Showing posts with label Communism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Communism. Show all posts

Monday, February 12, 2018

Remember the Berlin wall at 56 but don't forget we blew the fall of the wall and the 28th Anniversary of the fall of the wall

50 years on: Getting over the 'Wall of Shame'

Wall long gone but Berliners still split

I remember when the Berlin wall fell there were Berliners on both sides of the wall that lamented the fall and wished it was still there. East Berliners in particular were concerned of losing the comfort of communism and feared the prospect of having to compete to make a living under Democracy.

We did not seize the moment when the wall fell. We squandered it in the name of politics. In this case by Reagan, G H W Bush and G W Bush for the Republican Party and their harmful braggart bullying in your face Politics.

Instead of showing the better part of valor and just shutting up and seizing the moment for world unity. They used it to say see we are better than you that is why we beat you. The stellar moment of the fall of the Berlin Wall was negated by Reagan and furthered by G W Bush.

20th Anniversary of the fall and the fall! They were great moments and could have been world changing events but it was not capitalized on for the good of the world but for the good of the Republicans Party and their world dominating fascist agenda.

Reagan, Bush, and other Republican pundits chose to capitalize off the fall of the Berlin wall and the USSR instead of using the moment to unify with Russia for the good of the world and our future. The fall of the wall was a moment for the entire world to share and revel in. We chose to divide and conquer the world instead.

I watched the 20th anniversary celebration in Berlin where 1,000 dominoes representing the Berlin wall all painted by artists around the world were ceremoniously set to falling. It is still a euphoric sight.

I remember 10 years before that when some East Berliner’s wanted the wall back up along with Communism as they found Democracy too competitive. I sensed a change but we blew it thanks to the Republicans and Democrats for not speaking up!

It had been 22 years and now that we had president Obama maybe the true meaning of the fall of the Berlin wall and the USSR will take hold but it has been lost in time. We keep hearing even today that the fall of the wall marked the end of Communism! That is asinine. Isn’t China Communist and using our Democracy and Capitalism very well to further their form of Government?

It is interesting that China is our bank and we can only function today because of China a communist country poised to at least sit side by side as the new leaders of the world.

I do not know if anyone else noted the intelligence of President Obama of not attending the ceremony in Berlin if I remember instead sending Hillary. That would have alienated Russia which Bush would have done on purpose. Obama is smart enough to know Russia is still stinging and we are trying to unite with them too to peacefully move into the future.

We know what was lost in building the wall, we know of the many lives lost trying to get to the west. We commemorated the 50th Anniversary of the walls building but I have never heard of the blown opportunity to unite when the wall fell and the ignorance displayed by the arrogant US instead.

Now with trump all bets are off. I don't see anything good any where in the world and every one on every side is scared shi54ess of trump and what he says and does. Hold on!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Friday, January 12, 2018

Like it or not Capitalism not culture drives economies

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Remember when running for President, Romney's comment that Israeli's were better than the Palestinians because of their culture? Time for the world including us to go back as to the true role of capitalism! Capitalism is supposed to work for Democracy which abused and misused or not is the true driver of our economy.

 I think it is Democracy that should be driving economies and our Capitalism. The Chinese are doing it right.

I hate to say it but China is a top notch example of how to use Capitalism to drive your lifestyle and economy and in this case communism controlling capitalism not Capitalism controling Capitalism. You're culture has nothing to do with the success of your society what has everything to do with it is how successful your capitalism is and how well it is controled.Communism-Wikipedia

We have failed. Capitalism controls us and our Government! For years because of Bush's fascist agenda many of us said this is not a Democracy. A Democracy only in name to facilitate a hidden agenda. Now we hear from Republicans that this is no longer a Democracy because of Obama and the socialist agenda he inherited from Bush. Anyway you look at it this is not a Democracy!

Is it supposed to be a Democracy just because they make you leave your pen once every couple of years to go out and vote for those with the money to buy their position to force the agenda that keeps those corporations in control that really run this country? Is it Democracy that allows the top 1% to own more than the bottom 95% combined?

Would a Democracy allow their fellow citizens to go without the basic needs of any human being let alone right here in the USA, Food Shelter and clothing? Homes are still being foreclosed at a rate of 1 every 7.5 seconds. This is a Democracy in action? Is the health insurance Industry spending 1.5 million dollars a day to control Congress and kill health care reform so they can keep control over you Democracy in action?

No! It is capitalism run amok, Capitalism is controlling our Democracy. This is not a Democracy. Democracy is a system of government in which either the actual governing is carried out by the people governed or the power to do so is granted by them. There are two principles that any definition of democracy includes, equality and freedom. Would not equality dictate that the top 1% take care of those who are in trouble? Or is it because Capitalism rules Democracy that they have the "freedom" to ignore Equality and Democracy? Democracy

Capitalism as a system developed incrementally from the 16th century in Europe. Capitalism typically refers to an economic and social system in which the means of production are privately controlled. Controlling it is is a matter of politics and policy. Capitalism-Wikipedia

Politics and Democracy are supposed to be controlling Capitalism. Capitalism is not supposed to be controlling Democracy! Capitalism has run amok and as you know is controlling Democracy. Our Government just bailed out Capitalism and there was nothing Democratic about it. Capitalism owns our Democracy and our Government.We the people have been left to our own demise. It is time to control Capitalism with Democracy so for once we are all equal!

It really bothers me that it seems whenever I delve into something it is always capitalism behind the problem. We keep hearing the virtues of Capitalism but our own problems and I am seeing around the world are caused by Capitalism run Amok. The great system of Capitalism is destroying our world. We have got to rein it in and control it. I was concerned with Bush's warmongering and the world marshaling forces to take him on. I was concerned about Israel instigating war too thinking they were the world’s primary problem. I thought they were controlling the US and we were going to end up destroying the world at their bid.

* We are so brainwashed, we never hear or see the truth. I noticed behind every frigging conflict including Gaza and Georgia, Syria, Libya, everything in the middle east,  and Afghanistan was oil and other energy sources so I just took the normal course of blaming all our problems on oil and other energy sources as the world postured to move into the future. Stupid me! In regard to our problems here I keep saying we see the enemy and he is us but son of a gun it is! We are the problem of the entire world. Capitalism! It is out of control and will destroy the world unless we rein it in. What say you!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, November 02, 2017

Capitalism run amok part 2: Like it or not Capitalism not culture drives economies

Remember when running for President, Romney's comment that Israeli's were better than the Palestinians because of their culture? Time for the world including us to go back as to the true role of capitalism! Capitalism is supposed to work for Democracy which abused and misused or not is the true driver of our economy.

 I think it is Democracy that should be driving economies and our Capitalism. The Chinese are doing it right.

I hate to say it but China is a top notch example of how to use Capitalism to drive your lifestyle and economy and in this case communism controlling capitalism not Capitalism controlling Capitalism. You're culture has nothing to do with the success of your society what has everything to do with it is how successful your capitalism is and how well it is controlled.Communism-Wikipedia

We have failed. Capitalism controls us and our Government! For years because of Bush's fascist agenda many of us said this is not a Democracy. A Democracy only in name to facilitate a hidden agenda. Now we hear from Republicans that this is no longer a Democracy because of Obama and the socialist agenda he inherited from Bush. Anyway you look at it this is not a Democracy!

Is it supposed to be a Democracy just because they make you leave your pen once every couple of years to go out and vote for those with the money to buy their position to force the agenda that keeps those corporations in control that really run this country? Is it Democracy that allows the top 1% to own more than the bottom 95% combined?

Would a Democracy allow their fellow citizens to go without the basic needs of any human being let alone right here in the USA, Food Shelter and clothing? Homes are still being foreclosed at a rate of 1 every 7.5 seconds. This is a Democracy in action? Is the health insurance Industry spending 1.5 million dollars a day to control Congress and kill health care reform so they can keep control over you Democracy in action?

No! It is capitalism run amok, Capitalism is controlling our Democracy. This is not a Democracy. Democracy is a system of government in which either the actual governing is carried out by the people governed or the power to do so is granted by them. There are two principles that any definition of democracy includes, equality and freedom. Would not equality dictate that the top 1% take care of those who are in trouble? Or is it because Capitalism rules Democracy that they have the "freedom" to ignore Equality and Democracy? Democracy

Capitalism as a system developed incrementally from the 16th century in Europe. Capitalism typically refers to an economic and social system in which the means of production are privately controlled. Controlling it is is a matter of politics and policy. Capitalism-Wikipedia

Politics and Democracy are supposed to be controlling Capitalism. Capitalism is not supposed to be controlling Democracy! Capitalism has run amok and as you know is controlling Democracy. Our Government just bailed out Capitalism and there was nothing Democratic about it. Capitalism owns our Democracy and our Government.We the people have been left to our own demise. It is time to control Capitalism with Democracy so for once we are all equal!

