Showing posts with label world watch Institute. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world watch Institute. Show all posts

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, conclusion: Installment 5

Friday, March 30, 2018

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, installment 4

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, installment 3

                                    Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
                                              awesome insight,  Never  published, be the one

This from Nostradamus I will include. As we already discussed it and I for one firmly believe it. Early man was forced to view the world and all other living creatures because of the desire to survive, as adversaries.

Everything they encountered was to be tamed or defeated. Like many of our early survival instincts that once served us well, this one too has no place in life today.

This is now causing many of the worlds problems. This taming and control instinct has resulted in terrible abuse both of the planet, and its resources.

*According to the Gaia theory, (Gaia is ancient Greek and means Goddess of the earth), of British Biochemist James Lovelock. The earth is a vast organism which unconsciously maintains itself through a series of checks and balances. These include for example, photosynthesis of plant life.

This in turn produces clean fresh air ocean currents and volcanic movement. So the combined effect of all these systems working together results in the equilibrium of a healthy planet.

Mans determined neglect and destruction of his natural world is another major obstacle to the future of man.

If this destruction continues we will see an increase in extreme natural events and I believe they have started as we all witness too often. There will be an increase in the amount of appalling natural catastrophes all around the world.

 Every 60 seconds 50 acre’s of the world’s tropical rainforest is destroyed. Our main source the ocean that we are also killing aside It is our main source of clean air to enrich and purify the entire of earth’s atmosphere.

They are being cleared simply for grazing and crops. In just one year an area the size of the British Isles is lost. By 2020 a major part of the earth’s rain forest will be gone. Taking with them earths most efficient air purification system.

 It is easy to say that we have to stop this. We must for our future survival. Just how do you tell another country what to do with their own land? You really can’t.

How do you tell them they can not live as they have for centuries or they have learned to in order to survive, we know you have to make a living for you and your family, but? With this aside though we won’t allow you to cut down any more forest, you can’t.

 They don’t care that they may be killing humanity and the planet. They only understand that they must survive. Through the process of photosynthesis trees absorb poisonous carbon dioxide and give out clean oxygen.

With no moisture returning to the atmosphere as a result of deforestation the greenhouse effect is further aggravated. This in turn is altering ocean and weather patterns.

With the end result being the setting the pattern for world wide natural catastrophes of a scale we could do without.

Talking about civilization, the worlds two most populous Nations will soon not be able to feed their populations.

 The world watch Institute estimates that China will not be able to feed itself. Indian demographers believe India will run out of water. To make matters even worse, both countries are nuclear powers. That can only add to an already complicated future for civilizations survival. Just one final note on Nostradamus and we’ll move on.

I always thought that all of his prophesies were apocalyptic in nature so you can imagine my surprise in coming upon this chapter calling for a new Religiousness. Unbelievably this too plays right into our story line.

I’m reading that throughout Nostradamus visions of apocalypse the theme of a new religious consciousness occurs again, and again. It will flourish he say’s, at the turn of the century.

 As we talked about earlier, it is a natural response to infringement on your feelings of safety and security in society. In their present state the established Religions show little ability to bring peace on earth. On the contrary most wars throughout history have been fought over differences in faith.

 Why should this war be any exception I guess? Man just doesn’t seem to learn.

As we discussed in the past, we are having conflicts virtually all over the world. Exclusively over God and who he favors. We can’t even prove who he is, if he is, or if he ever was.

There are as you know many, many things that have happened in the past that we still do not have the answer to. The absolute worse thing about this is that today we do have the ability to answer many unanswered questions. As of yet we aren’t doing it.

We are preparing once again, to battle over God. No one even knows if he exists or ever did. We have the ability to answer many questions long left unanswered. Now is the time to do this. Man it would really take the wind out of their sa(ai)les if it was proven that God was from another planet?

I would honest to God fully expect that. I think that would be just fine. At least we would know. What did you expect anyways? However you never know, the truth sometimes hurts some people.  Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus conclusion: Installment 5

In conclusion:What has happened to the men and women of principal? If we ever needed them we need them now. If you have to work at implementing ideals then they are not yours to espouse.

if you have to try and emulate some one you admire you will always come up short.

Both President Bush’s have tried to emulate the President they admired and respected. President Bush 1 fell way short and president Bush 2 was way off.

Getting elected as President of the United States is important. However not at the expense of your integrity which was the case in the last two Presidents.

 If you are principled and want nothing more than to help the country you should be okay. Then the every day American the people will sense that.

The idea is not what we flagrantly get thrown in our faces daily. That is not the sitting Presidents position to take advantage of and help his friends as is usually the case. The idea is not to see what the country can do for your friends.

 There is nothing worse than cronyism at a level like that of the U.S. Government. If you do the right thing for the party you’re in even if it is wrong for the people and the country. If you do not you are gone. It’s as simple as that. Family and friends are not to be treated any differently.

 With a principled person they are not. You have a job to do for the country. That should be all that matters period.

We never see the right thing done. However, once a year we hear the right thing being said then nothing. If you have to lie or stretch the truth, it’s no good. If you have to compromise your standards then the votes you would acquire are worthless and not worth it.

 The goal lately has been to say or do what ever you have to in order to get elected. We all know that neither party can say other wise. Getting you party elected for all the wrong reasons is not important people are. At least they are supposed to be.

Talking on this subject invokes memories of a man I didn’t always agree with but you could always agree with his intentions and principals.

 When you take a position, (job) the driving thought seems to be of how you can further your own selfish agenda. It is supposed to be of how you can further the cause of the working people and further the cause of the Country. Boy do we have this all wrong.

The feeling seems to be increasingly of what I can get out of this. We must stop this downward slide that both parties have us on.

 Sadly enough they seem to have the rest of the ruling economy for company. In the 60s and 70s I was disgruntled with our government systems on every level.

 Looking back it seems like it would be nice to have only that level of corruptive ineptitude instead of what we are getting today. What I have finally woken up to is that if you care or have concerns you must get into action.

 No one else is going to take care of your concerns. We can’t even seem to get our servants on any level to do the right thing.

 We all know this adage and it is absolutely right on. If you want something done right you have to do it yourself. So let us do it.

 I wish all of us the best of luck as we move into the future.

Nostradamus gave us two roads to travel in the future, one to peace and prosperity and the other to war, famine, and death and total destruction. Sadly we seem bent on taking the latter but we can do it if we take control ourselves. Lets Roll, Adios and Good Luck to us.Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, installment 4

As we discussed in the past, we are having conflicts virtually all over the world. Exclusively over God and who he favors. We can’t even prove who he is, if he is, or if he ever was.

There are as you know many, many things that have happened in the past that we still do not have the answer to. The absolute worse thing about this is that today we do have the ability to answer many unanswered questions.

 As of yet we aren’t doing it. We are preparing once again, to battle over God. No one even knows if he exists or ever did. We have the ability to answer many questions long left unanswered.

 Now is the time to do this. Man it would really take the wind out of their sales if it was proven that God was from another planet? I would honest to God fully expect that.

 I think that would be just fine. At least we would know. What did you expect anyways? However you never know the truth sometimes hurts some people.

Our problems in society are cumulative from years of abuse and misuse of our Democratic system. We have failed to address properly and distinctly every single problem we have ever attempted to deal with from where I stand.

 We have wrongly attempted to please or appease those with selfish ulterior motives. At the same time we are ignoring those with real needs.

As a result, you can look back just 50 years and you cannot find one single system that is critical to our societal infrastructure today and say, yes we are better off by far than we were 50 years ago.

 There is most definitely a problem here. What happened to “ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country”?

 Our political leaders too can be well served by remembering President Kennedy and what he did for the country a little more than just once a year. Then they invoke his name just in hopes of gaining votes. We are not helping the citizens we are helping our selves.

Some one has to come forward that is going to do the right thing. Regardless of their personal feelings and I believe he is.President Obama at least seems to want to help average Americans and do the right thing for our America not the version Bush was fostering and therein lies the problem with Republicans.

We always seem to have good intentions but almost always the wrong answer. I am afraid we have lost control of the country and worse, the future of the world.

I did not understand the sudden desire by the Republicans to all of a sudden start amending the Constitution when ever a perceived crisis arose and I do not understand their desire to destroy America and destroy our standing in the world while they lie and say that is their big concern..

We have to regain control of ourselves as a country. Why don’t we just fix the problem? That is the only thing to do, the right thing. Let’s get to work. Hopefully President Obama will persevere in his 2nd term now that Republicans feel the pressure to do the right thing.

What has happened to the men and women of principal? If you have to work at implementing ideals then they are not yours to espouse. If you have to try and emulate some one you admire you will always come up short.

Both President Bush’s have tried to emulate the President they admired and respected. President Bush #1 fell way short and president Bush #2 was way off. Getting elected as President of the United States is important.

 However not at the expense of your integrity which was the case in the last two elections. If you are principled and want nothing more than to help the country you should be okay. Then the every day American the people will sense that.Life Today The Real Story "2005"

Prime example of “having the right original stuff” President Obama!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, installment 3

This from Nostradamus I will include. As we already discussed it and I for one firmly believe it. Early man was forced to view the world and all other living creatures because of the desire to survive, as adversaries.

Everything they encountered was to be tamed or defeated. Like many of our early survival instincts that once served us well, this one too has no place in life today.

This is now causing many of the worlds problems. This taming and control instinct has resulted in terrible abuse both of the planet, and its resources.

*According to the Gaia theory, (Gaia is ancient Greek and means Goddess of the earth), of British Biochemist James Lovelock. The earth is a vast organism which unconsciously maintains itself through a series of checks and balances. These include for example, photosynthesis of plant life.

This in turn produces clean fresh air ocean currents and volcanic movement. So the combined effect of all these systems working together results in the equilibrium of a healthy planet.

Mans determined neglect and destruction of his natural world is another major obstacle to the future of man.

If this destruction continues we will see an increase in extreme natural events and I believe they have started as we all witness too often. There will be an increase in the amount of appalling natural catastrophes all around the world.

 Every 60 seconds 50 acre’s of the world’s tropical rainforest is destroyed. Our main source the ocean that we are also killing aside It is our main source of clean air to enrich and purify the entire of earth’s atmosphere.

They are being cleared simply for grazing and crops. In just one year an area the size of the British Isles is lost. By 2020 a major part of the earth’s rain forest will be gone. Taking with them earths most efficient air purification system.

 It is easy to say that we have to stop this. We must for our future survival. Just how do you tell another country what to do with their own land? You really can’t.

How do you tell them they can not live as they have for centuries or they have learned to in order to survive, we know you have to make a living for you and your family, but? With this aside though we won’t allow you to cut down any more forest, you can’t.

 They don’t care that they may be killing humanity and the planet. They only understand that they must survive. Through the process of photosynthesis trees absorb poisonous carbon dioxide and give out clean oxygen.

With no moisture returning to the atmosphere as a result of deforestation the greenhouse effect is further aggravated. This in turn is altering ocean and weather patterns.

With the end result being the setting the pattern for world wide natural catastrophes of a scale we could do without.

Talking about civilization, the worlds two most populous Nations will soon not be able to feed their populations.

 The world watch Institute estimates that China will not be able to feed itself. Indian demographers believe India will run out of water. To make matters even worse, both countries are nuclear powers. That can only add to an already complicated future for civilizations survival. Just one final note on Nostradamus and we’ll move on.

I always thought that all of his prophesies were apocalyptic in nature so you can imagine my surprise in coming upon this chapter calling for a new Religiousness. Unbelievably this too plays right into our story line.

I’m reading that throughout Nostradamus visions of apocalypse the theme of a new religious consciousness occurs again, and again. It will flourish he say’s, at the turn of the century.

 As we talked about earlier, it is a natural response to infringement on your feelings of safety and security in society. In their present state the established Religions show little ability to bring peace on earth. On the contrary most wars throughout history have been fought over differences in faith.

 Why should this war be any exception I guess? Man just doesn’t seem to learn.

As we discussed in the past, we are having conflicts virtually all over the world. Exclusively over God and who he favors. We can’t even prove who he is, if he is, or if he ever was.

There are as you know many, many things that have happened in the past that we still do not have the answer to. The absolute worse thing about this is that today we do have the ability to answer many unanswered questions. As of yet we aren’t doing it.

We are preparing once again, to battle over God. No one even knows if he exists or ever did. We have the ability to answer many questions long left unanswered. Now is the time to do this. Man it would really take the wind out of their sales if it was proven that God was from another planet?

I would honest to God fully expect that. I think that would be just fine. At least we would know. What did you expect anyways? However you never know, the truth sometimes hurts some people.  Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma