Showing posts with label The future. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The future. Show all posts

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, conclusion: Installment 5

Friday, March 30, 2018

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, installment 4

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, installment 3

                                    Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
                                              awesome insight,  Never  published, be the one

This from Nostradamus I will include. As we already discussed it and I for one firmly believe it. Early man was forced to view the world and all other living creatures because of the desire to survive, as adversaries.

Everything they encountered was to be tamed or defeated. Like many of our early survival instincts that once served us well, this one too has no place in life today.

This is now causing many of the worlds problems. This taming and control instinct has resulted in terrible abuse both of the planet, and its resources.

*According to the Gaia theory, (Gaia is ancient Greek and means Goddess of the earth), of British Biochemist James Lovelock. The earth is a vast organism which unconsciously maintains itself through a series of checks and balances. These include for example, photosynthesis of plant life.

This in turn produces clean fresh air ocean currents and volcanic movement. So the combined effect of all these systems working together results in the equilibrium of a healthy planet.

Mans determined neglect and destruction of his natural world is another major obstacle to the future of man.

If this destruction continues we will see an increase in extreme natural events and I believe they have started as we all witness too often. There will be an increase in the amount of appalling natural catastrophes all around the world.

 Every 60 seconds 50 acre’s of the world’s tropical rainforest is destroyed. Our main source the ocean that we are also killing aside It is our main source of clean air to enrich and purify the entire of earth’s atmosphere.

They are being cleared simply for grazing and crops. In just one year an area the size of the British Isles is lost. By 2020 a major part of the earth’s rain forest will be gone. Taking with them earths most efficient air purification system.

 It is easy to say that we have to stop this. We must for our future survival. Just how do you tell another country what to do with their own land? You really can’t.

How do you tell them they can not live as they have for centuries or they have learned to in order to survive, we know you have to make a living for you and your family, but? With this aside though we won’t allow you to cut down any more forest, you can’t.

 They don’t care that they may be killing humanity and the planet. They only understand that they must survive. Through the process of photosynthesis trees absorb poisonous carbon dioxide and give out clean oxygen.

With no moisture returning to the atmosphere as a result of deforestation the greenhouse effect is further aggravated. This in turn is altering ocean and weather patterns.

With the end result being the setting the pattern for world wide natural catastrophes of a scale we could do without.

Talking about civilization, the worlds two most populous Nations will soon not be able to feed their populations.

 The world watch Institute estimates that China will not be able to feed itself. Indian demographers believe India will run out of water. To make matters even worse, both countries are nuclear powers. That can only add to an already complicated future for civilizations survival. Just one final note on Nostradamus and we’ll move on.

I always thought that all of his prophesies were apocalyptic in nature so you can imagine my surprise in coming upon this chapter calling for a new Religiousness. Unbelievably this too plays right into our story line.

I’m reading that throughout Nostradamus visions of apocalypse the theme of a new religious consciousness occurs again, and again. It will flourish he say’s, at the turn of the century.

 As we talked about earlier, it is a natural response to infringement on your feelings of safety and security in society. In their present state the established Religions show little ability to bring peace on earth. On the contrary most wars throughout history have been fought over differences in faith.

 Why should this war be any exception I guess? Man just doesn’t seem to learn.

As we discussed in the past, we are having conflicts virtually all over the world. Exclusively over God and who he favors. We can’t even prove who he is, if he is, or if he ever was.

There are as you know many, many things that have happened in the past that we still do not have the answer to. The absolute worse thing about this is that today we do have the ability to answer many unanswered questions. As of yet we aren’t doing it.

We are preparing once again, to battle over God. No one even knows if he exists or ever did. We have the ability to answer many questions long left unanswered. Now is the time to do this. Man it would really take the wind out of their sa(ai)les if it was proven that God was from another planet?

I would honest to God fully expect that. I think that would be just fine. At least we would know. What did you expect anyways? However you never know, the truth sometimes hurts some people.  Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, installment 2

                                    Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
                                              awesome insight,  Never  published, be the one

In his Epistle to Henry 2nd Nostradamus presented a nightmarish scenario. He said that there would be fierce global conflicts over Religion and ethnicity.

 Again he hits the nail on the head in regards to what is happening today all over the world. You know, when you think about it. Ever since the end of the cold war and the break up of the USSR ethnic conflicts have been on the rise.

Conflicts involving ethnicity seem to increase constantly. It seems that every single conflict that we have tried to mediate and resolve is still on going. Even more telling is the fact that every single one of them is involving Muslims.
You cannot appease these people and you could never please them. What to do?

I just want to remind you of how close we are tied into the life of this planet which we are just a living part of, and this universe.

 I found out that all Nostradamus predictions were based on celestial events.

Nostradamus also foretold of the coming of 3 antichrists. The first was Napoleon, the second was Hitler, and the third still remains unnamed. Me personally I firmly believe him to be Usama Bin Laden, it is fitting that he has been assassinated.

 He believed the 3rd antichrist would be a Middle Eastern or North African terrorist. It would be someone who might obtain enough nerve gas or uranium and use it. Just to hold the world hostage.

 He went so far as to supply a place of birth, religion, military theater of operations. He even supplies his estimate of the duration of the war, 27 years.

The Near East breeds patient minds. The first Gulf war was just the first skirmish in a war that will be carried on like a family feud from generation to generation. The sons of the current Islamists and their sons, and their grandsons will continue the confrontation with the west and Israel.

Those that follow Nostradamus predictions believe that he also predicted world war three. They believe that the person that master minded the 9/11 attacks on New York’s twin towers will be Nostradamus third antichrist and the one to start world war three, and I personally agree. I believe we are witnessing the beginning of WW3.

In the closing words of one of his prophesies he implies that there would be an overwhelming counter attack in response to the attacks on 9/11.

 He states that at once we will see vengeance from 100 powers, again he is right. There just happens to be a coalition of around 100 Nations vowing to fight in this war against terrorism.

The mention of thirst and famine in Nostradamus third world war prophesies are a recurring theme. They might just be the future results of today’s growing stresses on food and water demands on over population, bingo.

 Remember in book one where we discussed that the U.S. will soon not be able to feed the entire world. We might soon find it a necessity to limit immigration.

 This will be due to population growth, pollution, and urban sprawl. We will someday not be able to be the world’s bread basket.

 We also mentioned that while terrorism is a terrible problem that we have before us. Never the less it is civilizations, societies, troubles that are by far our biggest problems.

Nostradamus implied that our growing numbers could eventually overtax civilization. They could become a far more powerful factor than terrorism in dragging the world down. He of course is right but not totally.

 It is as we’ve been discussing. Civilization countries, societies all over the world in their loss of morality, have become their own worse problems. Despite this all, we can turn this around.

Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, installment 1

            Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
                                              awesome insight,  Never  published, be the one

I am researching Nostradamus who I want to close out this conversation with and I’m surprised to find how in depth and all encompassing his predictions of the future were.

 We won’t be discussing what all the theorists think he may or may not have been alluding to. No theory here, we will only be using facts as we are feeling and experiencing them. We are only concerned with how they relate to our current situation.

We have been listing and talking about the problems we are really facing in society and the world today. These are often in contrast to what we are told.

At the very least they will show you how little if anything is really being done about the real problems we face. It is easily summed up as little to nothing.

 However I have forgotten some very important ones. I really am surprised at the source of my reminder being Nostradamus.

Initially at least, my reaction to Nostradamus predictions was one of incredulity, and suspicion. Until I realized that all his predictions were based on the universe and astrological alignment.

 This is all unbelievable.
As I feel that we as humanity or any life form on the planet are directly tied in as one with the universe and the entire planetary system. Whatever affects one directly affects the other.

 We would be smart to think and remember that every action begets a reaction. Very often one that you are not prepared to deal with.

He felt that a very great plague would afflict us with a great scab. He believed that relief is near but far away. Well coincidentally enough that nails a description of aids.

 One of the many symptoms of aids is a rare skin cancer that it covers the body with purple scabs. It is to be noted that scientists in America and at the Louis Pasteur Institute were able to identify the aids virus very quickly.

Nostradamus also predicted Pasteur’s discoveries. He even dated the inception of the Louis Pasteur Institute. Sadly we still do not have a cure for aids.

 Thus Nostradamus was right in saying that relief was near but far. There is also a strong possibility that the virus will mutate. Thus it is creating new virulent forms of the disease even as we seem to be zeroing in on a cure.

Sir Donald Acheson, British Chief Medical Officer, believes that a 100 years war will ensue before aids are eradicated.

 Nostradamus predicted that the plague may spread over half the world. As a result it could kill two thirds of humanity before a vaccine is finally developed. That sounds a little drastic. We can all only hope he’s wrong this time.

Harvard University’s School Of Public Health suggested that by the first decade of the 21st century aids would spiral out of control. Just as we are watching happen. In the deadly rapid spread of aids, and mankind’s inability to fight it to date we see ourselves approaching Nostradamus prediction of two thirds of humanity falling prey to this terrible scourge in this century.

In his Epistle to Henry 2nd Nostradamus presented a nightmarish scenario. He said that there would be fierce global conflicts over Religion and ethnicity.

Again he hits the nail on the head in regards to what is happening today all over the world. You know, when you think about it. Ever since the end of the cold war and the break up of the USSR ethnic conflicts have been on the rise.

Conflicts involving ethnicity seem to increase constantly. It seems that every single conflict that we have tried to mediate and resolve is still on going.

 Even more telling is the fact that every single one of them is involving Muslims. You cannot appease these people and you could never please them. What to do?   Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, September 28, 2017

We will survive however with growing climatic destruction and a growing permanent hungry nomadic world population remember the Movie Soylent Green?

We will survive however with growing climatic destruction and a growing permanent hungry nomadic world population remember Soylent Green?

As I look at this mornings sobering news and how it will in fact directly Impact ours and the worlds future I remember past stories as to what we in fact are facing and sadly I am 100% a realist who looks at the big picture. this morning I am haunted by a picture of the two chief warmongers of the world Cheney and Bush as Cheney with his snide, hateful, kill, cur is demanding immunity for companies that have been spying against us so our future can continue to be controlled! Congress is Complicit and again will give in. Our leaders will wimp out again

Please read that because I want to focus on the future! I saw this story about the situation between Israel, Gaza, and Egypt, and it reinforced my portend for the future!

Palestinians, running out of fuel, food and other supplies after Israel closed Gaza border crossings, poured into Egypt through blown-out and torn-down breaches in the border wall. Egyptian guards stood by without intervening, and Egypt's Foreign Ministry spokesman announced that the nation would remain open to the needy "as long as this is a humanitarian crisis." "We are not opening the Rafah crossing just for everybody to cross -- we're opening it because it's a very dire humanitarian situation," said spokesman Hassam Zaki. Growing chaos as 50,000 break through the border

Alert! This reminded me of two recurrent themes as we head into the future. First we see what is happening in Africa and around the world as the climate changes becoming more caustic to human life and increasing wars creating a growing hungry, nomadic, world population that we are not going to be able to sustain as we would like.

We discussed four months ago that We are creating a permanent nomadic immigration population of the entire middle east if not the world with a couple countries as islands! I ask you to please check this out as I got this compliment from our friend Chuck for looking at and alerting as to the big Picture: That's something I hadn't even considered Jim. I mean I read about people fleeing for their lives and have seen some of the pictures, but I hadn't thought of the creation of a nomadic lifestyle (culture?) by war. Thanks for expanding things again for all of us as you look at "the big picture". More people should. What we are creating in the middle east and around the world

With that said I want to remind you of our discussion three months ago that our climate will be our biggest threat as we attempt to survive into the future! There was a report released raising the threat of dramatic population migrations, wars over water and resources, and a realignment of power among nations. During the last two decades, climate scientists have underestimated how quickly the Earth is changing — perhaps to avoid being branded as "alarmists," the study said. But policy planners should count on climate-induced instability in critical parts of the world within 30 years.

The report was compiled by a panel of security and climate specialists, sponsored by the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Center for a New American Security. The Associated Press received an advance copy. Climate change is likely to breed new conflicts, but it already is magnifying existing problems, from the desertification of Darfur and competition for water in the Middle East to the disruptive monsoons in Asia, which increase the pressure for land, the report said.

At the very least, the report said, the U.S. can expect more population migrations, both internally and from across its borders; a proliferation of diseases; greater conflict in weak states, especially in Africa where climates will change most drastically; and a restructuring in global power in line with the accessibility of natural resources. Left unchecked, "the collapse and chaos associated with extreme climate change futures would destabilize virtually every aspect of modern life," said the report, comparing the potential outcome with the Cold War doomsday scenarios of a nuclear holocaust. There is quite a backlash scenario. Please read it
Anyway, as we watch the threat in America and never see the situation remedied but rather allowed to worsen as Bush follows his nightmare scenario, Everything else aside here I am reminded of Katrina and how those poor people were hung out to dry and still Bush is refusing to fund much needed projects as we and the world are purposely allowed to fall into disrepair and another dire scenario we are facing as we try to move successfully into the future we also discussed four months ago.

 Noting the world is racing to another world war and knowing our weapons are too powerful for man or the planet to survive it and the fact that the environment is turning on us and much of the world is running out of fresh water I first wondered why Areas such as Georgia and many of the areas around the ocean and world do not turn to desalinization as this problem did not crop up over night.

I then decided to Google water wars as I know there are many problems developing daily around the world as countries harness water sources running through their land and was horrified at what I was finding. There were 136,000 stories encompassing water wars around the world. Let alone within ones own boundaries. What the hell is wrong with the world? We are already at war! We are already in the fight of our lives, why are we racing to end them? The Washington Post had a good article.

Global warming will intensify drought, and it will intensify floods: As the air gets warmer, there will be more water in the atmosphere. That’s settled science. Where the atmosphere is configured to have high pressure and droughts, global warming will mean long, dry periods. Where the atmosphere is configured to be wet, you will get more rain, more gully washers.”

The droughts will be especially bad. How bad? Richard Seager, a senior researcher at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, looked at 19 computer models of the future under current global warming trends. He found remarkable consistency: Sometime before 2050, the models predicted, the Southwest will be gripped in a dry spell akin to the Great Dust Bowl drought that lasted through most of the 1930s.

 Droughts and water shortages already been driving conflict around the globe: The potential for conflict is more than theoretical. Turkey, Syria and Iraq bristle over the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Sudan, Ethiopia and Egypt trade threats over the Nile. The United Nations has said water scarcity is behind the bloody wars in Sudan’s Darfur region. In Somalia, drought has spawned warlords and armies. Already, the World Health Organization says, 1 billion people lack access to potable water. In northern China, retreating glaciers and shrinking wetlands that feed the Yangtze River prompted researchers to warn that water supplies for hundreds of millions of people may be at risk. Water wars will worsen

Water has emerged as a key issue that could determine if Asia is headed toward cooperation or competition. No country would influence that direction more than China, which controls the Tibetan plateau, the source of most major rivers of Asia. Tibet's vast glaciers and high altitude have endowed it with the world's greatest river systems. Its rivers are a lifeline to the world's two most-populous states - China and India - as well as to Bangladesh, Burma, Bhutan, Nepal, Cambodia, Pakistan, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. These countries make up 47 percent of the global population.

Yet Asia is a water-deficient continent. Although home to more than half of the human population, Asia has less fresh water - 3,920 cubic meters per person - than any continent other than the Antarctica and China is taking it. The looming struggle over water resources in Asia has been underscored by the spread of irrigated farming, water-intensive industries and a growing middle class that wants high water-consuming comforts like washing machines and dishwashers. Household water consumption in Asia is rising rapidly, although several major economies there are acutely water-stressed.

The specter of water wars in Asia is also being highlighted by climate change and environmental degradation in the form of shrinking forests and swamps that foster a cycle of chronic flooding and droughts. The Himalayan snow melt that feeds Asia's great rivers could be accelerated by global warming. Man am I naive! Yesterday I couldn't understand China's wanting to control Tibet, the Himalaya's, and the Dali Lama, today I know. Asia's water wars
This is a crisis that will only worsen every day around the world . Tens of millions of Americans have or are migrating to the southern and western states where there are many areas of chronic water shortages (duh). Now Governor Bill Richardson has fired the first shot, suggesting a national water policy, which is shorthand for stealing water from the Great Lakes. Rust belters are outraged, some suggesting we sell Richardson water at $80.00 a barrel. Vegas, probably the fastest growing area in the country, is sucking as much from the Colorado as it can, and will still have major shortages, perhaps within months. The Great Lakes are in a low cycle and any diversion would probably be an ecological disaster. I was looking at the links that follow and the Great lakes are being fought over as we speak and America is already experiencing water wars as well as much of the world. Please look at the overwhelming amount of stories on The worlds water wars

** The world is already at war with our shrinking changing environment a war we are bound to lose. I cannot comprehend the world racing to another world war that will only serve to seal all of their demise even sooner. What is wrong with us? looking at all the unfolding terrible scenarios unfolding before us as we attempt to move into the future I am reminded of the moves depicting our horrific future we all grew up with. As I watch the world breakdown, the climate becoming increasingly hostile, and our world population exploding with us already unable to feed them, a movie that was once thought unfathomable now begins to look closer to reality. You remember the 1973 sci-fi movie Solyent Green Solyent Green was made out of people

I do not see quite a horrible scenario but I have to wonder what we will be driven to in our desire to survive?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus conclusion: Installment 5

In conclusion:What has happened to the men and women of principal? If we ever needed them we need them now. If you have to work at implementing ideals then they are not yours to espouse.

if you have to try and emulate some one you admire you will always come up short.

Both President Bush’s have tried to emulate the President they admired and respected. President Bush 1 fell way short and president Bush 2 was way off.

Getting elected as President of the United States is important. However not at the expense of your integrity which was the case in the last two Presidents.

 If you are principled and want nothing more than to help the country you should be okay. Then the every day American the people will sense that.

The idea is not what we flagrantly get thrown in our faces daily. That is not the sitting Presidents position to take advantage of and help his friends as is usually the case. The idea is not to see what the country can do for your friends.

 There is nothing worse than cronyism at a level like that of the U.S. Government. If you do the right thing for the party you’re in even if it is wrong for the people and the country. If you do not you are gone. It’s as simple as that. Family and friends are not to be treated any differently.

 With a principled person they are not. You have a job to do for the country. That should be all that matters period.

We never see the right thing done. However, once a year we hear the right thing being said then nothing. If you have to lie or stretch the truth, it’s no good. If you have to compromise your standards then the votes you would acquire are worthless and not worth it.

 The goal lately has been to say or do what ever you have to in order to get elected. We all know that neither party can say other wise. Getting you party elected for all the wrong reasons is not important people are. At least they are supposed to be.

Talking on this subject invokes memories of a man I didn’t always agree with but you could always agree with his intentions and principals.

 When you take a position, (job) the driving thought seems to be of how you can further your own selfish agenda. It is supposed to be of how you can further the cause of the working people and further the cause of the Country. Boy do we have this all wrong.

The feeling seems to be increasingly of what I can get out of this. We must stop this downward slide that both parties have us on.

 Sadly enough they seem to have the rest of the ruling economy for company. In the 60s and 70s I was disgruntled with our government systems on every level.

 Looking back it seems like it would be nice to have only that level of corruptive ineptitude instead of what we are getting today. What I have finally woken up to is that if you care or have concerns you must get into action.

 No one else is going to take care of your concerns. We can’t even seem to get our servants on any level to do the right thing.

 We all know this adage and it is absolutely right on. If you want something done right you have to do it yourself. So let us do it.

 I wish all of us the best of luck as we move into the future.

Nostradamus gave us two roads to travel in the future, one to peace and prosperity and the other to war, famine, and death and total destruction. Sadly we seem bent on taking the latter but we can do it if we take control ourselves. Lets Roll, Adios and Good Luck to us.Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, installment 4

As we discussed in the past, we are having conflicts virtually all over the world. Exclusively over God and who he favors. We can’t even prove who he is, if he is, or if he ever was.

There are as you know many, many things that have happened in the past that we still do not have the answer to. The absolute worse thing about this is that today we do have the ability to answer many unanswered questions.

 As of yet we aren’t doing it. We are preparing once again, to battle over God. No one even knows if he exists or ever did. We have the ability to answer many questions long left unanswered.

 Now is the time to do this. Man it would really take the wind out of their sales if it was proven that God was from another planet? I would honest to God fully expect that.

 I think that would be just fine. At least we would know. What did you expect anyways? However you never know the truth sometimes hurts some people.

Our problems in society are cumulative from years of abuse and misuse of our Democratic system. We have failed to address properly and distinctly every single problem we have ever attempted to deal with from where I stand.

 We have wrongly attempted to please or appease those with selfish ulterior motives. At the same time we are ignoring those with real needs.

As a result, you can look back just 50 years and you cannot find one single system that is critical to our societal infrastructure today and say, yes we are better off by far than we were 50 years ago.

 There is most definitely a problem here. What happened to “ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country”?

 Our political leaders too can be well served by remembering President Kennedy and what he did for the country a little more than just once a year. Then they invoke his name just in hopes of gaining votes. We are not helping the citizens we are helping our selves.

Some one has to come forward that is going to do the right thing. Regardless of their personal feelings and I believe he is.President Obama at least seems to want to help average Americans and do the right thing for our America not the version Bush was fostering and therein lies the problem with Republicans.

We always seem to have good intentions but almost always the wrong answer. I am afraid we have lost control of the country and worse, the future of the world.

I did not understand the sudden desire by the Republicans to all of a sudden start amending the Constitution when ever a perceived crisis arose and I do not understand their desire to destroy America and destroy our standing in the world while they lie and say that is their big concern..

We have to regain control of ourselves as a country. Why don’t we just fix the problem? That is the only thing to do, the right thing. Let’s get to work. Hopefully President Obama will persevere in his 2nd term now that Republicans feel the pressure to do the right thing.

What has happened to the men and women of principal? If you have to work at implementing ideals then they are not yours to espouse. If you have to try and emulate some one you admire you will always come up short.

Both President Bush’s have tried to emulate the President they admired and respected. President Bush #1 fell way short and president Bush #2 was way off. Getting elected as President of the United States is important.

 However not at the expense of your integrity which was the case in the last two elections. If you are principled and want nothing more than to help the country you should be okay. Then the every day American the people will sense that.Life Today The Real Story "2005"

Prime example of “having the right original stuff” President Obama!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, installment 3

This from Nostradamus I will include. As we already discussed it and I for one firmly believe it. Early man was forced to view the world and all other living creatures because of the desire to survive, as adversaries.

Everything they encountered was to be tamed or defeated. Like many of our early survival instincts that once served us well, this one too has no place in life today.

This is now causing many of the worlds problems. This taming and control instinct has resulted in terrible abuse both of the planet, and its resources.

*According to the Gaia theory, (Gaia is ancient Greek and means Goddess of the earth), of British Biochemist James Lovelock. The earth is a vast organism which unconsciously maintains itself through a series of checks and balances. These include for example, photosynthesis of plant life.

This in turn produces clean fresh air ocean currents and volcanic movement. So the combined effect of all these systems working together results in the equilibrium of a healthy planet.

Mans determined neglect and destruction of his natural world is another major obstacle to the future of man.

If this destruction continues we will see an increase in extreme natural events and I believe they have started as we all witness too often. There will be an increase in the amount of appalling natural catastrophes all around the world.

 Every 60 seconds 50 acre’s of the world’s tropical rainforest is destroyed. Our main source the ocean that we are also killing aside It is our main source of clean air to enrich and purify the entire of earth’s atmosphere.

They are being cleared simply for grazing and crops. In just one year an area the size of the British Isles is lost. By 2020 a major part of the earth’s rain forest will be gone. Taking with them earths most efficient air purification system.

 It is easy to say that we have to stop this. We must for our future survival. Just how do you tell another country what to do with their own land? You really can’t.

How do you tell them they can not live as they have for centuries or they have learned to in order to survive, we know you have to make a living for you and your family, but? With this aside though we won’t allow you to cut down any more forest, you can’t.

 They don’t care that they may be killing humanity and the planet. They only understand that they must survive. Through the process of photosynthesis trees absorb poisonous carbon dioxide and give out clean oxygen.

With no moisture returning to the atmosphere as a result of deforestation the greenhouse effect is further aggravated. This in turn is altering ocean and weather patterns.

With the end result being the setting the pattern for world wide natural catastrophes of a scale we could do without.

Talking about civilization, the worlds two most populous Nations will soon not be able to feed their populations.

