Showing posts with label Health Care Reform. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Care Reform. Show all posts

Monday, April 05, 2010

How Growth Could Change The MidTerm Elections?

Obama learned from the great Depression Republicans did not and will go down again!
If the economy recovers the Republican's fate is sealed: It remains to be seen but I have been hearing that the recession is over and jobs are starting to be added. I heard it may be as much as 190000 jobs added though consensus is 180,000. Any way you look at it hiring in many Dtates is up. Non-Farm Payrolls Preview - April 2nd

All along many of us have been saying the extreme hateful vitriol will continue to burn them and they insist on running on it. Good for them good for us. If the economy recovers their fate will be sealed as they have been nothing but defeatist for Obama and the plight of average Americans and our America. How Growth Could Change The MidTerm Elections

You know I and I am sure others have been saying from the beginning of Bush's economic disaster that under GW Bush America was turned into a country with two obvious economies. Bush started the bailouts and President Obama continued the program. Wall Street was bailed out along with the rest of the system that sustained our system of Capitalism. The stock market recovered.

It was widely reported that total collapse and disaster was averted. The economy of the affluent was rescued "supposedly" I and others kept asserting that the average Americans economy now had to be rescued. With millions of lost Jobs, millions of lost homes, millions of homeless, and millions with no insurance, we knew a jobless recovery was a fallacy unless.

I am not the only one that cringed when I kept hearing of this thing called a jobless recovery. What is a jobless recovery? That is no recovery at all. We kept saying the first step to a recovery especially jobless would have to begin with the passage of a health care Bill. We kept hearing this one was no good but it is, that is why Republicans were against it.

32 million picked up immediately, no more shutting you off if you get sick, no more caps on coverage, your kids will be covered till age 26, I think this is a heck of a start. Now we have to be vigilant that everything is going according to plan and the abuse by insurance companies and all interests gaming the system are stopped.

Now we can begin to rebuild our economy and are! Time to rebuild average Americans economy and against the wishes of Republicans restore our America and narrow the gap between the haves and the have not's  the last President purposely widened and turned into a chasm. Health care reform is passed is great for many average Americans and Obama is selling it. The economy is looking up. Let's get on with the recovery of our economy.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Friday, March 26, 2010

Obama signed the health care Bill now we can fix average America's economy!

Obama Signs Health Care Reform Into Law

That was step one albeit a giant baby step. While we must monitor every aspect of this minutely we have to hope that the 13 attorneys General that are fighting this as unconstitutional fail. Then and now we can start rebuilding the average Americans economy.

Obama signs health care reform into law, aims to promote it on road

You know I and I am sure others have been saying from the beginning of Bush's economic disaster that under GW Bush America was turned into a country with two obvious economies. Bush started the bailout's and President Obama continued the program. Wall street was bailed out along with the rest of the system that sustained our system of Capitalism. The stock market recovered.

It was widely reported that total collapse and disaster was averted. The economy of the affluent was rescued "supposedly" I and others kept asserting that the average Americans economy now had to be rescued. With millions of lost Jobs, millions of lost homes, millions of homeless, and millions with no insurance, we knew a jobless recovery was a fallacy unless.

I am not the only one that cringed when I kept hearing of this thing called a jobless recovery. What is a jobless recovery? That is no recovery at all. We kept saying the first step to a recovery especially jobless would have to begin with the passage of a health care Bill. We kept hearing this one was no good but it is, that is why Republicans were against it.

32 million picked up immediately, no more shutting you off if you get sick, no more caps on coverage, your kids will be covered till age 26, I think this is a heck of a start. Now we have to be vigilant that everything is going according to plan and the abuse by insurance companies and all interests gaming the system are stopped.

Now we can begin to rebuild our economy, the average Americans economy and against the wishes of Republicans restore our America and narrow the gap between the haves and the have not's the last President purposely widened and turned into a chasm.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Euthanasia, Birthers, Evolution, Obama's a racist, Welcome to the Town Mauls!

Town hall shout down, "How Can You Manage Health Care When You Can't Manage Cash For Clunkers?

The hard right wing Wacko's are supposed to be the ones who are angrily shouting down and disrupting Politicians in both party's. My personal opinion! average citizens on both sides of the aisle know how much we need health care reform. They want it! It is not citizens opposing Health care reform that are coming out in droves to disrupt the town hall meetings.I

It is the medical Industry the pharmaceutical Industry. They feel they are going to lose their grip on their monopoly and they will.They do not want their gravy train to end but with any luck if we can get the truth out, they will! They do not want the Government involved they do not want any competition. They own the Republican party. I was counting the millions they have donated to Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats but in the double digit millions I gave up. They are spending a million dollars a day to defeat health care reform

Of course there is a crazy fringe. They are continuing to incite violence and fear over the fact that we now have a Black President and the racists feel they lost their America. They lost control and they are peeved. If they really cared about our America and the reason America was founded and our Constitution they would realize we finally have it right. We do finally have the America our fore fathers intended. The work in process after all these years is still a work in process and as you can see, its stability is as fragile as it was in 1776!

The wacko fringe will continue to disrupt town hall meetings. If we can keep the fear factor coming from the wackos and the medical and pharmaceutical industry in check they will fail! Democrats and Republicans alike are being equally shouted down if they are in favor of health care reform by angry crowds shouting just say no!

It dawned on me that people want health care reform so it is the insurance and medical industry interests and lobbyists instigating this so called rancor from citizens. They are sending crowds into town hall meetings so the real concerned citizens are drowned out along with the Politicians who want to get the truth to them as to the value of health care reform is to them and it will be to the demise of the health care industry monopolies.

They want to keep the people from hearing the truth and anything positive. We have to keep pounding in the truth and the insurance and pharmaceutical industries will be the ultimate losers and they know it. They are behind all this so called "citizen anger" The people really want this they need this. This is really ignorant of the "corporations" Shouting down the people to keep the truth from them as is happening. This is a Government of the corporations for the corporations by the corporations and they want to keep it that way.

They want to keep their monopoly and their gravy train running. We need to keep digging for the truth and not be swayed by the lies only then will we become as was intended, a Government of the people for the people by the people health care reform will pass and their gravy train will crash.

* The problem is Republican leaders are not in Congress. Republican party leaders are the Republican fringe, the wack jobs, The right wing talk shows, the Dobbs and Limbaugh's, the owners of the Republican party the Pharmaceutical Industry. None of them have any real answers. Only the wacko racists and those on the right wing susceptible to their fear mongering really want to hear what they have to say.

* In closing, It is now impossible for for congressmen and women of both parties who want health care reform to talk to their constituents and get the truth out to them. If we let them succeed that will guarantee a win for the pharmaceutical industry. How come local police departments can not or do not police these town hall meetings? They are supposed to protect the people and their interests. Something has to be done. This is like Iran. It is madness!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Politicians increasingly fear town hall meetings thanks to Republicans. Birther's and the incredible shrinking party!

Birthers upsetting town hall meeting

I was doing my damnedest to avoid discussing this because it is asinine to say Barack Obama san not be the President because he is an illegal alien, There are fools that say he was born in Kenya. Heck that means we should arrest him! What the heck is this? It is getting worse and worse, to me as the angry southern whites get increasingly desperate to regain control of their America. It is not just southern citizens it is being fed by southern members of Congress.

I do not care what they use for an excuse. What is known as the birther movement being prosecuted by the tea baggers has nothing to do with Obama proving his citizenship which at this point is not even an issue but an excuse. 77% of Americans believe Obama was born here 11% believe he was not born here, 9 out of 10 around the country believe he was. Heck you do not get as far as he did and not to have already resolved the issue of your citizenship.

However Having said that, many Southerners believe that he is not an American or so they say. I was stunned the other day watching a Republican town hall meeting and a Woman there started a ruckus and the entire meeting erupted with people saying Obama is an illegal alien and they all started singing God Bless America! This will not stop it will only get worse as the angry whites of the Republican party get increasingly desperate of losing their grip on what they perceive is their America. Born in the USA prove it? That us insane. That is not their issue that is their excuse to continue to whip people into a frenzy. It was obvious watching and listening to the video being born in the USA is not the issue. Being Black is!

I am sick of the lunatic fringe of the Republican party inciting unrest since day one. This is no joke! The Congresswoman from Tennessee says people are losing faith in our system because Obama is an illegal President. They can not really believe we would give our country away. Their are Republicans trying to push through a bill making you prove your citizenship before you run for President. People are losing faith because it is the sole goal of many Republicans to incite unrest.

I am sick of Republicans refusing to speak any sense in order to feed the wacko wing of their party to incite unrest. That lunatic outburst is just the latest to incite lone wolfs too action until Those on the right who have been calling for it from day one can incite their second revolution. Some Republican Senators are still saying Obama is undocumented in spite of being shown his birth announcement and birth certificate. They insist he is not a valid citizen so is not our President. This is sick and just another way to incite violence and unrest.

I have been saying from day one that yes there are those messing with him for every possible reason they can find but it all boils down to him being black! Racist republicans many but not all from the South feel they lost control of their America and they do not like it! Many of you might have seen it but I watched someone Chasing Republican Senators around Washington trying to find out if they thought Obama was an American and why they were feeding this BS Birther movement.

They kept running away and would not answer. They do not have the guts to speak the truth and say of course he is! They want to placate the nut jobs in the south and keep them riled up. This is really sick and divisive. I saw a confusing poll on Kos breaking down those that question Obama's citizenship. 93% of Democrats believe he is while only 42 % of Republicans say yes. More telling is that broken down by region 6% of those in the North East said no, 12% in the West, 12% in the North West, and a whopping 67% from the South believe he is not an American.

That tells me it is all about Racism! That idiot Eric Cantor tried to blame the birther movement on Democrats. Thanks to Republicans Politicians of both parties are beginning to fear town hall meetings and there will be many this month as Republicans try to swift boat health care and turn the people against Obama. Right wing operatives are telling there rabid people to attend Democratic town hall " mauls" and disrupt them creating as much chaos as possible.

* In closing, Between Birthers and Republicans trying to make Health care Obama's Waterloo there is going to be a lot of action out there during this working vacation. Keep your eyes on the town hall meetings held this month. At the very least Senators are going to have a very interesting working vacation!

James Joiner

Gardner, Ma

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Democrats want to Euthanize Seniors and destroy our perfect health care system that covers everyone !

WTF?This should be short because I want the links and the videos saying Democrats want to kill Americans to tell the story. This just blows me away. These mindless lying idiots will never stop and will keep getting worse until they blow the country wide open. When I first heard Bachmann and Foxx say Obama wanted to euthanize and kill Americans I shrugged it off. Then I started researching it.

Obama Wants To Euthanize Americans, page 1

Conservatives Claim that Obama Stimulus Bill Will Euthanize the ...

Bachmann and Foxx accuse Obama of destroying our perfect health care system

Democrats Consider Bypassing G.O.P. on Health Care Plan - Readers ...

These asses are scaring the hell out of people with their lies. Sadly they have company and people believe this trash. I like you have seen Republicans since Obama was elected to repair America and undo all their damage, come out in front of Congress and make some absolutely ludicrous assertions. I refuse to believe they continue to have the nerve to flat out lie deceive and misconceive just so they can have their way.

They are actually accusing Obama and Democrats of wanting to put seniors on a list to die. they publicly came out and said seniors would be put to death by the Government. Besides ignoring the fact that some 47 million Americans do not have any health insurance and 14'000 more are added to the list of Americans losing their health care insurance every day Foxx Bachmann and others in the Republican party say there is no one in the country without health care.

Wait a minute! Everyone on the country has health care insurance? What the hell is that? First you may remember when Gay American Mathew Shepard was tortured tied to a fence and murder by a couple of homophobes? Anyway Virginia Foxx is the same Republican Senator who right in front of Mathew Shepard's mother called his murder a hoax. Enough said about her insanity and you know about Michelle Bachmann's and her open calls for an armed overthrow of Obama's Government.

These fools are too much! Anyway that statement about everyone having coverage is true for illegal aliens. Many of you will disagree but it has always bother me that they can come here illegally and hospitals must take care of them even if they brought the disease or sickness with them only to get care. I do not like it because that is not true for Americans who to no fault of their own can not get coverage.

Please allow me to recount my own experiences with this! My sons are now adults with families of their own and I do not need health care coverage but I could have used the when I was trying to start my family but I was turned away repeatedly. After the military I worked in job that offered no health coverage. I was not concerned as I was healthy. However I got married after I got my girlfriend pregnant (my fault) I still did not realize there would be a problem getting health care for my new wife or with the hospital helping me pay for the baby because I bought the BS that we are all covered and the system will help you.

Forget it! As a union boss told me, if you are a criminal or a minority you can get help and you stand a chance however if you are white you are on your own! Needless to say, he was right and in every respect! I paid for my wife's Doctor visits out of pocket. Then went I went to the hospital looking for help paying for the baby it got violent and of course I was kicked out. I ended up paying a few thousand at the time to have my first son born in the hospital.

I then ended up one or two full time jobs while going to College full time days plus I was in the reserves, trying to pay for my growing family. I ended up paying out of pocket for my first 2 sons before finally getting coverage. Moral of the story? Do not fall for the BS many legal Americans need health care reform and coverage and if we have to and can we must do it without bipartisanship but we must do it. Otherwise you are on your own!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Republicans say there are no Americans without health care

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Republicans want to make Health care Obama's Waterloo!

Health Care Reform Challenge

I really was stunned to hear Republican Jim DeMint politicize this so blatantly. Those asses just do not stop! This is not about Obama. This is about America. If Republicans succeed in making Health care reform fail it will be America's Waterloo not Obama's. I do not believe DeMint even said that and a bigger issue has not been made of it. Obama did say something about it but he should have named names and should pound that asinine statement home. look at Mondays exchange

We must do something! We need more affordable and better health care. Despite the fear mongering we have some great examples to follow. Republicans decry Canada's health care system touting horror stories of inefficiency and suffering. I have never heard my Canadian family members complain. I have heard nothing but good. You can hear negatives in every system especially ours.

I was listening to Canadian Health Minister Ujjal Dosanjh fielding questions about Canada's health care system because of all the disinformation Republicans are feeding the public. We keep being told Canadian Doctors are unhappy with the system and under paid. He refuted that saying Canadian Doctors like the system and do not feel they are underpaid.

He said people are not turned away as Republicans say but if you have a heart attack or something major wrong with you, you go to the head of the line. Even illegal immigrants go to the hospital no questions asked. Your taxes pay for the coverage so you pay absolutely nothing. I am so sick of Mitch McConnell's and others lies and fear mongering over Canada's health care system.

It is do or die time for Obama who is doing the big sell to both party's and around the country. Health care is in surgery! I refuse to believe that we spend twice as much on health care than other developed Nations and we have 47 million and growing uninsured. I do not need it but I refuse to believe we can not do better than this! Baucus and Grassley believe bipartisan health care reform is doable

So what is the problem? Do it and do it now! Republican's see Political Blood. I am seeing red myself. They want Obama thus us and our version of America to fail. This is not about Obama it is about getting rid of us and our version of America once and for all.Obama has been steadily destroying their new version put in place by Bush and they want to get back in place to get their version back and finish average Americans and our version off.

How are we going to pay for this? Health care is the big fight right now! We can not fail on this because the future of our society is at stake. We have blown passing this before but we can not now. Obama is going around the country pushing for passage. We will pass something but what? I for one want to know that ahead of time. If not Obama will will be creating us and him bigger problems in the future.

Obama is on a relentless media blitz to pick up Republicans and Democrats that he need while Republicans are trying to break him. Those fools think if they make health care fail they can make Obama fail. To me they are saying let health care and his version of America fail and it sickens me. They make that blatantly obvious and get away with it. That is fundamentally wrong, unpatriotic, wanting America to fail. How the hell do they get away with this?

I think Obama pointing out what DeMint about making health care fail so it will be Obama's Waterloo should be repeated often and I bet that single asinine statement will be solely responsible for getting it passed. If it does not it will be to the Republicans demise! I think we can pass something in the next couple of weeks then work on improving it.

Republicans would be smart to stop making themselves failures and make sure something is done for the 47 million uninsured and the millions having trouble paying for health care. They can then spend as much time as they want tweaking it until we have a great Health Care Bill. I have a friend in Wales touting their system and despite Republicans fear mongering Canada's system I believe 100% we have some excellent examples and better do this now and get started perfecting it not fighting it. Obama is going to get this!

* Health care is the issue of our time! Believe it or not knowing this Congress is preparing to take a months vacation. What? Obama seems to be our friend and Congress once again our enemy. People are losing their jobs, their houses, sometimes their very lives and Congress has to go on vacation for a month? Vacation from what? Failure? Obama should go public with this and force Congress to stick around until they complete this. I heard a few Democrats say they are willing to stay and get this done. Hold there feet to the fire and get this done!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma