Showing posts with label 2 economies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2 economies. Show all posts

Monday, April 05, 2010

How Growth Could Change The MidTerm Elections?

Obama learned from the great Depression Republicans did not and will go down again!
If the economy recovers the Republican's fate is sealed: It remains to be seen but I have been hearing that the recession is over and jobs are starting to be added. I heard it may be as much as 190000 jobs added though consensus is 180,000. Any way you look at it hiring in many Dtates is up. Non-Farm Payrolls Preview - April 2nd

All along many of us have been saying the extreme hateful vitriol will continue to burn them and they insist on running on it. Good for them good for us. If the economy recovers their fate will be sealed as they have been nothing but defeatist for Obama and the plight of average Americans and our America. How Growth Could Change The MidTerm Elections

You know I and I am sure others have been saying from the beginning of Bush's economic disaster that under GW Bush America was turned into a country with two obvious economies. Bush started the bailouts and President Obama continued the program. Wall Street was bailed out along with the rest of the system that sustained our system of Capitalism. The stock market recovered.

It was widely reported that total collapse and disaster was averted. The economy of the affluent was rescued "supposedly" I and others kept asserting that the average Americans economy now had to be rescued. With millions of lost Jobs, millions of lost homes, millions of homeless, and millions with no insurance, we knew a jobless recovery was a fallacy unless.

I am not the only one that cringed when I kept hearing of this thing called a jobless recovery. What is a jobless recovery? That is no recovery at all. We kept saying the first step to a recovery especially jobless would have to begin with the passage of a health care Bill. We kept hearing this one was no good but it is, that is why Republicans were against it.

32 million picked up immediately, no more shutting you off if you get sick, no more caps on coverage, your kids will be covered till age 26, I think this is a heck of a start. Now we have to be vigilant that everything is going according to plan and the abuse by insurance companies and all interests gaming the system are stopped.

Now we can begin to rebuild our economy and are! Time to rebuild average Americans economy and against the wishes of Republicans restore our America and narrow the gap between the haves and the have not's  the last President purposely widened and turned into a chasm. Health care reform is passed is great for many average Americans and Obama is selling it. The economy is looking up. Let's get on with the recovery of our economy.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Friday, March 26, 2010

Obama signed the health care Bill now we can fix average America's economy!

Obama Signs Health Care Reform Into Law

That was step one albeit a giant baby step. While we must monitor every aspect of this minutely we have to hope that the 13 attorneys General that are fighting this as unconstitutional fail. Then and now we can start rebuilding the average Americans economy.

Obama signs health care reform into law, aims to promote it on road

You know I and I am sure others have been saying from the beginning of Bush's economic disaster that under GW Bush America was turned into a country with two obvious economies. Bush started the bailout's and President Obama continued the program. Wall street was bailed out along with the rest of the system that sustained our system of Capitalism. The stock market recovered.

It was widely reported that total collapse and disaster was averted. The economy of the affluent was rescued "supposedly" I and others kept asserting that the average Americans economy now had to be rescued. With millions of lost Jobs, millions of lost homes, millions of homeless, and millions with no insurance, we knew a jobless recovery was a fallacy unless.

I am not the only one that cringed when I kept hearing of this thing called a jobless recovery. What is a jobless recovery? That is no recovery at all. We kept saying the first step to a recovery especially jobless would have to begin with the passage of a health care Bill. We kept hearing this one was no good but it is, that is why Republicans were against it.

32 million picked up immediately, no more shutting you off if you get sick, no more caps on coverage, your kids will be covered till age 26, I think this is a heck of a start. Now we have to be vigilant that everything is going according to plan and the abuse by insurance companies and all interests gaming the system are stopped.

Now we can begin to rebuild our economy, the average Americans economy and against the wishes of Republicans restore our America and narrow the gap between the haves and the have not's the last President purposely widened and turned into a chasm.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma