Showing posts with label Michelle Bachmann. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michelle Bachmann. Show all posts

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Divide and Conquer are not new Democratic tactics as Republicans depict but old Republican tactics!

The "Occupy" protesters were dead right saying Michelle Bachmann is dividing the country while accusing Democrats of doing it when they shut down her speech saying she touts that people who disagree with Bachmann are called "unpatriotic socialists: True, Bachmann is trying to divide and conquer once again but It worked for Rove Bush and Cheney! Will it work again?

Bachmann interrupted by Occupy Wall Street activists in South Carolina: Occupy Wall Street protesters said Bachmann's stances "capitalize on dividing Americans" by claiming that people who disagree with her are "unpatriotic socialists. It worked for Bush and Cheney!

Divide and conquer are Rove taught Bush tactics he used not only on the Democrats but in the Middle East and around the world. I called it 3D Politics (divisive, deceptive, deceitful, politics) designed to create a problem where there is none to divide and conquer. Think back as to how often and regularly that was done.

It really irked me that Four days before he left office, Mr. Bush authorized White house counsel Fred Fielding to write letters to Harriet Miers and Karl Rove giving them "absolute immunity" from Congressional inquiry and prosecution. Preemptively. In perpetuity. Absolute and irrevocable.

Not only because Rove should have been held accountable for his treasonous acts but worse because he would now be worse than before and he is. I see his lies being run to dirty great nominees and it sickens me that once again his lies are swaying people from the truth so dirty mindless Republicans can win office.

Anyway If there was no issue Bush created one and put Democrats on the other side so he could divide and conquer “get his way” It was painful to watch it being done around the world but worse here and see the Democrats powerless to fight it, recognize it, or realize they better play the game too or they are done. It is an absolute pleasure to see the "occupy" protesters call a spade a spade and hole Bachmann accountable for doing it. I hope people see through the facade finally.

I am sick of Republican's in this case Bachmann accusing Democrat's of something they are innocent of but Republicans themselves are doing so as to hide the evil truth of these scum.

It may be too late but primarily because they are stupid enough to advertise it not do it and deny it as Republicans do! I noticed this is a fox news story, it figures! Remember this in January of last year? Senate Dems Unfurl New Electoral Strategy: Divide and Conquer GOP I do not believe Democrats are guilty of dividing and conquering they are finally pointing out that Republicans are and getting on the other side to hopefully defeat them in their underhanded game finally.

Last election is being called a mandate against a party, a mandate against the Obama agenda, a Revolution against a party "the Democratic party" WRONG! Wake up and think about what happened. It should not be misinterpreted by the Republican Party as a denial of Obama, his agenda, or the Democratic Party. It was not! It should be a wake up call to both party's that we the people are sick of the games, sick of the partisanship, sick of the concern being for the Party's not we the people.

It is a Revolution however it is not a revolution against 'a party" It better serve as a wake up call to both party's. We the people want to matter! I am so proud of what the occupy movement is pointing out though greatly disturbed they are being painted as bums and rabble rousers. Whoever they are and they are fine citizens, they are pointing out the truth and Republicans do not like it.

The party’s are our biggest problem not the so called terrorists. They only care about themselves not we the people! The games must stop; they must stop acting like spoiled brats while we go down the tubes. Obama is on his own that is why nothing has gotten done. I use to say Bush is the only person I know that can talk out of both sides of his mouth while his foot is in it, sh@t eating smirk on it all the time. Sadly that has become status quo and the face of politics today.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tyrants watering the tree of Liberty with the blood of Patriots! Which way will this go?

Remember Tea partier Michelle Bachmann saying liberty will be refreshed in our country ? That was a rewrite in code of Thomas Jefferson: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" Now we are seeing the awful fruit of all the instigation by Bachmann, Palin, and others to Rile the people against the Government and pick up arms. We have been seeing since Obama was elected so called lone wolfs killing cops and performing acts of violence against the Government and the so called main stream Republicans did nothing to reel this in. Vitriol' in politics cited as U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords remains in critical condition after a shooting rampage at a Tucson shopping center that has shaken the nation

Instead they whipped up the fervor to use it to get themselves elected. Now they see the horror they have unleashed against Democrats and the country and fear for themselves but this is not going to be quieted gently. Within minutes of the first reports Saturday that Representative Gabrielle Giffords, an Arizona Democrat, and a score of people with her had been shot in Tucson, pages began disappearing from the Web.

One was Sarah Palin’s infamous “cross hairs” map from last year, which showed a series of contested Congressional districts, including Ms. Gifford's, with gun targets trained on them.A Turning Point in the Discourse but in which direction?

Is it just a coincidence that this horrible event against one of our few fine well intentioned elected officials happened in Arizona? I think not! I have a couple of gun toting brothers who now call Arizona home. One happens to live in Tucson down the street from where this happened. The other is in the Government in Kingman. He thought it was okay to carry weapons at events like this and I was afraid something like this would happen and now it has. I wonder what he thinks now?

We aren't talking about the wild west but Arizona has been a breeding ground for violence against the Government. Remember Timothy McVeighTimothy McVeigh of Kingman Arizona Wikipedia, anti-Government rants and blood might have to be spilled

Arizona has become the hotbed for anti Government nutcases the way Florida has become the hotbed for child molesters and perverts. Anyway it is too late but so called lawmakers on Sunday called for toning down of the political rhetoric in Washington and across the country after a shooting in Tucson. Speaking to CNN Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Illinois said "We live in a world of violent images and violent words, but those of us in public life and the journalists who cover us should be thoughtful in response to this and try to bring down the rhetoric, which I'm afraid has become pervasive in our discussion of political issues," Republicans should have paid heed to this before!

Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tennessee, told CNN, "We have to be very careful about imputing the motives or the actions of a deranged individual to any particular group of Americans who have their own political beliefs." He added, "We ought to cool it, tone it down, treat each other with great respect, respect each other's ideas and even on difficult issues like immigration or taxes or health care law, do our best not to inflame passions." It is too frigging late, they have been instigating these so called lone wolf's since Obama was elected.

Other lawmakers from both sides of the aisle echoed those comments across the Sunday political talk shows. Their message: While the motivation of the gunman remains unknown, it is time to dial back the fury that has overtaken so much of the U.S. political discourse. "This ought to be a wake-up call to not only the members of Congress but to the people of this country that we are headed in the wrong direction," said Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Missouri, on NBC's "Meet the Press." "Congress meets a lot but it rarely comes together."

He added, "We've got to watch what we say, and we're not doing it. It starts in campaigns." We all knew it and have been warning but we do not matter and we all know it takes two sides to Tango!

While not stating a motive for the shootings, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik in Tucson used a nationally televised press conference to condemn the tone of political discourse in his state. He charged that public debate is now "vitriolic rhetoric" that has rendered Arizona "the mecca for prejudice and bigotry."

Dupnik suggested that such rhetoric can have deadly consequences."We need to do some soul searching," Dupnik told reporters. "It's the vitriolic rhetoric that we hear day in and day out from people in the radio business and some people in the TV business. "When you look at unbalanced people, how they respond to the vitriol that comes out of certain mouths about tearing down the government, the anger, the hatred, the bigotry that goes on in this county is getting to be outrageous. Unfortunately, Arizona, I think, has become sort of the capital," Dupnik, a Democrat, continued.

"We have become the mecca for prejudice and bigotry," he said. Arizona is a Republican stronghold where the party members hold a two-thirds majority in both chambers of the legislature and occupy the governor's office.

"People who are unbalanced may be especially susceptible to vitriol," Dupnik said. "It's not unusual for all public officials to get threatened constantly, myself included. That's the sad thing that's going on in America. Pretty soon we're not going to be able to find reasonable people to subject themselves to serving the public." Lawmakers say it is time to cool the political Rhetoric It is too late Republicans did their damage!

* In closing: The Sheriff of Pina County is right , Arizona is the countries breeding ground for bigotry and hate but it has spread throughout the entire country. It is a bit late for mainstream Republicans to ratchet this down but better late than never. We can hope! All votes and talk in the Capital on repealing health care and other contentious issues have been canceled for a week but they will continue eventually. However this shooting of a pro health care Democrat will change everything now!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

fun Videos: How to Speak Republican, 10 types of Republicans, and other Republican Dirty Tricks plus McCain and his responsibility for oil speculation, Lies, Lies, Lies!

I was looking for something when I found this that I put together 2 years ago and it amazed me. Once again the more things are supposed to change the more they remain the same and even get worse. This is a few true and sometimes funny look at the Republican party. However, their idiocy better be taken seriously as it is going to upset the Nation.

Other Dirty Republican tricks by Tim Russert

How to Speak Republican - Comedic

The Ten types of Republicans - This is Hilarious!

John McCain's connection to Big oil and Enron Loophole, his responsibility for oil Speculation

McCain's never ending Lies

This one we know: Charles Barkley: Why Republicans/Conservatives=Fake Christians

Why I'm voting Republican - Not!

Why Republicans will lose the Presidency in 2008 with Tim Russert "let's hope this applies to 2012"

All jokes aside when all is said and done Democrats and the law better take the tea partiers, the oath keepers, the numerous anti Government militia's, and the secessionists seriously, In reality this is no joke. The Republican party is really screwed up and have embraced what use to be the fringe nut cases. Eric Cantor, Michelle Bachmann, Senator Boehner, Mitch McConnell, these Republicans are taking control of the idiocy and giving it validity. Be vigilante, this is not funny!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Democrats want to Euthanize Seniors and destroy our perfect health care system that covers everyone !

WTF?This should be short because I want the links and the videos saying Democrats want to kill Americans to tell the story. This just blows me away. These mindless lying idiots will never stop and will keep getting worse until they blow the country wide open. When I first heard Bachmann and Foxx say Obama wanted to euthanize and kill Americans I shrugged it off. Then I started researching it.

Obama Wants To Euthanize Americans, page 1

Conservatives Claim that Obama Stimulus Bill Will Euthanize the ...

Bachmann and Foxx accuse Obama of destroying our perfect health care system

Democrats Consider Bypassing G.O.P. on Health Care Plan - Readers ...

These asses are scaring the hell out of people with their lies. Sadly they have company and people believe this trash. I like you have seen Republicans since Obama was elected to repair America and undo all their damage, come out in front of Congress and make some absolutely ludicrous assertions. I refuse to believe they continue to have the nerve to flat out lie deceive and misconceive just so they can have their way.

They are actually accusing Obama and Democrats of wanting to put seniors on a list to die. they publicly came out and said seniors would be put to death by the Government. Besides ignoring the fact that some 47 million Americans do not have any health insurance and 14'000 more are added to the list of Americans losing their health care insurance every day Foxx Bachmann and others in the Republican party say there is no one in the country without health care.

Wait a minute! Everyone on the country has health care insurance? What the hell is that? First you may remember when Gay American Mathew Shepard was tortured tied to a fence and murder by a couple of homophobes? Anyway Virginia Foxx is the same Republican Senator who right in front of Mathew Shepard's mother called his murder a hoax. Enough said about her insanity and you know about Michelle Bachmann's and her open calls for an armed overthrow of Obama's Government.

These fools are too much! Anyway that statement about everyone having coverage is true for illegal aliens. Many of you will disagree but it has always bother me that they can come here illegally and hospitals must take care of them even if they brought the disease or sickness with them only to get care. I do not like it because that is not true for Americans who to no fault of their own can not get coverage.

Please allow me to recount my own experiences with this! My sons are now adults with families of their own and I do not need health care coverage but I could have used the when I was trying to start my family but I was turned away repeatedly. After the military I worked in job that offered no health coverage. I was not concerned as I was healthy. However I got married after I got my girlfriend pregnant (my fault) I still did not realize there would be a problem getting health care for my new wife or with the hospital helping me pay for the baby because I bought the BS that we are all covered and the system will help you.

Forget it! As a union boss told me, if you are a criminal or a minority you can get help and you stand a chance however if you are white you are on your own! Needless to say, he was right and in every respect! I paid for my wife's Doctor visits out of pocket. Then went I went to the hospital looking for help paying for the baby it got violent and of course I was kicked out. I ended up paying a few thousand at the time to have my first son born in the hospital.

I then ended up one or two full time jobs while going to College full time days plus I was in the reserves, trying to pay for my growing family. I ended up paying out of pocket for my first 2 sons before finally getting coverage. Moral of the story? Do not fall for the BS many legal Americans need health care reform and coverage and if we have to and can we must do it without bipartisanship but we must do it. Otherwise you are on your own!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Republicans say there are no Americans without health care