Showing posts with label middle east. Show all posts
Showing posts with label middle east. Show all posts

Monday, April 09, 2018

Lets talk water: The Global Pressures of Population and Access to Clean Water

The Cuao river, one of the fast-flowing tributaries of the Orinoco river. Credit: Humberto Márquez/IPS

Venezuelans Thirsty in a Land of Abundant Water:  Since 2008 Venezuela has boasted that it met the Millennium Development Goal of halving the number of people who do not have access to safe drinking water, reporting that clean water now reaches 96 percent of the population of 30 million.

But in 2003, 2009 and  2014, with the changes in rainfall patterns caused by the El Niño and La Niña climate phenomena, large segments of the urban and rural populations have found that the taps are dry, or running only sporadically, or the water is brown because of the mud, or green due to organic material. “Since 2011, the taps almost always run dry. Families here pay 1,000 bolivars each [20 dollars, one-quarter of the minimum monthly wage] to pay the tanker trucks that bring us water,” street vendor Dulce Hernández from Carayaca, a town on the Caribbean coast north west of Caracas, told Tierramérica.

The Global Pressures of Population and Access to Clean Water: The US Census Bureau’s World Clock says that the population of the world today is estimated at 7.008 billion people, while projections show that the world could reach the 9 billion marker by 2050. In the last of its series called “7 Billion: Conversations That Matter,” Aspen Institute’s Global Health and Development today hosted a panel of experts based in Africa and the United States on the interconnectedness of gender issues, family planning, population and access to safe water.
The point of the series was to ask questions about why it mattered that the world was passing the 7 billion mark, and the questions today in Washington were appropriately big: Will water wars replace oil wars? What are the solutions to expand water and sanitation to the 2.5 billion people who don’t have it? And just how many people can the world support in an equitable fashion?

Freshwater rivers and lakes are subject to seasonal floods and droughts that can limit their availability for people and for agriculture. At present only 5% of arable land is irrigated. Now scientists have for the first time been able to carry out a continent-wide analysis of the water that is hidden under the surface in aquifers. Researchers from the British Geological Survey and University College London (UCL) have mapped in detail the amount and potential yield of this groundwater resource across the continent. 

"Where there's greatest ground water storage is in northern Africa, in the large sedimentary basins, in Libya, Algeria and Chad," she said. "The amount of storage in those basins is equivalent to 75m thickness of water across that area - it's a huge amount." Who would have thought? Water, Water, Water — Libya’s Hidden Asset: The Great Man-Made River, as the largest water transport project ever undertaken, has been described as the “eighth wonder of the world”. It carries more than five million cubic metres of water per day across the desert to coastal areas, vastly increasing the amount of arable land. The total cost of the huge project is expected to exceed $25 billion (US).

The Life and Secrets of Water: Experts in the scientific communities as well as homeopathy and holistic sciences have proven the “Memory” of water; the carrying capacity of water for “energy,” and the ability of water to “remember”.

Experts realize that water retains information, even after the most stringent purification and filtration processes. This is termed the energy signature or vibrational imprint. The vibrational imprint of toxins (mercury, lead, chromium, etc.) can be picked up by the water molecule and are in turn passed on to living organisms. As you see from the pictures below, words, thoughts and sounds directly affect the water in your body and all living organisms.

Clean water for the entire world an ambitious goal but thanks to man an impossible endeavor

Water, water everywhere and not enough to drink or use

We will survive however with growing climatic destruction and a growing permanent hungry nomadic world population remember the Movie Soylent Green?

The end result has long been here! Growing worlds water wars

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, conclusion: Installment 5

Friday, March 30, 2018

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, installment 4

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, installment 3

                                    Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
                                              awesome insight,  Never  published, be the one

This from Nostradamus I will include. As we already discussed it and I for one firmly believe it. Early man was forced to view the world and all other living creatures because of the desire to survive, as adversaries.

Everything they encountered was to be tamed or defeated. Like many of our early survival instincts that once served us well, this one too has no place in life today.

This is now causing many of the worlds problems. This taming and control instinct has resulted in terrible abuse both of the planet, and its resources.

*According to the Gaia theory, (Gaia is ancient Greek and means Goddess of the earth), of British Biochemist James Lovelock. The earth is a vast organism which unconsciously maintains itself through a series of checks and balances. These include for example, photosynthesis of plant life.

This in turn produces clean fresh air ocean currents and volcanic movement. So the combined effect of all these systems working together results in the equilibrium of a healthy planet.

Mans determined neglect and destruction of his natural world is another major obstacle to the future of man.

If this destruction continues we will see an increase in extreme natural events and I believe they have started as we all witness too often. There will be an increase in the amount of appalling natural catastrophes all around the world.

 Every 60 seconds 50 acre’s of the world’s tropical rainforest is destroyed. Our main source the ocean that we are also killing aside It is our main source of clean air to enrich and purify the entire of earth’s atmosphere.

They are being cleared simply for grazing and crops. In just one year an area the size of the British Isles is lost. By 2020 a major part of the earth’s rain forest will be gone. Taking with them earths most efficient air purification system.

 It is easy to say that we have to stop this. We must for our future survival. Just how do you tell another country what to do with their own land? You really can’t.

How do you tell them they can not live as they have for centuries or they have learned to in order to survive, we know you have to make a living for you and your family, but? With this aside though we won’t allow you to cut down any more forest, you can’t.

 They don’t care that they may be killing humanity and the planet. They only understand that they must survive. Through the process of photosynthesis trees absorb poisonous carbon dioxide and give out clean oxygen.

With no moisture returning to the atmosphere as a result of deforestation the greenhouse effect is further aggravated. This in turn is altering ocean and weather patterns.

With the end result being the setting the pattern for world wide natural catastrophes of a scale we could do without.

Talking about civilization, the worlds two most populous Nations will soon not be able to feed their populations.

 The world watch Institute estimates that China will not be able to feed itself. Indian demographers believe India will run out of water. To make matters even worse, both countries are nuclear powers. That can only add to an already complicated future for civilizations survival. Just one final note on Nostradamus and we’ll move on.

I always thought that all of his prophesies were apocalyptic in nature so you can imagine my surprise in coming upon this chapter calling for a new Religiousness. Unbelievably this too plays right into our story line.

I’m reading that throughout Nostradamus visions of apocalypse the theme of a new religious consciousness occurs again, and again. It will flourish he say’s, at the turn of the century.

 As we talked about earlier, it is a natural response to infringement on your feelings of safety and security in society. In their present state the established Religions show little ability to bring peace on earth. On the contrary most wars throughout history have been fought over differences in faith.

 Why should this war be any exception I guess? Man just doesn’t seem to learn.

As we discussed in the past, we are having conflicts virtually all over the world. Exclusively over God and who he favors. We can’t even prove who he is, if he is, or if he ever was.

There are as you know many, many things that have happened in the past that we still do not have the answer to. The absolute worse thing about this is that today we do have the ability to answer many unanswered questions. As of yet we aren’t doing it.

We are preparing once again, to battle over God. No one even knows if he exists or ever did. We have the ability to answer many questions long left unanswered. Now is the time to do this. Man it would really take the wind out of their sa(ai)les if it was proven that God was from another planet?

I would honest to God fully expect that. I think that would be just fine. At least we would know. What did you expect anyways? However you never know, the truth sometimes hurts some people.  Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, installment 2

                                    Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
                                              awesome insight,  Never  published, be the one

In his Epistle to Henry 2nd Nostradamus presented a nightmarish scenario. He said that there would be fierce global conflicts over Religion and ethnicity.

 Again he hits the nail on the head in regards to what is happening today all over the world. You know, when you think about it. Ever since the end of the cold war and the break up of the USSR ethnic conflicts have been on the rise.

Conflicts involving ethnicity seem to increase constantly. It seems that every single conflict that we have tried to mediate and resolve is still on going. Even more telling is the fact that every single one of them is involving Muslims.
You cannot appease these people and you could never please them. What to do?

I just want to remind you of how close we are tied into the life of this planet which we are just a living part of, and this universe.

 I found out that all Nostradamus predictions were based on celestial events.

Nostradamus also foretold of the coming of 3 antichrists. The first was Napoleon, the second was Hitler, and the third still remains unnamed. Me personally I firmly believe him to be Usama Bin Laden, it is fitting that he has been assassinated.

 He believed the 3rd antichrist would be a Middle Eastern or North African terrorist. It would be someone who might obtain enough nerve gas or uranium and use it. Just to hold the world hostage.

 He went so far as to supply a place of birth, religion, military theater of operations. He even supplies his estimate of the duration of the war, 27 years.

The Near East breeds patient minds. The first Gulf war was just the first skirmish in a war that will be carried on like a family feud from generation to generation. The sons of the current Islamists and their sons, and their grandsons will continue the confrontation with the west and Israel.

Those that follow Nostradamus predictions believe that he also predicted world war three. They believe that the person that master minded the 9/11 attacks on New York’s twin towers will be Nostradamus third antichrist and the one to start world war three, and I personally agree. I believe we are witnessing the beginning of WW3.

In the closing words of one of his prophesies he implies that there would be an overwhelming counter attack in response to the attacks on 9/11.

 He states that at once we will see vengeance from 100 powers, again he is right. There just happens to be a coalition of around 100 Nations vowing to fight in this war against terrorism.

The mention of thirst and famine in Nostradamus third world war prophesies are a recurring theme. They might just be the future results of today’s growing stresses on food and water demands on over population, bingo.

 Remember in book one where we discussed that the U.S. will soon not be able to feed the entire world. We might soon find it a necessity to limit immigration.

 This will be due to population growth, pollution, and urban sprawl. We will someday not be able to be the world’s bread basket.

 We also mentioned that while terrorism is a terrible problem that we have before us. Never the less it is civilizations, societies, troubles that are by far our biggest problems.

Nostradamus implied that our growing numbers could eventually overtax civilization. They could become a far more powerful factor than terrorism in dragging the world down. He of course is right but not totally.

 It is as we’ve been discussing. Civilization countries, societies all over the world in their loss of morality, have become their own worse problems. Despite this all, we can turn this around.

Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, installment 1

            Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
                                              awesome insight,  Never  published, be the one

I am researching Nostradamus who I want to close out this conversation with and I’m surprised to find how in depth and all encompassing his predictions of the future were.

 We won’t be discussing what all the theorists think he may or may not have been alluding to. No theory here, we will only be using facts as we are feeling and experiencing them. We are only concerned with how they relate to our current situation.

We have been listing and talking about the problems we are really facing in society and the world today. These are often in contrast to what we are told.

At the very least they will show you how little if anything is really being done about the real problems we face. It is easily summed up as little to nothing.

 However I have forgotten some very important ones. I really am surprised at the source of my reminder being Nostradamus.

Initially at least, my reaction to Nostradamus predictions was one of incredulity, and suspicion. Until I realized that all his predictions were based on the universe and astrological alignment.

 This is all unbelievable.
As I feel that we as humanity or any life form on the planet are directly tied in as one with the universe and the entire planetary system. Whatever affects one directly affects the other.

 We would be smart to think and remember that every action begets a reaction. Very often one that you are not prepared to deal with.

He felt that a very great plague would afflict us with a great scab. He believed that relief is near but far away. Well coincidentally enough that nails a description of aids.

 One of the many symptoms of aids is a rare skin cancer that it covers the body with purple scabs. It is to be noted that scientists in America and at the Louis Pasteur Institute were able to identify the aids virus very quickly.

Nostradamus also predicted Pasteur’s discoveries. He even dated the inception of the Louis Pasteur Institute. Sadly we still do not have a cure for aids.

 Thus Nostradamus was right in saying that relief was near but far. There is also a strong possibility that the virus will mutate. Thus it is creating new virulent forms of the disease even as we seem to be zeroing in on a cure.

Sir Donald Acheson, British Chief Medical Officer, believes that a 100 years war will ensue before aids are eradicated.

 Nostradamus predicted that the plague may spread over half the world. As a result it could kill two thirds of humanity before a vaccine is finally developed. That sounds a little drastic. We can all only hope he’s wrong this time.

Harvard University’s School Of Public Health suggested that by the first decade of the 21st century aids would spiral out of control. Just as we are watching happen. In the deadly rapid spread of aids, and mankind’s inability to fight it to date we see ourselves approaching Nostradamus prediction of two thirds of humanity falling prey to this terrible scourge in this century.

In his Epistle to Henry 2nd Nostradamus presented a nightmarish scenario. He said that there would be fierce global conflicts over Religion and ethnicity.

Again he hits the nail on the head in regards to what is happening today all over the world. You know, when you think about it. Ever since the end of the cold war and the break up of the USSR ethnic conflicts have been on the rise.

Conflicts involving ethnicity seem to increase constantly. It seems that every single conflict that we have tried to mediate and resolve is still on going.

 Even more telling is the fact that every single one of them is involving Muslims. You cannot appease these people and you could never please them. What to do?   Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Monday, March 26, 2018

Realities and the Muslim Revival Final Installment

                                    Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
                                              awesome insight,  Never  published, be the one

The loss of Palestine became a potent symbol of the humiliation of the Muslim world at the hands of the west. The west seemed to have no problem with dispossessing and placing into permanent exile, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.

I don’t know about you but in writing this story I am learning a slew of little tidbits. Some of these I have never heard and certainly never knew. Starting with colonialism right to the present day we have done a myriad of injustices to the Muslim people.

 As we said, it all had nothing to do with the fact that these were Muslims so we were going to take their lands. It just happened to have worked out this way.

They just, as a people happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. As you know, if we were going through industrialization today rather than three or four hundred years ago, things would be vastly different.

Three or four hundred years ago there was no diplomacy as we know it today. There wasn’t even a thought to the natives of any country where the lands were, “discovered” by the so called civilized world. It was just claimed or possessed by the finding country.

At that time it was thought that the land belonged to those that “discovered” it, not the people that lived there. If you “discovered” something in another so called uncivilized country you just laid claim to it and took what you wanted.

The way things were done years ago would never work today. We are a more mature world of civilizations. We now realize you cannot trample on someone else’s ground or that is the way it is supposed to be in man and the planets advanced stage in their life cycle..

The planet has gotten a lot smaller, weapons a lot deadlier, and the planet a lot more fragile. The environment just can’t handle all the destruction any longer. We must somehow get the entire planet to realize this.

 A lot of people have been wronged in the past, in every country in the world. However, we just can’t let people think they can take matters into their own hands and seek at any cost, retribution.

There has to be a way to work things out with the world in everyone’s favor. We can’t simply allow every country in the world that has been wronged by another to just take matters into their own hands. The entire world would be in turmoil.

 This is exactly what is happening more and more. We simply can’t continue to just absorb this. Civilization and the planet have already gone through this part of evolution. We cannot turn back at this point.

 Man, civilization, and the planet can’t and cannot be expected to go through this again. It is up to us as the collective people of the world to learn and apply this.

You know, it is pretty disturbing to see the role that France has played in all of these problems with Muslim countries.

 They, second only to Britain, have benefited greatly as a result of Colonization. They also benefited greatly from the divvying up of Turkish lands after WW1.

 They have played a pretty large role in the problems with the Muslims. Knowing this there was certainly no excuse or justification for Jacque Chirac’s bad attitude.

They personally had a role in Iraq’s demise. So I do not understand their unwillingness to participate in fixing the problems. They are just as libel for today’s problems as any other most guilty country.

This was not a concerted effort to go after every Muslim country. It just happened that all the poor desolate countries that had needed resources were Muslim.

 They, as a people had spread all across Africa, Indonesia, and many parts of Russia. They also spread out into European countries such as Spain and Greece. Hearing this you have to come to the conclusion that they are just as guilty as the rest of the world.

This is just a reminder that none of you probably do not need. With that in mind, every single one of these countries today is having problems with resurgence of Muslim Nationalism.

 It seems much of the world is also experiencing this. Unfortunately for the Muslims and the entire world, all the lands they want belong to another Nation. We can’t at this point just let any country take what they want.I know that sounds like hypocrisy but...

Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma 

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Realities and the Muslim Revival, Installment 12


                                    Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
                                              awesome insight,  Never  published, be the one

We discussed how the Europeans met in Germany and carved up Africa between them. However, in reality that was only a small part of what they did.

 The European powers colonized one Islamic country after the other. They did this with absolute and total disregard for the population as was the way years ago. This was done not because they were Muslims.

 This was done because they wanted the riches these lands added to their growing needs and industries.
France occupied Algeria in 1830; Britain occupied Aden nine years later.

Then they occupied Tunisia in 1881 and Egypt in 1882. The next victim was the Sudan in 1889. This was followed by Libya and Morocco in 1912. In 1915 the territories of the Ottoman Empire were split up. This was done as a reward for their siding with Germany during WW2.

Ottoman Empire or Turkish Empire lands, covered Southwestern Asia, Northeastern Africa, and southeastern Europe.

 This division was between France and Britain in anticipation of victory. After the war Britain and France set up protectorates and mandates in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, and Transjordan.

This was felt as outrage since the European powers had promised the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire their independence. That one little action has to have added a lot of animosity to an already seething hatred for the West.

I would say last but not least, the Muslims in the Balkans, Russia, and central Asia were controlled by Russia.

 They forcibly became unwilling subjects of the new USSR, (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) when it was created.

 This is just a few more of the conflict, problem, countries heard from, As a result once again, these were Muslim countries that were simply annexed and now they want their freedom.

 We have really made a mess of things. It seems like the whole civilized world had a hand in causing the Muslim problem.

With this in mind, it is only right that the entire civilized world help us to right the solution.

Even after some of these Muslim countries were given their independence there were often times they continued to control their economy. This happened with the oil produced and the Suez Canal, as well as in other situations.
 European occupation often left a legacy of bitter conflict and hate. It is totally understandable and should have been expected.

 Another huge problem today was caused when in 1947 the British left India. The Indian subcontinent was cut up. They gave India to the Hindu and Pakistan to the Muslims.

Most of us are aware of the immediate problems that this is bringing the world today. Also things over there are so volatile between the two countries over a slew of issues. Not the least is the fact that both of these countries have Nuclear weapons.

 What is worse is that they seem only too ready to use them. Worse of all is the fact that, that particular part of the world is a hot bed for Islamists.

*Even worse is the fact they are not alone, with this combative destructive attitude. Then in 1948 the Arabs of Palestine had their home given away underneath them.

*They lost their land to the Zionists who set up the State of Israel there for the Jewish people. Of course this was done once again with the help of the west and the United Nations in this case. What a coincidence, another one of the world’s hot spots and biggest problems, and we did that too.

The loss of Palestine became a potent symbol of the humiliation of the Muslim world at the hands of the west. The west seemed to have no problem with dispossessing and placing into permanent exile, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.

 I don’t know about you but in writing this story I am learning a slew of little tidbits. Some of these I have never heard and certainly never knew. Starting with colonialism right to the present day we have done a myriad of injustices to the Muslim people.

 As we said, it all had nothing to do with the fact that these were Muslims so we were going to take their lands. It just happened to have worked out this way.

They just, as a people happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

As you know, if we were going through industrialization today rather than three or four hundred years ago, things would be vastly different.

 Three or four hundred years ago there was no diplomacy as we know it today. There wasn’t even a thought to the natives of any country where the lands were, “discovered” by the so called civilized world. It was just claimed or possessed by the finding country.

At that time it was thought that the land belonged to those that “discovered” it, not the people that lived there. If you “discovered” something in another so called uncivilized country you just laid claim to it and took what you wanted.    Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma 

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Realities and the Muslim Revival, Installment 11, Payback


                                    Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
                                              awesome insight,  Never  published, be the one

This is not the 20th century. We don’t have all the time in the world. These people aren’t playing games and they don’t stop.

We have to work as a goal, towards the real problem we are dealing with. We must start putting our energies towards the Muslims in these conflicts. We must figure out exactly how wide the problems are. We can head this all off, but someone has to get on the ball.

I will guarantee you that all of these conflicts are God based. They are once again due to religion. To be more specific it is the Muslim countries wanting once again to take back control of their lands.

 They are fighting because they want the Christians out of their borders and countries. Just look all over Indonesia as we discussed.

 Look at Africa, another hot spot. Not only did we arbitrarily reestablish their borders after colonization. They are all in poverty and they all involve Muslims on one or even both ends of the conflict.

 As we have discussed, these people can’t even tolerate each other. Once they are done with us there will not be an end to it as some might think. They will just turn on each other.

Right now It appears that all the on going new conflicts can be blamed on and narrowed down to one word. As we explained and talked about in detail, no one today or in the history of civilization even knows if he exists. We are of course talking about God.

 We have talked about the many unexplained mysteries of the world. Many of these have been attributed to unknown civilizations and forgotten knowledge. We don’t even have the technology today, to duplicate some of these feats.

Excuse me but isn’t this World War Three? The entire world appears to be in conflict. I am reading a book called, “World Conflict”, By Steven Strauss. Let me give you some quotes.

 Some are from World Leaders that will illustrate just how, not with it, these people really are. They really don’t get it or do not want to admit it.

I’m in a section on war and poverty and listen to all this worthless garbage. Now this all sounds nice, expert, and what the people want to hear. But they unequivocally missed all the boats.

This is a larger part of why we have so many problems today. Now listen to some of this.

According to a report by Radio Free Europe journalist Anthony Georgieff, the center of War and Peace Research in Uppsala, Sweden issued a report that stated most conflicts today occur within a country’s own borders.

This conflicts with the past when wars were fought between different countries. This little bit of worthless information is just that. You just stop, learn what we have been saying, and look at all these conflicts in those terms.

These so called world leaders have got to see reality. They have to see what is really going on in order for us to successfully deal with this

. They have to take all these worthless, ridiculous figures and apply them in a helpful, useful, practical way. They must realize how many conflicts are involving Muslims.
 Look at all these conflicts, look at the Middle East. Look at Bosnia, look at Chechnya, you will find what we have been saying all along.

*We are witnessing an attempted religious revival. It is normal, but certainly not healthy, not at this stage of civilization.

The Muslims have had enough, of what I at least have to agree with has been years of misuse and abuse of Muslim lands.

 One just has to look at the history of the last two hundred and forty years.

You can only come to the conclusion that, yes we have made many mistakes. As we said, this by no means calls for or justifies what is happening in the world today.

 All these coldly brutal and deadly activities many of them have resorted to must stop.

We discussed how the Europeans met in Germany and carved up Africa between them. However, in reality that was only a small part of what they did.

 The European powers colonized one Islamic country after the other. They did this with absolute and total disregard for the population as was the way years ago.

 This was done not because they were Muslims. This was done because they wanted the riches these lands added to their growing needs and industries.

France occupied Algeria in 1830; Britain occupied Aden nine years later. Then they occupied Tunisia in 1881 and Egypt in 1882. The next victim was the Sudan in 1889. This was followed by Libya and Morocco in 1912.

 In 1915 the territories of the Ottoman Empire were split up. This was done as a reward for their siding with Germany during WW2. Ottoman Empire or Turkish Empire lands, covered Southwestern Asia, Northeastern Africa, and southeastern Europe.

This division was between France and Britain in anticipation of victory. After the war Britain and France set up protectorates and mandates in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, and Transjordan.

This was felt as outrage since the European powers had promised the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire their independence.

 That one little action has to have added a lot of animosity to an already seething hatred for the West. Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma 

Friday, March 23, 2018

Realities and the Muslim Revival, Installment 10, Payback


                                    Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
                                              awesome insight,  Never  published, be the one

They just don’t get it, it’s sickening. Kofi Anan once said, regardless of whether the inequality is due to ethnicity, national identity, or economic class, it tends to be reflected in unequal access to political power, no sh*! Sherlock.

 Well, that sounds good to your average ignoramus, or politician, but it is way off and dead wrong again. We just have to wake up. If any of these so called world leaders are going to be able to pull it together and help the world they have got to see reality.

 They have to, if any of these conflict burdened, war ravaged starving countries are to be helped. They first have to see and acknowledge what is really going on here.

 They just don’t seem to want to admit to it or they just really don’t get it. We must as a world, be able to focus our good intentions on the right area so we can remedy the situation.

According to the United Nations another factor that fuels the fires of violent conflict today is the disturbing rise in ethnic politics. They just got through saying that the majority is not due to ethnicity.

 Isn’t religion ethnic? Didn’t they just get through saying that ethnic politics are fueling the fires? I think they are all too confused and overwhelmed. Why don’t they just think one step further and find out or just tell the world what role religion plays in all this.

 They will find out that yes, the countries are poor. One race or the other is desiring to usurp authority and take it over. Even from other Muslims, for their own faction or tribe.

Unequivocally you will find that there are Muslims on one side or the other, or both, of every single conflict.

This is not a small ordeal we face; it is time you are made aware of the gravity of what is ahead. This is not a few thousand Islamists we are dealing with, as we’ve been told.

This is an attempted resurgence involving millions of Muslims with a lot more to come. This is occurring on every level of society and it seems in every country. Not by everyone, but it’s early yet.

 I have firm confidence that what we are embarking on is not good, and can be circumvented; we have just, and simply, to focus our attentions on the right problem. We can prevent this and regardless, we will prevail.

As we have illustrated, the entire world seems to be in conflict. We have, call them what you want, religious or ethnic, wars going on all over the entire world. Make no mistake about it, this is all about God.

 Self admittedly there is not a person in the world who can with firm conviction even talk about him by name. We do not know in any capacity if he is still around. No one even knows if he exists.

 Yet we continue to fight and kill in his supposed interests. These people are not doing this to recover a country for the people, or for their life.

Their government, their interests are for Islam and Islam only. Not all of Islam only their idea of Islam, They do not even want other Muslims involved or around. This cannot be tolerated, accepted, or allowed.

 Leaders must recognize and admit what is going on today and take appropriate action. Sadly enough this is yet to be done.

 As we said, these people are doing all these wrongs supposedly in the name of Allah, Muhammad, and the Muslim people. As you know by now this is just a flat out lie. They have greatly hurt the Muslim cause.

 They have betrayed the average Muslim. They have turned their backs on the very person whose name and beliefs they are supposed to be defending. If he was to be if alive today he would put them out himself.

This is not the 20th century. We don’t have all the time in the world. These people aren’t playing games and they don’t stop. We have to work as a goal, towards the real problem we are dealing with.

 We must start putting our energies towards the Muslims in these conflicts. We must figure out exactly how wide the problems are. We can head this all off, but someone has to get on the ball.

I will guarantee you that all of these conflicts are God based. They are once again due to religion. To be more specific it is the Muslim countries wanting once again to take back control of their lands.

 They are fighting because they want the Christians out of their borders and countries. Just look all over Indonesia as we discussed. Look at Africa, another hot spot.

 Not only did we arbitrarily reestablish their borders after colonization. They are all in poverty and they all involve Muslims on one or even both ends of the conflict

  As we have discussed, these people can’t even tolerate each other. Once they are done with us there will not be an end to it as some might think. They will just turn on each other. Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma 

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Realities and the Muslim Revival, Installment 9

                                    Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
                                              awesome insight,  Never  published, be the one

Don’t you agree that it is time for us to realize, as a Nation, what is really happening. Everyone has to be made to realize what is really going on in the world today. Just look at the middle east and not just Syria!

 With the exception of the age old adversaries every single one of the wars and conflict going on today has to do with the Muslims. Good or bad, whatever side they’re on, they are involved. We have got to seriously deal with this or it is only going to get worse.

All the conflicts, yeah, speaking of that, didn’t we as almost a single unified Alliance of all free civilized Nations, declare war on the terrorists and terror? Wasn’t it the terrorists, Al Qaeda that declared war on us, the United States, and the west?

 Aren’t all those conflicts, other than the established ones, involving Muslims, or Muslims against Christians?

 Look at the Middle East, Africa, and Indonesia. I have heard that at any given time 33% of the world is in conflict. I continue to say it, bar none that I can see, leaders, media, governments, they don’t get it. They are looking at and concerning themselves with the wrong thing.

They to a person just don’t get it, or they don’t want us to know. It would be nice to see some on the ball frankness.

It isn’t necessary to go beyond the borders any more. As far as they, (Muslims), are concerned, the enemy is within. Most often this happens to be Christian members of their own country. However they can also be fellow Muslims of another sect. They don’t even like each other.

Something is definitely wrong with this picture. They want leadership of their countries and the world, back. They will not settle for anything less. I will guarantee you that would only be the beginning if they did.

In this book the so called experts go on to say with a straight face, and I quote, “what is more interesting is that 80% of the wars today are fought because of poverty.

They go on to say that poorer countries were found to be at greater risk of war than their richer neighbors. Indeed, most of the wars were fought by countries with severe economic problems; I mean come on get with it.

Man when are we going to wake up and get with it, of course 80% of the wars are now fought behind their own borders. Of course 30% of the wars are fought in poverty stricken countries. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon, politician, world leader, or so called expert. Just a little bit of common sense and insight, which none of these people seem to possess.

They just don’t get it; look at all these conflicts for what they really are first. Every single one of them involves Muslims.

Thirdly they go on to say that yes, ethnicity is still a factor but not as big a factor as you may believe. It is when ethnicity is tied into poverty that war results. In richer countries, these ethnic divides are more easily breached without violence and war. Boy, how far from reality can these supposed know it all's really be? They are just not waking up.

The so called experts have once again lumped all statistics and evidence into categories they are familiar with, but dead wrong. War was traditionally fought for the three reasons they stated, poverty and ethnicity as two, and the third they say, was lacking.

 They have to stop looking at things in conventional terms. There is a new variable thrown into the mix here.

 The sooner they wake up to it the quicker we’ll be able to remedy things. The three categories they covered just happened to perfectly describe the Muslim situation or do they not see that?

Kofi Anan’s take on today’s situation albeit, wrong again, is this. He acknowledges that poverty does play a role in many contemporary standoffs. He would like to see us shift our focus of attention to the lack of equality and power many domestic social groups face in the world today.

He feels that it is inequality rather than poverty that is the driving force for conflicts today. Here again is another person heard from who has the right problem but the wrong reason for it. Why don’t we just focus our attention on the real problem, the Muslim situation? Focus on that and we will be able to take care of our current and future problems.

They just don’t get it, it’s sickening. He goes on to say, regardless of whether the inequality is due to ethnicity, national identity, or economic class, it tends to be reflected in unequal access to political power, no sh*! Sherlock.

 Well, that sounds good to your average ignoramus, or politician, but it is way off and dead wrong again. We just have to wake up. If any of these so called world leaders are going to be able to pull it together and help the world they have got to see reality.

 They have to, if any of these conflict burdened, war ravaged starving countries are to be helped. They first have to see and acknowledge what is really going on here. They just don’t seem to want to admit to it or they just really don’t get it. We must as a world, be able to focus our good intentions on the right area so we can remedy the situation.Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma 

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Realities and the Muslim Revival, Installment 8

                                    Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
                                              awesome insight,  Never  published, be the one

Wow, I’ve been looking to talk about some other areas of the world where we were having problems and why but this really surprised me.

I just can’t believe the countries and lands that are in contention today: Except for one of the on going conflicts I think it‘s fair to say that the Muslims are involved in one way or the other, with the vast majority of them.

 What does not concern God and the Muslims still involves Religion; every single conflict involves religion in one capacity or the other. The other reasons for war seem to be trumped by what is happening with the Muslims. I can’t believe no one has put two and two together yet.

There does not seem to be anything but Religious concerns right now. Normally a country may feel a need to go to war for any number of reasons. These include but are not limited to boundary disagreements, ethnic reasons, and the big one, religion.

 I know the world doesn’t seem to want to admit it, but aren’t we fighting in the Middle East. Africa is tearing itself apart. Europe seems to be coming apart at the seams, with Kosovo and Serbia, etc. isn’t Russia having problems with Chechnya and others?

In Indonesia it is Muslim against Christian. They don’t understand why, when these people have lived happily side by side for years. I just don’t understand how they don’t understand.

I’ll tell you why, we have been trying to get heard for quite a while now. There is a lot more happening than authorities know or want to admit.

 This is not simply a war against a minority of extremists. This is a war against Islamic Nations as a whole. This is the time, and we just have to realize the gravity of the situation we are facing. These people want there Nations back.

 They don’t care who they have to kill, or alienate. This is a world insurrection of Islam; let’s call a spade a spade.

This isn’t something minor or insignificant as we are being told. We are living through a world movement, a renaissance type period.

The Muslims themselves are stretching their muscles. They are reasserting themselves. Muslims are fighting Christians all over the world. Can’t we see it? Look at the Moluccas, Papua, and the Spice Islands. Can’t we see what’s happening?

 This is not just a few, or a few thousand, or a few hundred thousand or I suspect, even a few million. This is well documented all over the world. This is the reassertion of Muslim values, and it isn’t just a small movement.

The Koran tells them they may not begin hostilities. It does tell them that they may fight in self defense or in order to defend decent values. This is right out of the Koran.

 As we said, the scary part is that Muhammad and the Koran leave it once again to the people to interpret this for themselves. This self interpretation enables them as Muslims to justify any horrendous activities.

 However, the Koran would never allow or give credence to what these Islamists are doing to their religion, God, and Prophet Muhammad. Even if it is in an attempt to right past wrongs, it is not condoned.

They are going against everything he professed and believed in. These Islamists are not furthering the cause of the Muslim people but are worsening their cause.

 Maybe that is their goal to bring about the end called for in the Bible, Koran, and Torah.

We, it seems have in the past inadvertently done great injustices to the Muslim people. They are not alone, and even have some western countries that have also been wronged in the past for company.

 What we can’t afford today especially is to all of a sudden have people think that they are going to take matters into their own hands and rectify the situation.

With civilization on this planet now evolved to the degree we have, we cannot absorb all the negative repercussions of what is about to be heaped on it.

Colonialism it seems is turning out to be the single, largest, all encompassing problem for the civilized world.

As we have illustrated and talked about this was occurring in the 17th, 18th, 19th, and even 20th centuries. When we were forming our country the European Nations were busy preparing the foundation for Industrialization.

Hopefully the end result of all this would be the prosperity of the European people.

They indulged in taking any country they deemed to be less than civilized. They annexed the lands, subjugated the natives. They set about taking from these lands whatever it was they wanted.

 The Europeans felt that they were doing these countries a favor just by being there. They were putting the people to work, even though they didn’t pay them accordingly. What they thought they were doing was bettering the people.

 They thought the natives would be better off by experiencing the superior European intellect. What they did next was what caused our biggest troubles. They gave them their freedom.

 It was the way they did it that set in motion dissent amongst the natives. This dissent has never abided and for the foreseeable future, never will.

Every single one of these countries has historically gotten along very well as both Muslim and Christian. But now all of a sudden they don’t. Officials aren’t quite sure why, we can tell you why. This so called war on terrorism is more realistically called a war against Islam itself, why can’t we see it.

Let us discuss the disintegration of Europe as we have known it in modern times. This is the final marker and warning to the western world as to what is happening right under their very noses.

 It is a little troublesome as it seems that the very countries that started industrialization and colonialism are now being torn asunder.

This is happening to them as they have done in the past with all the small once autonomous Muslim countries. They want their autonomy once again. It is the ultimate irony and the expected result in the end.
Long term European Affairs
Cyprus with a long affair between Turkey and Greece over who Cyprus belongs to seems to have no end in sight. Cyprus is an island republic off the coast of Turkey in the Mediterranean. They were given their Independence from England in 1961. You have to wonder if we can ever work this one out either.

The Basque region wants out of Spain. His is another long term conflict heard from. This is despite what the Spanish have felt and done since the Madrid train bombings. The Spanish have just increased and prolonged their problems since they still do not know how to solve this never ending long term dilemma.
Armenia vs. Azerbaijan
Slovenia Croatia Dagestan
Serbia Kosovo Chechnya
Bosnia * New and ongoing – the Ukraine Hungary
There are now 15 countries with more looking for autonomy every time. If there is an election or outcome a certain tribe faction or sect doesn’t like, there will be a conflict.

 This is a constantly evolving situation. In light of the vast number of potentially deadly weapons floating around over there it bears close watching and monitoring.
  Don’t you agree that it is time for us to realize as a Nation and a world what is really happening. Everyone has to be made to realize what is really going on in the world today.

 With the exception of the age old adversaries every single one of the wars and conflict going on today has to do with the Muslims. Good or bad, whatever side they’re on, they are involved. We have got to seriously deal with this or it is only going to get worse.

All the conflicts, yeah, speaking of that, didn’t we as almost a single unified Alliance of all free civilized Nations, declare war on the terrorists and terror?

 Wasn’t it the terrorists, Al Quaeda that declared war on us, the United States, and the west? Aren’t all those conflicts, other than the established ones, involving Muslims, or Muslims against Christians?

Look at the Middle East, Africa, and Indonesia. I have heard that at any given time 33% of the world is in conflict. .

I continue to say it, bar none that I can see, leaders, media, governments, they don’t get it. They are looking at and concerning themselves with the wrong thing. They to a person just don’t get it, or they don’t want us to know. It would be nice to see some on the ball frankness. Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Realities and the Muslim Revival, Installment 7

                                    Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
                                              awesome insight,  Never  published, be the one

We have opened a Pandora’s Box of new problems especially in Africa. First, Why we can’t say that we did not expect the problems that followed after attacking Iraq because we did.

We for some irresponsible reason chose to ignore them. At this point someone must sit down and look at the myriad of potential problems getting ready to erupt. We must ensure that we have the ability to handle them.

We must also now figure out how we will prioritize resources in order to do so. We had proven ourselves grossly inadequate as an Administration of accountability and responsibility. We are now unnecessarily fighting on an additional front while the Afghan situation is only going to get worse.

 The Afghan warlords are being left to carry on their tribal wars as they have done for centuries. The problem now is that we do not have the forces and resources available to keep potential insurgents from crossing into Afghanistan.

 Nor do we now have the ability to keep the warlords in line as we must. We are finding our ability to change their economy from one operating on opium income to something agriculturally productive and legal less than stellar.

We have still not been able to do enough to teach them and give them the tools and equipment to make a legal living. We must get in gear quick. we are killing valuable time we will never get back.

Okay, let’s talk about Africa for a bit. There is not a continent on earth more torn apart with mindless bloodshed and ruthless murder than Africa. Military dictators readily steal money and goods intended to help the starving people.

Their callous, senseless greed combined with famine and poverty was a recipe for disaster. This is especially true when talking of the Horn of Africa. Except for Libya, who has its oil reserves to thank, they are all having serious problems. The other countries in the region, especially Ethiopia, Somalia, and Eritrea, have been dealing with corruption, poverty, and war.

Ethiopia was governed for years under Haile Selassie. Despite financial aid from the U.S. Ethiopia has remained an underdeveloped undemocratic country. By 1974 the frenzy for an end to oppression, poverty, and corruption, had peaked.

The army was able to seize more and more control from Selassie. Selassie was eventually stripped of his powers and imprisoned. It was in prison where he was murdered by coup leaders in 1975. After bad came worse, he was replaced by Haile Mengistu who crushed thousands of political opponents, and began a reign of terror.

 Thousands of young men and women turned up dead in the streets. The process of elimination was well organized. However, even as he was murdering his own people Mengistu had two other problems. He had a border dispute with Somalia, and a long standing dispute with Eritrea to contend with.

With Eritrean’s attacking from the North, Somalis in the South, and counter-revolutionaries to fight in the middle, all assets were diverted to fight the enemies. Because of all this, Ethiopia had one of the lowest standards of living in the world. Then things only got worse in 1984 when famine struck.

 Other countries were hesitant to help because they feared Mengistu would just steal the food for his men and this is what did happen. In 1995 they got a new government under Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. The new government inherited 6 million people, starving, both physically and financially.

Eritrea who is right next door to Ethiopia has worse problems. Britain saw fit around 1943 to divide the country between its neighbors; they gave the coast and highland areas to next door neighbor, Ethiopia. Then they gave the Muslim northern and western lowlands to Sudan.

In 1962 a civil war ensued that lasted for 30 years. Finally with the overthrow of Mengistu, Eritrea was given its independence. Eritrea and Ethiopia ended up in a brutal, vicious, war. During the war were there were 100,000 killed, one million displaced.

There were also hundreds of millions of dollars that went from much needed financial help in the form of food and rebuilding the countries infrastructure and redevelopment to war. In December 2000 the two countries ended hostilities by signing an internationally brokered peace agreement; we’ll see how it goes.

Most of us know of Somalia because of Blackhawk down and their still on going war with terrorists. However, well before that Somalia too had been victimized by colonization. The British controlled the northern part while the southern part was controlled by Italy.

Italy had gained its foothold in an 1888 agreement with the Sultan of Hoya in exchange for protection. Of course Italy lost their share during WW2. For some reason Britain ended up making it one country. Italian and British rule had of course made these two distinctly different countries so it too was disastrous.

Major General Muhammad Siad Barre assumed leadership eventually. He reigned supreme, and ultimately became a tyrant. Like all dictators he eventually ended up unleashing his private armies on his enemies, things got even worse.

 His forces began terrorizing the citizens, treasuries were looted, and clans were systematically targeted and murdered. Somalia’s Roman Catholic priest was gunned down. People were being tortured and murdered.

Soon after that 450 who were demonstrating against the murders of their leaders and they too were killed.
Things were beginning to get very desperate so in steps America. Over the next two years 50,000 Somalis would be killed in factional fighting and another 200,000 died of starvation.

 Then on October 3, 1993 a Ranger helicopter trying to feed starving Somalis, went down. The next day there were two helicopters down and 18 dead Americans. The Ethiopian war has killed or displaced millions. Relief efforts have been thwarted, and Somalia is ruined.

Enter Sierra Leone, according to Amnesty International, civilians continued to be arbitrarily killed, mutilated, raped, and abducted. The perplexing thing is that this was a year after the agreement between the government of Sierra Leone and the United Front was signed.

This situation seems to be particularly sinister and underhanded. Against President Sankoh the rebels knew they didn’t stand a chance. So they formed an alliance with Liberian leader Charles Taylor. Together they launched a war against the Sierra Leone government.

As the rebellion got underway a group of soldiers arrived in the Capital of Freetown in 1992. Supposedly this was to demand better pay and conditions. However, it was found that their mission was to overthrow the government. Due to rapidly deteriorating social conditions, the coup was extremely popular. The RUF, (revolutionary United Front), overran titanium and Bauxite mines, that were the major source of state income.

Unlike most wars where civilian casualties are an unfortunate by product of war, the RUF deliberately targeted civilians for murder and mutilation.

They indiscriminately did machete lacerations to the head, neck, arms legs, and torso. We also can’t overlook the gouging out of one or both eyes, rape, gunshot wounds, acid injections, genital mutilations, and any other kind of torture or mutilation they could think of.

They also liked to use amputations as their favorite tool of terror. They used the shirt sleeve method where the arm is amputated close to the shoulder, and the long sleeve method, where the arm is amputated at the wrist.

 Human Rights Watch found civilians with hands, arms, feet, legs, ears, buttocks, any number of fingers, all amputated by machete. This was all pointless, horrible, nightmarish torture.

They also used children to do their killing. One teenager recited how he would cut out the heart and lungs of his victims to eat. The children too were abused by the rebels, and were a favorite to use because they were particularly ruthless.

 Practically half of the countries 4.5 million inhabitants were displaced by the war. Another 500,000 were refugees in neighboring countries. While at least 50,000 died in the fighting this is still not the end of it. This while there is also an estimated 100,000 mutilation victims. The economy is in ruins.

The national infrastructure needed to run the country had collapsed. It is just one more casualty of colonization.
Okay, Liberia, founded in 1822 by freed African American slaves became a Republic in 1847; you might think this country at least must be okay. After a military coup in 1980 Samuel Doe became President in 1986.

 In 1989 violence erupted, and he was dragged into the street and shot. Guerillas killed 250,000 people, and more than one million were displaced, and yet another colony heard from.

In Angola, a long established colony of the Portuguese they clamped down on resisting colonies by killing, capturing, and exporting even more slaves.

Portugal would not cooperate with a peaceful decolonization so rebel groups emerged. The Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), The National Liberation Front (FNLA), and Dr. Jonas Savimbi’s National Union for Independence (UNITA) were formed.

 The US and Zaire Supported the FNLA, South Africa backed UNITA, and the communist Nations helped the MPLA. So once again the table has been set for mass mayhem and murder.

So, even after the Portuguese were tossed out and as a result of outside meddling, the killing still continued. There was upward of one million dead. In 1994 the United Nations sent in peace keeping forces. Under the agreement, Savimbi was made the Vice President and his forces were allowed to join the Angolan army.

 Despite the concessions Made, Savimbi refused any future participation and negotiations stopped. At this point in time, Angola’s civil war has the distinction of being the longest in history, thank you Portuguese colonizers.

Talk about slaughter and mayhem for the world to deal with as a result of colonization. Let’s talk about Rwanda for a minute.

 The Hutu’s and Tutsi’s had lived together, and gotten along well with each other for years. However, as a result of the way in which Belgium had run the colony, contention had been built in and exploited.

 The name Tutsi refers to a group of people rich in cattle. When Belgium needed help running the colony it used the better educated wealthier Tutsi’s. As a result the Tutsi ended up having a monopoly on public life.

They were confronted with economic problems and the ever increasing corruption on the part of the government. As a result country leaders started demanding reforms. They especially wanted the return of the more than 600,000 refugees who happened to be mostly Tutsi’s.

 In response the Hutu authorities in charge declared that the country was too overpopulated to permit their return. The stage had been set once again for horror. Rwandan Tutsi opposition forces crossed the border from Uganda on October1, 1999.

 The President and his closest colleagues began portraying all Tutsi’s as the enemy in order to turn the Hutu against them. They managed to do this even though they had been living together in peace for years. The result of this was slaughter.

 The organizers of genocide planned for the Tutsi’s had gained control of the state political apparatus, and so the genocide began. This was genocide in its truest form a true systematic premeditated murder of a distinct group of people.

The Rwandan genocide was unique in that rather than hiding the fact of what they were doing, they were quite open in their goal of Tutsi extinction. When all was said and done there were up to one million Rwandans murdered by their fellow citizens. Answers to on going investigations are due in 2008.

The instability to Burundi’s future lies in the fact of colonialism. One of the missteps in forming new countries was in dividing the Hutu’s and Tutsi’s between two distinctly different countries, Burundi and Rwanda.

 Sadly this was not the first or last time the western countries would be totally insensitive to the plight of the lands and people of their colonized countries.

They were eventually given their independence and of course chaos ensued. Following was a coup where 100,000 were killed in ethnic fighting. They were mostly Hutu’s, who in turn killed Tutsi’s.

 This was the beginning of a cycle of retaliatory violence killing tribesmen of both tribes, civil war was on. A ceasefire was brokered in 2000 by Nelson Mandela. This resulted with South African peacekeepers being sent in 2001. But Africa being Africa, what’s next is anyone’s guess.

The Democratic Republic of Congo was another victim of colonialism. Here the British once again saw it fit to change borders. They displaced local populations, in order to create the countries as they thought they should be.

 The British left in 1960, elections were held and Patrice Lumumba was elected as Prime Minister. With the help of the CIA, the army chief of staff carried out a successful coup.

 He was removed and they got Mobutu who began his 30 year reign as one of the most autocratic and corrupt dictators in the world. He was well also a crook, stealing billions from the national treasury.

Despite his corrupt regime he continued to get U.S. support as well as from the World Bank. In 1991, Mobutu adopted a new constitution, and scheduled multiparty elections.

Well, as usually happens during elections in Africa, opposing parties emerged. Chaos ensued and Mobutu ended up killing 100 student demonstrators.

This event provoked International outrage but elections went on anyway. Mobutu, who lost decided to fire the new Prime Minister. Mobutu had dominated the country for thirty years by pitting rival army factions against each other. He thought he would do it once again but he was wrong, it didn’t work this time. Events beyond his control will bring him down soon.

Then tiny Rwanda felt compelled to invade its huge neighbor. They did this in order to flush out the Hutu extremists who carried out their genocide.

 The Zaire army fled, and the Rwandan army along with anti Mobutu forces then pushed to the Capitol of Kinshasa. Mobutu was removed from office and at the time of his death, was one of the richest men in the world.

 Soon after, the Lawrence Kabila era began. He changed the countries name from Zaire to the Democratic Republic of Congo. He banned opposition parties, arrested the former elected Prime Minister, and, angered and alienated their allies. Of course, war erupted, a massive seven country war.

Then in January 2001, Kabila was assassinated. Then in February that year the U.N. Security Council approved a plan to have all fighting factions withdraw and be replaced with U.N. peace keeping forces throughout the country.
 They are still embroiled in turmoil and to my knowledge, we are still watching. These, like all the other problems we have been talking about are ours. They are all of ours, and it’s up to us to figure out how to fix them and I believe we have. Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma