Showing posts with label Chernobyl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chernobyl. Show all posts

Saturday, February 10, 2018

China should be on the top of the world's skin cancer Hot spots

World's Skin Cancer Hot Spots - Forbes

WHO agency: Air pollution causes cancer:  The fact that nearly everyone on the planet is exposed to outdoor pollution could prompt governments and other agencies to adopt stricter controls on spewing fumes.Previously, pollution had been found to boost the chances of heart and respiratory diseases. The expert panel's classification was made after scientists analyzed more than 1,000 studies worldwide and concluded there was enough evidence that exposure to outdoor air pollution causes lung cancer.

In 2010, IARC said there were more than 220,000 lung cancer deaths worldwide connected to air pollution. The agency also noted a link with a slightly higher risk of bladder cancer.  Straif said there were dramatic differences in air quality between cities around the world and that the most polluted metropolises were in China and India, where people frequently don masks on streets to protect themselves.

200,000 people die every year in China because of air pollution.

Beijing's Pollution Alarms Neighbors, environmental secrecy angers public and the world

Monday, January 22, 2018

triple disaster costliest in history as Radiation from cracked reactor spreads: It will get worse

I am reposting this because It just dawned on me that this just keeps getting worse ans worse spreading radiation around the world through the oceans and around the world and our food supplies and no one talks about it as it keeps getting worse.

We are told one day Tokyo's water though 150 miles from the plants was not safe. A day later it is. Workers from the plant have heavy doses of radiation and are in the hospital, the plants are now out of danger, they keep getting worse. Q&A: Health risks I just heard of a neutron beam being seen at one plant. That can't be good?

Japanese nuclear officials fear crack in reactor core as radiation spreads

Radiation Spread From Crippled Japanese Nuclear Power Plant Continues

The Japanese government on Wednesday urged people not to eat 11 types of vegetable grown near the quake-hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in northeast Japan after levels of radioactivity in the produces were found to have far exceeded legal limits.

Tokyo tap water not safe for infants, officials warn

Latest in Japan's quake, Tsunami, nuclear crises!Radiation in Tokyo's tap water spikes to twice the level acceptable for infants, though it remains safe for adults, according to officials. That adds to concerns about milk and produce from the area near the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex, including broccoli, which was put on the growing list of affected food

The status of six reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant

Japan estimated the cost of the damage from its devastating earthquake and tsunami could top $300 billion as authorities in Tokyo warned that babies should not be given tap water because of radiation from a crippled nuclear plant.

It appears that for the first time, the containment system around one of the Fukushima Daiichi reactors has been breached. As I said, I don't care what they say. This is going to be worse than Chernobyl. Japan is an island and about the size of California. Location, location, location. I am going to check out the latest now. In every regard things are moving so fast. Hope for the best plan for the worst. That is what I absolutely expected Japan had done. They of all people should know better than to take chances with a nuclear reactor let alone many. I understand we were warning them from the early 70's that their safety systems were inadequate

I understand we have been lied to from the beginning in order to keep the people and the world from panicking. I saw a program on the dire crisis facing Japan's elderly who are dying from lack of care and medicine as they lie huddled on gym floors. They are surrounded by destruction that as of yet has not begun to be cleaned up. The information on the reactors just gets worse and worse. The health effect on their water and food supply become more evident every day. I just heard the Pacific is being affected.

Good or bad it is time for the lying to stop and lay the truth out for the people of Japan and the world. This is the most expensive catastrophe in world history. We do not need it to become the worst disaster in world history.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, January 21, 2018

200,000 people die every year of air pollution in China and increasing rapidly

A policeman gestures as he works on a street in heavy smog in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang province, on Oct. 21.

  Super smog hits north China city:  Visibility shrank to less than half a football field and small-particle pollution soared to a record 40 times higher than an international safety standard in one northern Chinese city as the region entered its high-smog season.

Winter typically brings the worst air pollution to northern China because of a combination of weather conditions and an increase in the burning of coal for homes and municipal heating systems, which usually start on a specific date. For the large northern city of Harbin, the city's heating systems kicked in Sunday, and on Monday visibility there was less than 50 meters, according to state media.
200,000 people die every year in China because of air pollution.

Beijing's Pollution Alarms Neighbors, environmental secrecy angers public and the world

Monday, January 01, 2018

Dr. Michio Kaku, Theoretical Physicist: Fukishima Daiichi Nuclear Facility is a "Ticking Time Bomb".

Dr. Michio Kaku, Theoretical Physicist: Fukishima Daiichi Nuclear Facility is a "Ticking Time Bomb". The Japanese government is trying to calm fears about radiation levels and food safety in the region around the heavily damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility, even as it has raised the severity rating of the crisis to the highest possible level. "Radiation is continuing to leak out of the reactors, the situation is not stable at all," We are talking meltdown of three reactors not one as in Chernobyl!

Europeans Warned To Avoid Drinking Milk Or Eating Vegetables Due To High Radiation Levels, the radiation risk from Fukushima is "no longer negligible," says CRIIRAD, the French research authority on radioactivity. It is now warning expectant mothers and young children to avoid drinking milk or rainwater. They should also avoid certain types of vegetables and cheese due to the dangerously high levels of radiation they may contain thanks to the radioactive fallout spreading across the globe

The operators of Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant say they are moving equipment to higher ground after a series of strong aftershocks that have hampered efforts to repair the crippled facility. The latest strong tremor came at about 6 a.m. local time Thursday, with a magnitude of 6.1. It was the fourth aftershock since Monday with a magnitude of 6 or greater and the 14th with a magnitude greater than 5. Hundreds of aftershocks have rattled Japan's northeastern coast since the massive 9.0 earthquake and tsunami on March 11 that knocked out the plant's cooling systems. They are afraid another big one is coming.

I reiterate for those that need or want it: Cement all 4 reactors and get on with it! Even Chernobyl was encased by now, what is Tepco and Japan waiting for?

The growing concerns of nearby South Korea and China about radioactive fallout from Japan were underscored when China's health ministry reported trace amounts of radioactive iodine in spinach in three Chinese provinces. Japan's fishermen and farmer's are more than angry that their livelihoods are being destroyed and receiving a mere apology.

Radioactivity from the Fukishima plants has now been detected throughout the US, Canada, Russia, Scotland, the UK, South Korea, around the world, this is an environmental catastrophe our frail planet did not need.!

This really concerns me because the crisis in Japan just keeps getting worse despite the lies. It had to cross the country to get here on the east coast of the United States. This is not the legacy Japan wanted to leave for its children nor the one I want for mine. I have been saying from the beginning that this was going to dwarf Chernobyl and it will. It was obvious they were lying from the beginning and they still are.

They found that #2 and #3 were leaking plutonium and uranium directly in the sea but don't worry it will be diluted. What? That reactor three is the only one of the 6 that uses the deadliest of the deadly, a mixture of plutonium and uranium. Now we are hearing there is another in as bad a shape and they are worried about another hydrogen explosion from #1.. Seal them in cement now before things get any worse. Chernobyl was a 7 now they are talking 7, eventually it will be a 10 or for which they of yet do not have a classification.

I was blown away that Chernobyl is now a vacation destination knowing how much they are still hiding and that 25 years later the Germans pay hunters half a million apiece for wild boars to keep them off the table as they are still radioactive. This is 4 reactors and will dwarf Chernobyl!

Radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster is still poisoning Germany's boars nearly 25 years on, with authorities fighting to keep toxic meat off the market as the wild boar population rockets. Besides all the other problems there is still a 35 square mile area around Chernobyl that is dead and off limits.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Video Simulation Of 3 Million Gallons Of Dumped Radioactive Water Spreading Through The Pacific, Don't worry?

We keep being told this will be diluted so don't worry but what our government doesn't seem to be telling people is about the cumulative effect. You don't repeatedly get x rays because it's not good for you, when technicians give x rays they shield themselves. Add up the radiation in the air, the water, the rain which falls on the crops that animals graze on it goes into the milk and the meat and it all adds up. Now there is a great concern that contamination will spread well beyond Japan's shores affecting seafood overseas that is expected to concentrate in the upper food chain.

Japan considers wider nuclear evacuation zone

S. Korea shuts schools amid Japan radiation fears

After notching a rare victory by stopping highly radioactive water from flowing into the Pacific, workers at Japan's flooded nuclear power complex turned to their next task early today: injecting nitrogen to prevent more hydrogen explosions.

The growing concerns of nearby South Korea and China about radioactive fallout from Japan were underscored when China's health ministry reported trace amounts of radioactive iodine in spinach in three Chinese provinces. Japan's fishermen and farmer's are more than angry that their livelihoods are being destroyed and receiving a mere apology.

Radioactivity from the Fukishima plants has now been detected throughout the US, Canada, Russia, Scotland, the UK, South Korea, around the world, this is an environmental catastrophe our frail planet did not need.!

This really concerns me because the crisis in Japan just keeps getting worse despite the lies. It had to cross the country to get here on the east coast of the United States. This is not the legacy Japan wanted to leave for its children nor the one I want for mine. I have been saying from the beginning that this was going to dwarf Chernobyl and it will. It was obvious they were lying from the beginning and they still are.

They found that #2 and #3 were leaking plutonium and uranium directly in the sea but don't worry it will be diluted. What? That reactor three is the only one of the 6 that uses the deadliest of the deadly, a mixture of plutonium and uranium. Now we are hearing there is another in as bad a shape and they are worried about another hydrogen explosion from #1.. Seal them in cement now before things get any worse. Chernobyl was a 7 now they are talking 6, eventually it will be a 10 or for which they of yet do not have a classification.

I was blown away that Chernobyl is now a vacation destination knowing how much they are still hiding and that 25 years later the Germans pay hunters half a million apiece for wild boars to keep them off the table as they are still radioactive. This is 4 reactors and will dwarf Chernobyl!

Radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster is still poisoning Germany's boars nearly 25 years on, with authorities fighting to keep toxic meat off the market as the wild boar population rockets. Don't worry?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Full Core Meltdown will Send Deadly Radiation Over The US: Don't forget there are three not one

Full Core Meltdown will Send Deadly Radiation Over The US

Click here to watch and read, "Full Core Meltdown will Send Deadly Radiation Over The US"...

Also don't forget that Massive Japan Tsunami debris field approaching the west coast before it heads to Hawaii then back to Japan. Besides 200,000 houses and all the expected debris only God knows what else is in there. The floating debris will likely be carried by currents off of Japan toward Washington, Oregon and California before turning toward Hawaii and back again toward Asia, circulating in what is known as the North Pacific gyre

The more this develops the worse it gets:

Dr. Michio Kaku, Theoretical Physicist: Fukishima Daiichi Nuclear Facility is a "Ticking Time Bomb". The Japanese government is trying to calm fears about radiation levels and food safety in the region around the heavily damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility, even as it has raised the severity rating of the crisis to the highest possible level. "Radiation is continuing to leak out of the reactors, the situation is not stable at all," We are talking meltdown of three reactors not one as in Chernobyl!

Europeans Warned To Avoid Drinking Milk Or Eating Vegetables Due To High Radiation Levels, the radiation risk from Fukushima is "no longer negligible," says CRIIRAD, the French research authority on radioactivity. It is now warning expectant mothers and young children to avoid drinking milk or rainwater. They should also avoid certain types of vegetables and cheese due to the dangerously high levels of radiation they may contain thanks to the radioactive fallout spreading across the globe

The operators of Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant say they are moving equipment to higher ground after a series of strong aftershocks that have hampered efforts to repair the crippled facility. The latest strong tremor came at about 6 a.m. local time Thursday, with a magnitude of 6.1. It was the fourth aftershock since Monday with a magnitude of 6 or greater and the 14th with a magnitude greater than 5. Hundreds of aftershocks have rattled Japan's northeastern coast since the massive 9.0 earthquake and tsunami on March 11 that knocked out the plant's cooling systems. They are afraid another big one is coming.

I reiterate for those that need or want it: Cement all 4 reactors and get on with it! Even Chernobyl was encased by now, what is Tepco and Japan waiting for?

The growing concerns of nearby South Korea and China about radioactive fallout from Japan were underscored when China's health ministry reported trace amounts of radioactive iodine in spinach in three Chinese provinces. Japan's fishermen and farmer's are more than angry that their livelihoods are being destroyed and receiving a mere apology.

Radioactivity from the Fukishima plants has now been detected throughout the US, Canada, Russia, Scotland, the UK, South Korea, around the world, this is an environmental catastrophe our frail planet did not need.!

This really concerns me because the crisis in Japan just keeps getting worse despite the lies. It had to cross the country to get here on the east coast of the United States. This is not the legacy Japan wanted to leave for its children nor the one I want for mine. I have been saying from the beginning that this was going to dwarf Chernobyl and it will. It was obvious they were lying from the beginning and they still are.

They found that #2 and #3 were leaking plutonium and uranium directly in the sea but don't worry it will be diluted. What? That reactor three is the only one of the 6 that uses the deadliest of the deadly, a mixture of plutonium and uranium. Now we are hearing there is another in as bad a shape and they are worried about another hydrogen explosion from #1.. Seal them in cement now before things get any worse. Chernobyl was a 7 now they are talking 7, eventually it will be a 10 or for which they of yet do not have a classification.

I was blown away that Chernobyl is now a vacation destination knowing how much they are still hiding and that 25 years later the Germans pay hunters half a million apiece for wild boars to keep them off the table as they are still radioactive. This is 4 reactors and will dwarf Chernobyl!

Radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster is still poisoning Germany's boars nearly 25 years on, with authorities fighting to keep toxic meat off the market as the wild boar population rockets. Besides all the other problems there is still a 35 square mile area around Chernobyl that is dead and off limits.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Monday, November 20, 2017

Beijing's Pollution Alarms Neighbors, environmental secrecy angers public and the world

  Microbloggers, state media and even delegates to this week's session of the National People's Congress, the largely rubber-stamp parliament, were already critical of the government for poor air and water quality. Now they are also expressing disquiet over the scarcity of information about the environment available to them.

*The bad news is that the country's hell-bent drive towards industrialization has brought in its train a host of collateral problems, not the least of which is pollution. Last month Beijing's air pollution soared past levels considered hazardous by the World Health Organization (WHO).

*Prior to that, the government often played down the pollution in Beijing, insisting it was merely fog, despite evidence to the contrary that was plain for all to see. Earlier this year, following public pressure resulting from hourly air-quality readings first published in 2011 by the U.S. embassy in Beijing, which Chinese authorities had previously denounced as "foreign interference," the municipal officials took notice. 

Pollution in China is one aspect of the broader topic of environmental issues in China. Various forms of pollution have increased as China has industrialized, which has caused widespread environmental and health problems. According to the World Bank in 2007, 16 of the world's 20 most polluted cities are in China.[1][2]
 *China, in Guangdong it is Province is made up of four small villages. It is the location of what may be the largest electronic waste (e-waste) site on earth.[1]: Once a rice village,[9] the pollution has made Guiyu unable to produce crops for food and the water of the river is undrinkable. Guiyu as an e-waste hub was first documented fully in December 2001 by the Basel Action Network.

For example, a November 2008 news story by 60 Minutes, a popular US TV news program, documented the illegal shipments of electronic waste from recyclers in the US to Guiyu. While taping part of the story on-site at an illegal recycling dump in Guiyu, representatives of the Chinese recyclers attempted without success to confiscate the footage from the 60 Minutes TV crew.

                                                     * 10 most polluted countries in the world

 Latest industrial pollution to batter China environment:  BEIJING, Hundreds of thousands of dead fish were left floating in a Chinese river after a chemical discharge, officials said Wednesday, the latest industrial accident to pollute the country’s battered environment.

About 100,000 kilograms of fish were cleared from 40 kilometres of the Fu river in Wuhan, the capital of the central province of Hubei, the official Xinhua news agency said, citing “local government investigations”.

I was overwhelmed thinking about the dire state of the environment in China in every respect then I was thinking wait a minute Fukushima's nuclear fall out has greatly affected Russia, Japan, and the entire world not to speak of Chernobyl.

 Russia has made many environmental disaster area's in many former USSR countries. Much of South America is a mess, the United States has it's great amount of guilt and is now concentrating and fracking our frigging country to pieces for gas and oil.

Canada is doing its share with its grotesque oil sands in Alberta that they want to pipe through our heartland and its aquifers and wildlife migratory areas.  I saw countries in South America where it was impossible to eat the food grown as it is in areas of China. These areas are all over the world.

We don't even want to get into the ocean with its numerous growing dead spots and continent size garbage swirls. Remember the pirate problem down around Somalia? We created them. At one time we had permission from tribal elders to dump all our nuclear and electronic waste in what was there fishing area and we killed everything forcing them into piracy. What we don't know about our pirates. We do this all over the world!

China was the focus at the outset but every continent every country is doing its share to destroy the only planet, the only place we have to live and the powers to be could care less that they are destroying it for their gain. I am disgusted!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma 

Monday, August 21, 2017

China’s pollution hits critical stage


A policeman gestures as he works on a street in heavy smog in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang province, on Oct. 21.

200,000 people die every year in China because of air pollution.

Beijing's Pollution Alarms Neighbors, environmental secrecy angers public and the world

Sunday, May 04, 2014

Remembering Chernobyl 28 years later

Unlike Japan’s Fukushima nuclear crisis in 2011. which was caused by a natural disaster, events at Chernobyl were the result of human error. On April 26, 1986, a reactor at the plant, in the then Soviet Union, exploded and caught fire after a safety test went badly wrong. The blast sent radiation billowing across Europe.

On April 26, 1986, a reactor at the plant, in the then Soviet Union, exploded and caught fire after a safety test went badly wrong. The blast sent radiation billowing across Europe. At first, authorities denied there was a problem. But tens of thousands of inhabitants were evacuated from Prypyat, the town closest to the site, never to return. A 30 km exclusion zone is still in place around the town.

Local firefighters and other emergency workers went straight to the scene and in the ensuing days and weeks sought to bring the situation under control. Exposed to high levels of radiation, few of them are alive today. At least 30 people were killed immediately but some put the eventual death toll from radiation exposure at tens or even hundreds of thousands. Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has since said that he considered the disaster one of the main nails in the coffin of the Soviet Union which eventually collapsed in 1991.

I was blown away that Chernobyl is now a vacation destination knowing how much they are still hiding and that 28 years later the Germans pay hunters half a million apiece for wild boars to keep them off the table as they are still radioactive. This is 4 reactors and will dwarf Chernobyl!

Radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster is still poisoning Germany's boars nearly 25 years on, with authorities fighting to keep toxic meat off the market as the wild boar population rockets. 

Besides all the other problems there is still a 35 square mile area around Chernobyl that is dead and off limits.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

On top of everything else China Says 8 Million Acres Of Farmland Now Too Polluted For Food

China’s pollution hit critical stage