 The world watch Institute estimates that China will not be able to feed itself. Indian demographers believe India will run out of water. To make matters even worse, both countries are nuclear powers. That can only add to an already complicated future for civilizations survival. Just one final note on Nostradamus and we’ll move on.

I always thought that all of his prophesies were apocalyptic in nature so you can imagine my surprise in coming upon this chapter calling for a new Religiousness. Unbelievably this too plays right into our story line.

I’m reading that throughout Nostradamus visions of apocalypse the theme of a new religious consciousness occurs again, and again. It will flourish he say’s, at the turn of the century.

 As we talked about earlier, it is a natural response to infringement on your feelings of safety and security in society. In their present state the established Religions show little ability to bring peace on earth. On the contrary most wars throughout history have been fought over differences in faith.

 Why should this war be any exception I guess? Man just doesn’t seem to learn.

As we discussed in the past, we are having conflicts virtually all over the world. Exclusively over God and who he favors. We can’t even prove who he is, if he is, or if he ever was.

There are as you know many, many things that have happened in the past that we still do not have the answer to. The absolute worse thing about this is that today we do have the ability to answer many unanswered questions. As of yet we aren’t doing it.

We are preparing once again, to battle over God. No one even knows if he exists or ever did. We have the ability to answer many questions long left unanswered. Now is the time to do this. Man it would really take the wind out of their sales if it was proven that God was from another planet?

I would honest to God fully expect that. I think that would be just fine. At least we would know. What did you expect anyways? However you never know, the truth sometimes hurts some people.  Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Monday, December 31, 2012

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, installment 2

In his Epistle to Henry 2nd Nostradamus presented a nightmarish scenario. He said that there would be fierce global conflicts over Religion and ethnicity.

 Again he hits the nail on the head in regards to what is happening today all over the world. You know, when you think about it. Ever since the end of the cold war and the break up of the USSR ethnic conflicts have been on the rise.

Conflicts involving ethnicity seem to increase constantly. It seems that every single conflict that we have tried to mediate and resolve is still on going. Even more telling is the fact that every single one of them is involving Muslims.
You cannot appease these people and you could never please them. What to do?

I just want to remind you of how close we are tied into the life of this planet which we are just a living part of, and this universe.

 I found out that all Nostradamus predictions were based on celestial events.

Nostradamus also foretold of the coming of 3 antichrists. The first was Napoleon, the second was Hitler, and the third still remains unnamed. Me personally I firmly believe him to be Usama Bin Laden, it is fitting that he has been assassinated.

 He believed the 3rd antichrist would be a Middle Eastern or North African terrorist. It would be someone who might obtain enough nerve gas or uranium and use it. Just to hold the world hostage.

 He went so far as to supply a place of birth, religion, military theater of operations. He even supplies his estimate of the duration of the war, 27 years.

The Near East breeds patient minds. The first Gulf war was just the first skirmish in a war that will be carried on like a family feud from generation to generation. The sons of the current Islamists and their sons, and their grandsons will continue the confrontation with the west and Israel.

Those that follow Nostradamus predictions believe that he also predicted world war three. They believe that the person that master minded the 9/11 attacks on New York’s twin towers will be Nostradamus third antichrist and the one to start world war three, and I personally agree. I believe we are witnessing the beginning of WW3.

In the closing words of one of his prophesies he implies that there would be an overwhelming counter attack in response to the attacks on 9/11.

 He states that at once we will see vengeance from 100 powers, again he is right. There just happens to be a coalition of around 100 Nations vowing to fight in this war against terrorism.

The mention of thirst and famine in Nostradamus third world war prophesies are a recurring theme. They might just be the future results of today’s growing stresses on food and water demands on over population, bingo.

 Remember in book one where we discussed that the U.S. will soon not be able to feed the entire world. We might soon find it a necessity to limit immigration.

 This will be due to population growth, pollution, and urban sprawl. We will someday not be able to be the world’s bread basket.

 We also mentioned that while terrorism is a terrible problem that we have before us. Never the less it is civilizations, societies, troubles that are by far our biggest problems.

Nostradamus implied that our growing numbers could eventually overtax civilization. They could become a far more powerful factor than terrorism in dragging the world down. He of course is right but not totally.

 It is as we’ve been discussing. Civilization countries, societies all over the world in their loss of morality, have become their own worse problems. Despite this all, we can turn this around.

Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Lifes Realities and Nostradamus, installment 1

I am researching Nostradamus who I want to close out this conversation with and I’m surprised to find how in depth and all encompassing his predictions of the future were.

 We won’t be discussing what all the theorists think he may or may not have been alluding to. No theory here, we will only be using facts as we are feeling and experiencing them. We are only concerned with how they relate to our current situation.

We have been listing and talking about the problems we are really facing in society and the world today. These are often in contrast to what we are told.

At the very least they will show you how little if anything is really being done about the real problems we face. It is easily summed up as little to nothing.

 However I have forgotten some very important ones. I really am surprised at the source of my reminder being Nostradamus.

Initially at least, my reaction to Nostradamus predictions was one of incredulity, and suspicion. Until I realized that all his predictions were based on the universe and astrological alignment.

 This is all unbelievable.
As I feel that we as humanity or any life form on the planet are directly tied in as one with the universe and the entire planetary system. Whatever affects one directly affects the other.

 We would be smart to think and remember that every action begets a reaction. Very often one that you are not prepared to deal with.

He felt that a very great plague would afflict us with a great scab. He believed that relief is near but far away. Well coincidentally enough that nails a description of aids.

 One of the many symptoms of aids is a rare skin cancer that it covers the body with purple scabs. It is to be noted that scientists in America and at the Louis Pasteur Institute were able to identify the aids virus very quickly.

Nostradamus also predicted Pasteur’s discoveries. He even dated the inception of the Louis Pasteur Institute. Sadly we still do not have a cure for aids.

 Thus Nostradamus was right in saying that relief was near but far. There is also a strong possibility that the virus will mutate. Thus it is creating new virulent forms of the disease even as we seem to be zeroing in on a cure.

Sir Donald Acheson, British Chief Medical Officer, believes that a 100 years war will ensue before aids are eradicated.

 Nostradamus predicted that the plague may spread over half the world. As a result it could kill two thirds of humanity before a vaccine is finally developed. That sounds a little drastic. We can all only hope he’s wrong this time.

Harvard University’s School Of Public Health suggested that by the first decade of the 21st century aids would spiral out of control. Just as we are watching happen. In the deadly rapid spread of aids, and mankind’s inability to fight it to date we see ourselves approaching Nostradamus prediction of two thirds of humanity falling prey to this terrible scourge in this century.

In his Epistle to Henry 2nd Nostradamus presented a nightmarish scenario. He said that there would be fierce global conflicts over Religion and ethnicity.

Again he hits the nail on the head in regards to what is happening today all over the world. You know, when you think about it. Ever since the end of the cold war and the break up of the USSR ethnic conflicts have been on the rise.

Conflicts involving ethnicity seem to increase constantly. It seems that every single conflict that we have tried to mediate and resolve is still on going.

 Even more telling is the fact that every single one of them is involving Muslims. You cannot appease these people and you could never please them. What to do?   Life Today The Real Story "2005"

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, August 23, 2012

US drought shows us we are not exempt from a growing world food crisis

Food crisis caused by drought may hit US very Soon,IFPRIs Fan says: Biofuel production from corn must be stopped to secure food supplies, Shenggen Fan, director general at the institute, said in a Bloomberg Television interview today. Higher corn prices will drive up meat costs in Asia and accelerate global food inflation, Fan said. Countries including India and China must release their food stockpiles to help the poor cope with rising costs, he said. Governments must also refrain from imposing export bans, he said.

The US is not exempt, we are as susceptible as the rest of the world. Much of the rest of the world has been dealing with food shortages and food wars for years and for many reasons. Mother nature seems to even be turning on the US who until now seems to have been able to beat everything but you do not mess with mother nature and we have. As usual the poor go down first and the better off eventually get hit. We are beginning to get ours.

In the growing fight to secure their own food supplies after world wide droughts and other natural phenomena you know exports will be slowed down if not halted and the Food Wars long in the making will get much worse.

Could we really run out of food? It is right now hitting the United States!

Let's just go back 4 years, you would swear this is todays conversation but every situation the world is facing right now we were fighting 4 years ago. The problems are not new, they have not gone away they only continue to multiply and get much worse.

Growing world water wars, growing food wars, and a growing world war! World Bank President Robert Zoellick says the escalating price of food is stunting opportunities and creating hardship for people in poor countries. The international lending organization says it aims to double agricultural business investment this year and called on rich countries to help offset the rising cost of food. Speaking to reporters ahead of the World Bank/IMF meetings this weekend, Zoellick said World Bank members must step up efforts to stave off what he called a "growing emergency" in developing countries. VOA's Mil Arcega reports. The world Bank says Sub-Saharan countries will be among the hardest hit by the skyrocketing cost of food.

Speaking to reporters, World Bank President Robert Zoellick says the situation in the world's poorest countries makes the financial problems in developed nations seem trivial in comparison. "While many are worrying about filling their gas tanks, many others around the world are struggling to fill their stomachs - and it's getting more and more difficult everyday,” he said. World Bank studies show the price of wheat has more than doubled in the past year, while the price of rice has risen at least 75 percent. Zoellick says the upcoming spring meetings by members of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank must do more than recognize the crisis. He called on rich countries to act quickly to expand safety net programs for poor nations and provide at least $500 million to meet their emergency food needs.

"This is not just about meals foregone today or about increasing social unrest. This is about lost learning potential for children and adults in the future - stunted intellectual and physical growth. Even more, we estimate that the effects of this food crisis on poverty reduction worldwide is on the order of seven lost years," he added. Food riots have already erupted in developing nations where people spend as much as 60 percent of their income on food. The U.N. and World Bank blame the rising cost of food on a combination of factors including climate change, higher energy prices and the growing demand for biofuels.

Demand for ethanol and other biofuels is a "significant contributor" to soaring food prices around the world, World Bank President Robert Zoellick says. Droughts, financial market speculators and increased demand for food have also helped create "a perfect storm" that has boosted those prices, he says. The soaring costs of food and fuel led to riots in Haiti and Egypt and a general strike in Burkina Faso this week. Skyrocketing food prices are topping the agenda this weekend of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund annual spring meetings in Washington. Zoellick held up a bag of rice during a news conference Thursday to illustrate the severity of the food crisis.

"In Bangladesh a two-kilogram bag of rice ... now consumes about half of the daily income of a poor family," he said. "The price of a loaf of bread ... has more than doubled. Poor people in Yemen are now spending more than a quarter of their incomes just on bread." And Zoellick says prices for basic staples will remain high for an extended period of time.

* "I think you have a perfect storm of things coming together," he tells NPR's Steve Inskeep in an interview. "You have high energy prices. You have the increase in demand from some of the developing countries. ... As the Indian commerce minister said to me, going from one meal a day to two meals a day for 300 million people increases demand a lot. Bio fuels boosting food prices

6 years ago: Perfect storm no kidding? 40 countries face food shortages worldwide Darfur crisis most pressing humanitarian problem 9 October 2006, Rome -- Forty countries are facing food emergencies and require external assistance, with the crisis in the Darfur region of Sudan still the most pressing humanitarian problem, according to an FAO report released today. In Darfur, “the already precarious food supply situation may worsen if deteriorating security disrupts the main harvest due to start in the coming few weeks,” FAO’s Crop Prospects and Food Situation report warns. Close monitoring of global food situation needed. Prospects for the 2006 world cereal harvest have deteriorated further since July, according to the report. Exceptionally hot and dry weather is adversely affecting the wheat crops in Australia, Argentina and Brazil, while drier-than-normal weather in parts of South Asia is also raising some concern for the second 2006 paddy crop.

FAO’s forecast for world cereal production in 2006 now stands at about 2 013 million tonnes, almost 8 million tonnes down since the previous report in July and 1.6 percent less than the 2005 level. “The main concern is the declining stocks and whether supplies will be adequate to meet demand without world prices surging to even higher levels,” the report says.

Africa: While the situation in Darfur remains the most critical, elsewhere in Eastern Africa, despite improved prospects for the 2006/07 crops in some areas, floods, erratic rains and conflict-related displacement have negatively affected the food situation. Most of the region’s pastoral areas have yet to recover from the successive poor rains that severely affected livestock and resulted in acute food shortages and migration of thousands of people in search of water and food.

In Somalia, a severe food crisis is expected to persist throughout the country for the rest of 2006, affecting at least 1.8 million people. In spite of a satisfactory food supply situation, serious localized food insecurity due mostly to access problems is reported in several West African countries, including Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mauritania and Niger. Emergency food assistance continues to be needed in Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone due to large numbers of internally displaced people (IDPs) and refugees.

Asia: Reduced food aid and crop damage due to floods in July has increased the severity of food insecurity in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. In Timor-Leste, hundreds of thousands of people affected by civil unrest still need food assistance. Over 45 000 people affected by drought and floods in Nepal have received relief assistance. Unprecedented floods caused by several weeks of torrential rain have left millions of people in India and Pakistan homeless and in need of food assistance.

In China, the worst drought in 50 years has affected more than 3 million hectares of crops in Sichuan and Chongqing.In Iraq, conflict and insecurity continues to displace hundreds of thousands people. Drought and unusually high temperatures have compromised food production in Afghanistan and Armenia. In addition, increased military operations and conflict over the past year in Afghanistan have further exacerbated food insecurity in the country.

Central America: Food aid is still being provided to some vulnerable rural families affected by hurricanes during the second half of 2005 in El Salvador and Guatemala. It is also being distributed to populations without access to food in Haiti, Nicaragua and Honduras. 40 countries and growing face food shortages worldwide I could not find todays numbers but know everything is getting worse around the world you can just imagine.

* The Future! Growing Food wars, growing water wars, Growing environmental crisis, growing future wars, You see what is happening not just in the United States but around with an environment running amok, seemingly rebelling against us. You know our current war situations around the world and the growing threat of another world war starting in the middle east. I'm not a pessimist, I am a prepared realist! Things are not getting better but in every regard they continue to get worse and we will deal with it accordingly.

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Seal of our Doom

I wrote this over 3 years ago and you are watching it come closer, look at Acts 1-6 you can not deny it gets closer every minute! Seal of our Doom!
Seal of Our Doom #2
The Eagle represents the desired Future, the New World Order. Note that it is on the right side of the dollar bill and is looking favorably toward the Pyramid.
Thirteen Stars = Depravity and Rebellion

There are numerous calamities underway from every direction threatening to overwhelm humanity and much of it man made and on purpose.
One is the advent of world war three.The only requirement left to fulfill the start of WW3 is that of a military conflict spanning more than 2 continents. As soon as Israel attacks Palestine, or North Korea attacks South Korea or the US, or China invades Taiwan, Iran and the US? we will have the next World War well underway. World War 3 Time line: These are, I believe, the elements of the planned Third World War:Prelude - The events leading up to the start of World War Three, including Sept 11, 2001.

Act 1 - The Middle East. Widespread conflict to bring the entire region into the flames of war, possibly triggered by Iran or militants in Pakistan using North Korean supplied nuclear arms. The first Scene in this Act is the US Invasion of Iraq on March 20, 2003.
Act 2 - Israel at War -- Against her Arab neighbors, possibly Palestine. A Palestinian State will be established, so that all Israelis will be fully separated from Palestinians (listen out for mention of a 7-year treaty to be confirmed by a World Leader - probably Bush), only for Israel to viciously attack Palestine shortly thereafter.
Act 3 - Far East -- "Hair-raising nuclear confrontation that threatens mankind's existence" - Peter Lemesurier, author of The Armageddon Script, p. 223, written in 1981. Includes China invading Taiwan and a nuclear eruption on the Korean Peninsula.
Act 4 - Erosion of Confidence in 'The System' so severe citizens will be panicked into giving up liberties and Constitutional form of government. The plan calls for the dissolution of the US Constitution, triggered by a significant enough 'terrorist' attack. The ultimate intent is to introduce a global government and one-world religion.
Act 5 - The collapse of the US, and other Western economies and morals.

Act 6 - Significant population reduction using natural and man-made disasters.Curtain. Who can tell how this war will end? I will tell you, I have written about it in a Manifesto to the World but we will discuss it at your leisure!

The only requirement left to fulfill the start of WW3 is that of a military conflict spanning more than 2 continents. As soon as Israel attacks Palestine, or North Korea attacks South Korea or the US, or China invades Taiwan, we will have the next World War well underway. I tried to find the name of the author of the body of this work but I could not find it. I recommend that you look at the various pages and levels of thought and input. it is an undeniable setup

At the same time this is happening we have numerous worldwide crises going on. it is really overwhelming and beyond our worry and control so we can just relax and work for the best. Three years ago I did a post highlighting the myriad of crises we are facing all at once and they will not be circumvented. Please read Pick a crisis the world will be overwhelmed by them How about Japan? The gulf of Mexico?

Anyway a conversation I had three years ago highlighted the above still developing calamity's and how this will all end as we have also discussed numerous times that there are those trying to bring about the end of days described in the Bible. Sadly one of those was the damn Decider! This just gets worse and worse under Obama.

The world is being steered into an apocalyptic climax that defies reason, by largely unknown powers, for unknowable reasons. All of us are among the unfortunate losers in the ultimate earth lottery, with ringside seats to the end of the world, from which there is no escape. There is a secretive cabal of criminal minds, who are doing everything in their (practically limitless) power to violently forge a utopian world order upon the earth.

In this unfolding power play they intend to pre-enact Judgment Day, to convince the people that time is up, making them easier to manipulate, using their own religious beliefs against them. What the Bible gave us as a prophetic warning, these guys are treating as if it was their script for the worst horror movie of all time. When the world cracks open the war will become up close and very personal for everyone.

The name of the new game, from here on out, will be population reduction, selective population reduction. In the end, the human race, at least the surviving remnant, will be much paler than it is today. The same think tanks and globalist foundations who wrote the script for the end of the world are the same ones who produced the threatening "Global 2000 Report," the blueprint for population reduction that our elite masters conjured-up for the Carter Administration.

If you want to know what they intend for us in their Judgment Day script then keep in mind that the Book of Revelations has been their inspiration. Wars, famine and pestilence seem to be the motif for the first two acts. They will help to induce shock in the captive audience, for the third and final act of the globalist tragedy. Traumatized populations that have been devastated by atrocities are easier to manipulate, as government practiced psy-ops programs have confirmed.

The goal of the plotters is basically to appear to cause the "end of the (old) world," so that they can brutally seize for themselves all the promised blessings intended for God's Chosen people. America is prepared to destroy its own economy, the global economy, the international order, and violate the very foundation of law, on the pretext of eliminating a threat to our ally Israel – a threat that does not exist.

This is the final step on the road to the New World Order, Judgment Day. The world has been transformed by Bush's war strategy now Obama's into a very unstable swirling cauldron of pent-up fear and hatred. The decision that he has made to escalate the wars (when his version of diplomacy visibly fails), seeking vindication through the total destruction of all opposition, is a suicidal decision.

purposely steered into an apocalyptic climax

** This will all end only one way and it would be difficult to argue and prove that it was not by design but whose? This will not be stopped either! Everything today is a facade as you can find in every single month of my Blogging. Our Democracy, Christianity, peace, justice, everything, in order to further Israel's pursuit to change the middle east, create, a new order, and ultimately as you point out, the end of days is the ultimate goal and we are powerless to stop it.

** I have also explained many times that Nostradamus gave us two roads two travel on into the future. One to peace and prosperity and the other to war and destruction. For whatever reason man has chosen the latter. man will survive into the future but not as we know it. What stinks is whoever is driving this scenario will in the end survive this mess to start over and do what? Start this destructive process all over again on whoever survives that is counter to their warped desires.

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wealth economy widened at worse possible time for Average Americans as food becomes scarcer, fresh water rarer, and world war closer Just Be Prepared!

You know this is true but it has been worsened on purpose and the truth does not matter! Income inequality has risen. Most people date this rise to the early 1970s so Obama was right, the country is wrong! but it hasn’t gone up nearly as dramatically as wealth inequality. You know what stinks? Bush's goal has been to widen the gap between the haves and have not's and he is almost done. It is now wider than ever and I could never get anyone to realize the well established Doctrine he is following and that everything here and around the world is not because of ineptitude alone but has been done on purpose. The shit is preparing to hit the fan because of economics, the environment, and created world conditions. The average American and people of the world will be left on their own while the affluent will be okay. The Government and military along with the affluent will be able to start over. What they do not seem to figure into this is if mutual destruction is not the ultimate goal somebody has to be able to live here.

I had numerous important issues I wanted to cover today including the growing nightmare in Bush's hell on earth Iraq however when I heard this morning of the growing food wars I try to focus on and then my favorite wild river here in Northern Maine being one of the 10 most endangered rivers in the country I thought I better focus on that. First I want to remind you of just one post I did on the worsening food wars, the worsening water condition around the world and how anyone can make potable water cheaply. Be prepared

Today it hit home: We talk often about the worlds growing food and water wars however it is worsening right here! A "water war," worsening droughts and a growing, thirsty population make the Catawba-Wateree river system the most endangered river in the country, an environmental advocacy group announced Wednesday. With the designation, American Rivers hopes to focus public attention on what it called "backwards water management plans" and to push legislators in North Carolina and South Carolina to approve water-sharing agreements that would regulate users and water levels left in the rivers and streams. The Catawba flows from the North Carolina mountains and joins the Wateree in the Midlands. The system provides nearly half the water that flows into the Marion-Moultrie lakes, the source of drinking water for most of the Low country. The system is the focus of a South Carolina lawsuit against North Carolina over proposed water withdrawals from its basin. The lawsuit is now being heard by the U.S. Supreme Court.

The "endangered" designation comes as South Carolina legislators grapple with a proposed state water plan, a law that would create a permitting system and set withdrawal limits for most large surface water users. Having a plan is pivotal to being able to work out water-sharing agreements with neighboring states and might be vital to winning the Supreme Court lawsuit. But the proposed plan has business and environmental interests, including American Rivers, hotly lobbying legislators over whose use and how much use it would restrict. The designation also comes as the waterway recovers from six months of drought in both states that led to communities along the rivers mandating water conservation measures. On Wednesday, the State Drought Committee declared much of South Carolina to be in a less severe drought, but the state as a whole is still in drought or threatened with drought.

The Washington-based environmental group annually ranks 10 "most endangered" rivers across the country to push conservation efforts for them. In 2005, the Santee River was named the sixth-most-endangered as the Santee-Cooper hydro-electric project underwent a contentious federal relicensing. Gerrit Jobsis, American Rivers' conservation director in the Southeast, called the Catawba-Wateree system a poster child for the kind of lapses in regional planning that lead to water shortages and Western-style "water wars" now erupting in this region. "It really is ground zero for a collision between limited water supply and unchecked population growth," Jobsis said. "Both states are guilty of having poor water management planning and regulation in place to deal with today's water issues. This is our time to get it right. The best, fastest, cheapest way of protecting water supplies is to initiate water conservation efforts." "It certainly highlights that water problem we are having. Hopefully, it leads to greater attention. We need legislation in this state and legislation is being considered," he said. Most endaqngered rivers in the Nation

You know about Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and surprisingly to me Florida, let alone the expected States of California and Nevada and most other States, Lakes, and Rivers. It blew me away to hear my favorite wilderness river was in major trouble. This list is not good for entire Country.

The country's most endangered rivers, according to Washington-based advocacy group American Rivers:
1. Catawba-Wateree River
2. Rogue River (Ore.)
3. Cache la Poudre River (Colo.)
4. St. Lawrence River (N.Y., Canada)
5. Minnesota River (S.D., Minn.)
6. St. John River (Fla.)
7. Gila River (N.M., Ariz.)
8. Allagash Wilderness Waterway (Maine)
9. Pearl River (M.S., La.)
10. Niobrara River (Wyo, Neb.)

* We are in trouble here and around the world. My concern is us right now. We pay City planners, County planners, State Planners, etc. They plan nothing! They all practice crisis management! They do nothing until a problem develops and then they panic and say what do we do? Well, we are rapidly approaching an environmental, Food, and Water crisis, right here in America. I want you to be prepared. Do not panic! Nothing should happen immediately I just say right now "be prepared" at the very least to prepare your own potable water. Let me know what you need to learn, I can help!

James Joiner
Gardner Ma