It really bothers me that it seems whenever I delve into something it is always capitalism behind the problem. We keep hearing the virtues of Capitalism but our own problems and I am seeing around the world are caused by Capitalism run Amok. The great system of Capitalism is destroying our world. We have got to rein it in and control it. I was concerned with Bush's warmongering and the world marshaling forces to take him on. I was concerned about Israel instigating war too thinking they were the world’s primary problem. I thought they were controlling the US and we were going to end up destroying the world at their bid.

* We are so brainwashed, we never hear or see the truth. I noticed behind every frigging conflict including Gaza and Georgia, Syria, Libya, everything in the middle east,  and Afghanistan was oil and other energy sources so I just took the normal course of blaming all our problems on oil and other energy sources as the world postured to move into the future. Stupid me! In regard to our problems here I keep saying we see the enemy and he is us but son of a gun it is! We are the problem of the entire world. Capitalism! It is out of control and will destroy the world unless we rein it in. What say you!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Friday, September 08, 2017

Capitalism, not culture, drives economies

Remember Romney's comment that Israeli's were better than the Palestinians because of their culture? Time for the world including us to go back as to the true role of capitalism!

Capitalism, not culture, drives economies: Mitt Romney has explained that his comments abroad were simply truth-telling. “I tend to tell people what I actually believe,” he said. With regard to one much-debated comment — on the cultural differences between Israelis and Palestinians — many agree with him. The Wall Street Journal editorial page and columnists including Marc A. Thiessen and John Podhoretz all applauded. Podhoretz wrote: “Anyone who publicizes his remark is helping Romney win the election.”
“Culture makes all the difference,” Romney said at a fundraiser in Israel, comparing the country’s economic vitality to Palestinian poverty. Certainly there is a pedigree for this idea.

Romney cited David Landes, an economics historian. He could have cited Max Weber, the great German scholar who first made this claim 100 years ago in his book “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism,” which argued that Protestant values were the most important fuel for economic progress. The problem is that Weber singled out two cultures as being particularly prone to poverty and stagnation, those of China and Japan.

I hate to say it but China is a top notch example of how to use Capitalism to drive your lifestyle and economy and in this case communism controlling capitalism not Capitalism controling Capitalism. You're culture has nothing to do with the success of ypour society what has everything to do with it is how successful your capitalism is and how well it is controled.Communism-Wikipedia

We have failed. Capitalism controls us and our Government!For years because of Bush's fascist agenda many of us said this is not a Democracy. A Democracy only in name to facilitate a hidden agenda. Now we hear from Republicans that this is no longer a Democracy because of Obama and the socialist agenda he inherited from Bush. Anyway you look at it this is not a Democracy!

Is it supposed to be a Democracy just because they make you leave your pen once every couple of years to go out and vote for those with the money to buy their position to force the agenda that keeps those corporations in control that really run this country? Is it Democracy that allows the top 1% to own more than the bottom 95% combined?

Would a Democracy allow their fellow citizens to go without the basic needs of any human being let alone right here in the USA, Food Shelter and clothing? Homes are still being foreclosed at a rate of 1 every 7.5 seconds. This is a Democracy in action? Is the health insurance Industry spending 1.5 million dollars a day to control Congress and kill health care reform so they can keep control over you Democracy in action?

No! It is capitalism run amok, Capitalism is controlling our Democracy. This is not a Democracy. Democracy is a system of government in which either the actual governing is carried out by the people governed or the power to do so is granted by them. There are two principles that any definition of democracy includes, equality and freedom. Would not equality dictate that the top 1% take care of those who are in trouble? Or is it because Capitalism rules Democracy that they have the "freedom" to ignore Equality and Democracy? Democracy

Capitalism as a system developed incrementally from the 16th century in Europe. Capitalism typically refers to an economic and social system in which the means of production are privately controlled. Controlling it is is a matter of politics and policy. Capitalism-Wikipedia

Politics and Democracy are supposed to be controlling Capitalism. Capitalism is not supposed to be controlling Democracy! Capitalism has run amok and as you know is controlling Democracy. Our Government just bailed out Capitalism and there was nothing Democratic about it. Capitalism owns our Democracy and our Government.We the people have been left to our own demise. It is time to control Capitalism with Democracy so for once we are all equal!

It really bothers me that it seems whenever I delve into something it is always capitalism behind the problem. We keep hearing the virtues of Capitalism but our own problems and I am seeing around the world are caused by Capitalism run Amok. The great system of Capitalism is destroying our world. We have got to rein it in and control it. I was concerned with Bush's warmongering and the world marshaling forces to take him on. I was concerned about Israel instigating war too thinking they were the world’s primary problem. I thought they were controlling the US and we were going to end up destroying the world at their bid.

* We are so brainwashed, we never hear or see the truth. I noticed behind every frigging conflict including Gaza and Georgia and Afghanistan was oil and other energy sources so I just took the normal course of blaming all our problems on oil and other energy sources as the world postured to move into the future. Stupid me! In regard to our problems here I keep saying we see the enemy and he is us but son of a gun it is! We are the problem of the entire world. Capitalism! It is out of control and will destroy the world unless we rein it in. What say you!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Glen Beck says leave your church if they preach social and economic justice it is communist and Nazism! What?

I first have to tell you I left the Mormon church years ago not because they preached social and economic justice but because they were too strict and there was no room for human error. Social Justice is their Mantra. Social and economic justice is the mantra and very core of every church I know.

Knowing the lunacy of Glen Beck I was stunned to find out he was a Mormon. He is accusing the Mormon Church of preaching communism and Nazism? what the heck is wrong with that guy? I am embarrassed that I have a son and a brother that think that fool and Rush Limbaugh are next to God. What the heck is wrong with so called good sensed Americans? They believe this crap!

Social Justice? Isn't that what Jesus preached? Did I miss something? Rev. Jim Wallis, who leads the Christian social justice group "Sojourners" in Washington, D.C. has begun a "Tell Glenn Beck: I'm a Social Justice Christian" campaign on his Web site, one Christian minister is now calling for a boycott of Beck's TV and radio shows. The idiot should be committed!

Others for years have argued that the terms social justice and economic justice are used by communists as substitutes for Marxism, socialism and collectivism. Okay so what? We are talking about Christianity, churches not Nazi's or communists. All churches should be offended and all religions should boycott Beck not turn in their priests and pastors as Beck suggests. Mormons, other Christians decry Glenn Beck comments on social ...

This guy is a loon, a rich loon but nevertheless a loon and a roadblock to a peaceful harmonious society. Beck it the enemy not priest pastors, pastors, and ministers!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The fall of the Berlin wall 20 years later: Lessons not learned!

We did not seize the moment when the wall fell. We squandered it in the name of politics. In this case by Reagan, G H W Bush and G W Bush for the Republican Party and their harmful braggart bullying in your face Politics.

Instead of showing the better part of valor and just shutting up and seizing the moment for world unity. They used it to say see we are better than you that is why we beat you. The stellar moment of the fall of the Berlin Wall was negated by Reagan and furthered by G W Bush.

20 Years! It was a great moment and it should have been a world changing event but it was not capitalized on for the good of the world but for the good of the Republicans Party and their world dominating fascist agenda.

Reagan, Bush, and other Republican pundits chose to capitalize off the fall of the Berlin wall and the USSR instead of using the moment to unify with Russia for the good of the world and our future. The fall of the wall was a moment for the entire world to share and revel in. We chose to divide and conquer the world instead.

I watched the 20th anniversary celebration in Berlin where 1,000 dominoes representing the Berlin wall all painted by artists around the world were ceremoniously set to falling. It is still a euphoric sight.

I remember 10 years ago when some East Berliner’s wanted the wall back up along with Communism as they found Democracy too competitive. I sensed a change!

It has been 20 years and now that we have president Obama maybe the true meaning of the fall of the Berlin wall and the USSR will take hold. We keep hearing even today that the fall of the wall marked the end of Communism! That is asinine. Isn’t China Communist and using our Democracy and Capitalism very well to further their form of Government?

It is interesting that China is our bank and we can only function today because of China a communist country poised to at least sit side by side as the new leaders of the world.

I do not know if anyone else noted the intelligence of President Obama of not attending the ceremony in Berlin if I remember instead sending Hillary. That would have alienated Russia which Bush would have done on purpose. Obama is smart enough to know Russia is still stinging and we are trying to unite with them too to peacefully move into the future.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma