Showing posts with label Capitalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Capitalism. Show all posts

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Realities and the Muslim Revival Installment 4

                                     Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
                                              awesome insight,  Never  published, be the one

In 1884 at the request of Portugal, German Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck held a world meeting. He called together the major western powers of the world to negotiate questions and confusion over the control of Africa.

 Bismarck appreciated the opportunity to expand Germany’s sphere of influence over Africa. This was because he desired to force Germany’s rivals to struggle with one another for territory.

 At the time of the conference, 80% of Africa remained under traditional and local control.

What happened was the same thing that had been happening to all colonized Muslim lands. It resulted in a hodgepodge of geometric boundaries that divided Africa into fifty irregular countries.

 This new map was superimposed over the one thousand indigenous cultures and regions of Africa. The new countries as had been the case in the past, lacked any rhyme or reason whatsoever.

Thus giving no consideration at all to how all these people would deal with the new situation that was forced on them. It divided coherent groups of people. Worse was the fact that it merged together disparate groups who did not have anything in common and did not get along.

14 countries were represented, Austria-Hungary, Denmark, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden-Norway, Turkey, and the United States. Of these fourteen Nations, France, Germany, Great Britain, and Portugal were the major players in the conference.

 They were controlling most of colonial Africa at the time. At the time of the conference only the coastal areas were colonized by the Europeans.

Following the conference the give and take continued never once taking the inhabitants into consideration. By 1914 the conference participants had divided Africa among themselves into 50 countries.

Great Britain took Egypt, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana; they also controlled Nigeria, and Ghana. France took much of western Africa, from Mauritania to Chad plus the Republic of Congo.

 Belgium took the Democratic Republic of Congo; Portugal got Mozambique in the east and Angola in the west. Italy took Somalia and a portion of Ethiopia. Germany took Namibia and Tanzania, while Spain got the smallest territory, Equatorial Guinea.

Then in 1920 Britain and France carved up the Middle East between them. They divided it into protectorates and mandates. What a mess we have created.

 It really is unbelievable the way this all came about. Our level of ignorance as to what we did and our responsibility for it can not be denied.

These colonization projects only made a more silent process of westernization official. This had been happening since Europeans had been establishing a cultural and political dominance.

This was of course, during the nineteenth century in the name of modernization.

Technicalized Europe had become the leading power and was taking over the world. Religious differences and spiritual ideals must not be allowed to impede the progress of society.

 Scientists, Monarchs, and government officials insisted that they be free of ecclesiastical control. Thus the ideals of Democracy, toleration, human rights and secularism were not simply beautiful ideals dreamed up by political scientists.

 They were, at least in part dictated by the needs of the modern state.

 It was found that in order to be efficient and productive, a modern Nation had to be organized on a secular, democratic basis.

It was also found that if a society organized all their institutions according to the new rational and scientific norms, they became indomitable. Thus the conventional agrarian states were no match for them.
Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma 

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Realities and the Muslim Revival Installment 3

                                    Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
                                              awesome insight,  Never  published, be the one

Just like the life of every civilization in History is cyclical so too is the life of every religion in History.

 As far as Islam goes, yes we are fighting the so called extremists for now. Make no mistake about it, in the end, they are all family.

 When it comes right down to it, they will come together. We will reluctantly as we might be, find it necessary to take on Islam as a whole.

Let us remember World War 2 and the lessons it should have taught us. Sure, we were fighting the Germans. There were still a few German citizens willing to risk their own lives, and go against their own people. They did this in order to help as many Jews and allies as possible.

 They did this because they had a conscience, knew right from wrong, and ultimately did the right thing. This is exactly what is going to happen with the Muslims.

Let’s talk about Islam a little bit. This is just to give us a little background on why we are having some of the problems we are having with some of the Muslims.

 I think it will give a lot of you a new understanding of the situation. I know a lot of this surprised me. You really can understand why some of them feel the way the do.

However this by no means justifies their actions. They can get themselves on the right track as a country first. Then they can go about settling their difference hopefully under direction, and civilly.

Throughout recent history the west, primarily European Nations have been consolidating their countries. They have been putting an end to colonialism.

I’m just realizing something, with what we are about to discuss. I’m going to say what should have been a good thing for Muslims appears to have been the beginning of the end for them.

In the early nineteenth century when colonization was at its peak there was a general malaise and disquiet in the Muslim world. The French had colonized Algiers in 1830 and in 1839 the British colonized Aden, (now part of Yemen).

 Then between the two of them they took over Tunisia (1881), Egypt in 1882, the Sudan in 1898, and Libya and Morocco in 1912. To me what is worse is what the Europeans did to Africa.

The Berlin Conference was held in 1884 -1885 to discuss how they were going to divide Africa between them. This factual blunder really amazed me. The Berlin Conference was Africa’s undoing in many ways.

The colonial powers superimposed their domains on the African Continent. In no time the entire African continent acquired a legacy of Political fragmentation. One that could neither be eliminated nor made to operate satisfactorily.

In 1884 at the request of Portugal, German Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck held a world meeting.

 He called together the major western powers of the world to negotiate questions and confusion over the control of Africa. Bismarck appreciated the opportunity to expand Germany’s sphere of influence over Africa.

 This was because he desired to force Germany’s rivals to struggle with one another for territory. At the time of the conference, 80% of Africa remained under traditional and local control.

What happened was the same thing that had been happening to all colonized Muslim lands. It resulted in a hodgepodge of geometric boundaries that divided Africa into fifty irregular countries.

 This new map was superimposed over the one thousand indigenous cultures and regions of Africa. The new countries as had been the case in the past, lacked any rhyme or reason whatsoever.

 Thus giving no consideration at all to how all these people would deal with the new situation that was forced on them. It divided coherent groups of people. Worse was the fact that it merged together disparate groups who did not have anything in common and did not get along. Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma 

Friday, March 16, 2018

Realities and the Muslim Revival Installment 2

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Realities and the Muslim Revival Installment 1

                                    Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
                                              awesome insight,  Never  published, be the one

Amazing, just amazing, I found out when doing the research on the one God, why he was created in the first place.

The very reason the one God came into being in the first place, the God supposedly loved and strictly believed in and adored by the Islamists, is the very thing they are using for an excuse to be against the west and for killing us.

 Capitalism!  Can you believe it? 4000 years ago the Middle East specifically, was changing to a market economy. The idea of the one God like other great religious adaptations at that time in mans history, was born and developed during a spirit of aggressive Capitalism.

 This was done specifically to fill the new needs of man. This is the very thing the Islamists are supposed to be against. So by definition they are not only against civilization, but against God himself.

This was another God change to reflect mans current dilemmas and current needs. The new beliefs reflected the changing social and economic systems of the times. Doesn’t this all sound familiar?

What is happening here today and in the world is once again a natural cyclical occurrence, albeit unsavory, but natural. We for some reason consistently fail to recognize the reality of every single problem we face today and I just do not understand why.

The Muslim Religion is going through right now with the Islamists extremist exactly what the Christians went through during the Crusades with the hard-line Christians.

I know this might sound pretty ridiculous to us. Particularly in light of the horrors and atrocities they are committing against God and man. They seem to think in some perverse way that they have God on their side.
They could not be more wrong.

We as history buffs and certainly those of us that are Christians want to be precise but we tend to be overly sensitive sometimes. We like to think of the Christian Crusades as a noble Holy cause. We tend to believe it was fought for the furtherance and reinstitution of Christianity.

 Boy, I don’t know about you but in researching this did I ever learn how wrong I was. Also, we learned just how much we were like these Islamists Jihadists.

Bernard, A French monastic reformer, urged the crusaders to show their love for Christ by killing the infidels.   Bernard wanted the infidels driven from the Holy land. That of course is Jerusalem the birthplace of Christianity.

 Just as Bin Laden wanted the infidels driven from what he considered Muslim Holy land all of it.
We must remember that it is unbridled subjectivity that fails to critically examine its prejudices.

 If this is allowed to take place it will lead to the worst excesses and abuse of any Religion. Bernard did with the Christians just as Bin Laden is doing with the Islamists. They use the emotionalism of love for their Religion to severely repress the intellect.

They get followers to abandon the compassion for humanity. That is what is known as the hallmark of any Religion of God. You need intelligent subjectivity not severe emotionalism. We all know that cooler heads prevail.

The west, as the Mideast feels they are doing, were fighting their way back onto the international scene. They were trying to regain prominence. We have to remember that it was the crusades that marked a coming together of hard line Christians.

 This is also what marked the end of the dark ages. They were an aggressive and martial people. As a result they wanted a martial Religion.

This is just as the Islamists have turned their Religion into a martial Religion.

During the Christian crusades the Christians were getting together in the first cooperative act of the west. As we said, this was a sure sign that Europe was recovering from the dark ages.

 They were an aggressive and warring people as the Muslims in general appear to be.

 The Christian Crusaders as the Islamists Jihadists are doing fought for the love of their leaders in the crusades. The same as the Islamists are fighting for their Jihadist leaders because it certainly isn’t for God or the Muslim people.

The Christian Crusaders original intention was to march to Jerusalem. They wanted to recapture Jerusalem for the Christians.

 However, during the long terrible march they decided that they would make it worth their while. They started killing every Jew and Muslim they came across. When they arrived in Jerusalem they did take the city.

 Also during the interim they fell on the Muslims and Jews with zeal. They massacred them with a brutality that shocked even their contemporaries. From here on in they looked at Muslims and Jews as enemies of God.

There is such a parallel here between what is going on with the Islamist Jihadists and the Christian crusades that it is scary. This by no means justifies or diminishes what they are doing, but it does put it in context.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

During the nineteenth century in the name of modernization Europe was taking over the world Installment 5

                                    Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
                                                 awesome insight,  Never  published, be the one
During the nineteenth century in the name of modernization Technicalized Europe had become the leading power and was taking over the world.

Religious differences and spiritual ideals must not be allowed to impede the progress of society. Scientists, Monarchs, and government officials insisted that they be free of ecclesiastical control.

Thus the ideals of Democracy, toleration, human rights and secularism were not simply beautiful ideals dreamed up by political scientists. They were, at least in part dictated by the needs of the modern state.

 It was found that in order to be efficient and productive, a modern Nation had to be organized on a secular, democratic basis.

 It was also found that if a society organized all their institutions according to the new rational and scientific norms, they became indomitable.

Thus the conventional agrarian states were no match for them.

This all had fateful consequences to the Islamic world. Trading posts and consular missions had been established in Turkey and the Middle East. This had undermined the traditional structure of these societies long before there was actual Western rule.

 This was an entirely different kind of colonization. The new colonial order transformed the lives of the citizens of these colonized countries permanently.

 It was directly responsible for establishing a polity of dependence. It was impossible for the colonized lands to catch up with the institutionalized west.

 Old institutions had been fatally undermined and Muslim society itself was divided between those that had become westernized, and everyone else.

*What had been a living civilization with its own integrity and identity was gradually being transformed into a group of dependent states.

As a result they were inadequately prepared to deal with the situations put before them. Europeans had come to believe that their culture was not only superior at the present time but had always been at the forefront of progress.

 They often displayed a superb ignorance of world history. Indians, Egyptians, Syrians, all suffered greatly because of the arrogance of at least the British.

They felt that they had to be westernized for their own good. This was because they thought of their society as being far superior.

The British thought of themselves in every way superior to the Muslims. They also believed at the time that one of the problems that they had to deal with was overcoming Islam itself.

During the crusades a very negative feeling for Muslims arose. Muslims themselves had little time or energy to develop an understanding of God in the traditional way.

The year 610 saw Muhammad receive his first revelations for his new religion. By the year 622 Muhammad had many converts to his new religion.

With these converts he made the first trek from Mecca to Medina. This march is what is traditionally thought of as the beginning of Islam. When Muhammad died just 10 years later he had the satisfaction of knowing his new religion of Islam would survive.

 The new religion finally gave the Arabs a sense of belonging and equality to Judaism and Christianity. They believed that along with the other great religions of the world, or so they thought and hoped for.

The Islamic world had been convulsed by the modernization process. Instead of being one of the world leaders, Islam was quickly and effectively placed as secondary to European civilization.

 Muslims were exposed to the contempt of the colonialists who were enamored with the modern way of things. They were so impressed by themselves that they were often appalled by what they could only see as backwardness, inefficiency, fatalism, and corruption of Muslim society.

They assumed the European culture had always been progressive. As a result they failed to realize that they were just seeing a premodern agrarian society.

They themselves were just a short time ago, also an agrarian society. They often took it for granted that westerners were inherently and racially superior and they expressed their contempt in many ways.

Western people are often bewildered by the hostility and rage that many Muslims feel for their culture. This was because of their very different experiences. They found this to be both liberating and empowering.

 The Muslim response should not have been unexpected. Because the Muslim world was so widespread and strategically placed that it was the first to be subjected in a concerted, systematic, manner to the colonization process in the Middle East.

This was also the problem for India, Arabia, Malaya, and a significant part of Africa.

 Muslims in all these places very quickly felt the brunt of the modernizing assault; they would not and will not come into the modern world easily or willingly.

 Lets look at the results to all this and see what we are dealing with as a direct result of colonization, and modernization. It appears to be single handedly the main culprit to our problems with Islam.
 Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma  

Friday, January 19, 2018

It is time to replace Capitalism with Democracy?

I am afraid it is too late as we have let BP destroy the Gulf and their oil disaster will affect the entire world. If we have not already screwed ourselves we better replace this corporatocracy with Democracy! We are screwed primarily because of Bush and Cheney's deregulation. The entire world should be concerned about this because it is going to screw the world. Frigging American corporatocracy! Capitalism run amok!
For years because of Bush's fascist agenda many of us said this is not a Democracy. A Democracy only in name to facilitate a hidden agenda. Now we hear from Republicans that this is no longer a Democracy because of Obama and the socialist agenda he inherited from Bush. Anyway you look at it this is not a Democracy!

Is it supposed to be a Democracy just because they make you leave your pen once every couple of years to go out and vote for those with the money to buy their position to force the agenda that keeps those corporations in control that really run this country? Is it Democracy that allows the top 1% to own more than the bottom 95% combined?

Would a Democracy allow their fellow citizens to go without the basic needs of any human being let alone right here in the USA, Food Shelter and clothing? Homes are still being foreclosed at a rate of 1 every 7.5 seconds. This is a Democracy in action? Is the health insurance Industry spending 1.5 million dollars a day to control Congress and kill health care reform so they can keep control over you Democracy in action?

No! It is capitalism run amok, Capitalism is controlling our Democracy. This is not a Democracy. Democracy is a system of government in which either the actual governing is carried out by the people governed or the power to do so is granted by them. There are two principles that any definition of democracy includes, equality and freedom. Would not equality dictate that the top 1% take care of those who are in trouble? Or is it because Capitalism rules Democracy that they have the "freedom" to ignore Equality and Democracy? Democracy

Capitalism as a system developed incrementally from the 16th century in Europe. Capitalism typically refers to an economic and social system in which the means of production are privately controlled. Controlling it is is a matter of politics and policy. Capitalism

Politics and Democracy are supposed to be controlling Capitalism. Capitalism is not supposed to be controlling Democracy! Capitalism has run amok and as you know is controlling Democracy. Our Government just bailed out Capitalism and there was nothing Democratic about it. Capitalism owns our Democracy and our Government.We the people have been left to our own demise. It is time to control Capitalism with Democracy so for once we are all equal!

It really bothers me that it seems whenever I delve into something it is always capitalism behind the problem. We keep hearing the virtues of Capitalism but our own problems and I am seeing around the world are caused by Capitalism run Amok. The great system of Capitalism is destroying our world. We have got to rein it in and control it. I was concerned with Bush's warmongering and the world marshaling forces to take him on. I was concerned about Israel instigating war too thinking they were the world’s primary problem. I thought they were controlling the US and we were going to end up destroying the world at their bid.

* We are so brainwashed, we never hear or see the truth. I noticed behind every frigging conflict including Gaza and Georgia and Afghanistan was oil and other energy sources so I just took the normal course of blaming all our problems on oil and other energy sources as the world postured to move into the future. Stupid me! In regard to our problems here I keep saying we see the enemy and he is us but son of a gun it is! We are the problem of the entire world. Capitalism! It is out of control and will destroy the world unless we rein it in. What say you!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, January 13, 2018

It is time to replace Capitalism with Democracy!

I am afraid it is too late. If we have not already screwed ourselves we better replace this corporatocracy with Democracy! We are screwed primarily because of Bush and Cheney's deregulation and Obama isn't acting quick enough.. The entire world should be concerned about this because it is going to screw the world. Frigging American corporatocracy! Capitalism run amok!

For years because of Bush's fascist agenda many of us said this is not a Democracy. A Democracy only in name to facilitate a hidden agenda. Now we hear from Republicans that this is no longer a Democracy because of Obama and the socialist agenda he inherited from Bush. Anyway you look at it this is not a Democracy!

Is it supposed to be a Democracy just because they make you leave your pen once every couple of years to go out and vote for those with the money to buy their position to force the agenda that keeps those corporations in control that really run this country? Is it Democracy that allows the top 1% to own more than the bottom 95% combined?

Would a Democracy allow their fellow citizens to go without the basic needs of any human being let alone right here in the USA, Food Shelter and clothing?  This is a Democracy in action? Is the health insurance Industry spending 1.5 million dollars a day to control Congress and kill health care reform so they can keep control over you Democracy in action?

No! It is capitalism run amok, Capitalism is controlling our Democracy. This is not a Democracy. Democracy is a system of government in which either the actual governing is carried out by the people governed or the power to do so is granted by them. There are two principles that any definition of democracy includes, equality and freedom. Would not equality dictate that the top 1% take care of those who are in trouble? Or is it because Capitalism rules Democracy that they have the "freedom" to ignore Equality and Democracy? Democracy

Capitalism as a system developed incrementally from the 16th century in Europe. Capitalism typically refers to an economic and social system in which the means of production are privately controlled. Controlling it is is a matter of politics and policy. Capitalism

Politics and Democracy are supposed to be controlling Capitalism. Capitalism is not supposed to be controlling Democracy! Capitalism has run amok and as you know is controlling Democracy. Our Government just bailed out Capitalism and there was nothing Democratic about it. Capitalism owns our Democracy and our Government.We the people have been left to our own demise. It is time to control Capitalism with Democracy so for once we are all equal!

It really bothers me that it seems whenever I delve into something it is always capitalism behind the problem. We keep hearing the virtues of Capitalism but our own problems and I am seeing around the world are caused by Capitalism run Amok. The great system of Capitalism is destroying our world. We have got to rein it in and control it. I was concerned with Bush's warmongering and the world marshaling forces to take him on. I was concerned about Israel instigating war too thinking they were the world’s primary problem.  I thought they were controlling the US and we were going to end up destroying the world at their bid.

* We are so brainwashed, we never hear or see the truth. I noticed behind every frigging conflict including Gaza and Georgia, Syria, the middle east, Gaza, and Afghanistan was oil and other energy sources so I just took the normal course of blaming all our problems on oil and other energy sources as the world postured to move into the future. Stupid me! In regard to our problems here I keep saying we see the enemy and he is us but son of a gun it is! We are the problem of the entire world. Capitalism! It is out of control and will destroy the world unless we rein it in. What say you!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Friday, January 12, 2018

Like it or not Capitalism not culture drives economies

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Remember when running for President, Romney's comment that Israeli's were better than the Palestinians because of their culture? Time for the world including us to go back as to the true role of capitalism! Capitalism is supposed to work for Democracy which abused and misused or not is the true driver of our economy.

 I think it is Democracy that should be driving economies and our Capitalism. The Chinese are doing it right.

I hate to say it but China is a top notch example of how to use Capitalism to drive your lifestyle and economy and in this case communism controlling capitalism not Capitalism controling Capitalism. You're culture has nothing to do with the success of your society what has everything to do with it is how successful your capitalism is and how well it is controled.Communism-Wikipedia

We have failed. Capitalism controls us and our Government! For years because of Bush's fascist agenda many of us said this is not a Democracy. A Democracy only in name to facilitate a hidden agenda. Now we hear from Republicans that this is no longer a Democracy because of Obama and the socialist agenda he inherited from Bush. Anyway you look at it this is not a Democracy!

Is it supposed to be a Democracy just because they make you leave your pen once every couple of years to go out and vote for those with the money to buy their position to force the agenda that keeps those corporations in control that really run this country? Is it Democracy that allows the top 1% to own more than the bottom 95% combined?

Would a Democracy allow their fellow citizens to go without the basic needs of any human being let alone right here in the USA, Food Shelter and clothing? Homes are still being foreclosed at a rate of 1 every 7.5 seconds. This is a Democracy in action? Is the health insurance Industry spending 1.5 million dollars a day to control Congress and kill health care reform so they can keep control over you Democracy in action?

No! It is capitalism run amok, Capitalism is controlling our Democracy. This is not a Democracy. Democracy is a system of government in which either the actual governing is carried out by the people governed or the power to do so is granted by them. There are two principles that any definition of democracy includes, equality and freedom. Would not equality dictate that the top 1% take care of those who are in trouble? Or is it because Capitalism rules Democracy that they have the "freedom" to ignore Equality and Democracy? Democracy

Capitalism as a system developed incrementally from the 16th century in Europe. Capitalism typically refers to an economic and social system in which the means of production are privately controlled. Controlling it is is a matter of politics and policy. Capitalism-Wikipedia

Politics and Democracy are supposed to be controlling Capitalism. Capitalism is not supposed to be controlling Democracy! Capitalism has run amok and as you know is controlling Democracy. Our Government just bailed out Capitalism and there was nothing Democratic about it. Capitalism owns our Democracy and our Government.We the people have been left to our own demise. It is time to control Capitalism with Democracy so for once we are all equal!

It really bothers me that it seems whenever I delve into something it is always capitalism behind the problem. We keep hearing the virtues of Capitalism but our own problems and I am seeing around the world are caused by Capitalism run Amok. The great system of Capitalism is destroying our world. We have got to rein it in and control it. I was concerned with Bush's warmongering and the world marshaling forces to take him on. I was concerned about Israel instigating war too thinking they were the world’s primary problem. I thought they were controlling the US and we were going to end up destroying the world at their bid.

* We are so brainwashed, we never hear or see the truth. I noticed behind every frigging conflict including Gaza and Georgia, Syria, Libya, everything in the middle east,  and Afghanistan was oil and other energy sources so I just took the normal course of blaming all our problems on oil and other energy sources as the world postured to move into the future. Stupid me! In regard to our problems here I keep saying we see the enemy and he is us but son of a gun it is! We are the problem of the entire world. Capitalism! It is out of control and will destroy the world unless we rein it in. What say you!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Friday, November 03, 2017

Capitalism run amok part 3: It is time to replace Capitalism with Democracy!

I am afraid it is too late. If we have not already screwed ourselves we better replace this corporatocracy with Democracy! We are screwed primarily because of Bush and Cheney's deregulation and Obama isn't acting quick enough.. The entire world should be concerned about this because it is going to screw the world. Frigging American corporatocracy! Capitalism run amok!

For years because of Bush's fascist agenda many of us said this is not a Democracy. A Democracy only in name to facilitate a hidden agenda. Now we hear from Republicans that this is no longer a Democracy because of Obama and the socialist agenda he inherited from Bush. Anyway you look at it this is not a Democracy!

Is it supposed to be a Democracy just because they make you leave your pen once every couple of years to go out and vote for those with the money to buy their position to force the agenda that keeps those corporations in control that really run this country? Is it Democracy that allows the top 1% to own more than the bottom 95% combined?

Would a Democracy allow their fellow citizens to go without the basic needs of any human being let alone right here in the USA, Food Shelter and clothing? This is a Democracy in action? Is the health insurance Industry spending 1.5 million dollars a day to control Congress and kill health care reform so they can keep control over you Democracy in action?

No! It is capitalism run amok, Capitalism is controlling our Democracy. This is not a Democracy. Democracy is a system of government in which either the actual governing is carried out by the people governed or the power to do so is granted by them. There are two principles that any definition of democracy includes, equality and freedom. Would not equality dictate that the top 1% take care of those who are in trouble? Or is it because Capitalism rules Democracy that they have the "freedom" to ignore Equality and Democracy? Democracy

Capitalism as a system developed incrementally from the 16th century in Europe. Capitalism typically refers to an economic and social system in which the means of production are privately controlled. Controlling it is is a matter of politics and policy. Capitalism

Politics and Democracy are supposed to be controlling Capitalism. Capitalism is not supposed to be controlling Democracy! Capitalism has run amok and as you know is controlling Democracy. Our Government just bailed out Capitalism and there was nothing Democratic about it. Capitalism owns our Democracy and our Government.We the people have been left to our own demise. It is time to control Capitalism with Democracy so for once we are all equal!

It really bothers me that it seems whenever I delve into something it is always capitalism behind the problem. We keep hearing the virtues of Capitalism but our own problems and I am seeing around the world are caused by Capitalism run Amok. The great system of Capitalism is destroying our world. We have got to rein it in and control it. I was concerned with Bush's warmongering and the world marshaling forces to take him on. I was concerned about Israel instigating war too thinking they were the world’s primary problem.  I thought they were controlling the US and we were going to end up destroying the world at their bid.

* We are so brainwashed, we never hear or see the truth. I noticed behind every frigging conflict including Gaza and Georgia, Syria, the middle east, Gaza, and Afghanistan was oil and other energy sources so I just took the normal course of blaming all our problems on oil and other energy sources as the world postured to move into the future. Stupid me! In regard to our problems here I keep saying we see the enemy and he is us but son of a gun it is! We are the problem of the entire world. Capitalism! It is out of control and will destroy the world unless we rein it in. What say you!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, November 02, 2017

Capitalism run amok part 2: Like it or not Capitalism not culture drives economies

Remember when running for President, Romney's comment that Israeli's were better than the Palestinians because of their culture? Time for the world including us to go back as to the true role of capitalism! Capitalism is supposed to work for Democracy which abused and misused or not is the true driver of our economy.

 I think it is Democracy that should be driving economies and our Capitalism. The Chinese are doing it right.

I hate to say it but China is a top notch example of how to use Capitalism to drive your lifestyle and economy and in this case communism controlling capitalism not Capitalism controlling Capitalism. You're culture has nothing to do with the success of your society what has everything to do with it is how successful your capitalism is and how well it is controlled.Communism-Wikipedia

We have failed. Capitalism controls us and our Government! For years because of Bush's fascist agenda many of us said this is not a Democracy. A Democracy only in name to facilitate a hidden agenda. Now we hear from Republicans that this is no longer a Democracy because of Obama and the socialist agenda he inherited from Bush. Anyway you look at it this is not a Democracy!

Is it supposed to be a Democracy just because they make you leave your pen once every couple of years to go out and vote for those with the money to buy their position to force the agenda that keeps those corporations in control that really run this country? Is it Democracy that allows the top 1% to own more than the bottom 95% combined?

Would a Democracy allow their fellow citizens to go without the basic needs of any human being let alone right here in the USA, Food Shelter and clothing? Homes are still being foreclosed at a rate of 1 every 7.5 seconds. This is a Democracy in action? Is the health insurance Industry spending 1.5 million dollars a day to control Congress and kill health care reform so they can keep control over you Democracy in action?

No! It is capitalism run amok, Capitalism is controlling our Democracy. This is not a Democracy. Democracy is a system of government in which either the actual governing is carried out by the people governed or the power to do so is granted by them. There are two principles that any definition of democracy includes, equality and freedom. Would not equality dictate that the top 1% take care of those who are in trouble? Or is it because Capitalism rules Democracy that they have the "freedom" to ignore Equality and Democracy? Democracy

Capitalism as a system developed incrementally from the 16th century in Europe. Capitalism typically refers to an economic and social system in which the means of production are privately controlled. Controlling it is is a matter of politics and policy. Capitalism-Wikipedia

Politics and Democracy are supposed to be controlling Capitalism. Capitalism is not supposed to be controlling Democracy! Capitalism has run amok and as you know is controlling Democracy. Our Government just bailed out Capitalism and there was nothing Democratic about it. Capitalism owns our Democracy and our Government.We the people have been left to our own demise. It is time to control Capitalism with Democracy so for once we are all equal!

It really bothers me that it seems whenever I delve into something it is always capitalism behind the problem. We keep hearing the virtues of Capitalism but our own problems and I am seeing around the world are caused by Capitalism run Amok. The great system of Capitalism is destroying our world. We have got to rein it in and control it. I was concerned with Bush's warmongering and the world marshaling forces to take him on. I was concerned about Israel instigating war too thinking they were the world’s primary problem. I thought they were controlling the US and we were going to end up destroying the world at their bid.

* We are so brainwashed, we never hear or see the truth. I noticed behind every frigging conflict including Gaza and Georgia, Syria, Libya, everything in the middle east,  and Afghanistan was oil and other energy sources so I just took the normal course of blaming all our problems on oil and other energy sources as the world postured to move into the future. Stupid me! In regard to our problems here I keep saying we see the enemy and he is us but son of a gun it is! We are the problem of the entire world. Capitalism! It is out of control and will destroy the world unless we rein it in. What say you!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Friday, September 08, 2017

Capitalism, not culture, drives economies

Remember Romney's comment that Israeli's were better than the Palestinians because of their culture? Time for the world including us to go back as to the true role of capitalism!

Capitalism, not culture, drives economies: Mitt Romney has explained that his comments abroad were simply truth-telling. “I tend to tell people what I actually believe,” he said. With regard to one much-debated comment — on the cultural differences between Israelis and Palestinians — many agree with him. The Wall Street Journal editorial page and columnists including Marc A. Thiessen and John Podhoretz all applauded. Podhoretz wrote: “Anyone who publicizes his remark is helping Romney win the election.”
“Culture makes all the difference,” Romney said at a fundraiser in Israel, comparing the country’s economic vitality to Palestinian poverty. Certainly there is a pedigree for this idea.

Romney cited David Landes, an economics historian. He could have cited Max Weber, the great German scholar who first made this claim 100 years ago in his book “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism,” which argued that Protestant values were the most important fuel for economic progress. The problem is that Weber singled out two cultures as being particularly prone to poverty and stagnation, those of China and Japan.

I hate to say it but China is a top notch example of how to use Capitalism to drive your lifestyle and economy and in this case communism controlling capitalism not Capitalism controling Capitalism. You're culture has nothing to do with the success of ypour society what has everything to do with it is how successful your capitalism is and how well it is controled.Communism-Wikipedia

We have failed. Capitalism controls us and our Government!For years because of Bush's fascist agenda many of us said this is not a Democracy. A Democracy only in name to facilitate a hidden agenda. Now we hear from Republicans that this is no longer a Democracy because of Obama and the socialist agenda he inherited from Bush. Anyway you look at it this is not a Democracy!

Is it supposed to be a Democracy just because they make you leave your pen once every couple of years to go out and vote for those with the money to buy their position to force the agenda that keeps those corporations in control that really run this country? Is it Democracy that allows the top 1% to own more than the bottom 95% combined?

Would a Democracy allow their fellow citizens to go without the basic needs of any human being let alone right here in the USA, Food Shelter and clothing? Homes are still being foreclosed at a rate of 1 every 7.5 seconds. This is a Democracy in action? Is the health insurance Industry spending 1.5 million dollars a day to control Congress and kill health care reform so they can keep control over you Democracy in action?

No! It is capitalism run amok, Capitalism is controlling our Democracy. This is not a Democracy. Democracy is a system of government in which either the actual governing is carried out by the people governed or the power to do so is granted by them. There are two principles that any definition of democracy includes, equality and freedom. Would not equality dictate that the top 1% take care of those who are in trouble? Or is it because Capitalism rules Democracy that they have the "freedom" to ignore Equality and Democracy? Democracy

Capitalism as a system developed incrementally from the 16th century in Europe. Capitalism typically refers to an economic and social system in which the means of production are privately controlled. Controlling it is is a matter of politics and policy. Capitalism-Wikipedia

Politics and Democracy are supposed to be controlling Capitalism. Capitalism is not supposed to be controlling Democracy! Capitalism has run amok and as you know is controlling Democracy. Our Government just bailed out Capitalism and there was nothing Democratic about it. Capitalism owns our Democracy and our Government.We the people have been left to our own demise. It is time to control Capitalism with Democracy so for once we are all equal!

It really bothers me that it seems whenever I delve into something it is always capitalism behind the problem. We keep hearing the virtues of Capitalism but our own problems and I am seeing around the world are caused by Capitalism run Amok. The great system of Capitalism is destroying our world. We have got to rein it in and control it. I was concerned with Bush's warmongering and the world marshaling forces to take him on. I was concerned about Israel instigating war too thinking they were the world’s primary problem. I thought they were controlling the US and we were going to end up destroying the world at their bid.

* We are so brainwashed, we never hear or see the truth. I noticed behind every frigging conflict including Gaza and Georgia and Afghanistan was oil and other energy sources so I just took the normal course of blaming all our problems on oil and other energy sources as the world postured to move into the future. Stupid me! In regard to our problems here I keep saying we see the enemy and he is us but son of a gun it is! We are the problem of the entire world. Capitalism! It is out of control and will destroy the world unless we rein it in. What say you!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, August 20, 2017

It is time to replace Capitalism with Democracy?

For years because of Bush's fascist agenda many of us said this is not a Democracy. A Democracy only in name to facilitate a hidden agenda. Now we hear from Republicans that this is no longer a Democracy because of Obama and the socialist agenda he inherited from Bush. Anyway you look at it this is not a Democracy!

Is it supposed to be a Democracy just because they make you leave your pen once every couple of years to go out and vote for those with the money to buy their position to force the agenda that keeps those corporations in control that really run this country? Is it Democracy that allows the top 1% to own more than the bottom 95% combined?

Would a Democracy allow their fellow citizens to go without the basic needs of any human being let alone right here in the USA, Food Shelter and clothing? Homes are still being foreclosed at a rate of 1 every 7.5 seconds. This is a Democracy in action? Is the health insurance Industry spending 1.5 million dollars a day to control Congress and kill health care reform so they can keep control over you Democracy in action?

No! It is capitalism run amok, Capitalism is controlling our Democracy. This is not a Democracy. Democracy is a system of government in which either the actual governing is carried out by the people governed or the power to do so is granted by them. There are two principles that any definition of democracy includes, equality and freedom. Would not equality dictate that the top 1% take care of those who are in trouble? Or is it because Capitalism rules Democracy that they have the "freedom" to ignore Equality and Democracy? Democracy

Capitalism as a system developed incrementally from the 16th century in Europe. Capitalism typically refers to an economic and social system in which the means of production are privately controlled. Controlling it is is a matter of politics and policy. Capitalism

Politics and Democracy are supposed to be controlling Capitalism. Capitalism is not supposed to be controlling Democracy! Capitalism has run amok and as you know is controlling Democracy. Our Government just bailed out Capitalism and there was nothing Democratic about it. Capitalism owns our Democracy and our Government.We the people have been left to our own demise. It is time to control Capitalism with Democracy so for once we are all equal!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

It is time to replace Capitalism with Democracy

It sounded good Obama saying we the people are going to stand up for our Democracy but we can not do that until Obama, the Congress, and the Supreme court take it back from the corporations including but not limited to big pharma and the NRA.

We are not a Democracy but what many of us call a corporatocracy. Corporations own this country. Corporations own and run the country. Chief Justice Roberts foolishly gave them that right. If we ever owned the country he effectively gave it to the corporations.

For years because of Bush's fascist agenda many of us said this is not a Democracy. A Democracy only in name to facilitate a hidden agenda. Now we hear from Republicans that this is no longer a Democracy because of Obama and the socialist agenda he inherited from Bush. Anyway you look at it this is not a Democracy!

Is it supposed to be a Democracy just because they make you leave your pen once every couple of years to go out and vote for those with the money to buy their position to force the agenda that keeps those corporations in control that really run this country? Is it Democracy that allows the top 1% to own more than the bottom 95% combined?

Would a Democracy allow their fellow citizens to go without the basic needs of any human being let alone right here in the USA, Food Shelter and clothing? Homes are still being foreclosed at a rate of 1 every 7.5 seconds. This is a Democracy in action? Is the health insurance Industry spending 1.5 million dollars a day to control Congress and kill health care reform so they can keep control over you Democracy in action?

No! It is capitalism run amok, Capitalism is controlling our Democracy. This is not a Democracy. Democracy is a system of government in which either the actual governing is carried out by the people governed or the power to do so is granted by them. There are two principles that any definition of democracy includes, equality and freedom. 

Would not equality dictate that the top 1% take care of those who are in trouble? Or is it because Capitalism rules Democracy that they have the "freedom" to ignore Equality and Democracy? Democracy
Capitalism as a system developed incrementally from the 16th century in Europe. Capitalism typically refers to an economic and social system in which the means of production are privately controlled. Controlling it is is a matter of politics and policy. Capitalism

Politics and Democracy are supposed to be controlling Capitalism. Capitalism is not supposed to be controlling Democracy! Capitalism has run amok and as you know is controlling Democracy. Our Government just bailed out Capitalism and there was nothing Democratic about it. Capitalism owns our Democracy and our Government.We the people have been left to our own demise. It is time to control Capitalism with Democracy so for once we are all equal!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma