Showing posts with label China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts

Thursday, April 05, 2018

Life's cycle, The final stages!

                                                                     Man's survival?
We are really screwing up.  Every day we do more damage to our wounded environment. It is looking like we are going to permanently change our quality of life. It is getting rough out there. We watch the middle east explode, Russia is fighting for a rebirth, Now China is trying to hold sway over Asia. We are making a mess out of life and the 21st century.
Life's cycle, The final stages?

Life's cycle, The final stages! (I wrote this 9 year's ago)The nurturing stage is where man should be in its and the planets Life Cycle! However as the current unfolding middle east and world situation is proving, man is attempting to turn the clock back and nature works only in one direction, forward. We are acting like we are in the infantile stage and it will not work! 

* The Nurturing Stage – This is man's mature stage. This is man's preservation period. The time is now. This period marks man's awakening as to the realization of mans negative impact on the life sustaining life cycle of the planet as a whole. This period marks the awakening of man as to the as to the necessity of revitalizing Natures life sustaining ecosystems.

This period marks the necessity for an end to all out war. We must come to the realization that as a world we must destroy all advanced weaponry and their systems throughout the world. This is an absolute necessity for the survival of man and the planet.

If we are to survive We must form a world board to ensure compliance by the entire world. It is for the benefit and survival of mankind and the planet. We now know the fragility of our planet and our negative role in it. As a world we must act responsibly, be held accountable, and act accordingly.

** Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creativity. Through the beginning of the 20th century man has been going through the maturity stages of his existence. Like a maturing teenager man now thinks he has all the answers. However he has none of the right ones.

Would you send your Grandmother off to war? That is something you can relate to. Likewise man and the planet can not survive a world war this late in the life cycle of man and the planet. Whoever ushers in a new world war must be held personally accountable for knowingly and unwittingly bring about the end of the civilized world and our planet.

Whether you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of man and the planet as we know them.

* Sadly man seems to have chosen the 2nd road and with nuclear conflagration staring us in the face: We seem to be leading the way to our demise! If we are to have a future we must smarten up! The full short story at the link!life's cycles

** The second reason and maybe more important is the fact that the planet is going through its own life cycle as man and our society is and part of this global warming is natural and man has no affect on It. Bottom line is the world is ignoring earth’s critical condition and preparing to put it out of its misery. We must stop this!

I was lucky enough to catch an interview on CNN  by Jonathan Mann in Oslo of Al Gore and his protégé who won the Nobel Peace prize. All the Nobel Prize winners should get together and come out and let the world know how dire our situation is. If another world war is started the entire world must come down on that country.

** I firmly believe that if they came together as they should and they owe the worlds future to do, we can make the difference and save ourselves.  I believe that  the entire world  is preparing for World War Three.all living Nobel Prize Winners must come together and speak loudly to the entire world as to the inevitable end of man and the planet if they irresponsibly Insist on leading us to World War Three.

Someone who will be listened to must take it upon themselves to get this message and the urgency out to the Nobel Prize Winners as they may be our best and last hope! Nobel Prize winners needed to save the world

* I didn't realize until I was looking at today's unwinding horror we will be facing long into the future. China trying to rule Asia, Syria and the middle east, our rapidly deteriorating environment, north Korea threatening South Korea with Annihilation again because of our success, the middle east exploding, us threatening, North Korea threatening, etc. and I decided it best to go back to something I wrote almost 9 years ago now long before I decided to interact daily trying to wake up the world still to no avail.

However I went back to one of the times I posted A time line of Life’s Cycles and Where We Are in Them and much to my pleasure and surprise I noted Our Brother Tim commented that it was excellent and I should do updates on it and publish them. I have done updates and that is what precedes A time line of Life’s Cycles and Where We Are in Them

* In installments I have explained in detail over the centuries how we got here, where the world was morally when America was founded, what is really going on today and how this is all going to turn out. !

James Joiner

Gardner Ma

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, conclusion: Installment 5

Friday, March 30, 2018

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, installment 4

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, installment 3

                                    Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
                                              awesome insight,  Never  published, be the one

This from Nostradamus I will include. As we already discussed it and I for one firmly believe it. Early man was forced to view the world and all other living creatures because of the desire to survive, as adversaries.

Everything they encountered was to be tamed or defeated. Like many of our early survival instincts that once served us well, this one too has no place in life today.

This is now causing many of the worlds problems. This taming and control instinct has resulted in terrible abuse both of the planet, and its resources.

*According to the Gaia theory, (Gaia is ancient Greek and means Goddess of the earth), of British Biochemist James Lovelock. The earth is a vast organism which unconsciously maintains itself through a series of checks and balances. These include for example, photosynthesis of plant life.

This in turn produces clean fresh air ocean currents and volcanic movement. So the combined effect of all these systems working together results in the equilibrium of a healthy planet.

Mans determined neglect and destruction of his natural world is another major obstacle to the future of man.

If this destruction continues we will see an increase in extreme natural events and I believe they have started as we all witness too often. There will be an increase in the amount of appalling natural catastrophes all around the world.

 Every 60 seconds 50 acre’s of the world’s tropical rainforest is destroyed. Our main source the ocean that we are also killing aside It is our main source of clean air to enrich and purify the entire of earth’s atmosphere.

They are being cleared simply for grazing and crops. In just one year an area the size of the British Isles is lost. By 2020 a major part of the earth’s rain forest will be gone. Taking with them earths most efficient air purification system.

 It is easy to say that we have to stop this. We must for our future survival. Just how do you tell another country what to do with their own land? You really can’t.

How do you tell them they can not live as they have for centuries or they have learned to in order to survive, we know you have to make a living for you and your family, but? With this aside though we won’t allow you to cut down any more forest, you can’t.

 They don’t care that they may be killing humanity and the planet. They only understand that they must survive. Through the process of photosynthesis trees absorb poisonous carbon dioxide and give out clean oxygen.

With no moisture returning to the atmosphere as a result of deforestation the greenhouse effect is further aggravated. This in turn is altering ocean and weather patterns.

With the end result being the setting the pattern for world wide natural catastrophes of a scale we could do without.

Talking about civilization, the worlds two most populous Nations will soon not be able to feed their populations.

 The world watch Institute estimates that China will not be able to feed itself. Indian demographers believe India will run out of water. To make matters even worse, both countries are nuclear powers. That can only add to an already complicated future for civilizations survival. Just one final note on Nostradamus and we’ll move on.

I always thought that all of his prophesies were apocalyptic in nature so you can imagine my surprise in coming upon this chapter calling for a new Religiousness. Unbelievably this too plays right into our story line.

I’m reading that throughout Nostradamus visions of apocalypse the theme of a new religious consciousness occurs again, and again. It will flourish he say’s, at the turn of the century.

 As we talked about earlier, it is a natural response to infringement on your feelings of safety and security in society. In their present state the established Religions show little ability to bring peace on earth. On the contrary most wars throughout history have been fought over differences in faith.

 Why should this war be any exception I guess? Man just doesn’t seem to learn.

As we discussed in the past, we are having conflicts virtually all over the world. Exclusively over God and who he favors. We can’t even prove who he is, if he is, or if he ever was.

There are as you know many, many things that have happened in the past that we still do not have the answer to. The absolute worse thing about this is that today we do have the ability to answer many unanswered questions. As of yet we aren’t doing it.

We are preparing once again, to battle over God. No one even knows if he exists or ever did. We have the ability to answer many questions long left unanswered. Now is the time to do this. Man it would really take the wind out of their sa(ai)les if it was proven that God was from another planet?

I would honest to God fully expect that. I think that would be just fine. At least we would know. What did you expect anyways? However you never know, the truth sometimes hurts some people.  Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, February 11, 2018

How an economic slowdown in the U.S. will affect the Chinese economy

At least China has realized our two economies are intricately intertwined. China is feeling what would be like without a US economy.

Remember what the ass Putin just got through saying?
RUSSIAN Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the United States of acting as a "parasite" on the world economy by accumulating massive debts that threaten the global financial system. "The country is living in debt. It is not living within its means, shifting the weight of responsibility on other countries and in a way acting as a parasite," With everything said just think about a world without the US economy!

A parasite! Cut the crap. I have discussed this in the past but could not find it. First I must admit I do not like Vladimir Putin. When the idiot Bush looked into his eyes and saw a compassionate man and a man you could work with I saw vile, hate, and a great danger to our unification.His desire is to make Russia great again of which I can not blame him but I see Dmitry Medvedev as much more level headed and common sensed.

That said, sometimes deserved and sometimes not but I see the United States as a Definition of a pariah If the US is a "parasite" on the worlds economy it is the fault of the world no not for trusting the US but for leaning on the US instead of taking care of itself and taking responsibility and accountability for themselves. I think much of the worlds economies have been Parasites too!

Personally I was offended, embarrassed, and disgusted, the way our S.O.B. Political children acted during the Debt debate but I do not believe our problems should have been affecting the world. Whatever you say about the US just imagine not a world without the US which I am afraid in many instances that would be a good thing but a world without the US economy. It is good and bad for the planet and all countries!

In our efforts to grow our country and economy we have raped much of the world of its resources and with the help of our allies reset Boundaries that will have a negative effect till the end of time. Again with that said Putin would be wise to apologize to the US and rethink what he ignorantly said. How much does Russia donate to the poor and famine and disease stricken countries of Africa and the rest of the world?

I am often bothered by the fact that our misleaders are ignoring our own poor and hungry while we help those around the world but we and our economy are the main drivers behind a mounting an exhausting number of natural or unnatural disasters striking countries around the world. Many of them I am afraid are due to mans negative impact on our environment but our economy allows us to be there.

Our success in growing our economy has had many negative and positive affects on the world and its countries. Countries of which China is the best example have grown and prospered because of the US economy. Our success has allowed China and the world to overpopulate the planet which seems to be turning on us now.

Due to our so called "success" we are destroying the planet because of over population but again with that said our economy is not a parasite on the worlds countries but a necessary evil to help the needy and to keep the worlds economies status quo. If not, most so called civilized countries around the world are going to regress "shrink" and it will be painful but I am afraid necessary. I am afraid at any rate it has to happen if someone in this world is to survive and prosper somewhere on this planet.

Remember US and China press reset button. This was a big week in US/Chinese diplomacy, but will it be a defining moment?

Now I have renewed hope that China will remember how important good relations are to both of our countries as we move through the 21st century.

Remember US-China ties 'to shape 21st century'

Also more than two years ago: The US and China will never be the same but share the same big boat hit by huge waves They better wake up and stop making waves!

Cooperation between China Russia and the US is critical! Obama is right to say our ties will shape the future of the 21st century. The US and China are eying each other and moving very cautiously as they try to strike a balance. A few years back I began to view our relationship with China as the most important in the world. Not because we drove each others economy but because if at the time with Bush's instigation to war with Russia China due to the fact of how our 2 economies are so intertwined that if something happened China would side with us not Russia.

I hope that never happens and I feel increasingly confident we can take the road to peace and prosperity into the 21st century with a united world. Many of you know I repeat often that Nostradamus gave us two roads to travel into the future. Bush had us on the first road, the road to war and a disastrous future for man kind. I feel increasingly confident thanks to Obama we are now on the second road, the road to understanding and a successful prosperous future.

China is our Banker as well as North Korea's immediate neighbor. They hold more than a trillion dollars in our Bonds. They have more at stake here and around the world than anyone. Stakes are now enormous! China has to be a key partner in whatever happens here, in North Korea and around the world. We can not do this unilaterally. Along with Russia China and the US must work together to shape the future of the world!

We can not do this alone! Not just Russia but we need China to help with Iran and North Korea. China holds over a trillion dollars of our debt. They make many of our products so we keep them employed and in that respect we keep each others countries going. They sell the majority of the products they make to Wal-Mart and continue to loan us money.

We are intricately inextricably interwoven in a symbiotic roller coaster relationship. I don't know if I like it or not but it works and must continue. It will get bumpy along the way but I trust like it or not our relationship will continue into the foreseeable future. I am seeing China get stronger and increasingly taking over Japan's role in Asia too. We have many differences but one important thing in common, a desire for a successful future for our two countries! Things are looking up finally!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, February 10, 2018

China should be on the top of the world's skin cancer Hot spots

World's Skin Cancer Hot Spots - Forbes

WHO agency: Air pollution causes cancer:  The fact that nearly everyone on the planet is exposed to outdoor pollution could prompt governments and other agencies to adopt stricter controls on spewing fumes.Previously, pollution had been found to boost the chances of heart and respiratory diseases. The expert panel's classification was made after scientists analyzed more than 1,000 studies worldwide and concluded there was enough evidence that exposure to outdoor air pollution causes lung cancer.

In 2010, IARC said there were more than 220,000 lung cancer deaths worldwide connected to air pollution. The agency also noted a link with a slightly higher risk of bladder cancer.  Straif said there were dramatic differences in air quality between cities around the world and that the most polluted metropolises were in China and India, where people frequently don masks on streets to protect themselves.

200,000 people die every year in China because of air pollution.

Beijing's Pollution Alarms Neighbors, environmental secrecy angers public and the world

Friday, February 02, 2018

Obama seeked end to perpetual U.S. war. After 237 years? Part 2 of2

* You know it never happened now under trump the Forever war will get much worse! 241 years of war and counting!

 Obama seeked end to perpetual U.S. 'war on terror': After launching costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States is tiring of conflict. While combating terrorism is still a high priority for the White House, polls show by large margins that Americans' main concerns are the economy and domestic concerns such as healthcare.

We have not been at war for over a decade we have been in this war for over a decade but at war since our inception.

America: Living to fight as it appears or Fighting to Live as we are told?

Many of you know that I have been writing about the truth of what is going on with us and the world since 9/11. Until the advent of the lying war monger Bush I always assumed the United States did the right thing for average citizens and fought and went to war only when provoked to protect our citizens and our autonomy. Boy was I ever wrong.

For one reason or the other we have been at war since 9/11 and after much research I no longer trust the Governments reasons for taking us to war. I realized our wars were for us to fight and for them to gain. Well the other day someone asked why I write about war so much so I thought I better illustrate why once again. I took to calling our current war situation Bush's forever war and for good reason.

I see no end and in fact as you watch the middle east, China, Russia, indeed the mindset of the entire world you know why as this is barely beginning and like it or not will dwarf the 100 years war. Yes war is our past and our future. We can only hope it turns out as good as the past.

Knowing I have been thinking of this for years and I based it on a book written in 2003 in which it was pointed out that we have been at war since our founding, 227 years, that is now 237 years so I had to revisit this thought. 209 out of 235 years of war or armed conflict Call it what you want but sadly the rest of the so called civilized world is no better!

Years ago now I was consumed with the crazy thought that my son who at the time was an EOD (explosive ordinance Disposal) Team Leader just got home from Afghanistan then volunteered for Iraq. I was very concerned as to how many civilians and American soldiers were going to lose their lives in what many of us considered an illegal war. I was sickened watching our Patriotic sons and daughters being abused and ill used.

I was listening again to the number of Americans killed in past wars including the civil war where some 562 thousand lost their lives as you know, fighting amongst ourselves. At first I was focused on the wasted lives in Iraq and was wondering how many there would be when all is said and done as well as feeling there is no foreseeable end and we still have to wonder, then I went to this list and I wanted to compare how many lives were lost in wars in contrast to how many we lost fighting amongst ourselves.

The numbers were getting too convoluted for me to come up with anything tangible I thought. I then was looking at the immense numbers of conflicts and wars we were in and I decided a comparison of war years to peaceful years would be best to tell our story. I couldn't figure it out. I was floored by the number of conflicts and wars America has been in since our founding and thought I would say we have only had approximately 50 years of peace and supply this link on our war and peace History. List of America's wars

Then I went back to Google and I found this compelling story by Jon Stanton showing that America has been at war openly or clandestinely essentially since we were founded. I merely want you to see what is out there and think about the whole story. Having read what he wrote I thought there was something at least worth reading, thinking about, and putting in perspective.

I never read him so I researched him and found him to be a Virginia based writer that writes from a left wing perspective and I am afraid I agree with much of what he says. In fact I have written much of it myself in the past. I am not a warmonger I am a peace lover so I thought I would give you the link to Jon Stanton's book 227 years of warfare written in 2003 and you could tell me what you think. 227 years of warfare You can now add 10 more years to that and running.

It did make me remember that I did a diary a while back in which I said the U.S. has a war economy and some took exception to that but looking at our History of wars our fault or not I really have to wonder, what are we? I am a peace lover willing to fight for my country as are my sons as you know but are the leaders of America fighting to live or living to fight? what is happening to us? How are we supposed to feel knowing we are right now in what I call at minimum our 100 years war, Bush's Forever war?
We are not just going to be allowed to go home after these wars and be left alone. The so called war on terror has now taken on a life of its own and we will be forced to respond like it or not. You listen to the so called experts say you kill one Al Qaeda and another takes his place.

That is a naive interpretation because killing Islamists is like the head of the Hydra. You kill one and many take its place. This will not just stop plus with the middle east, China and Asia,North Korea, etcetera, there is much right around the corner, like it or not.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Beijing vs. Washington

North Korea warned it is ready for all out war while South Korea readies for reunification

US rallies Tokyo and Seoul, rails against China's support for North Korea

China, North Korea reach consensus over crisis

North Korea warned Saturday that it is ready for an all-out war even as it dispatched its top diplomat to Russia amid a flurry of regional diplomatic efforts to defuse tensions over the North's deadly artillery attack on South Korea.

Amidst this obvious posturing and preparation for war we just discussed South Korea's wishful thinking as president says Seoul must prepare for a united country as the North becomes aware of South's affluence. This situation is changing so rapidly and not for the good that we just discussed that I at one time thought there would one day be a reunified Korean Peninsula but not the way we and South Korea envision it.

Beijing has been using North Korean belligerence in order to keep us off their door step. They have also for as long while been abusing their increasing financial and military strength. Yes in the past we too did it but that time must be over if we are to move successfully through the 21st century.

Wiki leaks at least has let it be known that China would accept a unified Korea as long as we were not there. That will never happen as I am sure I am not the only one that believes China would take advantage of that and pre planned or not that is why exercises with South Korea and Japan were necessary. China can blame themselves or as I am thinking at this point they are purposely bringing about another Korean war as they are now too powerful to stop in their eyes. !

China's real role here is her goal to keep Democracy off her doorstep and the Kim regime in power because they will remain a puppet whose strings China can pull. Kim Jong Il said he was committed to establishing "a lasting peace system" on the Korean peninsula and to making it nuclear-free "through dialogue and negotiations" a lasting peace system, what is that? donations of food and supplies from us while he maintains his 7 million man army for China and continues to toy with advanced weapons and starve its people?

In the end I don't care what they say. This is a confrontation long in the works. MacArthur was right wanting to go right through North Korea then China back than because it would eventually have to be done. There is a lot behind the scenes to be concerned with here and yes China is our banker but they are over stepping their boundaries. We owe them trillions but with Russia's cooperation we can come out on top here. I fully expect we would and in the end being victors we would cancel our debt to China!

I have had those that point out Russia and the US will never join against China because of Russia and China's connection in the Shanghai cooperation but don't forget China is also connected with South Korea and Japan and look what that's worth. Dmitri Medvedev realizes as I do that Russia and the US need each other and our close relationship is critical to both of us proceeding successfully through the 21st century.

We know China's most senior Diplomat was just in North Korea to show support for China's guard dog. I no longer see a unified peninsula allowed to happen unless one of two scenarios occur. 1. We fight North Korea thus China too and are defeated and China unifies Korea and kicks us out. 2. We are able to defeat North Korea and China "totally" and then unify Korea ourselves. However I have a hard time envisioning that. What a mess! Good thing Bush took North Korea off the terror list huh? They sure deserved that.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, January 21, 2018

200,000 people die every year of air pollution in China and increasing rapidly

A policeman gestures as he works on a street in heavy smog in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang province, on Oct. 21.

  Super smog hits north China city:  Visibility shrank to less than half a football field and small-particle pollution soared to a record 40 times higher than an international safety standard in one northern Chinese city as the region entered its high-smog season.

Winter typically brings the worst air pollution to northern China because of a combination of weather conditions and an increase in the burning of coal for homes and municipal heating systems, which usually start on a specific date. For the large northern city of Harbin, the city's heating systems kicked in Sunday, and on Monday visibility there was less than 50 meters, according to state media.
200,000 people die every year in China because of air pollution.

Beijing's Pollution Alarms Neighbors, environmental secrecy angers public and the world

Friday, January 12, 2018

Like it or not Capitalism not culture drives economies

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Remember when running for President, Romney's comment that Israeli's were better than the Palestinians because of their culture? Time for the world including us to go back as to the true role of capitalism! Capitalism is supposed to work for Democracy which abused and misused or not is the true driver of our economy.

 I think it is Democracy that should be driving economies and our Capitalism. The Chinese are doing it right.

I hate to say it but China is a top notch example of how to use Capitalism to drive your lifestyle and economy and in this case communism controlling capitalism not Capitalism controling Capitalism. You're culture has nothing to do with the success of your society what has everything to do with it is how successful your capitalism is and how well it is controled.Communism-Wikipedia

We have failed. Capitalism controls us and our Government! For years because of Bush's fascist agenda many of us said this is not a Democracy. A Democracy only in name to facilitate a hidden agenda. Now we hear from Republicans that this is no longer a Democracy because of Obama and the socialist agenda he inherited from Bush. Anyway you look at it this is not a Democracy!

Is it supposed to be a Democracy just because they make you leave your pen once every couple of years to go out and vote for those with the money to buy their position to force the agenda that keeps those corporations in control that really run this country? Is it Democracy that allows the top 1% to own more than the bottom 95% combined?

Would a Democracy allow their fellow citizens to go without the basic needs of any human being let alone right here in the USA, Food Shelter and clothing? Homes are still being foreclosed at a rate of 1 every 7.5 seconds. This is a Democracy in action? Is the health insurance Industry spending 1.5 million dollars a day to control Congress and kill health care reform so they can keep control over you Democracy in action?

No! It is capitalism run amok, Capitalism is controlling our Democracy. This is not a Democracy. Democracy is a system of government in which either the actual governing is carried out by the people governed or the power to do so is granted by them. There are two principles that any definition of democracy includes, equality and freedom. Would not equality dictate that the top 1% take care of those who are in trouble? Or is it because Capitalism rules Democracy that they have the "freedom" to ignore Equality and Democracy? Democracy

Capitalism as a system developed incrementally from the 16th century in Europe. Capitalism typically refers to an economic and social system in which the means of production are privately controlled. Controlling it is is a matter of politics and policy. Capitalism-Wikipedia

Politics and Democracy are supposed to be controlling Capitalism. Capitalism is not supposed to be controlling Democracy! Capitalism has run amok and as you know is controlling Democracy. Our Government just bailed out Capitalism and there was nothing Democratic about it. Capitalism owns our Democracy and our Government.We the people have been left to our own demise. It is time to control Capitalism with Democracy so for once we are all equal!

It really bothers me that it seems whenever I delve into something it is always capitalism behind the problem. We keep hearing the virtues of Capitalism but our own problems and I am seeing around the world are caused by Capitalism run Amok. The great system of Capitalism is destroying our world. We have got to rein it in and control it. I was concerned with Bush's warmongering and the world marshaling forces to take him on. I was concerned about Israel instigating war too thinking they were the world’s primary problem. I thought they were controlling the US and we were going to end up destroying the world at their bid.

* We are so brainwashed, we never hear or see the truth. I noticed behind every frigging conflict including Gaza and Georgia, Syria, Libya, everything in the middle east,  and Afghanistan was oil and other energy sources so I just took the normal course of blaming all our problems on oil and other energy sources as the world postured to move into the future. Stupid me! In regard to our problems here I keep saying we see the enemy and he is us but son of a gun it is! We are the problem of the entire world. Capitalism! It is out of control and will destroy the world unless we rein it in. What say you!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Friday, January 05, 2018

With Russia, US military muscle flexing a reminder that whoever owns space owns the future

I do not know about you but I have been very concerned seeing all our naval and air force muscle in the Mediterranean, in the Gulf, and elsewhere all aimed at Syria and all shadowed by threatened equal or more military muscle b Russia. 
It concerned me and reminded me that all is not as it seems and "Whoever owns space owns the future" When the issue is of most significance, of most importance, and at the right time but When will the secrets be unveiled?
This was 4 1/2 years ago, do you by any chance remember this so called "incident I mean accident"
US warns of space "dodge ball" after satellite crash

Satellite crash poses new political risk

Concern of a space war Russia, China, and the US say they do not want but are all prepared for has long been a concern of mine for a long time for a few reasons. Have you ever heard of Assassins Mace

China's satellites shadowing ours, Why

How about HAARP Well research for over 90 years at a cost of many millions! A New York Times story, dated December 8, 1915, describes one of Tesla's more well-known patents, a transmitter that would "project electrical energy in any amount to any distance and apply it for innumerable purposes, both in war and peace."

We know how critical controlling Satellites is to us and our military along with those of our friends and adversaries. that disruption really made me think of how fragile our ability to communicate is. I have said many times that whoever controls space controls the future. Without satellites the worlds militaries are dead in the water, sitting ducks waiting to be picked off!

I am not saying I am concerned that these two satellites colliding was anything more than an "accident" I will wait and see what if anything leaks out but it makes me curios know this happened above Siberia? A Russian and US satellite? What are the chances of 2 satellites colliding and destroying each other? This was a first but... I used to be concerned about the possibility of a space war because whoever owns space owns the battlefield thus the future,

Today's militaries are totally controlled by satellites. No satellites no air Force nukes, nothing. Aircraft carriers and entire navy's would be dead in the water. As I said I have long been concerned of a space war for that reason and because of the resultant millions of pieces of space debris! We would no longer be able to use space, we would be trapped on earth

This collision accidental or not gives me hope. If one collision causes concern as to dodging space junk I have to believe we will more than make every effort to refrain from trapping us on earth.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, January 04, 2018

We are facing a disastrous monumental fiasco of Biblical proportions.

911 was not the defining moment of our time nor is our greatest threat underground as they stupidly say!

Post-9/11, biggest terror threat is underground Wrong! We are our own greatest threat!

I didn't realize until I was looking at today's unwinding horrors we will be facing long into the future. We watch Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, Iran, Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, China and Taiwan, North and South Korea, water pollution, air pollution, global warming, water wars, food wars, numerous future wars in the making, I decided it best to go back to something I wrote 5 years ago now long before I decided to interact daily trying to wake up the world still to no avail.

9/11 was not the defining moment of our time as we are told,that event has not occurred yet but that moment is coming and soon. A lot of people tell me to get over Bush but the US and the world will never be able to as he upset US and world balance that will forever affect us all. Up to now and all our horror Bush has been the defining moment of our time, but ?

The fall of the Russian Empire set in motion something that began with the founding of Islam in 610. Islam was established by Muhammad in order to give Muslims a formal religion and sense of belonging with the Jews and Christians. It failed and Muslims have never been able to gain equal footing or be willing to accept their role in the worlds society.

The Christian Crusades to take back Jerusalem turned into a blood bath against Muslims. Our nation was born during the enlightenment and industrialization completed a gap between our societies which will never close. Next comes the Berlin Conference in the 19th century, allowing Europe to divvy up Africa where they then took what they wanted and then reset the boundaries creating another mess with the Muslim world.

We are in a fight that is just beginning but this is not though just a fight between the west and Islam. Islam is also fighting itself! It is a war between Islam and the world at large, everyone. As Bush had no tolerance of anything but his version of perverted Religion and Democracy. The Muslim Islamists have no tolerance of any other version of Islam than their own. They want all their lands back which can not happen. They want us off their lands so what do we do we attack them once again?

We had enough problems in Afghanistan then Bush had to worsen things by diverting to Iraq to get into the Middle East to unsettle that already shaky balance to set up his idea of a new middle east order.To all our demise there is no desire for compromise here by anyone as Iran now freed up wants there version and you see how that is going.!

There is an easy answer to this and that is too fight and continue to fight and that includes it seems, our Governments and world leaders! At the very least there is no easy way out but to fight. We have no other choice as none of this will be quelled by diplomacy. Average Muslim's of all nations want peace and prosperity as average citizens of every nation do but our so called leaders have taken it upon themselves to fight and destroy our peace and prosperity.

Throw in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya,Pakistan, Iran, Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, China and Taiwan, North and South Korea, water pollution, air pollution, global warming, water wars, food wars, numerous future wars in the making, and it is daunting but you must realize the defining moment of our time has yet to occur I am afraid.

We are more rapidly every day destroying our environment and our planet. Fukishima and the Gulf of Mexico as horrendous and horrific to humanity as they are, are just 2 of the recent examples of mans self destruction. It seems like we have another oil or other man made disaster every week. I was very concerned with our growing oil disasters but hearing of the vast cadmium leak off Florida recently really flummoxed me. WTF?

Remember this or was it even mentioned with the gulf of Mexico oil spill happening on the other side? We just cannot stop killing  ourselves and the planet! 

High levels of toxic cadmium dumped into Tampa Bay ; About 45 million gallons of contaminated water has already flown from the former Piney Point phosphate plant through pipes that lead into nearby Bishop Harbor, a Gulf bay that is a sensitive habitat for fish and wildlife.   We haven't done enough to the gulf already let alone the ocean and planet in general with the hidden nightmare of Fukujima. Plus now our "friends" at Exxon Mobil are screwing up another pristine part of America with another of their "safe" oil nightmares in Montana.

We are more and more overwhelmed with more rapidly occurring climatic disasters, man made disasters, a world wide financial disasters, and wars and threats of wars. Sadly it will get worse. We are going to get hit with the culmination of all this, a disastrous monumental fiasco of Biblical proportions.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma