Showing posts with label Mitt Romney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mitt Romney. Show all posts

Friday, January 12, 2018

Like it or not Capitalism not culture drives economies

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Remember when running for President, Romney's comment that Israeli's were better than the Palestinians because of their culture? Time for the world including us to go back as to the true role of capitalism! Capitalism is supposed to work for Democracy which abused and misused or not is the true driver of our economy.

 I think it is Democracy that should be driving economies and our Capitalism. The Chinese are doing it right.

I hate to say it but China is a top notch example of how to use Capitalism to drive your lifestyle and economy and in this case communism controlling capitalism not Capitalism controling Capitalism. You're culture has nothing to do with the success of your society what has everything to do with it is how successful your capitalism is and how well it is controled.Communism-Wikipedia

We have failed. Capitalism controls us and our Government! For years because of Bush's fascist agenda many of us said this is not a Democracy. A Democracy only in name to facilitate a hidden agenda. Now we hear from Republicans that this is no longer a Democracy because of Obama and the socialist agenda he inherited from Bush. Anyway you look at it this is not a Democracy!

Is it supposed to be a Democracy just because they make you leave your pen once every couple of years to go out and vote for those with the money to buy their position to force the agenda that keeps those corporations in control that really run this country? Is it Democracy that allows the top 1% to own more than the bottom 95% combined?

Would a Democracy allow their fellow citizens to go without the basic needs of any human being let alone right here in the USA, Food Shelter and clothing? Homes are still being foreclosed at a rate of 1 every 7.5 seconds. This is a Democracy in action? Is the health insurance Industry spending 1.5 million dollars a day to control Congress and kill health care reform so they can keep control over you Democracy in action?

No! It is capitalism run amok, Capitalism is controlling our Democracy. This is not a Democracy. Democracy is a system of government in which either the actual governing is carried out by the people governed or the power to do so is granted by them. There are two principles that any definition of democracy includes, equality and freedom. Would not equality dictate that the top 1% take care of those who are in trouble? Or is it because Capitalism rules Democracy that they have the "freedom" to ignore Equality and Democracy? Democracy

Capitalism as a system developed incrementally from the 16th century in Europe. Capitalism typically refers to an economic and social system in which the means of production are privately controlled. Controlling it is is a matter of politics and policy. Capitalism-Wikipedia

Politics and Democracy are supposed to be controlling Capitalism. Capitalism is not supposed to be controlling Democracy! Capitalism has run amok and as you know is controlling Democracy. Our Government just bailed out Capitalism and there was nothing Democratic about it. Capitalism owns our Democracy and our Government.We the people have been left to our own demise. It is time to control Capitalism with Democracy so for once we are all equal!

It really bothers me that it seems whenever I delve into something it is always capitalism behind the problem. We keep hearing the virtues of Capitalism but our own problems and I am seeing around the world are caused by Capitalism run Amok. The great system of Capitalism is destroying our world. We have got to rein it in and control it. I was concerned with Bush's warmongering and the world marshaling forces to take him on. I was concerned about Israel instigating war too thinking they were the world’s primary problem. I thought they were controlling the US and we were going to end up destroying the world at their bid.

* We are so brainwashed, we never hear or see the truth. I noticed behind every frigging conflict including Gaza and Georgia, Syria, Libya, everything in the middle east,  and Afghanistan was oil and other energy sources so I just took the normal course of blaming all our problems on oil and other energy sources as the world postured to move into the future. Stupid me! In regard to our problems here I keep saying we see the enemy and he is us but son of a gun it is! We are the problem of the entire world. Capitalism! It is out of control and will destroy the world unless we rein it in. What say you!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, November 02, 2017

Capitalism run amok part 2: Like it or not Capitalism not culture drives economies

Remember when running for President, Romney's comment that Israeli's were better than the Palestinians because of their culture? Time for the world including us to go back as to the true role of capitalism! Capitalism is supposed to work for Democracy which abused and misused or not is the true driver of our economy.

 I think it is Democracy that should be driving economies and our Capitalism. The Chinese are doing it right.

I hate to say it but China is a top notch example of how to use Capitalism to drive your lifestyle and economy and in this case communism controlling capitalism not Capitalism controlling Capitalism. You're culture has nothing to do with the success of your society what has everything to do with it is how successful your capitalism is and how well it is controlled.Communism-Wikipedia

We have failed. Capitalism controls us and our Government! For years because of Bush's fascist agenda many of us said this is not a Democracy. A Democracy only in name to facilitate a hidden agenda. Now we hear from Republicans that this is no longer a Democracy because of Obama and the socialist agenda he inherited from Bush. Anyway you look at it this is not a Democracy!

Is it supposed to be a Democracy just because they make you leave your pen once every couple of years to go out and vote for those with the money to buy their position to force the agenda that keeps those corporations in control that really run this country? Is it Democracy that allows the top 1% to own more than the bottom 95% combined?

Would a Democracy allow their fellow citizens to go without the basic needs of any human being let alone right here in the USA, Food Shelter and clothing? Homes are still being foreclosed at a rate of 1 every 7.5 seconds. This is a Democracy in action? Is the health insurance Industry spending 1.5 million dollars a day to control Congress and kill health care reform so they can keep control over you Democracy in action?

No! It is capitalism run amok, Capitalism is controlling our Democracy. This is not a Democracy. Democracy is a system of government in which either the actual governing is carried out by the people governed or the power to do so is granted by them. There are two principles that any definition of democracy includes, equality and freedom. Would not equality dictate that the top 1% take care of those who are in trouble? Or is it because Capitalism rules Democracy that they have the "freedom" to ignore Equality and Democracy? Democracy

Capitalism as a system developed incrementally from the 16th century in Europe. Capitalism typically refers to an economic and social system in which the means of production are privately controlled. Controlling it is is a matter of politics and policy. Capitalism-Wikipedia

Politics and Democracy are supposed to be controlling Capitalism. Capitalism is not supposed to be controlling Democracy! Capitalism has run amok and as you know is controlling Democracy. Our Government just bailed out Capitalism and there was nothing Democratic about it. Capitalism owns our Democracy and our Government.We the people have been left to our own demise. It is time to control Capitalism with Democracy so for once we are all equal!

It really bothers me that it seems whenever I delve into something it is always capitalism behind the problem. We keep hearing the virtues of Capitalism but our own problems and I am seeing around the world are caused by Capitalism run Amok. The great system of Capitalism is destroying our world. We have got to rein it in and control it. I was concerned with Bush's warmongering and the world marshaling forces to take him on. I was concerned about Israel instigating war too thinking they were the world’s primary problem. I thought they were controlling the US and we were going to end up destroying the world at their bid.

* We are so brainwashed, we never hear or see the truth. I noticed behind every frigging conflict including Gaza and Georgia, Syria, Libya, everything in the middle east,  and Afghanistan was oil and other energy sources so I just took the normal course of blaming all our problems on oil and other energy sources as the world postured to move into the future. Stupid me! In regard to our problems here I keep saying we see the enemy and he is us but son of a gun it is! We are the problem of the entire world. Capitalism! It is out of control and will destroy the world unless we rein it in. What say you!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Friday, September 08, 2017

Capitalism, not culture, drives economies

Remember Romney's comment that Israeli's were better than the Palestinians because of their culture? Time for the world including us to go back as to the true role of capitalism!

Capitalism, not culture, drives economies: Mitt Romney has explained that his comments abroad were simply truth-telling. “I tend to tell people what I actually believe,” he said. With regard to one much-debated comment — on the cultural differences between Israelis and Palestinians — many agree with him. The Wall Street Journal editorial page and columnists including Marc A. Thiessen and John Podhoretz all applauded. Podhoretz wrote: “Anyone who publicizes his remark is helping Romney win the election.”
“Culture makes all the difference,” Romney said at a fundraiser in Israel, comparing the country’s economic vitality to Palestinian poverty. Certainly there is a pedigree for this idea.

Romney cited David Landes, an economics historian. He could have cited Max Weber, the great German scholar who first made this claim 100 years ago in his book “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism,” which argued that Protestant values were the most important fuel for economic progress. The problem is that Weber singled out two cultures as being particularly prone to poverty and stagnation, those of China and Japan.

I hate to say it but China is a top notch example of how to use Capitalism to drive your lifestyle and economy and in this case communism controlling capitalism not Capitalism controling Capitalism. You're culture has nothing to do with the success of ypour society what has everything to do with it is how successful your capitalism is and how well it is controled.Communism-Wikipedia

We have failed. Capitalism controls us and our Government!For years because of Bush's fascist agenda many of us said this is not a Democracy. A Democracy only in name to facilitate a hidden agenda. Now we hear from Republicans that this is no longer a Democracy because of Obama and the socialist agenda he inherited from Bush. Anyway you look at it this is not a Democracy!

Is it supposed to be a Democracy just because they make you leave your pen once every couple of years to go out and vote for those with the money to buy their position to force the agenda that keeps those corporations in control that really run this country? Is it Democracy that allows the top 1% to own more than the bottom 95% combined?

Would a Democracy allow their fellow citizens to go without the basic needs of any human being let alone right here in the USA, Food Shelter and clothing? Homes are still being foreclosed at a rate of 1 every 7.5 seconds. This is a Democracy in action? Is the health insurance Industry spending 1.5 million dollars a day to control Congress and kill health care reform so they can keep control over you Democracy in action?

No! It is capitalism run amok, Capitalism is controlling our Democracy. This is not a Democracy. Democracy is a system of government in which either the actual governing is carried out by the people governed or the power to do so is granted by them. There are two principles that any definition of democracy includes, equality and freedom. Would not equality dictate that the top 1% take care of those who are in trouble? Or is it because Capitalism rules Democracy that they have the "freedom" to ignore Equality and Democracy? Democracy

Capitalism as a system developed incrementally from the 16th century in Europe. Capitalism typically refers to an economic and social system in which the means of production are privately controlled. Controlling it is is a matter of politics and policy. Capitalism-Wikipedia

Politics and Democracy are supposed to be controlling Capitalism. Capitalism is not supposed to be controlling Democracy! Capitalism has run amok and as you know is controlling Democracy. Our Government just bailed out Capitalism and there was nothing Democratic about it. Capitalism owns our Democracy and our Government.We the people have been left to our own demise. It is time to control Capitalism with Democracy so for once we are all equal!

It really bothers me that it seems whenever I delve into something it is always capitalism behind the problem. We keep hearing the virtues of Capitalism but our own problems and I am seeing around the world are caused by Capitalism run Amok. The great system of Capitalism is destroying our world. We have got to rein it in and control it. I was concerned with Bush's warmongering and the world marshaling forces to take him on. I was concerned about Israel instigating war too thinking they were the world’s primary problem. I thought they were controlling the US and we were going to end up destroying the world at their bid.

* We are so brainwashed, we never hear or see the truth. I noticed behind every frigging conflict including Gaza and Georgia and Afghanistan was oil and other energy sources so I just took the normal course of blaming all our problems on oil and other energy sources as the world postured to move into the future. Stupid me! In regard to our problems here I keep saying we see the enemy and he is us but son of a gun it is! We are the problem of the entire world. Capitalism! It is out of control and will destroy the world unless we rein it in. What say you!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A promise not kept: Bain Capital under Presidential nominee Mitt Romney

Bain was all about profits over people: corporate liquidations. 
In early 2012, reports circulated detailing some of the profit-centered entitlement raids that occurred at Bain Capital under Republican Presidential nominee, Mitt Romney. 

The Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance became intrigued when asbestos industry defendants appeared on a list of these types of corporate liquidations and commissioned a three-month investigation of the company’s handling of GS Industries through journalist, Gary Cohn. 

                       Gary Cohn Pulitzer Prize Winning Investigative Journalist

What we uncovered is the true human tragedy of collateral damage stemming from this profit model. We found a community affected by decades of toxic exposure, gasping for breath while picking up the pieces among an uncertain future. 

                                                They left us high and dry.”

John Cottrell had been on the job for 23 years when, in 1993, Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital assumed control of Worldwide Grinding Systems, the 105-year-old Kansas City steel mill where he worked. In the next seven years, before Cottrell retired in poor health in 2000, the mill went through some tough times, due in part to outdated machinery, the cyclical nature of the steel industry, and emerging international competition.

In response, Bain merged Worldwide with a steel mill in South Carolina, and renamed the new company GS Industries (GSI). In 1997, it endured a nasty 10-week worker strike that was motivated by the union’s skepticism that, if there was a shutdown, GSI had not earmarked sufficient reserves to cover its benefit and pension commitments.

Ultimately, a settlement was reached that increased employee pensions and guaranteed that employees would continue to receive health and life insurance, even if the plant closed down.

Which it did. In 2001, just one year after Cottrell retired with guaranteed lifetime benefits, Bain elected to put GSI into bankruptcy and close down the plant, along with its 750 jobs. The private equity firm then announced it would no longer honor its recent promise to cover employee healthcare and pension benefits if the plant closed.  Please read the rest and share it with your friends on facebook and twitter

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Romney calling Jerusalem Israel's capital makes him a certifiable Idiot

Romney calling Jerusalem Israel's capital is 'unacceptable,' says Erekat: In a speech in Jerusalem on Sunday evening that followed a day of meetings with Israel's leaders, Romney said it was a "moving experience to be in Jerusalem," and described the city as "Israel's capital." He suggested that he would move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem if he were elected president.
Palestinian officials have largely remained silent during Romney's Israel trip, and Saeb Erekat's comments Monday marked the strongest public criticism so far of the candidate. Most of the world, including the U.S., does not recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. The U.S. and others keep their embassies in Tel Aviv.

Romney is an idiot! Jerusalem does not belong to Israel! Jerusalem belongs to the world! Jews, Christians, and Muslims should all share it. Israel can claim Jerusalem as their Capital as can the Palestinians. Share it! That said, Israel will never share Jerusalem.

Israel marks 45 yrs since occupation of E. Jerusalem

Israel marks 45 yrs since occupation of E. Jerusalem: Celebrations were lined up throughout the day with formal ceremonies, parties and the annual flag march through east Jerusalem to mark the "reunification" of the city which took place after the 1967 Middle East war.For Israel, which annexed the eastern sector in a move not recognised by the international community, Jerusalem is its "eternal and undivided capital."But for the Palestinians, east Jerusalem is where they want the capital of their promised state

Israel feels she won this land and is never going to relinquish it. Israel is never going to go back to the 1967 borders and will never share Jerusalem! 1967 6 Day War
Lack of a peace solution to the Israeli crisis we created keeps being blamed on the Palestinians and I for one am quite sick of it!

Israel could lease Palestinian lands in exchange for Palestinian statehood: report I am thinking this can be done after all my apprehension. With Palestine rebuffing Iran, Iran would be the one left out in the cold. However there is no way in hell Israel is going to share anything period!

Vice Prime Minister and Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Ya'alon said that he saw "no chance of reaching a peace deal with the Palestinians in the near future". There is no way in hell ever because neither side really wants it. They want the other subversive, end of discussion.

"In the eyes of Palestinians, the occupation began in '48 and not in '67," Ya'alon told Army Radio. "Not only Hamas thinks this – Abu Mazen [Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas does too." I think that too! I refuse to believe we took it upon ourselves to displace the Palestinians and give their land to the Jews in 1948 because we felt bad for them.

I hate to say it but I agree with Ahmadinejad that if Europe and the US felt so bad about what happened to Jews during WW2 then they should have given them part of their country. If they did we would not be in this situation. There will never be peace in the middle east unless there is an agreement to go back to UN Resolution 181 that was established in 1947.

I reiterate: Palestinians for their part are doing their share for peace but it is futile: They are willing to let Israel control the wailing wall and just want East Jerusalem as their capital but there is no way in hell Israel is going to give that up as they swear it belongs to them. It does not belong to them. They do not want peace unless they get everything they want and they will not. This will only end in war and we will be dragged in. That is why Bush ignored Afghanistan to get into the Middle East. Right from the get go helping Israel against Iran was the goal.

Again I reiterate there will never be peace in the Middle East, period! Only the UN wants it, Israel wants it her way and Iran/Syria want Israel obliterated, period, seems like peace in Palestinian hands and depends on how much they are willing to bend because Israel will not. Israel and Iran have long been in preparation for this confrontation.

As you know, when asked by a journalist how he felt upon returning to Iran in 1979 after 15 years in exile. Khomeini’s curt, one-word reply was “nothing” Whoa! From day one of his return to Iran Khomeini expressed no love for Iran only a love of the atom bomb. The drive even then was to possess a nuclear weapon though that desire is still denied until Iran can get their hands on one.

On the other side there is Israel who will give nothing and expects Palestinians to give up everything! I realized a long time ago that Israel is the world's chief war monger and we seem to do their bidding and fighting. If they get into a war with Iran we will end up coming to their rescue regardless of what they do or what Hillary says and that is sad!

We should in fact take care of Jewish American's and American's and our interests in Israel and otherwise tell them in no uncertain terms they are on their own if they continue to instigate war not peace and expecting us to come to their rescue.

I wrote about it numerous times, to hell with Israel they are the problem. Netanyahu does not want peace until he gets everything he wants which includes all of Jerusalem. We have to take care of our own and let them hang themselves.

Ahmadinejad was right in one thing when he said years ago that is Europe and the US felt so bad for what happened to the Jews in ww2 they should have given them part of their country. We would have no problem then. We are as guilty as them for not enforcing UN resolution 181. UN Resolution 181 that was established in 1947.
Make them go back to it and call it a frigging day!

I have been sick of Israel's lying about wanting a compromise, a two state solution. Ehud Barak had a viable solution Benjamin Netanyahu shot down. Netanyahu's lies to provoke and prolong this impasse holds the day. I am sick of this crap, I am sorry!

Israel's leader does not want to share Jerusalem

"In the eyes of Palestinians, the occupation began in '48 and not in '67," Ya'alon told Army Radio. "Not only Hamas thinks this – Abu Mazen [Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas does too." I think that too! I refuse to believe we took it upon ourselves to displace the Palestinians and give their land to the Jews in 1948 because we felt bad for them.

I reiterate: Palestinians for their part are doing their share for peace but it is futile: They are willing to let Israel control the wailing wall and just want East Jerusalem as their capital but there is no way in hell Israel is going to give that up as they swear it belongs to them. It does not belong to them. They do not want peace unless they get everything they want and they will not.

This will only end in war and we will be dragged in. That is why Bush ignored Afghanistan to get into the Middle East. Right from the get go helping Israel against Iran was the goal.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Vintage Romney: Government needs more Religion intertwined with it

Mitt Romney perpetual Presidential nominee

I have to tell you first that I am a great believer in separation of church and state, I am also a Christian who believes your Religion should influence the way you act but keep it to yourself. I also believe I do not need Religion to dictate to me how to act. . President Bush's mess illustrated to the nth degree why our fore fathers were right.

Vintage Romney: You want to be scared away from him if not already? Thursday, December 06, 2007

Be very scared: Romney says Freedom requires Religion calls for greater Role for Religion! How can anyone say that after the perverted Governmental Religious mess of Bush's?

I am afraid there are many perverted right wingers who believe that but first I have to tell you before I discuss this fool when I heard these ridiculous statements I decided to check on that and I found that Atheistic countries do very well. I will focus on Finland one of the top 10 Atheist /Agnostic countries in the world. Top 50 Atheist countries in the world Look where the US is in the ranks of Atheist and Christian States. Not where the Religious right would have you think.

Not only is it predominantly Atheistic but it is one of the freest, wealthiest per capita, and happiest Nations on earth. With her clean natural environment and the vibrant cultural life, Finland offers an excellent setting for many activities. Finland covers an area of 338,000 square kilometers, of which 10 percent is water and 69 percent forest. There are over 187,000 lakes, 5,100 rapids, and over 179,000 islands, including Europe's largest archipelago. The natural beauty is available to everyone. Everyman is allowed free right of access to the land and waterways, irrespective of who owns the land.

To complement the outdoor activities, Finland has a vibrant cultural life. Altogether 15 professional symphony orchestras, an extensive range of musical festivals, and more than 1,000 museums are but a few examples of the cultural activities available in Finland. Finnish universities are known for their high standards in both teaching and research. There are altogether 20 universities in Finland: ten multidisciplinary universities, three universities of technology, three schools of economics and business administration, and four art academies.

In addition, the Finnish higher education system includes the polytechnics; 29 more practically oriented, often multidisciplinary, regional institutions which particularly focus on contacts with business and industry. Considering Finland is a country of 5.2 million people, the higher education system is a clear indication of the country's commitment to education and knowledge. finland

In contrast I found that like the Right wingers are quick to point out and I disagree with is that America is a Christian Nation. I say Bull we are and I found that Among Wealthy Nations … the U.S. STANDS ALONE IN ITS EMBRACE OF RELIGION. Religion is much more important to Americans than to people living in other wealthy nations. The Global Attitudes study correlated views on religion with annual per capita income and found that wealthier nations tend to place less importance on religion – with the exception of the United States. US is unique in its embrace of Religion

You see what Religion is doing to our Government and our Nation. It's horrible. Romney is calling for more of it. Beware of a worsening of Bush's nightmare. just look at this one fact. The United States has by far the highest rate of gun deaths -- murders, suicides and accidents -- among the world's 36 richest nations, a government study found. The U.S. rate for gun deaths in 1994 was 14.24 per 100,000 people. Japan had the lowest rate, at .05 per 100,000.

The study, done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is the first comprehensive international look at gun-related deaths. It was published Thursday in the International Journal of Epidemiology. The CDC would not speculate why the death rates varied, but other researchers said easy access to guns and society's acceptance of violence are part of the problem in the United States. Christian US leads in gun deaths

Look at what perverted Religion has done to us. These idiots call us a Christian nation and look at the control and violence we get from all sides including the Government and Romney wants more of it? White House hopeful Mitt Romney on Thursday articulated his position on the role of religion in America, but avoided details about his personal faith. Romney, who hopes to become the first Mormon president, said "religious tolerance would be a shallow principle, indeed, if it were reserved only for faiths with which we agree."

I personally do not have a problem with Mormonism. You don't know this but I spent a stint as a baptized Mormon before I realized it was too strict for me. They are Christians and do believe in God of course but I beg to differ with Romney here. Romney said religion is essential to freedom. "Freedom requires religion, just as religion requires freedom. Freedom opens the windows of the soul so that man can discover his most profound beliefs and commune with God. Freedom and religion endure together, or perish alone," the GOP contender said.

Religion needs freedom Yes but freedom does not need Religion!

** I'll tell you right now Romney is dead wrong and is speaking from the view of a strict Religious follower. However he really did shoot himself and Bush in the foot and I haven't heard anything mentioned. Isn't ruling with religion what Bush is telling Islam they can not do?

Isn't ruling with perverted Religion what he is guilty of? We were told from the start that Muslims wanted us off their lands so Bush attacked them. Isn't all they otherwise want is Religious freedom? The right to govern themselves as they want? The right to practice their Religion as they want? Not as Bush and now Obama dictates despite centuries of doing so?

** Freedom requires Religion but what about for Islam and Muslims? Despite what the role of Religion has negatively done to us Romney wants a greater role? what the hell? Meanwhile Islam is being told Religion plays too much of a role? I don't get it? I am sick of the every day every instance do what I say not as I do double standards!

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Monday, October 17, 2011

It's about damn time Obama calls a spade a spade these so called Republicans are a dire danger to the world not just the United States!

Obama, like Truman, casts Congress as foil: Heading into a tough re-election campaign, President Barack Obama has been railing against Congress to pass his jobs plan and casting Republicans as obstructionists who would rather score political points than help the economy rebound. It's beginning to look like the Truman show. 

"If Congress does something, then I can't run against a do-nothing Congress," Obama said Thursday at a White House news conference. "If Congress does nothing, then it's not a matter of me running against them. I think the American people will run them out of town." It's about damn time, these so called Republicans are a dire danger to the world!

FACT CHECK: In foreign policy address, Romney stretches on Obama's record, a fine example of why we must defeat Republicans

FACT CHECK: In foreign policy address, Romney stretches on Obama's record: In a foreign policy speech to cadets at South Carolina’s The Citadel, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney promised Friday to reverse non-existent “massive defense cuts” and pledged to deploy missiles and ships that already are largely in place. A closer look at some of his statements, and how they compare to the facts: They are called out and out lies and are a hallmark of today's Republicans!

Obama says Republicans would 'cripple' America: Faced with a recalcitrant Congress and Republicans who accuse him of waging class warfare over his call to raise taxes on millionaires and billionaires, Obama told supporters Sunday to brace for a "tough" reelection campaign."This is going to be especially hard because a lot of people are discouraged and a lot of people are disillusioned," Obama said at a fundraising event in Seattle, Washington."I'm determined because there's too much at stake.

You better believe it! Be very afraid, it is going to happen whether they take back control or not. They will be more ruthless if they lose. They will settle for nothing less than total collapse then Blame it on Obama so they can get back in and finish us and Bush's agenda off!

Republican's were hoping the fanatic Governor Perry was their man but as they observe how "mad" unstable and inadequate he is they are turning their attention to Mitt Romney. I believe he will pick up the gauntlet in the end but he will be defeated primarily because the evangelicals who actually are a cult are calling Mormonism a cult. In the end Obama's second term is going to be hell and Republican's will be a hell of a lot worse than they are now believe it or not. God help us because Republican's won't.

As I explained, I saw a post on the fact that the Republicans have the goal of destroying the the middle class, elderly, and ailing, like it or not that is what their policies will achieve. Some that hear that I am sure would say that was a bit hard because they are trying to save the country. They are not trying to save the country, they are trying to get Bush's version back on track. They will say and do anything to achieve that.

I remember when then President Bush wanted to revamp Social Security but due to outrage he could not. I remember when Mitt Romney was stumping for McCain when he was running for President against Obama and I was horrified when he told the audience the Democratic party was the countries biggest enemy because we tried to take care of the poor, sick, and elderly.

Romney said Social Security had to be ended. Social Security is making money still, it is not our problem. The Republican party wanting to put an end to our version of America is our problem. The fact that the gap between the wealthy and and those barely making it continues to widen. That is the goal my friends and has been since Bush.

There is no surprise here. Only by me that after all these years people still do not get what is going on. It will be horrible if the Republicans can lie and play enough fools to get back in control to finish us and Bush's agenda off and get their new version of America back on track. I first put this together in 2003 figuring people would see the obvious, get the word out, and act on it. The situation is getting grave people if you have not noticed.

A little reciting and hopefully enlightenment: Bush was following what I know as the Russian Doctrine of Destruction used in the 19th century to tear down the old Government and order and replace it with a new version. Please read this! It is very important and you now know right on: Bush's Forever War! Experts think they found a way around this mess. I'm sick of saying it, Bush/Reagan pundits won't be stopped and failure to us is total success for them! Before you go on remember Bush destroyed America and world order completely and flew away proud of what he did. Okay please continue and remember this was under Bush.

I was listening to Pelosi talking about being confused why Bush didn't see the effect he was having on the middle class when he was President. Now the Republicans are further destroying their lives and upset when they hit a roadblock.

Of course he did! He had been purposely changing our societal order from day one.Republicans want to continue that elitist society as you must notice in their actions. Have you read Bush uncovered on my main page? Bush did not fail in the war on terror. Bush did not fail with our society.To him it was a qualified success. He was following Reagan's mess. It has to be kept alive for his new world order Forever Wars so it was a complete success to him. Now it is Obama's.

If you read Bush Uncovered which I wrote 7 years ago (that's 2003 folks) but no one gets it, Bush was following the Russian Doctrine of Destruction and must create war and disorder to replace it with his new idea of order and to destroy the middle class here.I have been trying to wake people up since day one but no one is listening or getting it. I am afraid it is too late as much beyond our control has been set into play around the world and in the United States. Despite the advent of Obama nothing seems to have changed for whatever reason.

No one seems to get it but all the waking up and organizing against Bush in the world was worthless because he was given too much power as a result of 9/11 and the Patriot Act and now the power is in Obama's hands. The entire world will be engulfed in Bush's Forever War as planned from day one. What a frigging mess. It is going to be hell whether Republicans win or lose but we have to keep them away from controlling the country or the direction of the world.

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Fascist America: It is here, it is now, McCain and Palin are scheduled to further it, and this is no joke!

Fascist America: It is here, it is now, McCain and Palin are scheduled to further it, and this is no joke!
I turned on the TV at 2:am and was unfortunate enough to hear a bit of Giuliani and Palin. I was horrified as it was so 1938 Germany! I want to post a couple of the most horrific speeches but I thought I better repost something I have posted numerous times as last night proved to me that we will not stop fighting but the Fascist right is going to prevail somehow!

First If you can stand it, Romney Rips Liberal Washington!

Watch CBS Videos Online

Huckabee calls Obama dangerous!

Attack Dog Giuliani on the attack!

Palin's RNC speech pulls the party together!

Now I want to relist the 10 steps listed to end a Democracy as they pertain to us and you will agree.

1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy. The enemy is us! After 9/11 the Patriot act was passed, fear constantly pressed on us and Bush started his power grab.
2. Create a gulag . Once you have got everyone scared, the next step is to create a prison system outside the rule of law, FEMA Concentration camps!
3. Develop a thug caste: Blackwater and private security even at times various Governmental agencies.
4. Set up an internal surveillance system
5. Harass citizens' groups
6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release
7. Target key individuals: Threaten civil servants
8. Control the press
9. Dissent equals treason: We know only Bushco can commit treason as they set up their new America
10. Suspend the rule of law: The John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007 gave the president new powers over the national guard. He can now send New York's national guard against another State if "He" deems necessary!

Remember the 14 common threads of Fascism: keep the entire world in mind but particularly how everyone of them applies in America today. This is scary!

* 1. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism. Bingo!

* 2. Disdain for the importance of human rights. Bingo!

* 3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause. Bingo!

* 4. The supremacy of the military/avid militarism. Bingo!

* 5. Rampant sexism. Bingo, Bingo, Bingo!

* 6. A controlled mass media. Bingo!

* 7. Obsession with national security. Bingo!

* 8. Religion and ruling elite tied together. Bingo!*

9. Power of corporations protected. Bingo!

* 10. Power of labor suppressed or eliminated. Bingo!

* 11. Disdain and suppression of intellectuals and the arts. Bingo! (at the link read how it does apply)

* 12. Obsession with crime and punishment. Bingo!

* 13. Rampant cronyism and corruption. Bingo!

* 14. Fraudulent elections. Bingo!*
Read the explanations it's alarming
Even more frightening is a collection of news articles dating from the start of the Bush presidency divided into topics relating to each of the 14 points of fascism including proof in pictures.Blow by blow examples in pictures of American Fascism under Bush
Talk about this, spread it where it can get heard!

Don't take this lightly! We are in trouble here! What is next?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, January 26, 2008

From wiretapped bush to Romney the whisperer, we cannot afford this underhanded crap again! I'm sick of the obvious being excused away!

First the underhanded mis-leader he wants to follow: Remember this and how often it happened? Does bush have a device under his jacket? Is it an ear piece a transmitter? These pictures are not imagination! I knew about the Bulge on his back under his jacket but I never noticed the ear piece before. Bulges earpieces this is not imagination
I just can't stand the underhanded crap we get routinely from the chief idiot. knowing he can barely speak I was wondering how he would be able to speak around the world routinely and now I know. Even with someone coaching him in his ear he still can't talk right. Knowing that Romney has bankrupt my State and now wants to follow Bush and do for America what he did for Massachusetts I am very concerned with his lying underhanded tactics. After watching that video of Tim Russet's question last night it was obvious Romney was being coached by someone. It is dismissed as something picked up from the outside but I doubt it. Anyway you excuse the whisper it gave him the answer and I am sick of this underhanded crap we get routinely and here we go again, getting it from Romney!

Here we go again! Did George Bush pass his bulge down to Mitt Romney? In 2004, Bush infamously had a giant, microphone like bump on his back during a debate against John Kerry. Rumors were flying that Bush had a direct line to Karl Rove during the debate and that Rove was feeding him answers to the questions (even though Bush turned in a terrible performance). Last night, Bush’s Bulge begat a cousin: the Romney Whisper. watch the youtube video and listen well
At last night’s debate, Tim Russert asked Romney if he would follow Reagan’s example on Social Security. Russert was careful not to tell Romney that Reagan raised taxes to help Social Security funds, so somebody else tried to tell Romney instead. After Russert finishes his question, a Lost-like whisper is heard that mutters, “Raise taxes.” Romney answered that he would not raise taxes, and then Russert giddily informed him that that’s not the case.

MSNBC was asked why the whisper came through, and MSNBC’s spokesman responded We heard the same thing you heard. There was obviously an open mike which picked up the whisper, but we have no way of knowing who did the whispering. So, who is the whisperer? We can't go through this again! Romney just had is George Bush moment we can not afford another George Bush wanabe Presidency.

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Be very scared: Romney says Freedom requires Religion calls for greater Role for Religion! How can anyone say that after this perverted mess?

Be very scared: Romney says Freedom requires Religion calls for greater Role for Religion! How can anyone say that after this perverted Governmental Religious mess of Bush's?

I am afraid there are many perverted right wingers who believe that but first I have to tell you before I discuss this fool when I heard these ridiculous statements I decided to check on that and I found that Atheistic countries do very well. I will focus on Finland one of the top 10 Atheist /Agnostic countries in the world :top 50 Atheist countries in the world
Not only is it predominantly Atheistic but it is one of the freest, wealthiest per capita, and happiest Nations on earth. With her clean natural environment and the vibrant cultural life, Finland offers an excellent setting for many activities. Finland covers an area of 338,000 square kilometers, of which 10 percent is water and 69 percent forest. There are over 187,000 lakes, 5,100 rapids, and over 179,000 islands, including Europe's largest archipelago. The natural beauty is available to everyone. Everyman is allowed free right of access to the land and waterways, irrespective of who owns the land.

To complement the outdoor activities, Finland has a vibrant cultural life. Altogether 15 professional symphony orchestras, an extensive range of musical festivals, and more than 1,000 museums are but a few examples of the cultural activities available in Finland. Finnish universities are known for their high standards in both teaching and research. There are altogether 20 universities in Finland: ten multidisciplinary universities, three universities of technology, three schools of economics and business administration, and four art academies. In addition, the Finnish higher education system includes the polytechnics; 29 more practically oriented, often multidisciplinary, regional institutions which particularly focus on contacts with business and industry. Considering Finland is a country of 5.2 million people, the higher education system is a clear indication of the country's commitment to education and knowledge. finland

In contrast I found that like the Right wingers are quick to point out and I disagree with is that America is a Christian Nation. I say Bull we are and I found that Among Wealthy Nations … the U.S. STANDS ALONE IN ITS EMBRACE OF RELIGION. Religion is much more important to Americans than to people living in other wealthy nations. The Global Attitudes study correlated views on religion with annual per capita income and found that wealthier nations tend to place less importance on religion – with the exception of the United States. US is unique in its embrace of Religion

You see what Religion is doing to our Government and our Nation. It's horrible. Romney is calling for more of it. Beware of a worsening of Bush's nightmare. just look at this one fact. The United States has by far the highest rate of gun deaths -- murders, suicides and accidents -- among the world's 36 richest nations, a government study found. The U.S. rate for gun deaths in 1994 was 14.24 per 100,000 people. Japan had the lowest rate, at .05 per 100,000. The study, done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is the first comprehensive international look at gun-related deaths. It was published Thursday in the International Journal of Epidemiology. The CDC would not speculate why the death rates varied, but other researchers said easy access to guns and society's acceptance of violence are part of the problem in the United States. Christian US leads in gun deaths

Look at what perverted Religion has done to us. These idiots call us a Christian nation and look at the control and violence we get from all sides including the Government and Romney wants more of it? White House hopeful Mitt Romney on Thursday articulated his position on the role of religion in America, but avoided details about his personal faith. Romney, who hopes to become the first Mormon president, said "religious tolerance would be a shallow principle, indeed, if it were reserved only for faiths with which we agree."

** I'll tell you right now he is dead wrong and is speaking from the view of a strict Religious follower. However he really did shoot himself and Bush in the foot and I haven't heard anything mentioned. Isn't ruling with religion what Bush is telling Islam they can not do? Isn't ruling with perverted Religion what he is guilty of? We were told from the start that Muslims wanted us off their lands so Bush attacks them. Isn't all they otherwise want is Religious freedom? The right to govern themselves as they want? The right to practice their Religion as they want? Not as Bush dictates despite centuries of doing so?
** Freedom requires Religion but what about for Islam and Muslims? Despite what the role of Religion has negatively done to us Romney wants a greater role? what the hell? Meanwhile Islam is being told Religion plays to much of a role? I don't get it? I am sick of the every day every instance do what I say not as I do double standards!

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Friday, September 28, 2007

Republican nominees show there's no need to cater to minorities or average Americans as Bush's abusive power is not in danger!

Tuesday I did a story in regards to Hillary Clinton's possible nomination. In it I included information on a story from a very concerned up to snuff citizen and a list of the top 25 censored stories of 2008. I pointed out stories #1 which abolishes Habeus Corpus for any person and not just suspected terrorists, and #2 which moves Bush towards martial law. In effect it repeals the Posse Comitatus Act, which placed strict prohibitions on military involvement in domestic law enforcement.
Just think about those 2 implications alone! Below are the 2 links I sincerely hope you look at. I am republishing them because I noticed last time that there were many comments joking about these very real concerns for all of us, without once checking the well researched facts and laws passed by Bush. I had to assume that anybody but a Bush pundit would be greatly concerned about the loss of basic rghts and protections so the commenters must have been trolls.

First anon paranoid from America Weeps wrote a great piece on the very abused awesome powers the President now has as a direct consequence of 9/11 and The Patriot act, all by the design of Bush's deceptive underhanded Politics. This deserves your attention

As you read what he has put together you must already realize Bush can not allow this excessive power in the hands of Democrats and if you need further proof please look at this frightening list of the top 25 censored of 2008. They are very frightening and sobering. Pay particular attention to #1 and #2 Bush will not relinquish this and can not!

With what I would consider as inexcusable behavior by the top Republican Presidential nominees my concerns are validated. First A Republican debate on Univision, the Spanish-language television network, was canceled this month because Mr. McCain was the only leading candidate to agree to attend. (The top Democratic candidates, by contrast, did debate on the network.)
The decision to skip the forum last nght was criticized in an editorial in The Washington Times, a conservative-leaning newspaper, that said, “It is striking that the Republican front-runners believe that some run-of-the mill fund-raiser is more important than building up their relationships with black and Hispanic voters, groups who flock to the Democratic Party in droves.” You would think that would be a concern unless there is no concern for the loss of corruptive Republican power!

The four no-shows -- former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Sen. Fred Thompson, Arizona Sen. John McCain and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney -- cited scheduling conflicts in saying they could not attend the debate at historically black Morgan State University. They had months prior notice, if they cared they would have made the adjustments. They routinely do it all the time. There is no excuse beyond lack of concern. They have no concern for average Americans or for the loss of the corruptive massive power Bush has gained. will there even be elections?
GOP candidates skip debate

Like Anon I fully expect elections to be cancelled in 2008 and martial law declared, and so will you if you read the last 2 links. It is in Bush's awesome abused power to declare martial law if he sees a danger to his Government and we are the danger. At the very least I expect Bush to attack Iran before Congress can stop him and will call for a Constitutional Amendment calling for Bush to stay in office indefinitely too stay at the helm of his wars.

Anyway you look at it 2008 is going to be hell and I am not just talking the election. Bush will guarantee it one way or the other. In closing I just want to say I really hope you looked at the 2nd and 3rd links! Republicans can not let their awesome corruptive powers in Democratic hands.

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Have A Laugh at their Expense: Humiliation Debation Republican Style!

Yes, another Bushism. These idiots like Bush think being President is all about whoever can sound like the biggest fool and tell the best one liners. Like you I wake up every day and I feel like Bill Murray on Groundhog Day! I feel trapped in the spin cycle of a washing machine. This morning the radio alarm went off and the first thing mentioned was the Republican Debate sideshow I managed to ignore last night. I haven't been able to find anything yet but the Late night Comedians must have had a ball with this last night or will that be tonight?
The Debate was a farce but be careful, there are many who think this is all another joke, ignore all this Bush style idiocy, and willvote for one of these idiots. We cannot afford this to happen again. I thought the first Debate was a bad joke but if you can listen to this and some of the one liners.
Giuliani won the strongest applause of Tuesday night's first-in-the-South Republican primary debate when he took exception to Texas Rep. Ron Paul's suggestion that the United States' interventionist policy invited the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. I happen to agree with him but of course McCain backed up Giuliani.
He said he thought Giuliani's intercession was appropriate and excellent. He stupidly said he really appreciated it because we should never believe that we brought on this conflict. What the hell do these idiots think? After years of abuse in their eyes they are now going to have payback for discounting them, taking their resources, dividing their lands etc. No, we did nothing! One of the highlights of the debate came when Paul said the United States has been bombing Iraq for 10 years and doesn't understand how the Middle East operates. Again I had to agree with him.
Rep. Ron Paul rightly pointed out that Right now, we're building an embassy in Iraq that is bigger than the Vatican. We're building 14 permanent bases. What would we say here if China was doing this in our country or in the Gulf of Mexico? We would be objecting," Paul said in explaining his opposition to going to war in Iraq. "They are delighted that we're over there because Usama bin Laden has said, 'I'm glad you're over on our sand because we can target you so much easier.' They have already now since that time they've killed 3,400 of our men and I don't think it was necessary," he continued. Giuliani of course wanted a retraction but I happen to think Paul was partially right and those idiots just laugh it off.
Rep Tom Tancredo was right too. Tancredo took another shot at fellow GOP candidates when he said he is surprised at the number of conversions toward his tough position on illegal immigration as well as abortion and gun control. Again I have to agree, the flip flopping as they call it when it is Democrats is just amazing. To me you have to be able to change your mind to be a good Politician. Now Republicans all say that is all it is in "their" case.
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee also was able to slip in a criticism of the congressional members at the debate, saying Congress has "spent money like John Edwards at a beauty shop," a slam on the Democratic presidential candidate who earned unwanted scrutiny for spending $400 of campaign money on a haircut. It was a one-up to McCain, who had quipped earlier that he has spoken with sailors who take offense at being accused of ever being so drunk as to spend as much as Congress. McCain said. "We let spending go out of control. We spent money like a drunken sailor. Although I never knew a sailor — drunk or sober — with the imagination of my colleagues."
Former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore tried to attract some attention by calling out so-called conservatives for taking non-conservative positions. Prodded to name names, Gilmore referred to "Rudy McRomney," combining the names of McCain, Giuliani and Romney. Gilmore cited Giuliani's position on abortion rights, Huckabee's decision to raise taxes in Arkansas and Romney's mandate requiring universal health care while he served as the governor of Massachusetts. The only thing these idiots agreed upon is what should have been a joke and that is they all think we should have another tax cut. WTF?,2933,272719,00.html
This Farce serves to highlight the fact that America cannot afford to let these jokesters finish destroying our America. We have got to put an end to their destructive dirty Politics so we can successfully move into the future and rebuild our America Bush has steadfastly destroyed and these idiots want to finish off. I am confident that we will be able to take back our America in 2008 because many are seeing through this joking idiocy and realize we cannot survive much more of this mismanagement.

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Thursday, May 10, 2007

425 Stories on Romney This Morning And only Boston had the Meat and Potatoes Issue of HealthCare!

I have to tell you, this morning the news and stories were filled with the usual preponderance of corruption and Bush Cheney idiocy with a smattering of China trade issues thrown in for good measure. Being in and from Boston I awoke this morning to hear what should be a very important issue knowing the standing of Mitt Romney as being number one right now at 38% as he endeavors to become the Republican Presidential nominee.
I first find it necessary to remind some that a year and a half ago I warned people of Romney and his two faced Bush wannabe Politics and that he would follow suit and say and do anything to get elected and follow Bush's miscourse. Remember The Big Dig Debacle which ran rampant under Romney's guidance and the following great program that Romney wants to emulate for the entire country.
Remember how Romney's Health Care program that he has forced on Massachusetts citizens as being one of a kind and a model for the rest of the country to follow? Well, I had to laugh when I heard the news this morning as to the reality of this great plan for the people.
However when I tried to find the backup for the news it was nowhere to be found. Instead I found 425 stories, every one of them about the supposed bigotry expressed by Al Sharpton towards Romney and supposedly LDS Latter Day Saints or Mormons as most know them. I have to admit I am no fan of Al Sharpton's but after hearing him say that his reference towards God believing people holding sway in the upcoming Presidential elections was towards the atheist he was debating, I am inclined to believe him atleast it can be construed that way which seems to be a standard Political Ploy today.
However true to form Romney made an issue of Sharpton's statement of course to be used for Political gain.
Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney on Wednesday criticized a remark about Mormons by the Rev. Al Sharpton and described it as "bigoted" and "un-American." Sharpton, a civil rights leader, said during a New York debate on faith on Monday that "those that really believe in God" would defeat Romney, a Mormon, in the 2008 race for the White House. Sharpton, who led recent criticism of radio talk show host Don Imus for racially insensitive remarks, later said he was not questioning Romney's faith but was aiming his comments at author and atheist Christopher Hitchens, who he was debating.
"It was a very unfortunate and un-American thing to say," Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, said. "I think it was a bigoted statement and I have no interest in seeing bigoted statements about my faith or anyone else's faith put into the public discourse." Of course Sharpton accused him of creating controversy to help his campaign. Creating Division as you know is a Rove's taught tactic Bush employs at every chance.
I do happen to believe the jab was directed towards the Atheist but pointed at Romney but Romney's capitalizing on the issue paid off while the important issue remains undiscussed.
Catholics and evangelicals came to the LDS Church's and GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney's defense Wednesday, calling on the Rev. Al Sharpton to answer for suggesting Mormons don't believe in God. The Catholic League called for Sharpton to "be held accountable for his bigoted outburst" and suggesting it "should finish his career," just as Don Imus' recent racist statements resulted in the cancellation of his radio show. Sharpton was among Imus' harshest critics.
The Rev. Rob Schenck, an evangelical minister who heads the National Clergy Council, issued a statement calling on Sharpton to "immediately apologize to Mr. Romney and the good people of the LDS Church and repent before God for such sinful hubris.
Evangelicals and Catholics expressed solidarity with Romney so right or wrong the creation of a non issue once again was used to successfully push a political agenda while the real issue has not been discussed and I have not been able to find outside of Boston.
That is Romney's great Healthcare for all plan he wants in the whole country. Taxpayers are bearing a larger share of the cost of the expansion of healthcare coverage than expected because the state has not yet collected a penny from businesses that do not help insure their workers.
Penalties on those businesses were expected to bring in $95 million this fiscal year and $76 million next year, according to the Legislature's estimates when the bill was signed into law a year ago.
But the state now expects to collect nothing in the fiscal year that ends June 30, and only $24 million next year, according to budget officials in Governor Deval Patrick's administration and in the House of Representatives. Please read the story at the link and look at the voodoo expecting to make this morasse work and it will not
I figured in one year the State of Massachusetts is going to be hit to the tune of $150 million to be paid by the taxpayer. That is not to speak of the fact that many are now forced to buy Health Insurance they cannot afford. If they could they would already have it. This is only one small State folks! This is once again a windfall for businesses in the true meaning of Bush Politics. I do firmly believe that a Democrat will be elected in 2008 so in the end this will all be worthless I hope. I am just sickened to see that Bush's two faced Politics are still being espoused and again by a supposed man of God. Oh man!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Friday, May 04, 2007

As Top Republican Candidates Support Iraq War Continuation Hillary's Proposal's time has come!

The major Republican presidential candidates, in their first joint appearance on a national stage, endorsed the war in Iraq and vowed to fight on to victory. "We must win in Iraq," said Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. "If we withdraw, there will be chaos, there will be genocide, and they will follow us home." The war was "terribly mismanaged," McCain said, but now "it's on the right track." My words: That is all Bullshit!
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who both gave strong performances in their nationally televised debuts as presidential prospects, joined McCain in support of the war. "If we leave in the wrong way, the Iranians could grab the Shia south, or al-Qaeda could play a dominant role among the Sunnis, or you could have the border with Turkey destabilized by the Kurds - and, as a result, you could have regional conflict develop," said Romney. "We could have to come back again." It would be a "terrible mistake," said Giuliani, to "retreat in the face of terrorism." My Words: More absolute Bullshit!

Among the 7 other republican Presidential Candidates I at least heard some sense. libertarian Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, overtly rejected the Bush administration's Iraq policy, Tommy Thompson suggested that the U.S. should withdraw its forces if Iraqis ask the Americans to leave after a national Referendum, Sam Brownback, R-Kan., said the U.S. should broker a political solution that would divide Iraq along sectarian lines into three federated areas Tom Tancredo R from Colorado rightly said Iraqi's must summon the strength to defend themselves.
I do not have to tell you that McCain, Romney, and Giuliani, all appear to be brain-dead at least in regard to reality in Iraq. They reinforce the knowledge that we cannot afford to have another Republican President and I am confident that we will not barring another stolen election. I am sick of the Political Bullshit! Everything they warn of if we withdraw is already the case. We must withdraw, there will be chaos, there will be genocide, and they will follow us home whether we leave today or 100 years from now. Bush guaranteed a loss the day he diverted from Afghanistan to attack Iraq in order to get boots on the ground in the middle east. He will not leave until he finds his excuse to attack Iran and finish establishing what he thinks will be "his" new order in the middle east.
I just this second got off the phone with the VA Pharmacy after ordering a prescription refill. The Pharmacist asked about my sons and told me her husband a 2 term Vietnam veteran who after doing 30 years was called back in and had to go to Iraq. Her 3 sons were also recalled and she was concerned that Bush will pull her police officer son back in if things get worse. I would have liked to ally her fears but firmly believe Bush will worsen the situation unless we can stop him.
With that in mind many of you know that much of the world expected Bush to attack Iran in April and those of you that have read my diaries know that I expect it some time in the fall. That brings me to Hillary's proposal that I know has been discussed before but now that we are in control of Congress I think it is doable and whatever Republicans want to play games and call it, it is the right thing to do.
Democratic Sens. Clinton of New York and Robert Byrd of West Virginia announced they would introduce legislation that would require the president to seek a reauthorization from Congress to extend the military effort in Iraq beyond October 11, 2007.
"If the president will not bring himself to accept reality, it is time for Congress to bring reality to him," Clinton said in a speech on the Senate floor.
How to seek to force a vote on the measure on this proposal l has not been decided but I firmly believe they better hurry up before Bush beats them to the punch and deepens our commitment in the middle east. The warmonger is running out of time.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Monday, March 05, 2007

You better wake up because you have a gun to your Heads too!

You better wake up because you all have a gun to your head too" We are under attack on at least four fronts!
Bush has assailed this country and the world on so many fronts no one knows if they are coming or going. I did a story over a year and a half ago saying there are to many Bush crises to focus on anything. He creates another before you can deal with the past ones or the current ones.
When they have said in the past that the U.S. President in effect runs the world I guess they might have been right and as such the state of world relations is largely a reflection on Bush's inadequacy. Anyway it is a real sad state we find ourselves in and much of it due to Bush. I woke up this morning hearing how expensive and prohibitive Romney's health plan will be for Massachusett's residents and it scares the hell out of me knowing I could not afford $400 per month and a $2,000 spend down and what average person could. Thankfully I have the VA at least for now. It is not just health care as you know, it is every aspect of life critical to average Americans that is under fire. This is only one part of the mess Romney created in Massachusetts and promises to spread to the country as he vows to continue with Bush's mess.
Like Bush's policies that he promises to emulate, Romney's plan only benefits Business,the wealthy, and the Religious right. Like Bush he has been so 2 faced but I'll let that go for now. Health care as you know is just one issue facing American's.
Anyway, the people in this country better wake up quick and I am sick of warning them. That stock market crash that was overdue and will get a lot worse was not a Blip as many think. It is only the beginning of many corrective crises we will be facing very quickly. There wil be a slight bounce back but it will ultimately continue downard.
The environmental wars the Pentagon warned about for our future, was not a worst case scenario and will be a reality, These are only tow of the many issues facing the world. Not just for he average American but for every average citizen of the world, they better be very concerned about their future healthcare and food and water supply, because every Nation of the world will soon be concerned with their survival and the people of the world will be left to their own demise as I have warned numerous times to no avail.
Cap all that off with the simple fact that Russia, China who again has exponentially increased their defense spending, the U.S., and the fact that this upcoming world war 3 will happen and to the demise of our planet's health and resources that all Government's will be warring over. You better, even as a citizen of the world, be very concerned that in order to keep his abusive power and so called new world order in motion, Bush will stoop to cancelling the upcoming 2008 elections and declare martial law. What a friggen mess indeed and it is still just beginning.
You may remember that we discussed this too in the past but I 100% expect Bush to cancel elections and declare martial law in order to continue with his mess of a new world order. The only reason he would not will be if he knows for a fact Republican's can steal the next election too and Giulliani gets elected.
The American people and even the citizens of the world have to rise up before anyuthing will change. Even then I believe it is too late to stop the course of events in many instances. I don't know if anyone can steer us through the upcoming turmoil but it is imperative that we have the strength and direction of Al Gore in 2008 too lead us.
I have heard the U.S. will go ahead with the missile sales to Taiwan. I did a story a year and a half ago that the U.S. must let go the old archaic commitments to many Nations as the world is changing and we cannot protect everyone just so the old order of Nations can stay status quo. Regardless, It will not.
With thousands of Chinese missiles pointed towards Taiwan, China still selling missiles to Iran, and this insistance on selling missiles to Taiwan despite Chinese warnings, This may be the natural messed up response but it will only ensure future confrontation on a cataclismic scale.
You know, it isn't funny but the fact that the U.S. does not have a single friend in the world does not remotely concern the chief idiot. Here too I did a story a while back that It will be Bush, Israel, and Britain, against the entire world. It would be even worse than that except Britian will have no choice but to stay with the U.S due to past misperformance and future environmental concerns which are very dire for Britain. Israel will always be with the U.S. in the future unless they are destroyed first.
I just want to say before I close that, behind closed doors HW was against George attacking Iraq right from the beginning but overtly refuses to admonish the idiot and to the demise of America and the world. I posted on this too that HW, Barbara, and Laura, all owe the world a severe apology as they too are partially responsible for the messes Bush has created. They said nothing and allowed this all to happen but then again you may remember Bush once said he would not listen to anyone but Barney and the idiot has stayed true to that idiocy too. Oh man!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma