience? Does it matter if the secretary has ties to Sen. Hillary Clinton? "I think they're having these kinds of conversations, and so I would expect, though, that we're going to see something on the economic team in early December, if not sooner," she said.

Anyway Borger said she thinks Obama is already working behind the scenes through his chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, and she doesn't think the Democrats would have postponed their decision on a Big Three bailout without checking with Obama. "you bet he is" Borger said she expects a "big push" from Democrats to find a way to save Detroit when the lame-duck Congress reconvenes in December, and Emanuel and Obama will be a part of it. "But honestly, you can't expect a president-elect, who hasn't even been sworn in, to use all of his political capital -- and, by the way, he's going to have a lot -- before he takes office," she said. There's a lot of risk involved in Obama pushing his economic agenda before he takes office, and it would be unwise to publicly state what the Bush administration should do, said Stephen Hayes, a conservative columnist and CNN contributor. "Politically, he wants to stay as far away from this as he can," Hayes said. "I think it's smart of him to say, 'We have one president at a time; I have got my four years.' " Analysts Analyzing nothing only to create work

Do not worry about Obama he will not disappoint. Give him a chance! He will give us back our America if given the chance but it will not happen over night and will be all the slower as Republicans endeavor to block his efforts. Bear with him Obama will not disappoint!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Friday, November 21, 2008

The promisor of change Obama continues to get criticized for picking insiders, Just remember who the Decider of change from the inside is!

I see many reports on the fact that Obama promised change and it looks like he is filling his cabinet with Hawks and insiders so I feel it is time for another reminder that he is the purveyor of change and the new Decider but it is imperative that he staff himself with people in the know! This is his chance to shine and he will! President-elect Barack Obama is poised to restore the United States' image in the international community, but experts say the president-elect must show the world that his actions will live up to his rhetoric. Receiving a warm welcome is not the same as maintaining one, and Obama has a lot of work to do to improve the U.S. brand.

America's image has declined in nearly every region of the world in recent years, but Obama's victory "enables the United States to start again with a clean slate," according to John Quelch, the senior associate dean at Harvard Business School. "Americans can actually go to dinner parties and cocktail receptions around the world today and not have to apologize for the United States the way they have had to do the last several years," he said. "The election has made life a little bit easier for Americans living and traveling abroad to hold their head up high again."

The United States' tarnished reputation has been fueled by a combination of factors, including opposition to U.S. policies like the invasion of Iraq and alleged torture and abuse of prisoners, the perception of hypocrisy, unilateralism, lack of contact with Americans and the perceived war on Islam, according to a congressional report released last summer. Obama represents a "clean break" from the past, and his election is the first big step toward change, said Dick Martin, author of "Rebuilding Brand America." "Changing America's standing in the world was going to be the work of a generation, and it would have to start with some kind of grand gesture that demonstrated that things were changing. His election in itself is that kind of grand gesture," he said. Obama set to rebrand America

Obama will rebrand America and change the world for the good but he needs insiders "people in the know" to do it! President-elect Barack Obama's top choice to lead the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, two Democratic sources confirmed to FOX News on Thursday. According to other reports, Obama has also selected billionaire Chicago businesswoman Penny Pritzker as commerce secretary. She was his campaign finance chairwoman, and is credited with Obama's breaking all political fundraising records. two more well thought picks

With that said Obama as you know is being criticized for picking insiders as he should! President-elect Barack Obama promised the voters change but has started his Cabinet selection process by naming several Washington insiders to top posts. Obama is enlisting former Senate leader Tom Daschle as his health secretary. Hillary Rodham Clinton seemed more likely than ever to be his secretary of state. Clinton is deciding whether to take that post as America's top diplomat, her associates said Wednesday. Obama is ready to announce that his his attorney general will be Eric Holder, the Justice Department's No. 2 when Clinton's husband was president. Rahm Emanuel, Obama's chief of staff , is another veteran of the Clinton White House.

Republicans sniped at what they saw as an unwelcome trend. Alex Conant, spokesman for the Republican National Committee, said, "Barack Obama is filling his administration with longtime Washington insiders." Obama wrongly criticized for picking insiders

* I remind unbiased non Partisan thinkers to remember you must staff yourself with people that know the system. A good leader surrounds themselves with good people! Just remember who the Decider is. The promisor of change! Barack Obama!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Obama's triple threat! Powell, next President faces a daunting task and McPaling is not up to it! Biden Guarantees a crisis in first 6 months!

Obama's triple threat!

Powell has open invitation to campaign for Obama!

I recommend an immediate request ! Make him feel beholden! It would pay huge dividends!

Powell, next President faces a daunting task and McPaling is not up to it!

Powell is right on and Renounced Fear mongering! In a moment that would have made Tim Russert proud, Secretary Powell firmly renounced the divisiveness that has been perpetuated by his own party. During his interview, Secretary Powell exhibited a gravitas that has been unmatched thus far by politicians and pundits alike when it comes to an honest discussion of the state of a presidential race that has increasingly gone negative. Since the beginning of this way-too-long presidential campaign Americans of conscience have longed for someone of such stature to repudiate the blatant bigotry towards Muslims. On Sunday Colin Powell lived up to his billing as senior American statesman.

I know I was not the only one moved to tears by the following remarks of Colin Powell: "I'm also troubled by, not what Senator McCain says, but what members of the party say, and it is permitted to be said. Such things as 'Well you know that Mr. Obama is a Muslim.' Well the correct answer is 'He is not a Muslim, he's a Christian, he's always been a Christian.' But the really right answer is 'What if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country?' The answer is 'No. That's not America.' Is there something wrong with some 7-year old Muslim-American kid believing that he or she can be president? Yet I have heard senior members of my own party drop the suggestion he's a Muslim and he might be associated with terrorists. This is not the way we should be doing it in America. Powell rejects Islamophobia

Biden put our situation in real context! and told us the situation is more Dire than we know! Joe Biden told Democratic fundraisers Sunday night that there is no doubt in his mind a crisis will occur during Barack Obama's first six months in office that will test his mettle and force him to make unpopular decisions. "Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy," said Biden to a roomful of donors. "The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America." "Remember I said it standing here, if you don't remember anything else I said," Biden continued. "Watch, we're going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.
"I promise you it will occur. As a student of history and having served with seven presidents, I guarantee you it's going happen. I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate." The Delaware senator spoke at two Seattle fundraises Sunday night, expected to bring in $1 million for the campaign. Biden told the supporters that when Obama will need them to stand with the administration on the difficult calls — not financially, but by using their influence within their communities to convince others that the right decisions are being made.

"I promise you, you all are going to be sitting here a year from now going, 'Oh my God, why are they there in the polls, why is the polling so down, why is this thing so tough?' We're going have to make some incredibly tough decisions in the first two years," said Biden. "I'm asking you now, be prepared to stick with us. Remember the faith you had at this point because you're going to have to reinforce us." Telling the crowd to "gird their loins" for a bumpy beginning to the next presidential term, Biden said it wouldn't be initially apparent that the correct decisions are being made because "they're not likely to be as popular as they are sound. Because if they're popular, they're probably not sound." Biden rightly predicts early crises for next President

I had multitudes of stories all pointing to increasingly troubled waters ahead and the election is a small part. This is all just starting and will get much worse. We will stay together and we will keep on keeping on. We have said for years Bush has yet to do his worst and the worst has yet to come. The many facets of this manufactured crisis is coming to a head perfectly at this time and it is no coincidence! You know damn well if Obama is lucky "or unlucky" enough to sneak through the Gauntlet set up to keep this mess going under the Right you have to wonder which of the many crises Bush has set in motion will Obama have to deal with in his first 6 months?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Friday, October 17, 2008

Vote for hope! Here is the choice A to Z! Obama now has the Electoral College but I have fear!

Vote for hope!

Obama '08 - Vote For Hope from MC Yogi on Vimeo.

With the 2008 presidential election, Americans face a pivotal choice between not just two candidates, but two paradigms. We need someone who understands the complexity of our time. Someone who believes in investing in renewable energy, in education, in women's rights, in civil rights, in healthcare for Americans. Someone who believes in dealing with global issues with diplomacy so we can restore our respect in the world. Barack Obama represents the change we need and can lead us into a brighter future.

“Vote For Hope” was written to encourage and inspire the hip hop generation—and everyone—to get involved, and contribute their time, energy, creativity, and other resources to be the change they want to see in the world. We have been inspired by the artistic and musical contributions that have been pouring out accross the nation in support of Barack Obama's campaign. Vote for Hope is our offering to this creative movement. It is our way of adding our small voice to the collective voice of millions of Americans calling for a change.

To see what we mean, check out this great speech from a worthy leader: Here

Make sure to Vote on November 4th!
Here is where you register and please ShareHere

The choice!

Never in living memory has an election been more critical than the one fast approaching—that’s the quadrennial cliché, as expected as the balloons and the bombast. And yet when has it ever felt so urgently true? When have so many Americans had so clear a sense that a Presidency has—at the levels of competence, vision, and integrity—undermined the country and its ideals? The incumbent Administration has distinguished itself for the ages. The Presidency of George W. Bush is the worst since Reconstruction, so there is no mystery about why the Republican Party—which has held dominion over the executive branch of the federal government for the past eight years and the legislative branch for most of that time—has little desire to defend its record, domestic or foreign. The only speaker at the Convention in St. Paul who uttered more than a sentence or two in support of the President was his wife, Laura. Meanwhile, the nominee, John McCain, played the part of a vaudeville illusionist, asking to be regarded as an apostle of change after years of embracing the essentials of the Bush agenda with ever-increasing ardor.

The Republican disaster begins at home. Even before taking into account whatever fantastically expensive plan eventually emerges to help rescue the financial system from Wall Street’s long-running pyramid schemes, the economic and fiscal picture is bleak. During the Bush Administration, the national debt, now approaching ten trillion dollars, has nearly doubled. Next year’s federal budget is projected to run a half-trillion-dollar deficit, a precipitous fall from the seven-hundred-billion-dollar surplus that was projected when Bill Clinton left office. Private-sector job creation has been a sixth of what it was under President Clinton. Five million people have fallen into poverty. The number of Americans without health insurance has grown by seven million, while average premiums have nearly doubled. Meanwhile, the principal domestic achievement of the Bush Administration has been to shift the relative burden of taxation from the rich to the rest. For the top one per cent of us, the Bush tax cuts are worth, on average, about a thousand dollars a week; for the bottom fifth, about a dollar and a half. The unfairness will only increase if the painful, yet necessary, effort to rescue the credit markets ends up preventing the rescue of our health-care system, our environment, and our physical, educational, and industrial infrastructure.

At the same time, a hundred and fifty thousand American troops are in Iraq and thirty-three thousand are in Afghanistan. There is still disagreement about the wisdom of overthrowing Saddam Hussein and his horrific regime, but there is no longer the slightest doubt that the Bush Administration manipulated, bullied, and lied the American public into this war and then mismanaged its prosecution in nearly every aspect. The direct costs, besides an expenditure of more than six hundred billion dollars, have included the loss of more than four thousand Americans, the wounding of thirty thousand, the deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqis, and the displacement of four and a half million men, women, and children. Only now, after American forces have been fighting for a year longer than they did in the Second World War, is there a glimmer of hope that the conflict in Iraq has entered a stage of fragile stability.

The indirect costs, both of the war in particular and of the Administration’s unilateralist approach to foreign policy in general, have also been immense. The torture of prisoners, authorized at the highest level, has been an ethical and a public-diplomacy catastrophe. At a moment when the global environment, the global economy, and global stability all demand a transition to new sources of energy, the United States has been a global retrograde, wasteful in its consumption and heedless in its policy. Strategically and morally, the Bush Administration has squandered the American capacity to counter the example and the swagger of its rivals. China, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and other illiberal states have concluded, each in its own way, that democratic principles and human rights need not be components of a stable, prosperous future. At recent meetings of the United Nations, emboldened despots like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran came to town sneering at our predicament and hailing the “end of the American era.”

The election of 2008 is the first in more than half a century in which no incumbent President or Vice-President is on the ballot. There is, however, an incumbent party, and that party has been lucky enough to find itself, apparently against the wishes of its “base,” with a nominee who evidently disliked George W. Bush before it became fashionable to do so. In South Carolina in 2000, Bush crushed John McCain with a sub-rosa primary campaign of such viciousness that McCain lashed out memorably against Bush’s Christian-right allies. So profound was McCain’s anger that in 2004 he flirted with the possibility of joining the Democratic ticket under John Kerry. Bush, who took office as a “compassionate conservative. What a joke please read on!
The Choice in its entirety

People are now making the right choice. If the election were held today Obama would win! Obama now has the Electoral College
As many of us have been saying, if the election was fair Obama would win but I have company in fearing this election has to be stolen too and only wonder how this time!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Monday, October 13, 2008

McCain Rallies increasingly Fascist, anti Obama Socialism, and openly Christianity only. This is getting scary!

With recent polls showing Sen. Barack Obama's lead increasing nationwide and in several GOP-leaning states, some Republicans attending John McCain-Sarah Palin campaign rallies are showing a new emotion: rage. At a rally in Minnesota on Friday, a woman told McCain: "I don't trust Obama. I have read about him and he's an Arab." McCain shook his head and said, "No ma'am, no ma'am. He's a decent family man...[a] citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues. That's what this campaign is all about." One man at the rally said he was "scared of an Obama presidency." McCain later told the man he should not fear Obama. "I want to be president of the United States, and I don't want Obama to be," he said. "But I have to tell you, I have to tell you, he is a decent person, and a person that you do not have to be scared as President of the United States."

McCain's response was met with boos from the crowd. It is getting openly Fascist, Racist, and only Christianity is right! This is not good! A day earlier, the same type of hostility toward Obama was evident at McCain-Palin rallies. "When you have an Obama, [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi and the rest of the hooligans up there going to run this country, we have got to have our head examined. It's time that you two are representing us, and we are mad. So, go get them," one man told McCain at a town hall meeting in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Another man was more pointed. "And we're all wondering why that Obama is where he's at, how he got here. I mean, everybody in this room is stunned that we're in this position," another man said at Thursday's rally. "I'm mad. I'm really mad. And what's going to surprise you, it's not the economy. It's the socialists taking over our country," one said. Fascism not Socialism this is scary!

Some audience members are openly hostile to members of the traveling press covering Palin; one crowd member hurled a racial epithet at an African-American member of the press in Clearwater, Florida, on Monday. And at a McCain rally in New Mexico on Monday, one supporter yelled out "terrorist" when McCain asked, "Who is the real Barack Obama?" McCain didn't respond. Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland, a Democrat, on Friday told voters that the McCain-Palin campaign "would want you to be afraid of Barack Obama." That is a fact and people are now so enraged and scared that McCain now finds himself in the odd position of having to defend Obama but I must say, McCain said no, no to the Woman who said Obama was an Arab but he did not say he is an American.

Some Republicans have also been critical of the McCain campaign. Former Michigan Gov. William Milliken, a Republican, told the Grand Rapids Press he was "disappointed in the tenor and the personal attacks on the part of the McCain campaign." "He is not the McCain I endorsed," Milliken said Thursday. Some anger found at McCain-Palin rallies is directed at McCain for a different reason. "I am begging you, sir, I am begging you, take it to him," another supporter said to the Arizona senator at the Wisconsin rally. Check out the Duplicity

This is sick and openly anti Islam while keeping the word out! A minister delivering the invocation at John McCain’s rally in Davenport, Iowa Saturday told the crowd non-Christian religions around the world were praying for Barack Obama to win the U.S. presidential election. “There are millions of people around this world praying to their god—whether it’s Hindu, Buddha, Allah—that his opponent wins, for a variety of reasons. And Lord, I pray that you will guard your own reputation, because they’re going to think that their God is bigger than you, if that happens,” said Arnold Conrad, the former pastor of Grace Evangelical Free Church in Davenport.

John McCain – who has often praised civil rights icon John Lewis – called a statement by the Georgia congressman Saturday comparing the outbursts at recent Republican rallies to the rhetoric of segregationist George Wallace “a brazen and baseless attack” that is “shocking and beyond the pale.” Lewis issued his statement after several days of headline-grabbing anger directed at Democratic nominee Barack Obama by some attendees at McCain campaign rallies. "What I am seeing reminds me too much of another destructive period in American history. Sen. McCain and Gov. [Sarah] Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse," Lewis said in a statement.

"George Wallace never threw a bomb. He never fired a gun, but he created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans who were simply trying to exercise their constitutional rights. Because of this atmosphere of hate, four little girls were killed on Sunday morning when a church was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama," wrote the Democrat. It gets worse coming from the right

I have to agree with John Lewis and this Fascism is coming out in the open and it is undeniable and very concerning!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Anger Is Crowd's Overarching Emotion at McCain Rally as open Fascism grows and Obama's lead widens I fear the Bradley effect enabling another stolen..

First My words! Obama's new lead is now 11 points and the right is gettng desperate This is getting down right scary as Obama gets more popular and the Fascists are showing their angry hateful color! At a recent rally There were shouts of "Nobama" and "Socialist" at the mention of the Democratic presidential nominee. There were boos, middle fingers turned up and thumbs turned down as a media caravan moved through the crowd Thursday for a midday town hall gathering featuring John McCain and Sarah Palin.

By Michael D. Shear and Perry Bacon Jr.
"It is absolutely vital that you take it to Obama, that you hit him where it hurts, there's a soft spot," said James T. Harris, a local radio talk show host, who urged the Republican nominee to use Barack Obama's controversial former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright , and others against him. "We have the good Reverend Wright. We have [the Rev. Michael L.] Pfleger. We have all of these shady characters that have surrounded him," Harris bellowed. "We have corruption here in Wisconsin and voting across the nation. I am begging you, sir. I am begging you. Take it to him." The crowd of thousands roared its approval. I have to ask, what about the Religious Muslim haters that support McGoon? It is time to stop playing childish games and concentrate on our America if it really matters and it does not to McCain and his supporters!

In recent days, a campaign that embraced the mantra of "Country First" but is flagging in the polls and scrambling for a way to close the gap as the nation's economy slides into shambles has found itself at the center of an outpouring of raw emotion rare in a presidential race. "There's 26 days and people are looking at the very serious possibility that there's a chance that Obama might get in, and they don't like that," said Ian Eltrich, 28, as he filed out of the crowded sports complex. "I'm mad! I'm really mad!" another man said, taking the microphone and refusing to surrender it easily, even when McCain tried to agree with him. "I'm not done. Lemme finish, please," he said after a standing ovation. "When you have Obama, [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi and the rest of the hooligans up there going to run the country, we have to have our head examined. "It's time that you two represent the rest of us. So go get 'em." The crowd burst into loud chants of "U-S-A! U-S-A!" We have to have our heads examined? What the hell about electing a President purposely destroying our America and existing world order? What about electing McCain the Fascist thug or Palin the modern day Eva Braun? that ought to tell you what the real goal is here.

Standing at the center of the crowd, McCain and Palin drew on the crowd's energy as they repeatedly trained their fire on Obama. "Senator Obama has a clear radical, far-left, pro-abortion record," McCain said after being asked about the issue. The answer prompted a shower of boos from the crowd members. They booed again when he mentioned William Ayers who bombed U.S. facilities to protest the Vietnam War as part of the domestic terrorist group the Weather Underground. They booed again at the mention of Rep. Barney Frank, a liberal from Massachusetts. Obama was friggen 8 years old at the time! What the hell happened to not talking about the past but the future? Oh that only applies to Obama and Biden!
McCain spends most of his time at his rallies and town hall meetings lambasting his rival, often calling him a "co-conspirator" with congressional Democrats in what he argues are the seeds of the financial crisis at mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. "Will you assure us," one woman asked, "that, as president, you will take immediate action to investigate, prosecute and name the names of the people actually responsible?" "I will," McCain answered. Wasn't one of them McCain the deregulator?

* The crowds that show up for his rallies these days appear to have little appetite for the talk of bipartisan compromise that had been at the heart of his message around the Republican National Convention. During a rally outside a small airport in Mosinee, Wis., on Thursday, McCain said that "it's time we come together, Democrats and Republicans to work together. That's my record. I'll reach across the aisle." The crowd stood silent. They do not want to come together they want us eradicated. This is really scary for a united America! As the crowd filed out, several said they agreed with the man who said he was mad. Others went further. "No, I'm not mad, I'm pissed," said Joan Schmitz, who owns a plumbing company here. She said she was frustrated with polls showing Obama surging, McCain's performance in a Tuesday night debate, Obama himself, the media, and the liberal group ACORN, which she said was registering voters fraudulently. Noting Obama's connections with Ayers, she said that "if it was a Republican, it would be nonstop," referring to what she said was the media ignoring the controversial acquaintance. "I can't stand to look at him, I don't trust him. I don't like the circle of friends he keeps, I don't like his policies," Schmitz said of Obama. "I'm pissed off by it. I'm beyond mad. How is he climbing up in the polls?"

now As A new national poll suggests Barack Obama is widening his lead over John McCain in the race for the White House. The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll out Monday afternoon suggests that the country's financial crisis, record low approval ratings for President Bush and a drop in the public's perception of McCain's running mate could be contributing to Obama's gains. Fifty-three percent of likely voters questioned in the poll say they are backing Obama for president, with 45 percent supporting McCain. That 8-point lead is double the 4-point lead Obama held in the last CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll, taken in mid-September. Monday evening's CNN national Poll of Polls -- incorporating our new CNN survey, as well as new tracking numbers from Gallup and Hotline taken October 3-5 -- shows Obama leading McCain by 6 points -- at 49 to 43 percent. President Bush may be part of the reason why Obama's making gains. Only 24 percent of those polled approve of Bush's job as president, an all-time low for a CNN survey.

* "Bush has now tied Richard Nixon's worst rating ever, taken in a poll just before he resigned in 1974, and is only 2 points higher than the worst presidential approval rating in history, Harry Truman's 22 percent mark in February 1952," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.And that's bad news for McCain because the poll suggests a growing number of Americans believe the Republican presidential nominee would have the same policies as the current Republican president. Fifty-six percent say McCain's policies would be the same as Bush, up from 50 percent a month ago. Obama widens the lead

Seeing the anger from the right over Obama I am really starting to wonder about the Polls showing Obama widening his lead though I firmly believe he is the absolute only hope America and the world have at this point of averting this Fascist new order agenda of the right! Remember the Bradley effect? The polls are showing Obama widening his lead but How much can we trust these polls? Old-timers point to several celebrated gaffes which discredited, for a while the entire concept of polling. At this point, the question of race becomes unavoidable. Even if all the potential African-American voters are able and willing to vote for him, Obama will need to win back whites that have been drifting away from the Democratic Party increasingly since 1968. Only 41 percent of whites voted for John Kerry in 2004, while 44 percent supported Al Gore in 2000.

The Democrats must persuade working class white voters to vote for their economic interests instead of their cultural/social fears. This should be easy: impending recession; rising unemployment; financial market implosion; static real income for all the Bush years. The argument is easy to make. But will Obama be able to use these arguments to overcome the racial aggravations that many white working class Americans feel – justly or unjustly – that they have lost out on opportunity and advancement because of affirmative action for African-Americans? That is one important question. Another is whether these voters can eschew the “Bradley Effect”, which is, in short, to vote on racial lines but never admit it to pollsters. How much should we be subtracting from Obama’s poll numbers to know where we are, not just in this election, but as a society? Deflating Obama, remember the Bradley effect?

You know I am very concerned about the right stealing this election and seeing the open fascism being displayed I am very concerned. I am concerned the Bradley effect is one more cover while the right steals this election too somehow! I am not looking forward to this election. I will be on edge until January 20th when Bush can no longer declare martial order if they can not steal this election for McCain!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, August 23, 2008

In choosing Biden as VP Obama picks assassination Insurance and guarantees a third stolen election!

Obama taps Biden as running mate and assassination Insurance!

Back on July 8th I did a story on Obama's plane incident that was called nothing because it was something and I expected it a convenient way to get Obama out of the way. As in JFK, MLK, and RFK, I believed 100% that this was done by the right to keep their agenda moving forward. Knowing the deployment of the emergency chute in mid flight does not happen and that this was a last minute replacement plane this was no coincidence. Then we hear this! Control tower tapes reveal that the pilot of presidential hopeful Barack Obama's plane told air traffic controllers there was an emergency when he made an unscheduled landing last month in St. Louis, Missouri.

According to the tapes, the pilot told an FAA air traffic controller that he had limited ability to move the plane's nose up and down. "We have limited pitch authority at flight levels; we're descending to see if we can regain pitch authority," the pilot told the air traffic controller. "At this time we would like to declare this an emergency and also have CFR (fire and rescue equipment) standing by in St. Louis," the pilot said. The pilot remained calm throughout the recording.Midwest Airlines acknowledged at the time that the pilot had detected a control problem in the pitch of the plane after an emergency evacuation chute opened in the aircraft's tail cone while in flight. Normally, the chute deploys only after landing and after the tail cone pops off.

The pitch, or angle of the nose of an airplane, affects the pilot's ability to control the plane. The airline said the pilot had "full authority of the aircraft." According to the tapes, the pilot said he regained control as the plane began to descend into St. Louis. "We had a pitch authority problem, now that we have come down to a lower altitude it seems to have rectified itself. We do have pitch control of the aircraft at this time," he said. Fire trucks met the aircraft when it landed at Lambert-St. Louis International Airport. After the plane landed, Obama told reporters the plane landed because of a mechanical problem and noted it marked the first time he had had to do so. Pilot says Obama landing was an emergency

* I do not care what they say! That was an assassination attempt! There have been too many "accidents" and "suicides" of people against the right and trying to expose the truth. I believe unequivocably that today Obama took out Assassination insurance and guaranteed another stolen election! Barack has chosen Biden as his Veep thus giving him the experience he has constantly been accused of not having by McAssHole! Throughout Barack Obama's search for a running mate, Joe Biden has always been hiding in plain sight, a man who appears supremely qualified to be vice president of the United States.

Biden has been on the national stage so long that he was able to mount two credible runs for the presidency himself an amazing 20 years apart, in 1988 and 2008. He has served as chairman of both the Judiciary Committee and the Foreign Relations Committee, traveling the globe to meet world leaders and to be directly involved in almost every major international and domestic debate of the last two generations. He has excelled as both a speaker and a debater. His Irish-Catholic heritage makes him a demographic dream in appealing to swing voters. He is both a Washington insider and a hero to working-class Americans and labor union leaders, in part because of his rhetoric, but also because of his own middle class upbringing. He has mastered the art of the network Sunday show television appearance as well as the classic vice-presidential skill of savagely attacking his political opponents with both a smile and the use of casual, kitchen-table idioms. Biden pros and cons

* Yes Joe has a tendency to foam at the mouth but I believe that can be controlled! The right is already using Biden's words saying Obama is not ready to be President against him and Obama but if the Democrat's had half a brain amongst them they would already have turned the tables on the Republicans as they would do to Democrats! Obama should be saying you Republicans are slow! Biden now knows I have what it takes ande has gotten behind me. You better too if you want a future! What Obama has done has taken out life Insurance and I now believe the election that is a runaway being termed too close to call so it can be stolen a third time will be! The alternatives are much worse! There is no way in hell I can see the Right quitting their agenda or allowing the Presidents abusive power in Democrats hands. no way! what is going to happen next?

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Thursday, July 31, 2008

What happened to McCain saying no " personal attacks" and will keep his lying campaign against Obama clean? yesterday's ad was too much!

Yesterday our friend Robert Rouse posted a Hitler Quote that said it all about what is being done to us by Bush and what McCain is doing to Obama! “All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach."

I realize that Rove is working hand in hand behind the scenes with McCain instructing him how to undermine Obama's credibility with manufactured lies. Yesterdays ad comparing Obama to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton and mocking him was way over the line. Goebbels all over! We are getting the divide and conquer crap all over again and I fear it will work once again as many just do not get it.

Check this out: McCain as you know is doing his damnedest per advice of Bush and Rove to scare the people about Obama. It is getting bad even by the Right's low life standards and I am afraid many are falling for it despite hearing the truth from Obama because they are told by supposedly honorable people not to believe the truth! Barack Obama has been compared to prominent political figures such as President John F. Kennedy, but opponent John McCain’s campaign on Tuesday tried to portray him as an arrogant Hollywood diva, who doesn’t have the credibility to be commander in chief. “Barack Obama is the biggest celebrity in the world, comparable to Tom Cruise, Britney Spears and Paris Hilton,” Rick Davis, Sen. John McCain’s campaign manager, wrote in an e-mail addressed to interested parties after throwing out a similar line on a conference call with reporters.

“Only celebrities like Barack Obama go to the gym three times a day, demand “MET-RX chocolate roasted-peanut protein bars and bottles of a hard-to-find organic brew — Black Forest Berry Honest Tea” and worry about the price of arugula,” Davis said. Davis was riffing off news coverage that the Illinois senator told congressional Democrats Monday that he has become the “symbol” for the world’s aspirations for America, and that the country is now at “the moment … that the world is waiting for.” Obama’s supporters said the comments were not about him, per se, but about the world’s view that the U.S. could be returning to the global community after years of ostracism following the war in Iraq. “Only a celebrity of Barack Obama’s magnitude could attract 200,000 fans in Berlin who gathered for the mere opportunity to be in his presence. These are not supporters or even voters, but fans fawning over The One,” Davis wrote. “Like most worldwide celebrities, this status has fueled a certain arrogance.”

The attempts to paint Obama as a diva followed comments by conservative blogger Michelle Malkin, who on Monday compared the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee and his wife’s fame to that of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. “You couldn’t pass a grocery store line this weekend without seeing the picture-perfect smiles of the Obama family,” she wrote in a piece distributed by Republicans on Wednesday. “There were Barack Obama’s young daughters (whose privacy their parents so sanctimoniously claim to want to protect) flashing their pearly whites on the cover of People magazine. Malia and Sasha competed for attention right next to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s toddler daughter, Shiloh, whose cherubic face was splashed on the cover of another celebrity tabloid.” For his own part, Obama on Wednesday compared himself to western legend Wild Bill Hickock while talking in Springfield, Mo., about taking on John McCain on taxes. McCain compares Obama to Hollywood Diva's

Obama thinks he can just dismiss this crap as bunk! White House hopeful Barack Obama has hit back over a TV ad which questions his readiness to lead the US. Republican John McCain's campaign released the ad, which juxtaposes images of Mr Obama with those of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. Titled "Celeb", the ad calls Mr Obama the "biggest celebrity in the world", but questions his economic policies. The Democrat responded by accusing his rival of negative campaigning, and of only revealing what he was against. "You need to ask John McCain what he's for, not just what he's against," Mr Obama said while on the campaign trail in Missouri.

The ad shows images of the Illinois senator speaking to a 200,000-strong crowd in Berlin last week, interspersed with shots of celebrities Spears and Hilton. The ad, set to be broadcast in nearly a dozen key states, was followed by a rival ad from Mr Obama's own campaign team. It accuses Mr McCain of practicing the "policies of the past", and uses images of him with President George W Bush. Mr Obama's chief strategist, David Axelrod, told MSNBC the McCain ad was "baloney". "I am going to paraphrase, oops he did it again," he said, playing off the title of a Britney Spears song and album. "This is not the John McCain we expected." The Republicans have been keen to stress their belief that Mr Obama is not tested, not ready to lead and too out of touch with the public. please watch the asinine ad and Obama's response

* I am sick of this crap! McCain says he want negative because Obama did it first! What an ignorant lying child! Obama merely telling the truth so people know the difference. He is not creating an illusion a lie many will believe. Obama has become a celebrity. The entire world recognizes America needs Obama if we and the world are to have a future. Obama must start being more aggressive in countering these lies or we are in serious trouble.

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bush is admitting he was wrong on Iran, wrong on staying the course in Iraq, and wrong on Afghanistan. Changing to Obama's desires! Why you ask?

Watch any of or all 9 short videos on Obama and McLame's plan for Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan, and backstabbing by McCaine

Then I would be remiss if I let go the fact that the chief scum has claimed executive privilege once again this time to protect is and Cheney's lies. That scum is going to get away with lying, treason, and all the underhanded things he has done and he has not earned the right to claim executive privilege. I am sickened he can even call himself President. He is not my President and has done nothing right for America or the world let alone Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan. I am sick of this scum thinking he deserves anything

Anyway Bush is admitting he was wrong on Iran as The United States in the next month will announce plans to establish a diplomatic presence in Tehran for the first time in 30 years, a British newspaper said on Thursday. "The Guardian has learned that an announcement will be made in the next month to establish a U.S. interests section in Tehran, a halfway house to setting up a full embassy," the paper's Washington correspondent, Ewan MacAskill, said in its front-page, unsourced report. "The move will see U.S. diplomats stationed in the country." But senior U.S. diplomat Undersecretary of State William Burns said in testimony to Congress last week the United States has not cemented its decision. The Guardian said the development was "a remarkable turnaround in policy by President George Bush, who has pursued a hawkish approach to Iran throughout his time in office." In a break with past policy, the Bush administration is sending Burns to observe talks in Switzerland with Iranian nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili. U.S. to Establish First Diplomatic Presence in Iran Since 1979

Seems to me that this is an effort to minimize efforts by Obama and to make it "appear" like Bush is trying Diplomacy while paving the way for his would be predecessor McDink! plus after Obama's marvelous speech on defense and moving forward in Iraq and Afghanistan Bush appears to be trying to minimize Obama and do his bidding while once again paving the way for McCain. Pentagon leaders on Wednesday signaled a surge in U.S. forces in Afghanistan "sooner rather than later" — a shift that could come later this year as they prepare to cut troop levels in Iraq. Faced with an increasingly sophisticated insurgency, particularly along Afghanistan's border with Pakistan, defense officials said sending more troops would have a significant impact on the violence.

"I think that we are clearly working very hard to see if there are opportunities to send additional forces sooner rather than later," Defense Secretary Robert Gates told Pentagon reporters. But, he added that no final decisions or recommendations have been made. His comments suggested an acceleration in what had been plans to shift forces there early next year. And they came as the political discourse on Afghanistan as a key military priority escalated on both Capitol Hill and the presidential campaign trail. Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who recently returned from meetings with commanders in Afghanistan, said they clearly want more troops now.

"It's a tougher fight, it's a more complex fight, and they need more troops to have the long-term impact that we all want to have there," said Mullen, who also met last week with Pakistani leaders. The Pentagon has been wrestling with how to provide what they say is a much needed military buildup in Afghanistan, while they still have 150,000 troops in Iraq. Gates and Mullen have repeatedly said they would have to reduce troop levels in Iraq before they could dedicate more forces to Afghanistan. Mullen, who was in Iraq last week, told reporters that he is likely to recommend further troop reductions there this fall. He said he found that conditions in Iraq had improved more than he expected. less troops in Iraq more in Afghanistan sound familiar

* Bush has done exactly nothing right during his entire mis Presidency! He is making at least an appearance of doing the right thing as Afghanistan is increasingly failing as he guaranteed it would by attacking Iraq to ultimately go after Iran and get this entire manufactured mess going full scale. The perfect storm will not be avoided and is coming closer every day.Bush is merely creating another facade of doing the right thing this time to minimize the effectiveness of Obama's campaign. Nothing will change the mess of the entire world especially too little too late!

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I wanted to Discuss the Supreme Court but this is too much! Obama's economic proposals would harm America, WTF?

I just heard the Supreme Court narrowly uphelp our right to bear arms! I don't know how I feel about that but we may need them in the future to fight off the enemy within! I was going to discuss the Court's mis rulings yesterday but will supply 2 videos instead and hope you find them useful. McCain and his followers idiocy just blows me away. He is as bad if not worse than Bush. I just don't friggen get it! How the hell do they get away with destroting us and threaten that Obama would be our demise. What the hell?

Supreme Court says rape America's kids and we'll take care of you for life!

Supreme court shows they are on Big Oils side!

* Anyway wrapping up his three-week economic tour, Obama today is holding the kind of wonkfest that would warm the heart of the former president, who became famous for holding a series of them during his 1992 campaign. The "summit on ensuring America’s competitiveness in the global economy" at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, according to Obama's campaign, "will bring together economic, educational, community-based, and industry leaders to discuss the challenges facing our workforce and craft solutions for the 21st century." In introductory remarks, the presumptive Democratic nominee says he's been listening on his cross-country tour to the stories of Americans struggling to make ends meet. "It’s time for us to recognize that these individual stories connect to a larger American story," he says in prepared remarks. "All of us have a stake in our common prosperity. When folks are struggling out on Main Street, that pain is going to trickle up to Wall Street. And just as we must provide relief to Americans who are struggling, we also have to recognize that we’re failing to put ourselves in a position to compete in the global economy." To fix that, Obama says, means alternative energy to free America from foreign oil, providing world-class education and affordable healthcare, and improving the nation's infrastructure, among other priorities.
** I don't friggen get it! In a pre-buttal to Obama's appearance, Republicans in a conference call on Wednesday argued that Obama's economic proposals would harm America. They mean the new America they are creating right? The local GOP chairman, Jim Roddey, even made reference to Obama's much-dissected remarks during the primaries about struggling to connect with small-town voters in Pennsylvania who, "bitter" about their economic fate, "cling" to guns or religion. “I don’t know maybe [Obama’s] punishing us for still being bitter or something, but for Pennsylvania, I think his proposals are an absolute disaster,” Roddey said. Obama's punishing us? What the frig are they doing? Republican John McCain, meanwhile, plans a town hall meeting in Cincinnati -- the latest in a series where he challenged Obama to appear. Forget it! His campaign has also issued a strongly worded memo in which senior adviser Steve Schmidt argues that "Too many in Washington are putting politics first and country second." "For John McCain, country first is how he has lived his life and how he has worked in Washington," the memo says.

** That is BS! As for Obama, while "certainly a fresh face, his campaign offers more of the same old typical politics that have broken Washington. In his time on the national stage, he has consistently put his party and his self-interest first." WTF, WTF, WTF, somebody please tell me! Schmidt cites as evidence Obama's reversal last week on public financing for the general election, his rejection of McCain's invitation to the joint town halls, and his loyalty to liberal activists on Iraq and energy policy. "Yeah it is wrong for Obama to so the right thing how dare he? "There has never been a time when Barack Obama has bucked the party line to lead on an issue of national importance," Schmidt writes. "He has never been a part of a bipartisan group that came together to solve a controversial issue. He has never put his career on the line for a cause greater than himself." UPDATE: The Democratic National Committee responded with a memo of its own, citing a series of polls that suggest that many voters believe McCain would mean a third term for President Bush and don't trust him on issues. No kidding? "Four months after becoming the presumptive Republican nominee, John McCain has still failed to connect with the American people," the memo says. "As recent polls show, Senator McCain has not made inroads with voters on key issues of character and values as voters continue to view Senator McCain as out of touch." Obama's economic proposals would harm America, WTF

I just can't take any more of this crap! Give us back our America!

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Friday, June 20, 2008

Much has been made of Obama opting out of public Financing and McCain is making the most of dirtying Obama but I don't know if it is good or Bad?

I just don't know what to think but supposedly Sen. Barack Obama's decision to forgo public financing for his presidential campaign clears the way for him to outspend Sen. John McCain by 3-to-1 or substantially more in the general election, a financial edge that dramatically rewrites the playbooks for both candidates. With Possibility the key word: Sen. Barack Obama's decision to forgo public financing for his presidential campaign clears the way for him to outspend Sen. John McCain by 3-to-1 or substantially more in the general election, a financial edge that dramatically rewrites the playbooks for both candidates.

With the possibility of spending perhaps $500 million just in the final two months of the campaign, Obama will be the first major-party candidate to enjoy a spending edge in the general election in more than 30 years. The comparison with the consistently cash-strapped McCain campaign could hardly be more stark. "It'll be like George Steinbrenner's Yankees in the '90s — an All-Star at every position — against the '90s Kansas City Royals, barely able to meet their payroll," said Chris Lehane, a Democratic consultant who worked for Al Gore in 2000 and John Kerry in 2004

Though Obama risks a short-term political backlash by seeming to go back on his word, Democratic and Republican strategists say most campaigns would take such a hit in exchange for the unprecedented cash advantage he'll derive. McCain said Thursday he will accept public financing, meaning he'll be limited to spending only $84.1 million in the critical window between the Republican National Convention and Election Day. He'll be forced to lean more heavily on the Republican National Committee and outside groups that he cannot legally coordinate spending decisions with.

In that same time period, Obama will continue to be free to raise and spend unlimited amounts — with advertising specialists and party insiders projecting that he will bring in hundreds of millions of dollars, utilizing and expanding on the most efficient fundraising operation in American political history. "He's going to be able to raise almost unimaginable amount of money," said Tad Devine, a Democratic strategist who was a top adviser in the Gore and Kerry campaigns. "This is an incredible advantage for him and his campaign. He'll be able to dictate the terms of this election." Obama opts out of public financing

I don't know about that and I think a can of worms has been opened! Of course Republicans slammed the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee’s decision to abandon an earlier pledge to use the more than $84 million in public money if his Republican rival did the same. McCain’s campaign and supporters said the Illinois senator showed his true colors as a dyed-in-the-wool Washington player. And McCain said Thursday in Minnesota that “we will take public financing.” “Rather than sending a message that he’s about change or a new type of politics in America, it really looks and sounds like he’s about the same old … type of politics in America,” Republican Texas Sen. John Cornyn told FOX News. “The thing that is most important in terms of an office holder or a politician’s relationship with his constituents or the people is trust. And frankly when a politician says one thing and does another it erodes that trust,” Cornyn said. “It’s just another chink in the armor but a lot these things will add up over time.”

In Iowa, McCain criticized his rival for backtracking, reminding reporters that Obama “said he would stick to his word. He didn’t.” The Republican candidate added, “This election is about a lot of things. It’s also about trust. It’s about keeping your word.” A statement issued by the McCain campaign said Obama “has revealed himself to be just another typical politician who will do and say whatever is most expedient for Barack Obama … Barack Obama is now the first presidential candidate since Watergate to run a campaign entirely on private funds.” Even Democratic Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold, who worked with Obama on an ethics and lobbying reform bill last year, called Obama’s financing decision “a mistake” in a statement Thursday. “This is not a good decision. While the current public financing system for the presidential primaries is broken, the system for the general election is not,” he said. Having numerically clinched the GOP nomination, McCain says he will accept public funds for the general election — but Obama has gradually eased off his earlier pledge.

Obama and his supporters argue his reason for doing so speaks to his ambitions as a reformer. Obama has already “rewritten the book when it comes to financing campaigns” by rejecting Washington lobbyist and political action committee contributions, Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, an Obama supporter, told FOX News.Durbin said that with his broad-based network of small donors, “He’s really behind reform and showing he can do it.”Obama, in his video announcement to supporters on Thursday, cast his approach as progressive, saying his supporters helped him build a “new kind of politics” where candidates don’t rely on a small pool of mega-contributors from inside the Beltway. Obama argued that the public financing system is “broken, and we face opponents who’ve become masters at gaming this broken system.” Look at the arguments

* Like you I happen to agree with Obama and I fear it will happen once again! Yes Obama is raising funds to combat the Republicans to the tune of 3 to one but the RNC is vastly better funded than the DNC. Correct me if I am wrong but can't the RNC infuse all the money they want in an effort to defame and dirty Obama and steal their false Republican God into the Presidency once again to continue their underhanded agenda?

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Gore Backs Obama rips Bush Obama vows preelection visit to Israel, to visit Iraq, Billions to repair our failing infrastructure, This is a winner! ???

I wanted to discuss the fact that the Midwest is still flooding levees are failing and at last count there are 26 in danger of failing. I also wanted to discuss the US dropping leaflets warning residents to move out of the Taliban held towns in Afghanistan before NATO forces try to recapture them. I wanted to discuss also the chief idiot going to visit the flooded areas so he can lie to them too saying he will help them like he helped everyone else in disaster areas, Not! I also wanted to discuss that not only has Bush created an opium haven in Afghanistan to financially support our enemies and to supply single handedly more than the entire world can consume but with his wars in Iraq and Afghanistan he has also created half of the worlds 11.2 million displaced peoples. However as seems to happen every day now I have to digress. Today for an unusual change it is for good news!

By now everyone knows Former Vice President Al Gore endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Monday, urging Americans to reject what he called the Bush administration's legacy of "incompetence, negligence and failure." He said "Americans simply cannot afford to continue the policies of the last eight years for another four," Gore, the party's 2000 presidential nominee, told Obama supporters at a rally in Detroit, Michigan. Perceived as a senior statesman in the Democratic party, Gore brings a certain force to Obama's campaign, political analysts have said. Monday marked Gore's debut in the 2008 election; he had not weighed in while Obama was still battling Sen. Hillary Clinton. Amid thousands of cheering supporters, Gore began by addressing head-on the criticism that Obama doesn't have enough experience to lead the nation.

* I really liked this part as The former vice president turned Nobel Prize winner playfully said he recalled one Republican nominee wondering out loud whether his Democratic rival for president was "naive and inexperienced." "And yet another said the United States cannot afford to risk the future of the free world with inexperience and immaturity in the White House," said Gore. "Who were they talking about? Every single one of those quotes came from the campaign of 1960, when the the Republicans attacked John Fitzgerald Kennedy for allegedly lacking the age and experience necessary to be president." Richard Nixon was the Republican nominee in 1960. Joining Obama in the midst of the candidate's two week swing through the nation to talk about his plans to revitalize the economy, Gore praised Obama as someone who could mobilize people, young and old, who had never before taken part in politics. Gore went on to praise the nominee's vision on the environment, domestic and international issues. Saying he will do whatever he can to support Obama's bid for the White House, Gore said Obama has "inspired" him. "I feel that same spirit in this auditorium tonight, building all over this country this year," he said. "Take it from me, elections matter," Gore said.

"If you think the next appointments to our Supreme Court are important, you know that elections matter. If you live in the city of New Orleans, you know that elections matter. If you or a member of your family are serving in the active military, the National Guard or Reserves, you know that elections matter. "If you are a wounded veteran, you know that elections matter. If you've lost your job; if you're struggling with a mortgage, you know that elections matter. Gore cited concerns about the environment, lead-painted toys and food safety -- even pet foods -- as other reasons to vote for the Democrat. "After the last eight years, even our dogs and cats have learned that elections matter," Gore said, adding, "After eight years of lost jobs and lower wages, we need change. After eight years of incompetence, negligence and failure, we need change." Gore said the Bush administration has "dishonored and disrespected" the Constitution and led the nation through "eight years of the most serious foreign policy mistakes in the entire history of our nation." as we all know is true and is just scratching the surface! He also He called for Americans to move beyond partisanship and select in Obama a leader who can "solve the climate crisis and create a bright future." Al Gore backs Obama for president you can also watch it

It gets even better as Obama reportedly plans to visit Israel before the U.S. presidential election in November. The Democrat's likely candidate announced this week that he will tour Iraq and Afghanistan ahead of his showdown with the Republican's likely nominee, John McCain. Citing sources in the Obama campaign, Yediot Achronot reported Tuesday that the candidate also will come to Israel for talks with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and other top officials. Obama is seen as anxious to burnish his national security credentials. Good idea

He was also wise to deflate McCain on the Iraq issue as A day after his Republican counterpart sat down with visiting Iraqi foreign minister Hoshyar Zebari, Barack Obama spoke with him by phone from Chicago Monday morning and told him that he looked forward to seeing him in Baghdad before November. Obama calls Iraq promises pre McCain debate visit you can watch this too

To top off the days good news on Obama he also proposed spending billions to revitalize the nation's economy, a plan the campaign of his likely Republican opponent said would slow economic growth with higher taxes. During an economic speech in Flint, Michigan, Obama promised to spend billions to improve America's education, infrastructure, energy and health care systems. To improve America's competitiveness, the senator from Illinois said he wants to spend $10 billion on childhood education, $150 billion over 10 years on developing alternative energy and $60 billion over 10 years to build "21st century infrastructure." Obama said he would pay for these programs by ending the war in Iraq, reducing government waste, charging polluters for greenhouse gas emissions and ending the Bush tax cuts for wealthy individuals. This is right but of course dead wrong by war mongering Republicans

*Obama is really making his stride and rapidly saying and doing the right things in order to become our saviour I mean President as long as we can keep him alive and we even have fair elections or any elections at all if Israel attacks Iran and Bush steps in to help them before elections thereby staying at the helm of this mess!

James Joiner
Gardner Ma